Not Slytherin (Drarry)

By Sarswhal

21.8K 1K 158

Everyone in the Great Hall watched; half in confusion, half in astonishment as the heir to the Malfoy family... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 9

837 47 8
By Sarswhal

Potter, Granger and Weasley were idiots.

They hadn't even thought of a way past the three-headed beast, they were so lucky that Draco was here, but he was still tempted to let them die, he could blame it on the dog.

Draco held the flute he had nicked from Hagrid's hut, and started to play it, there was a harp that had been enchanted to play there, but it had stopped abruptly, that was when Draco had whipped out the flute and had started blowing on it like there was no tomorrow.

It took a second, but soon, Fluffy was fast asleep, and Draco's lungs felt like someone had punched him in the lungs.

"We should get into the trapdoor-" Ron was opening the trap door, making his way down, but Draco had no interest in staying with the damn beast, he pushed Weasley out of the way and jumped down, he was soon followed by Ron, Harry and Hermione, he tried to move, only to have something wrap around his arm.

"What is this?" Draco whispered, trying to free his hand, he and Hermione may have been calm, but Ron and Harry weren't.

"I can't move!" Ron yelled, struggling against the plant. A closer look at it and Draco knew exactly what it was,

"Devil's snare." He spoke to himself, he had learned about it in Herbology, a deadly plant.

"Stop struggling!" Hermione yelled at all of them, even though Draco was moving the least out of all of them.

"Are you crazy?" Ron yelled at her. But Hermione was right, there was no way to get out of here, even a full-grown wizard wouldn't be able to get through this with their wand, the only reasonable thing to do was stay still.

Hermione sat ramrod straight, and was immediately sucked through the wall of plants, Draco followed soon after her.

"Hermione!" Ron yelled at the same time as Harry yelled, "Draco!", were those dunces even listening to them, Hermione had said stay still and yet they were struggling like fishes out of water.

"Stop moving!" Hermione yelled again, when Draco remembered, that he was, in fact, a wizard, who knew how to do spells.

Draco pointed his wand at a part of the Snare, and yelled "Lumos Maximo!".

The plant shrieked as it let go of Ron and Harry, Devil's Snare hated the sunlight after all. Harry and Ron fell on their arse's but were otherwise unscathed, that was good. Hermione smiled at him,

"Good job, Dray." Why did people insist on shortening his already 2 syllables long name? But he did blush at the compliment, not as heavily as he would from one related to his intelligence, but he did have a praise kink nonetheless.

"Thank, Hermione." He nodded. Then he looked over at Ron and Harry who were still on their arse's, did they need someone to tell them to get up, or did they just want to fall asleep here because Draco had absolutely no objections to that idea, let it be a lesson for making him bust a lung while trying to lullaby a three-headed monster to sleep.

"You're always saving our arse, Draco." Ron said, but he didn't see how that was true, this was the first time he had saved Ron and Harry from any life-threatening situation.

"Now get off of your arse, Weasley, we do have other things to do." Draco started walking forward, Hermione was right next to him, he had to admit that he was curious about what the next thing they had to face would be.

He was surprised to see a racing broom (a rather ancient one), and a flurry of keys with wings flying above them. It looked oddly pleasing, he liked the little humming sounds the sentient keys made. Ron and Harry were right behind them, Ron was looking at the keys while Harry was staring at the broom. Draco looked over at Harry, a glint in his eyes,

"Well, it's your time to shine, Mister youngest seeker in a century." Draco gestured to the broom. Harry turned scarlet in embarrassment, looking at the broom and then looking at the keys,

"What are we even supposed to do with the keys?"

Hermione looked over at the door, " You put the key in the door to unlock it, Harry." Hermione snickered, apparently, Harry hadn't noticed the big, and locked door. Harry looked over at the door and sighed, walking over to the broom.

Draco was surprised, he had expected at least a tad bit more resistance from him, but he didn't dwell on it. He looked over at Ron, expecting him to be thinking the same, but he was greeted with a knowing smirk, that scared him, Weasley, knowing something?

As soon as Harry touched the broom, all the keys started swarming him, "Which one do I get?" He yelled in panic.

"The one with the broken wing!" Hermione pointed at said key, it wasn't as in rhythm as all the others were.

"This complicates things a bit." Weasley swallowed.

"You think?" Draco looked over at him.

Harry didn't hesitate, he dove for the key, and was barely keeping up with it, finally, he caught it, but that wasn't the end, he had to use it now. The swarm was still following him but he made his way over to them,

"Catch the key!" Harry threw the key over at Draco, who caught it without much thought. He ran over to the door and shoved it into the keyhole, twisting it. Once the door opened, Harry zoomed right into it, as did everyone else once they saw that the keys were following him.

Draco shoved the door closed and flinched away as the keys made holes in the wood, barely there, but noticeable.

"Never again." Harry whispered looking pale, and Draco laughed.


Weasley was a self-sacrificing idiot, they had to play chess to get to the other room, Draco wanted to tell them what to do, but no, Weasley had to take control of the situation and made himself the knight and look where that had gotten them, Weasley was about to sacrifice himself for the sake of a chess match, and they were being ridiculously sappy about it.

"Check." The Weasley boy breathed out, looking at Harry, Hermione was looking at him as well, Merlin why were they both scared, it wasn't like it sliced him in half.

The Queen moved forward slowly, and when it finally reached him, it lifted its spear and swung it into the knight, causing it to break into millions of pieces, Weasley collapsed to the floor.

"Ron!" Harry screamed, looking close to tears. Draco scoffed.

Hermione rushed to help him but was stopped when Harry yelled, "No! Don't move, don't forget, we're still playing." He looked calculating, for Merlin's sake, it was just one more move, there was nothing else to even think about, there was no reason to be making such a big fuss.

Draco walked over to the king and yelled, "Checkmate!" And the sword fell.

Now, Hermione rushed over to help Ron. Harry looked over at her, "You help Ron, Draco and I will stop Snape." He spoke gallantly, Harry was really working himself up. Hermione nodded and continued to try and help Ron, Harry tugged him along and they made their way to the door, slowly creeping in.

They made their way down into a hallway, lit with torches, and a man stood in front of the Mirror of Erised, a man, who was not Severus Snape.

"Professor Quirrell." Harry breathed out, looking at the man in betrayal.

"Harry Potter." The older man didn't turn around, instead, he kept on looking in the mirror.

And then, they heard a voice, "Harry Potter", it whispered.

"I want to see him." It whispered in its sickly hoarse voice.

"Master, you are not strong enough." Quirrel talked to himself.

"Show me the boy!" The voice said, this time much harsher.

Quirrel started unwrapping his turban, revealing a shrivelled up looking face that was attached to the back of his head, the face of Voldemort, he looked - he looked so weak. He heard Harry inhale beside him, he held his scar again, looking at Draco in worry.

Draco was afraid.

He had known that Quirrel was the bad guy, he had known that he had helped Voldemort in some way this year, but he had never considered that he would have the man attached to the back of his head!

Voldemort started saying something, but Draco wasn't listening, suddenly, pain exploded in his head, and visions of a boy, a boy who looked like Quirrel getting harassed by his peers for being quiet, he was an easy target, they had said.

And then, another vision, this time of Quirrel yearning for power, yearning to prove himself better than those who had mocked him, yearning to be taught by The Dark Lord, to achieve the level of power that he had.

Draco's eyes rolled to the back of his head when one last vision bombarded him, Quirrel, desperately fighting to fend Voldemort off, but he could only fight for a moment before he was controlled by Voldemort, he didn't have any say in what he could do, he couldn't even go to the bathroom by himself.

Draco gasped as he was pulled out of his mind, and thrown back into reality.

He was standing next to the mirror for some reason, he looked into it, and saw Harry, holding the stone. He looked at Harry, who winked at him, the stone was in his pocket. Quirrel was saying something again, but another vision, a shorter one this time, came into his mind, Harry touching Quirrel and him melting.

Draco knew what he had to do now, he looked at Harry and then he looked at Quirrel.

"Sorry, mate." He whispered, and before Harry could say anything, he pushed him into Quirrel.

Immediately, the man started screeching, crying out "It burns!"

Harry looked at him, and then looked back at Quirrel, with a quick glance at his hands, he threw the stone at Draco and put his hands on Quirrel's face.

"Master!" He cried, but Voldemort kept on telling him to get the stone, but he couldn't, he was melting, and there was nothing Voldemort could do about it.

With one final cry, Quirrel turned to dust, and Harry turned back to Draco, a smile on his face, and Draco gave him a thumbs up while holding up the stone in his other hand. But the happiness didn't last long, a mist started to rise from Quirrel's ashes.

And before Draco knew it, the mist was hurtling towards him, and then pain, and a voice and pain-

And then darkness.


Draco awoke on a hospital bed, his head was throbbing and his entire body ached, but he noticed one thing immediately, Harry, Ron and Hermione were standing by his bed, and Dumbledore was standing at the head of it.

"Welcome back to the world of the living, Dray." Hermione punched his shoulder lightly, and it hurt, but not unbearably so.

"Yes, hello, Mister Malfoy." Dumbledore was smiling at him, and Draco smiled back.

"Mate, you should've seen Harry when you didn't wake up when the rest of us did, he burst into tears right there." Ron laughed. Draco looked over to see Harry was imitating a fish, while his cheeks had coloured.

But then, Harry closed his mouth, looked at Draco and hugged him, tightly.

"I was worried." He whispered, and Draco didn't know what to say, he was touched.

So he hugged Harry back.

"Headmaster-" He started, meaning to ask Dumbledore about that mist that had caused him to faint, but he was interrupted by a small man, running into the room that Draco recognized as Professor Flitwick.

"Mister Malfoy!" He ran up to him, inspecting him, and then, he let out a sigh of relief.

"Good, you are not seriously injured." Draco chucked, the man had a fondness for him that Draco returned.

"Here you go." Flitwick dropped a bundle of books in his arms, he had requested a few from the man, and it looked like he delivered, many of the books were about Veela and Seers, and just a few were for his own pleasure reading.

"Thank you, Professor." Flitwick nodded at him.

"Well, I will be leaving." Dumbledore looked at Flitwick and they both left the room, leaving Draco alone with his friends. He looked over at Ron,

"Good job with the chess match." Ron preened under the praise and did a little mock bow, laughing.

Hermione elbowed him and Draco turned to look at her, "And good job with the Devil's Snare, Hermione." He nodded.

Harry made an offended sound and Draco turned to him last, "And excellent job saving me, Harry." Harry's cheeks pinked at that, but it was true he had saved him, he didn't understand why he was embarrassed.

Draco hopped off the bed, he had to see Professor Trewlaney.

"Where are you going?" Hermione asked, and Draco turned back to her.

"I have to go ask Flitwick something!" He lied, not wanting to explain to her why he was going to see the divination Professor when they didn't even have divination until third year.

He ran to her room only to find her waiting for him, "Mister Malfoy, I have been expecting you." She spoke in her whispy voice.

Draco wasn't surprised, she must've had a vision.

"Then you'll know what I want to ask you, Professor." He looked at her.

"I'm afraid you'll have to ask me that, Draco." She smiled.

"Why can't I change certain things, why can't I tell people that I had a vision?" He asked, looking her in the eye. She laughed softly, opening the door to let him in.

Draco walked into the classroom and sat at her desk, she sat down at the other side, looking at him.

"There are certain things that only a Seer can know." She started.

"Why do you think that only certain visions are spoken out loud, in places where others are? Because the universe wants them to know. Other things are left to the Seer, for them to figure out, that is when they must look to their Seer brethren for help, it is the Seer's secret, you will not be able to tell those who do not have the sight what you see unless it has been spoken out loud."

"Then how will I-" He cut himself off, realizing that he had just been about to tell her he was from the future, he looked at her only to find her smiling.

"I know you are from the future, Draco." She told him, and his mouth opened, how had she known?

"I had a vision." She provided as explanation.

"I-" He didn't have any words, he didn't know what to say.

"How will you change the future? My boy, just because you are unable to tell others, it doesn't mean that you are unable to change them, people do not need to know for you to help them, but keep in mind, if you did not speak it out loud, then they are not meant to know."

He hesitated before speaking again, "Thank you, Professor."

She smiled and nodded, and with that, he left the room, keeping in mind the new rules that came with being a Seer.


The Slytherin table erupted into applause when they learned that they had won, but Draco was smiling, knowing that they had not won.

"But, it seems that I have points that I am to award." Dumbledore quieted them, and here it came, Dumbledore would give the Gryffindors points, and they would win, yes, his house wouldn't win either, but it was better than Slytherin winning, he didn't exactly have much house loyalty for them anymore.

"To Harry Potter, for pure nerve and outstanding courage." Draco zoned out, not wanting to listen to something that he had heard before, he only paid attention when he heard his name again.

"And to Draco Malfoy, of Ravenclaw house, I award, 50 points, for intellect." Dumbledore winked at him, and Draco's jaw fell open, 50 points, that meant that they were in second place, no, they hadn't won, but that didn't matter.

Draco's housemates all cheered for him, even the upper years, it looked like he was accepted now, he smiled and looked over at Harry who was giving him a thumbs-up, looking elated.

And Draco was happy.


Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley stood on Platform 9 ¾. Harry was looking at them, hope in his eyes.

"You'll all write won't you?" And Draco smiled, he looked so hopeful.

"Of course." They all said in unison, and Harry beamed at them.

And then Hermione yelled, "Group hug!"

What was a group hug-

Draco didn't have time to think about, he was suddenly being squished by three eleven-year-olds, apparently, he was supposed to hug them all at the same time, it looked like that had been taken care of.

He heard someone clear their throat, they let him go and he turned around to see Lucius Malfoy glaring down at him.

Oh yes, he had forgotten he had a father.

He did not look happy, but Draco didn't care.

"Draco, follow me." He commanded.

Draco looked back at his friends and waved them goodbye, he was looking forward to next year, he knew he should be worried that his father might disown him, but he wasn't, he didn't care, if Lucius disowned him, he would figure out what to do.

Draco turned around and followed his father who was already quite a bit ahead of him, he smiled,

Draco was happy.

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