Not Slytherin (Drarry)

Від Sarswhal

21.5K 1K 158

Everyone in the Great Hall watched; half in confusion, half in astonishment as the heir to the Malfoy family... Більше

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 4

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Від Sarswhal

This was getting ridiculous, he had recieved multiple owls from multiple teachers requesting for him to be in private tutoring with all of them, the only one that wasn't harrasing him was Quirell, and thank the heavens for that, he didn't' know what he would do if bloody Quirell came up to him and wanted to teach him privately.

He didn't even want to think about what would happen if he said no.

And just like he had predicted, a few of the upper Ravenclaws had started giving him dirty looks, that was the thing, they were all obsorbed in soaking up as much knowledge as they possibly could, they didn't focus on much else.

Such a sad sight, he hoped the new batch of Ravenclaws would be better than these ones.

Looking around, he could tell that they already were.

Hermione hadn't reacted well to the overflow of letters he had been receiving, she had tried to be happy for him, but her jealousy had shown threw for just a moment, but he knew that she would get over it, that was just Hermione.

Now, an update on the Potter and Weasley situation, they had been talking quite a lot more nowadays, it seemed as if Weasley was starting to warm up to him, and he did appreciate that.

Potter however, was starting to confuse him, he was looking at him differently, and he was acting all shy, Draco was confused by his behavior, and he didn't like being confused, he would have to add 'find out what's wrong with Potter' to his to-do-list.

Speaking of Potter, one of the younger Ravenclaws had let him into the common room when they found him puzzling over the answer to one of the Eagle's riddles.

"Hey, Malfoy, I had a question?" Draco turned to Potter.

"What?" He asked.

"Can I call you Draco?"

Draco stopped what he was doing, why would Potter want to call him by his first name? They weren't nearly that casual yet, it was a stretch to say that they were friends, but he supposed that he didn't see anything negative coming from that.

"Sure?" He tilted his head and raised an eyebrow.

Potter beamed, "Awesome, thanks, Draco." He tested the name for a bit and then decided that he liked it.

"You have to call me Harry now." Potter decided.

Draco's eyes widened, calling Potter by his first name? Calling Granger anything but Granger was a struggle for him, but Potter? He looked back at him and saw him giving Draco one of his looks, he looked like he would cry if Draco refused, and Draco wasn't a monster.

"Sure, Harry." He hesitated, the name felt weird, how could a name feel weird?

Potter beamed even more, Draco had to admit that it was nice to see when he was still innocent, even if Draco knew that he was going to lose it eventually.

"Oh yeah, I came up here because Hermione wanted to invite you to Nearly headless Nick's birthday, we all don't wanna go alone." Pott- Harry smiled sheepishly.

Sir Nicholas' birthday was today? Today was the Halloween feast as well, it would be better to be there for when Quirell would burst in, but what was the point right now? Hermione was safe, as long as Weasley hadn't said anything stupid, Draco had saw him and Hermione together but hadn't thought much of it.

"Of course I'll go." Draco smiled, which Harry returned.

"Alright, we're already kinda late, we need to go now." Harry hopped off of the armchair he was sitting in.

Draco put away his notes and got off of the couch, following Harry, he didn't know where the ghost's party was.


"What do you mean Hermione ran off?"

"Draco, mate, I was just telling her that she didn't need to be-"

"She. Is. Sensitive!" Draco yelled and made his way towards the girl's bathroom, Potter and Weasley folllowing close behind him.

"I don't see what's so bad about this, she's in the bathroom, I'll apologize." Weasley said.

"The troll-" Speak of the devil, he stopped right in front of the girl's bathroom and saw that the troll had already gone in, he could Hermione yelling inside.

He broke into the bathroom in an instant, he could hear Potter and Weasley coming inside as well.

"Draco!" Hermione yelled, the troll swung his club at her again.

"Protego!" He yelled, a sheild appeared around Hermione.

The troll turned around to look at him, it looked mad and confused, he glared at it.

Right when it was preparing another strike, Draco spoke,

"Stupefy!" A burst of red light made it's way towards the troll, once it hit him, it collapsed.

Forgetting about the troll for a second, he went over to make sure Hermione was okay, she was looking at him with suspicion.

"How did you learn those spel-"

The teacher's burst into the room, Snape and McGonagall.

"What is going on in here?" McGonagall yelled, but her eyes widened when she noticed that the troll was unconscious.

"Draco knocked the troll out!" Potter yelled in amazement.

Every pair of eyes immediately focused on him.

"Yeah, with two spells! I think it was, Stupefy and Protego?" Weasley said, oh god, he saw the way Snape and McGonagall's eyes widened.

"Mr. Malfoy?" McGonagall said at the same time as Snape said,


Draco didn't know what to say, he started stuttering, he had never stuttered before. Hermione was still looking at him with suspicion, Harry and Weasley looked confused, they didn't know how advanced the spell was, there was no way a normal first year would be able to perform one.

"Everyone out, except you, Mr. Malfoy." Snape comanded, Hermione and the other immediately started arguing with them, but they were silenced when both Snape and McGonagall glared at them.

Hermione have him a look that clearly said 'we'll speak later.' Harry gave him a smile and a thumbs up, Weasley just waved goodbye (an improvement from when he just pretended that Draco didn't exist), it was good to know that he was getting over their family's blood feud.

Once they were all gone, Snape and McGonagall both leveled him with a look, Snape's was clouded with suspicion while McGonagall's had an hint of fascination and amazement, and just a bit of fear, why? Draco couldn't fathom.

"It looks like a trip to the Headmaster is due." Snape spoke, Draco started, ready to object, when his godfather lifted up his hand, and Draco stopped.

Draco followed both of them as they led him to the Headmaster's office, he didn't want to see him again, he couldn't. Just the thought of seeing him again made him hyperventilate, but he kept those thoughts to himself, he couldn't give them more reason to be suspicious of him.

They stopped in front of the door and McGonagall spoke the password.

"Sherbert Lemon." She did a motion with her hands and the door started to move.

Draco, Snape and McGonagall got onto the moving staircase as it brought them to the office, the tension was unbearable. Once they finally got to entrance, they all got off and walked towards the desk.

McGonagall made a gesture for him to sit down, he did so.

Shortly after he had sat down, the Headmaster came into the room, and all the memories of that faithfull day came back in an instant, the astronomy tower, Dumbledore falling, his stomach filled up with dread almost immediately.

"Mr. Malfoy, why are you here?"

Dumbledore spoke as he sat down at his desk, the old wizard looked over at the teachers that were standing on either side of them, they had a hidden conversation with their eyes, and Dumbledore's expression sombered up.

"Mr. Malfoy performed rather advanced spells for someone his age, very advanced." Snape spoke.

Dumbledore stroked his beard, "I see, and what spells did you perform, Mr. Malfoy."

For a second, Draco considered lying, but decided against it when he knew that they could just inspect his wand to see if he really had used the spells that Weasley said he had, and they would, of course, show that he did. He didn't need to dig a deeper grave for himself.

"Stupefy and Protego." Draco looked down, creating the illusion of a scared child.

In the corner of his eye, he saw Dumbledore stop his movements and try to look him in the eye, trying to get into his mind. Dumbledore breathed in sharply.

"And where did you learn these spells?" Dumbledore asked.

Draco didn't know what to say, it wasn't like he could just say he was from the future, that would take a year and a half to explain, especially the magical theory of it.

"I can't tell y-"

Draco gasped, oh no, not now, not no-

"A new path shall be set for the equal, the prophesied shall meet a prodigy, born as the sixth month flourishes, two friends, once foes, shall carry the power to vanquish the one who has tainted their lives, one carries the power other's shall never know, nor shall they ever understand. So mote it be."

The world went black.


Dumbledore and company stood there, shocked and every other emotion. This boy was a seer, a true seer, that would explain the advanced magic. But what the boy had said sounded terrifyingly close to what Sybill had said.

Was this part of the prophesy, the boy had said a prodigy, he had said many things, Albus had already stored them in his mind, he would write it down later.

"A seer." Minerva breathed out.

She had never heard a seer make a real prophesy, it was beautiful, even if the words carried a dark meaning, the pure magic that came from the boy as he spoke the words were utterly beautiful, now she understood the look in Albus' eyes when he talked about them.

Severus however, looked anything but amazed, he looked sad, and scared, a rare look on him, any emotion besides anger or disgust was rare on him, but fear was one that topped the list.

"Draco, he was born on June 5th." He tore his eyes away from the unconscious boy to look at them both.

"The sixth month." Albus finished for him.

The boy was born so close to the seventh day of the sixth month, a day that would have flourished, as the young Malfoy put it, he was the child from the Prophesy.

"Why would he keep this from me?" Severus spoke to himself.

"The boy is allowed to have his secrets Severus, and perhaps he didn't know he was a seer, it is not a gift he would have realized unless he had taken divination, which is not available until his third year."

That didn't seem to calm him down, Severus always a paranoid man.

"Albus, this boy, he is powerfull." The fear in Minerva's eyes was clear, she was thinking of the boy she had once known, she was not scared of the young Malfoy that layed in front of her, she was scared of who he reminded her off.

Tom Marvolo Riddle.

"He will not turn into him!" Severus hissed.

"No one is saying that he will, he does have power however, a power that Lucius Malfoy can not know if he doesn't know already."

"Lucius doesn't know, he would done much more already if he already knew." They all knew what Lucius Malfoy would do if his own son was a seer, it was fortunate that he didn't know, otherwise they would have much more trouble.

Lucius may love his son, but he always had dark intentions when it came to any sort of power he was gifted with.

"Send for Poppy." He whispered to Fawkes, he understood and took off for the hospital wing.

"One carries power, the other's shall never know." Severus whispered.

"If we are not meant to know it, we will not know it, but, prophecies can be a bit, bendy with their rules, if the boy wants us to know, we shall." Albus spoke, a tone to his voice, this conversation was over.

Minerva opened her mouth, but was cut off when Poppy burst into the office.

"Where is the patient?" She yelled, a box of medicinal supplies with her, Albus smiled, Poppy always was passionate about helping her patients.

"On the floor." Albus gestured.

Poppy looked at the floor to see the young Malfoy, her jaw dropped, but she shook her head, she could ask questions later, right now, helping Mr. Malfoy was more important.

But that didn't stop her from asking one question.

"Are you just going to let me treat him on the floor?" She hissed to the others.

Minerva transfigured a chair into a makeshift bed, just big enough for Mr. Malfoy. Poppy levitated the boy onto the mattress and started to treat him, first insepcting what was wrong, it was clear, magical exhaustion, she got out all the materials she needed to treat him, she didn't need to think about what she needed to do, she already knew, she was in her element.

It was a short process, the actual healing, once all the potions and spells had been administered, all they needed to do was wait, there was no rushing the waiting process, it was a crucial part of healing.

She stood up and faced the others, all their eyes were still locked on Mr. Malfoy, like they were trying to figure him out, especially Severus, Poppy had never seen emotions so visible on his face, it scared her.

"Can someone tell me what's happening?" She asked in a harsh tone, but she was really honestly scared, it had been a long time since Albus had asked her to heal a student in anywhere except the hospital wing when they were actually able to get there.

"The boy is a seer, Poppy, he just spoke a prophesy." Minerva said bluntly.

Perhaps she should have eased it onto her, Poppy's jaw dropped to the floor this time, and she wansn't closing it, she was truly and utterly shocked, Minerva couldn't blame her, she felt quite the same way.


"Surely you've heard the rumors about him excelling in all his subjects, now we know how he does it, he is magically gifted." Albus chimed in.

"Such a young child, a prophesy, what was it?" Poppy asked Albus.

"A new path shall be set for the equal, the prophesied shall meet a prodigy, born as the sixth month flourishes, two friends, once foes, shall carry the power to vanquish the one who has tainted their lives, one carries the power other's shall never know, nor shall they ever understand. So mote it be."

Albus spoke word for word, his memory was impeccable.

"Once foes?" Poppy questioned.

Albus didn't have an answer to it, it was something that confused him as well, he couldn't understand how Harry and Draco had ever been foes, he had heard of the meeting in Madame Malkins, but you couldn't call someone your foe from that, even if he had insulted Ron.

Perhaps that was the power that they knew not, something could have happened, what, Albus only had the slightest clue to.

"Alright, keep the boy here, once he wakes up, give him this." Poppy handed him a white glowing potion.

"I have to go tend to my other patients now, and don't bombard him with questions when he wakes up, alright, Albus?" Poppy warned, causing Albus to chuckle, he wouldn't dare do that to the boy.

"Tell Mr. Malfoy's friends that he's still in the Headmaster's office, please, Poppy." He politely asked Poppy.

Now, all they had to do was wait.


Draco woke up on a much softer surface than the one he had collapsed on, for a moment, he thought he would wake up back in the future, in his manor, the empty, empty manor, the screams of people outside like there was every day.

He was relieved when he woke up in a sunlit cozy room, the Headmaster's office.

That relief was shorted lived however, when he heard someone clear their throat, he was reminded of Umbridge and he whipped out his wand and pointed it at the toa-

Oh, that was his godfather, he didn't look happy, and Draco was pointing a wand at him. They both looked and it and Draco laughed nervously, desperately trying to remember why he was here and where here was-

A memory flashed in his mind.

'A new path shall be set for the equal, the prophesied shall meet a prodigy, born as the sixth month flourishes, two friends, once foes, shall carry the power to vanquish the one who has tainted their lives, one carries the power other's shall never know, nor shall they ever understand. So mote it be.'

A new prophesy, a new prophesy that he had predicted, wow, he stepped up a ladder on the seer scale.

This one was different from all the other snippets he had gotten from the stars, this was accompained by some memories, memories that weren't his own, they weren't even like memories, they were more similar to flashes of places and things.

A Diadem, a locket and a diary, and for some reason a ring that was accompained by Dumbledore and black veins, Draco didn't know what was happening (for the first time in quite a while) but he knew that he had to get these items and he had to stop Dumbledore from wearing a ring.

"Headmaster, don't wear a ring in the future, just dump all the ones you own." Draco said spontaneously, Dumbledore chuckled but nodded nonetheless, he would have to keep an eye on the jewlery this man purchased.

"Draco." Snape said in his stern voice, Draco looked over at the man to find him looking at Draco like he didn't know who he was.

"You're a seer."

"I thought that much was obvious." He raised an eyebrow, Snape narrowed his eyes even more at him, did he expect Draco not to know he was one?

"Remember what Poppy said, Severus, we shall not ask Mr. Malfoy questions." Dumbledore stated.

"That was not a question Albus, it was merely a statement." How idiotic did he think Draco was?

"One that answered a question." Draco chimed in.

"Herbology is my first class, how long have I been out?" Draco asked, he was a tad bit worried considering the fact that it looked like the sun was rising.

"We have been here since yesterday night, I called Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall when I noticed that you were moving." Dumbledore answered.

"Your friends are looking for you, Mr. Malfoy, we will have time to ask all the questions we need to when you are in better health, right now, you should go to your herbology class." McGonagall said, she was pointing to the door, practically kicking him out.

"But Mr. Malfoy, before you go, if you haven't told anyone you are a seer, do not." Dumbledore told him, he was rather serious about it. Draco didn't mind, he already didn't want to tell them that he was one.

Draco nodded and left the room, he could feel all three pairs of eyes on him as he walked out, the tension in the room still hadn't disappeared, if anything, it had grown while Draco was out, most of it came from Snape.

But he didn't have time to think about that, right now he was more worried about how he would deal with Hermione, she was one of the only ones in their trio that understood how powerfull of a spell the one that he cast was, for a first year.

Such a shame that Herbology was one of the only classes that he did have with the Gryffindors.


As soon as he entered Herbology, the three of them, Harry, Weasley and Hermione surrounded him. Before he had the chance to say anything, Hermione asked him,

"Where did you learn that spell? How did you preform it?" Hermione asked sharply.

"I can't tell you." Draco looked away.

"What do you mean you can't tell me?" Hermione held his wrists, she had clearly been thinking about this for the whole time he was gone. Harry and Weasley nodded, Hermione must have educated them about how advanced the spell really was, and now they needed to know too.

"You don't trust me?" Hermione let go of his hands, she looked hurt.

"No! Dumbledore made me swear not to." Draco looked Hermione in the eyes, there were tears in her eyes, Draco wasn't kidding when he said she was sensitive (at least, as a first year).

"Does it have to do with your father?" Harry asked, he looked shy, but then again, he always looked shy.

That was it! He could blame it on Lucius, Hermione wouldn't question him about that, and neither would Harry or Weasley. He looked away and pursed his lips together, practically confirming what Harry had just said.

Hermione put her had on her mouth, she clearly felt guilty, she had promised him that she would never ask him about his father when she noticed how it made him feel. It hurt him to see her feel guilty for something that wasn't her fault, but this was the only way he could keep his secret, he would tell her when she was older, when she could understand it.

"Oh my god, Draco, I'm sorry." She hugged him, it looked like Harry and Weasley wanted to as well, but they weren't that sure.

Hermione let him go and they all walked into the greenhouse together, the tension was gone.

Professor Sprout started talking but Draco wasn't paying attention, right now he was only thinking of the prophesy he had predicted and what it meant, he was suddenly aware of the massive headache he got whenever he thought of it, he would need to think about it later.

Looks like he needed to decode a prophesy, this should be fun.

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