The Assassination Classroom i...

By Plushy_plue

218K 6.3K 4.8K

A teenager named {y/n} was visiting their grandma in America, a typical otaku. However, one night while going... More

The night that changed you forever
Goodbye America...hello Japan
My new home?!
Bitch-sensei pt2
Tch Bastard!!
My first mission!!
Dumb Assembly
I can go home!! Wait why are they here?
No way!!! Ouran kids!
I saved Haruhi just in time!
Cool!! I get to stay with the Ouran kids!!
My new abilities
Heading back home
I meet Itona!
Finally test day
Our trip to Kyoto!!!
Kyoto pt 2
I hate this!
Transfer student
I didnt mean too....
Bitch-sensei v.s Karasuma
Human target
Movie trip to America!!!
You know them!?
A sleepover at my house!?
Ugh give me a break!?
Valentines day special
We meet again
Part of the truth revealed
Ciel Phantomhive house
Why is Karma so mad?
We wont lose the game! Not again!
Oh fuck yes!!!!!!!!!!!
Of course it had to happen
They're here!
Take that back!!!!
That was close
I was so scared...
Holy shit....I'm going to die
I just made a new enemy
It'll soon be over
I really need some rest
God damn it why!!? (part 1)
Swimming pool!!!
I'm going to kill him!!!!
Final exam begins pt1
Let the battle's begin!!! pt 2
Well I'm fucked
Little Clarification
Final battle part 1
Shit is getting interesting pt 2
Things cant get worse...right?
Under Cover mission!
It's actually him...
Its all over
The book isnt over!
I cant stay here anymore
Training camp?

No... (part 2)

1K 36 12
By Plushy_plue

Seeing Bakugo and Uraraka fight was soooo cool!! Feeling the heat and explosions from his attacks was pretty awesome. I was totally fan-girling over here. I didn't know who I was supposed to be cheering for since I want both to fight with everything they got.

"COME ON!!! Don't hold back!!!" I screamed as best as I can. That probably wasn't a good idea. My throat started to burn which caused me to start coughing.

Momo rushed over and created a water bottle for me which was thankful for. Drinking it helped it a little but I couldn't help but keep cheering them on! I was being scolded by Iida as he kept telling to stop screaming.

Tring to watch the match since it was finishing, seeing Uraraka try to catch Bakugo with the rubble she collected from his explosions wasn't going to work since he caught on at the last minute. But that wasn't going to work. He easily made a big enough explosion to destroy her counter attack in seconds. She was ready to continue fighting but her body was done. Midnight declaring that Bakugo was the winner.

Present Mic announced that they were having an hour break, the stadium started to clear out as everyone was trying to get food and come back in time. I took out my phone to see if I had gotten any news regarding Karasuma or Ciel but nothing.

"Damn it..." I whispered to myself. Why haven't they contacted me yet? Did they find the guy? Did they run into any problems which is why they are taking so long? A update even a little one is all I need.

"Hey {y/n} you coming?" Kirishima called out as he was with everyone.

I shook my head and smiled. "Sorry Koro-sensei didn't give me my wallet when he brought me here so I dint have any money. Don't worry have fun!" I waved as they all gave me a worried look

"I'll pay for you my treat" Kirishima offered. I shook my head.

"Oi you better not start doing that no pay shit again, its annoying" Bakugo growled.

I was slightly surprised to see that he got up here pretty quickly, I thought he was still in the infirmary but I guess that was just for Uraraka.

"Its true I don't have any money and I cant walk that well so I'll just be a pain-" I was suddenly lifted into the air

"Woah?! Excuse me!! I am injured here!!" I growled.

"Then don't fucking fight it! Get on my back cuz I'm hungry!!!" Bakugo placed me down so he can put his back towards me, I was hesitant at first but then it hit me. What girl didn't want to get a piggy back ride from Bakugo Katsuki!!

Smiling slightly I just jumped on and latched my arms around his neck. He was careful with holding my leg since I still had a brace on.

"Are you sure this is okay? Is my foot bothering you?" I asked him

All he gave me was a 'tch' noise and kept walking. Mina grabbed my crutches and followed behind.

"What shall we eat!" Sero cheered.

"Lets see what they have in the lunch room." Kaminari suggested.

We all nodded and headed to see what they are serving today.

Of course when we reached I was left alone to try and find a table. Trying to find one close to the others but enough space so Bakugo wont get angry while he's around people, I was able to find one near the rest of the class. Guessing this will be a good spot I sat as slowly as possible. It's going to take some getting used to walking around like this. But with how the story is going I might not be able to get the chance too.

My hand reached to my neck, will the scar go away? Will I be able to get my family back? Will things go as planned in Okinawa? What if I cant. I got less than a month to try and figure this out, I need a plan. Will I stay here..? But how? This chapter doesn't exactly end right away but I'm tangled it both. Can I have both life..? Is that too selfish to ask for..?

I hadn't realize I was dozed off until Bakugo hit me in the back of the head.

"Hey!! You aren't supposed to hit a injured person!" I yelled

"Who ever told you that is fucking lying to you. And I wouldn't have to do that if you were paying attention dumbass!" Bakugo spat while pushing my food in front of me, along with everyone else sitting down

I was going to say something but he was right. "I'm sorry.." I say. I looked at the food he got me, the same when I first arrived at U.A; smiling slightly I started to eat. Ahhh I miss real food! Don't get me wrong the hospital food isn't that bad compared to America its just still hospital food.

I sat back and ate quietly while the other talked about the upcoming match, it was Izuku and Todoroki match. Ill be cheering for Izuku for sure but knowing that match it'll be crazy.

As we were eating I saw Aizawa and Present Mic walk up to our table. Aizawa was glaring at me through his bandages but Mic just held a smile on his face?

"What are you doing here? Youre supposed to be discharged in two days" He spat out.

"Koro-sensei brought be here so I can watch the festival. I already watched it through a tv screen, if I I am here might as well watch it in person!" I shrugged as I finished my food.

He gave a sigh, "Well since your here might as well see recovery girl"

"Ummm I was thinking maybe later...."

"No now." Aizawa spat, he used his quirk by wrapping his scarf around my body so I wasn't able to move, then Present Mic throwing me over his shoulder.

"OH COME ON!!!" I wiggled around the best I could, of course it was futile.

"Idiot" Bakugo rolled his eyes as he watched me leave.

While we were walking I could tell something was wrong, they were both really tense. They looked like they wasn't to say something but were too afraid to even say it.

"Whats going on?"

"Well...We have been keeping in contact with your guardian regarding the case, All-Might is involved actually due to many reasons" Aizawa spoke.

"He is going to be here to award the metals to the winners. And he wanted me to let you know that he will help you." For some reason I feel like that wasn't exactly he meant to say.

My body stiffen and Mic could tell, he glanced up at me. His smile was no longer on his face.

He was going to say something when Recovery Girl opened the door which made us give her our attention.

"Oh my your just like that boy" She shook her head and ushered us to come inside.

"Haha me and you will be best friends" I chuckled.

I was placed on a chair and released from Aizawa scarf. Recovery Girl looked over my leg and ankle, saying the screws are aligning the bones correctly and my ribs will be healed in a few weeks and it's just the bruising I need to focus on. She sadly told me the skin around my neck would ever go back to normal and I've lost a few tendons so I need to be careful with certain movements. That was extremely scary to hear actually.

The skin will permanently be rough and thin; my face twisted with sadness. She gave me a giant kiss  and smiled.

"It's a sign that you survived. Be proud of that" She walks to her desk to start putting in the information.

I can hear the cheering from the stadium start to erupt. That means Izuku match is starting. I wanted to rush but I know that isn't a good idea; I need her to take everything down.

My hand landed on my neck, the feeling of my skin deteriorating was something so horrific that just thinking about it made me want to cry. I never want to get that feeling again...but that just means I need to work harder next time.

I stood there for quite some time, I missing the match but I already know how it goes; but it still would've been nice to see it in person. After about 45 minutes she said I can leave.

Going on my crutches I started to head back up to where Class A seating is. On my way I see Bakugo. Smiling I gave a small wave.

"Do you best" was all I can manage.

"Tch don't look down on me" he growled.

He seems to be pretty angry since he was about to purposely bump shoulders with me but he noticed the last second and moved to the side. I decided not to bother him and let him be. There wasn't any use in trying to talk to him when he's in that state of mind. And my main priority is trying to get back to seating in one piece.

-Time skip after the battle-

That match was far more intense then I could ever anticipate. Seeing Bakugo give everything he got; dodging Todoroki ice attacks was incredible. Seeing Izuku, Todoroki and an very angry chained up Bakugo all receive their medals; the crowd cheering as the festival came to a end.

All-Might waved and smiled as photos was being taken. His eye landed on me, my body stiffened. He was with them, he got the answers I need. But he suddenly looked away. Like he was ashamed of keeping eye contact. My heart dropped.

I stood up from my seat but stumbled slightly since it was too fast. Sero caught just in time.

"Calm down there {y/n} we will leave together okay?" He reassured me. I gave a nod and tried to wait patiently.

All-Might was here which means Karasuma and Ciel came back too. The stadium cleared out pretty quickly to my surprise. We were the last few out since we waited for everyone to change and gather their stuff. By that time it was sunset, which was sooo pretty!!!

We all were walking out through the side where the classes and students used, people talking about how their matches went, a few people were worried about Izuku since he needed surgery. Any one would be scared for their friend.

Momo kept asking if I was okay even through I reassured her I was. I was walking near the wall just in case I needed to stop and rest. As the outside came into view All-Might, Aizawa, Karasuma, Ciel and Sebastian all stood near a military helicopter.

Class A froze, they moved slightly over so my body was in view and I can see everyone. My eyes widen and a smile appeared. They're here!!

"Karasuma!! Your back! So does that mean you caught-" My eyes went to his. Regret was written all over his face. He looked away.

My heart pounded. I scanned through everyone, I didn't see a face I don't recognize.

"C-Ciel you caught the guy...right!!!" My voice cracked, my throat burned as I was about to cry.

"{Y/n}...We were too late. He was found dead on scene. Everything was destroyed. We tried to look for any type of information but it seems the league got there before we could" Ciel felt horrible. We wanted so bad to help her, to not let her down. He promised he was going to help and protect her. But he failed.

"Stop lying!!!!!" I screamed. My gaze was held on the floor. My shoulder shook from trying to hold back from breaking down and crying.

Class A eyes fell on me. My head shook as the tears finally started to stream down. Without thinking I reached up and punched the concrete wall; hoping that'll help. But it just reminded me that this is the painful truth.

"Young {l/n}!" All-Might spoke, my knuckles started to bleed from the impact.

"He was my only only chance to get them back!!!! Now their gone...this isn't how it was supposed to end!" My voice broke with every word I spoke. I fell on my knees, my legs gave out.

"I tried so so hard to make sure I can go back home to them! I tried so hard to keep them safe but god damn it!!!" The tears started to fall harder.

My head shook, this couldn't be the truth. This isn't how it's supposed to go!!!

"There could still be time young {y/n}! You can not give up hope!" All-Might tried to make things positive.

"Shut up!!! You're wrong!! I feel them. They have already forgotten me! There only a small feeling that I have that makes me think other wise but it's not going to last long!" My shaky hands reached to my hand, my fingers entangled within my hair.

"The story is ending and so help me my time is already up-"

-3rd POV-

In the middle of the teen speaking she suddenly stops. Her body started to shake uncontrollably. A few of the students became worried. Calling the girl name to get her attention.

Karasuma and Ciel became nervous. Rushing over to see what's wrong. The girl leaned her elbows on the floor. Her body had a heartbeat, a sharp pain flowing through her head; increasing as each second passed by.

As Ciel went to touch the girl to get her attention he retracted his hand as quickly as he places it down. His eyes stared widely at her form.

"She's burning up!" Ciel called out. The girl started to breath heavily. Her vision started to get blurry.

She had no idea what was happening. She didn't skip her dosage for her body to react the way it is.

"C-Ciel..." she whimpers out.

"What's happening!" Mina called out.

{Y/n} started to let out a blood curdling scream, the pain becoming unbearable. Her ears started to bleed; her body released a gust of wind. The pressure that was released was powerful enough to push everyone back a few steps.

Sebastian moves forward and towards the girl. Her voice becoming horse and sore but the screaming continues. Ciel called out to his butler he wasn't going to question his ability to help.

Sebastian watched as the girl body shook, discomfort and pain written all over her face. He wanted to take this pain away, wanted to protect her and make sure nothing ever hurts her.

"{Y/n}" his voice low and smooth

The girl look up, her eyes pleading with him to make it stop. "S-Sebastian..." her low scared voice

He gave a small smile, he lifted his hand and hit the back of her neck. A soft spot humans had. Knocking her out instantly.

Her eyes slowly closed as her body fell to the floor. Sebastian scooped her up gently, his hands becoming red since her body temperature was abnormally high.

Class A looked fearful for their friend. They never seen someone act like that before; Karasuma held a worried expression. All-Might felt useless in this situation.

Sebastian walked slowly to the helicopter, placing her in the seat so that theu can strap her in. Karasuma became worried and frightened. He had no idea what just happened. Getting into the helicopter he strapped in and waited for them to take off.

"Will {y/n} be okay!" Jiro asked.

"What was that?!" Tsu called

Karasuma didn't want to lie to kids, he didn't even know what was going on, not even sure if she'll be okay? 

"Don't worry, she's a strong girl" Karasuma gave a nervous smile.

He told the pilot to take off. The children watched the helicopter until it was out of sight. Everyone too nervous to speak.

"I-I wish we can do something" Momo voice cracked. She wanted to help the girl, but what can they do that the military can't.

All-Might and Aizawa looked at each other hoping that one of them had some type of answer.

"Wait!!!! There is! There has to be something! {y/n} told me when she is going to actually meet this guy whatever his name is" Kirishima blurted out. Everyone turned their attention to him.

"What do you mean?" Aizawa questioned.

"Well she mentioned they will meet in Okinawa in a few weeks, I believe right after final exams. If we meet up with them then maybe we can help! You guys are Pros and can handle that right?!" The boy blurted out.

The two teachers wasn't sure if they can keep those expectations but this was something. The teachers needed to talk about things in detail, ushering the children home they stood back to discuss that matter.

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