Snivellus' sister

By MaliaMalfoyWeasley

466K 11.2K 10.1K

(Re-editing) It's clear that Severus Snape has never been great friends with the chaotic group known as the m... More

1 - Questionable First Encounters
2 ~ The Sorting Ceremony
3 ~ The Caste Tour
4 ~ Galleon
5 ~ Intelligent and Cute
6 ~ Floppy fish and Werewolves
7 ~ Quidditch Trials
8 ~ Newt Scamander
9 ~ The Potion
10 ~ Christmas day
11 ~ Couples or Consequences
12 ~ Back to Hogwarts
13 ~ Truth or Dare
14 ~ Mudbloods
15 ~ Breakups and Makeups
16 ~ Quidditch Quarrels
17 ~ Full Moon betrayals
18 ~ Regrets
19 ~ Remus, Please
20 ~ Amortentia
21 ~ Felix Felicis
22 ~ Replicated
23 ~ Evening Gowns
25 ~ Spring Ball
26 ~ A Night to Remember
27 ~ The Letter
28 ~ Minnie
29 ~ First Session
30 ~ The Patronus Charm
31 ~ Dumbledore fancies me
32 ~ Seeking and Presents
33 - Firewhiskey and Love Potions
34 ~ Hogsmeade
35 ~ New Transformations
36 ~ New Encounters
37 ~ Last Games Disasters
38 ~ Brewing Romance
39 ~ Breakdowns
40 ~ The Snape Residence
41 ~ The Potters
42 ~ Safe?
43 ~ Sleepovers
44 ~ Returns
45 ~ The Order of the Phoenix
46 ~ Two Words
47 ~ Grieving
48 ~ Weddings
49 ~ Last Mission
50 ~ Coping
51 ~ Harry James Potter
52 ~ Alternative perspectives
53 ~ The Finale

24 ~ Remorse

5.7K 157 138
By MaliaMalfoyWeasley

Silvers long eyelashes fluttered open as she looked around the familiar hospital wing. By the light coming through the window, she guessed it was now morning. Silver looked around the other occupied beds and saw James had a long gash on his right arm, a small cut on his cheek and a black eye. Peter was in the bed next to him, he seemed fairly unharmed with just a couple of scratches on his arms. Sirius was sat in the chair by her side. He appeared to be in a deep sleep with his hand resting on top of Silvers. She smiled down at him, and brushed her thumb on the top of Sirius' hand. Her smile instantly disappeared from her face when she saw the final occupied bed. Lying there was Remus Lupin, he was deathly pale and the three scars on his face were now freshly opened once again. He was coated in bites and scratches with dried blood coating his clothes. 

Silvers heart dropped, she tried to sit up but a sharp pain shot up her leg sending her back down. She let out a quiet whimper and Sirius' eyes shot open. "Princess, stay lead down. Madame Pomfrey's trying to figure out how to fix your leg." Silver rolled her eyes and groaned. "Please check on Moony then. He looks really pale." Sirius nodded and walked over to his bed, "It was one of his worst full moons last night, I've never seen him so angry or energetic, he's going to be worn out most of this week." He spoke as he checked Remus' cuts and pressed his hand gently across his forehead to check his temperature. 

Madame Pomfrey walked into the room and shooed Sirius away from Remus. She began gently applying a cream onto Remus' cuts, which allowed them to cover over and stop the bleeding. She took a light blue potion and placed a few droplets on each bruise. "Hello again, Miss Snape. This is becoming a regular occurance, isn't it?" She chuckled quietly as she placed a fresh glass of water by his side. She walked over to Silver and gently pulled the blanket from her leg. 

The wound had now stopped bleeding but the gash was still open and exposing the shattered bone. The nurse gently lifted her leg resulting in a pain filled screech from Silver. Sirius grabbed her hand and perched on the edge of the bed. He whispered various things in attempts to distract her from the pain but nothing seemed to work as the tears spilled down her cheeks. Her cries had now woken James and Peter up who had now moved to her bed side. James rested his gashed arm on a pillow and used the other arm to gently brush through her hair, while Peter sat in the chair awkwardly. 

"This is a very difficult thing to heal, thankfully I was able to separate the werewolf saliva from your blood. You can thank your lucky stars that Veela blood is much thicker than normal, thanks to that you won't transform into a werewolf." The boys and Silver let out a sigh of relief. Madame Pomfrey pushed the boys back away from the bed and gave Silver a purple liquid to swallow. She complied and drank the potion, which caused her to feel drowsy before she fell into a deep sleep. 

Madame Pomfrey began using various potions and spells on the girls leg eventually repairing the bone and using a similar potion to Remus' covered over the skin. "Well if you insist on staying by her side, one of you help me wrap up her leg." Madame Pomfrey said as she retrieved bandages from a nearby shelf. James offered but was kindly turned down to his own arm injury. Peter began wrapping round the bandage, helping Madame Pomfrey, while Sirius refused to leave Silvers side. 

Remus stirred and awoke, looking round the room. His eyes landed on the group, with Silver leg lifted onto a pillow, James getting his arm wrapped in bandages, Peter and Sirius sat alongside them and finally Madame Pomfrey busily sorting through potions. "Mr Lupin, you stay right there. Don't even think about getting off that bad." Her stern voice rose without her even needing to turn and see him. Remus groaned and looked down at his hands, "Sirius, can I- can I speak to you please?" The boys nodded, he gently kissed Silvers hand and strode over to his bedside.

"Sirius, I didn't mean to. I'm so sorry and now James' arms all messed up and I almost turned Silver and almost killed Lily, Ivy and Tillie. I'm out of control, you can't come out on full moons anymore." He wept as tears slowly slid down his cheek, the fire of shame and anger burned just under his skin and a deep emptiness filled his heart as the sentiments brewed over and boiled past the seams he could no longer hold together. Tears ran down his face, like the water flowing through the drainsubbing. 

Sirius shook his head,  but before he had a chance to respond Silver voice rose. "Remus! Don't you dare think like that! It wasn't your fault, you can't help it! We took the risk when coming with you and we will be taking the risk again next month! " Her voice was groggy due to her sleepy state, after just having woken up. Her brows were furrowed and her hair was laced with blue and red streaks. Remus swallowed hard, "Pup, I'm serious. I don't want you there anymore." His voice cracked due to his utter exhaustion. His head dropped down to the pillow as he fell into deep coma-like sleep. 

"Remus!" Silver screamed upon seeing his sudden changed. "He's alright, Silver. He's just exhausted, when he wakes up he'll be allowed to leave again." Silver nodded and laid back. Sirius walked back over to his chair next to Silvers bed, James and Peter returned to their beds. Madame Pomfrey checked their injuries before allowing them to leave and go to class. 

"Sirius, you have go to go to class. I've allowed you to stay here all morning, by now Silver and Remus need to rest in peace." Sirius opened his mouth to argue but Silver shook her head and pressed a gentle kiss on his cheek. "We have transfiguration with Minnie, she'll kill you if you don't go. Take notes for me." He smiled and pressed a kiss on her lips, getting up from the chair. "You're amazing, you know." He grinned before walking out of the hospital wing.

"I'm sorry."  A quiet, whimpering voice rose from the other side of the room. Silver carefully sat up to look at Remus. "I told you it's not your fault." Remus shook his head with a deflated look on his face. "Because of me, you're now going to have to wear that bandage under your dress on Saturday for the ball." Silver giggled and rolled her eyes, "Moony, I don't care about wearing a bandage. But if it makes you feel any better, the dress covers my leg completely, so no one will to the bandage." Remus sent her a weak smile and lead back down in his bed. "Go to sleep, Silver. You look terrible." The pair broke out into laughter before settling down in the beds. Silver couldn't help but think that this was a peculiar Monday morning.

Silver was finally allowed to leave the hospital wing on Wednesday afternoon. Remus had left early Tuesday morning, Silver was getting progressively bored alone in the wing and Madame Pomfrey was getting very tired of her constant questions and chatter. They were sat in Professor Mcgonagall's class, Sirius was constantly pandering over Silver asking her every five minutes if she was okay, or if she needed anything. James of course was the other side of Silver asking her the same questions during the time Sirius wasn't. Peter was chattering mindlessly to Remus who still looked extremely pale and exhausted. Silver could tell that it was one of the worst full moons he'd had in a while and it didn't help that he was beating himself up about hurting her and James. 

"I will now be collecting in the homework that I set on Tuesday afternoon. Miss Snape, of course due to your absence, you are excused from this task but I expect you to catch up on the work." Silver nodded and turned to Sirius with a raised eyebrow. He chuckled and pulled out a piece of parchment covered in messy handwriting, "Yes, I've done it Princess, thank you very much." She giggled and turned her attention back to Professor Mcgonagall. 

"Mr Lupin, where is your homework?" The professor asked as she peered down at his desk. His face leaked with guilt as he looked down at the desk. "I have it miss, Remus left it in the dorm and I picked it up for him." Sirius stood holding out the parchment he had just shown Silver. Professor Mcgonagall smiled to the boy and grabbed the parchment looking down at it. "Thank you, Mr Black. What a kind thing to do for Mr Lupin. Am I correct in thinking that you yourself, don't have the homework?" Sirius grinned and nodded, the professor sighed the grin not leaving her face. "Well however kind it may be, the lack of homework means detention this evening." Sirius nodded and sat back down, Silver grabbed his hand and squeezed it tight sending him and approving smile. 

"You didn't need to do that Padfoot, I forgot to do the homework. And now you have a detention but thank you." Remus grinned as they were leaving the classroom, making their way down to dinner. "Well, you've had a hell of a week and what's one more detention anyway." Sirius chuckled taking a seat at the Gryffindor bench. "Wait where's Silver?" Lily asked taking a seat opposite Sirius, next to James. "Well, she was trying to argue with Professor Mcgonagall for taking house points away from her when she was talking to Ivy, when I left." He chuckled placing some chicken on his plate. 

Silver strode into the Great Hall on her crutches assisted by Professor Mcgonagall. Together they walked towards the teachers table at the front and summoned Professor Dumbledore. The Marauders watched from the Gryffindor table with perplexed looks on their faces. Dumbledore, Mcgonagall, and a very faint looking Silver exited the hall, resulting in a silence falling over the students. The teachers exchanged baffled glances but said nothing, as anything said would be echoed around the hall. Sirius stood from the Gryffindor table and raced out of the hall, shortly followed by the rest of the group. 

They froze as they saw a crumpled Silver collapsed on the floor, crying into Sirius' shoulder. With a panic stricken Dumbledore and Mcgonagall standing over her. It was more than crying, it was the kind of desolate sobbing that comes from a person drained of all hope. Her loose shoulders shook, her hands hanging low, making no attempt to conceal or even wipe away her own tears. Aside from her reddened face she was so grey looking and her hair was as dishevelled as the park under fall leaves.

Ivy knelt down beside the couple and began stroking Silver now completely black hair. It was a shock to see such a drastic change in her hair colour, usual when she cried her hair went blue from sadness or red from anger. Now it was black showing the emptiness she felt inside, the pure darkness that was consuming her. All thoughts of her leg and the ball on Saturday were forgotten. "What's happened?" Lily croaked, tears forming in her own eyes as she saw her best friend in such a state. Silver indicated for Dumbledore to explain while she gripped Sirius' robes tighter. 

"Madame Pomfrey couldn't remove all of the saliva from her leg. There was a small amount that penetrated her blood, because of this she will transform every month. However, due to the limited amount that penetrated will only cause her to become a wolf, rather than a werewolf and she will remain conscious and know what she's doing at all times." Remus dropped to his knees and weeped into his hands. "Pup, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault, I shouldn't have let you come out with me." Ivy turned and pulled the boy into a hug, James replacing where Ivy had sat. Silver began shaking uncontrollably falling to the floor, her vision became blurred and everything went black. As she shook violently she heard screams of Ivy and Lily, the cries of Remus and the shouts of Dumbledore. "She's having a seizure! Get Madame Pomfrey right now!" His deep voice boomed making the room shake, then all of her senses informing her of her surrounding stopped.

Silver awoke, rather than her being in the hospital wing, she was lying in her bed inside her dorm. The Marauders excluding Remus were surrounding her, watching with concerned faces. "Where's Moony?" Were the first works that left her mouth as she lead in her bed and looked up at her friends. "He's locked himself in the dorm room. He won't let any of us in." Silver carefully stood up, Sirius and Ivy rushing to her side to help stable her. She brushed off their help and marched to the Marauders dorm. The Veela slammed on the door until it opened revealing a pale looking Remus who had brown smudges all over his face. Tears were streaming down his cheeks as he opened the door to let Silver in.

Chocolate wrappers and chocolate boxes were covering the beds and floor. Half eaten chocolate bars were thrown on the desk near the door. "Moony, what are you doing?" She asked moving to Sirius' bed to rest to her leg. He sobbed and took a seat on the floor next to the bed. "Choc-choc-chocolate poisonous for dogs." He stuttered, Silver nodded confused indicating for him to continue. "I-I-I wanted to kill the wolf inside me." He sobbed. Silvers heart broke, Remus had always loved chocolate. Whenever she thought of him, he was always eating something chocolatey and now she knew why.

"Pup, I'm sorry. I'm a monster, I'm out of control." Silver shook her head, tears of her own falling down her face. "Remus, stop it. I love you and just think, when I become a wolf, we can go off together. You can't transform me anymore." She wiped away his tears and pulled him into a hug. "At least you have the ball tomorrow." He grinned chuckling. Silvers head snapped up, "Tomorrow? But it's Wednesday?" She asked confused. Remus shook his head and pointed to the calendar on his wall. "You were out for a few days this time. You had a seizure and Madame Pomfrey gave you a potion to stop it but it caused a coma." Silver nodded taking in all the information. "I can't wait for you to see Ivy's dress." She grinned as Remus helped her up and back to the others who were sat in the common room.

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