Heartbreak High • Pokemon

By undeadbelova

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♡˚ ༘ ⋆。˚ COMPLETED Serena Yvonne wants a fresh start in her last year of high school. She cuts ties with her... More

⚠️ Author's Note ⚠️
1. Serena's New Start
2. The Results
3. Wild Accusations
4. Full Of Surprises
5. I Miss The Old You
6. Behind Closed Doors
7. Everything Is Fine
8. Paul is back
9. The Cheer Captain Isn't A Mary Sue
10. I Want To Be There For You
11. Confrontation Of Bitches
12. The Ursula Incident
13. Mother Knows Best
14. Filthy Cheater
15. Lover, Where'd You Go?
16. Princess
17. Bitch You Better Be Joking
18. Average Day At Shalour High
20. Shalour Carnival
21. Back To School
22. It's Nice To Have A Friend

19. Ruin Our Friendship

538 15 20
By undeadbelova

Iris lead the group to May, who was being comforted by Lyra. "May, is everything okay?" Dawn asked quietly, as the brunette looked like she had been crying.

"No.. I'm... I.." May stammered, as Lyra put a hand on the brunette's shoulder. "It's okay, take your time." She insisted. The four girls were confused by why May was so upset and were all incredibly concerned. "May, what's going on?" Hilda asked, softly. May sighed hesitantly, before she pulled a thin object from her pocket and showed her friends.

The four girl's eyes widened in shock, as they were faced with a positive pregnancy test. "Oh my god.." Iris blurted, shook. "I lost my virginity to Drew a couple of weeks ago and we.. well we were really drunk.. ever since it happened I had worry at the back of my mind that we didnt use protection.. so I took this test. I don't know what to do now. I'm pregnant!" The cheerleader panicked.

"Hey May, it's going to be okay. We're going to be there for you no matter what." Dawn insisted. "Does Drew know? Or your parents?" Iris asked, curiously. May shook her head, "Not yet.. I'm still just processing it all. We were so stupid to have sex while we were so drunk.." The brunette sighed, mentally beating herself up over it all. "We're here for you, I promise." Hilda offered a sympathetic smile.

Usually this would be the part where the pregnant woman's best friends congratulate her.. but May's circumstances were so different. She was a foster child and lived with really strict parents, they would be mortified to know she got intimate with somebody, let alone was now pregnant. Besides that, May felt too young to even think about having children, she was far from financially stable... she is a student. For the brunette, this wasn't something she was excited about.


Timeskip to the following Thursday

Serena and Dawn took a seat at their lunch table and began to dig in to their sandwiches. After a brief moment, they were joined by Hilda, Iris and May.

"Hey guys!" Dawn chimed, once she had swallowed the food in her mouth. "Hey Dawn! Hey Serena!" The three girls responded. It had been a weirdly quiet week. May still hadn't worked up the courage to tell Drew or her parents that she was pregnant. Calem was still missing, and Ash and friends had taken the issue to police. Gary had been suspended for punching Paul, giving the boy a black eye. Misty hadn't returned to school since she'd been dumped, which raised a lot of questions to where she was. Brendan also had been quite absent. Ursula had changed her attitude over the past week and become a lot friendlier.

"I'm gonna visit Gary after school." Serena spoke up, breaking the silence. "I've been worried about him.. I should check up on him." She added. Dawn couldn't help but grin at the blonde. "What?" Serena asked, blushing lightly. "Nothingggggg." Dawn said innocently, as Serena grew flustered. Hilda, Iris and May all laughed at the pair.

"You so like him." Hilda teased. "Yeah Serena it's pretty obvious." Iris added. May was busy laughing at the pair who were provoking the girl. "Of course I like him, we're best friends." Serena defended herself. "Wooow.. just keep him in the friendzone." Dawn teased. "Hey! Says you! You're doing the same with Ash." The girl huffed.

"Actually I'm going on a date with Ash tonight." Dawn said confidently, before taking a bite of her apple. "Wait what?! You didn't tell us this." Iris blurted, surprise. Hilda leant her head on Iris' shoulder, before pretending to cry, "Our little baby is growing up." She said in an over exaggerated tone, earning laughs from Iris and May. Serena couldn't help but to giggle as well. "Laugh all you want, but i'm going to ask him to be my boyfriend." Dawn decided. "Oh really? I'm holding you to that." May grinned.


Later that night

Ash and Dawn had gone to the theatre and watched a movie together. Truthfully, Dawn didn't really care what they watched, as long as she would spend time with Ash.

They were now in Ash's driveway, as Dawn was dropping the boy home. They'd sat in the stationary car for about twenty minutes, just talking. The pair could talk for hours and not get bored.. Dawn didn't feel that way with many people, and she treasured that feeling.

The girl had been staring into Ash's eyes, as he was rambling on about the movie. She hadn't realised how close she'd moved to him, as she leant over the gear stick. Truthfully, she would always listen to Ash intently.. but right now she was lost in his eyes. "Hey.. are you listening?" Ash sweatdropped, realising she looked distracted. "I uh- sorry." The blue haired girl blurted, embarrassed. "You just uh.. have really nice eyes" Dawn confessed. "Oh.. thanks!" Ash blushed, with a smile. He found himself leaning closer to Dawn too now.

Ash offered a smile, as he now looked into her eyes. Dawn blushed realising how close their faces were. She then peered down at Ash's lips before looking back up at his eyes, which he obviously caught. "I wanted to ask you something." Dawn began. "Well, ask away Dawn." Ash smiled, his cheeks a bit flushed.

"I wanted to ask.. do you uh.. wanna be my-" Dawn was cut off as Ash's mobile phone rang, causing the pair to flinch. He peered down at his phone to see Brendan was calling him.

"I should take this sorry. I'll talk you tomorrow - thank you for tonight!" The raven haired boy chimed, before he opened the passenger side door. Dawn sweatdropped, "Yeah of course! Thank you too! I'll see you tomorrow." She said as the boy exited the vehicle and closed the door.

He placed the phone against his ear and spoke as Dawn watched him walk towards his front door. The blue haired girl let out a frustrated sigh. "Damn it I was so close to asking!" She huffed, surprised she'd found the courage to ask.. it just sucked she didn't get to finish asking.

Dawn then started up her car and exited the driveway, driving to her home.


Hilda and Iris laid snuggled together in Hilda's bed, watching a movie on the brunette's laptop.

The movie was quite boring, and Hilda found herself nearly dozing off. Iris noticed and giggled at her lover. "What's so funny? The brunette asked as she opened her eyes. "You're falling asleep and we haven't even gotten twenty minutes through this movie." Iris admitted. "I'm too tired and it's so boring - wait were you staring at me?" Hilda teased. "No.." Iris lied, as Hilda smirked. "You look so cute when you sleep.." Iris admitted awkwardly. Hilda just laughed, "You're cute." She teased.

Iris blushed, before she removed the laptop from the bed. She then laid back down, as she put her arms around Hilda. "I hope May is doing okay.." The brunette sighed. "Me too.. she was so scared." Iris responded.

"What would you do if you suddenly became pregnant during high school?" Hilda asked, hypothetically. "Babe.. we're lesbians." Iris sweatdropped. "Hypothetically speaking." The brunette giggled, causing Iris to laugh too. "Honestly I don't know.. it'd be scary.. I would like kids someday though.. somehow." The purple haired girl admitted. Hilda yawned, before she pulled herself closed to Iris, feeling comfortable and safe in her arms. "Me too.." She admitted.


Serena had spent her afternoon with Gary, catching up with him and making sure he was doing okay.. she'd been so worried about him.

The pair sat on Gary's couch, with bowls of icecream in their laps. They'd been home alone for the afternoon with Gary's parents working late.. which left the pair to play mario kart for three hours.

"God damn it, I hate rainbow road!" Serena huffed, ready to turf the controller in anger. "I've done this so many times, I have made rainbow road my bitch." Gary said confidently. Serena played as Daisy and Gary played as Bowser.. they were on their last lap and Gary was in first place, while Serena kept changing between fourth and fifth place.

Finally, Bowser drove over the finish line, and Gary threw his arms in the air with excitement. "I am not going to come last!" Serena huffed, not wanting to fall into sixth place.. but unfortunately for her, Daisy slipped on a banana peel and the character in sixth place overtook her. "Princess, you're losing!" Gary laughed hysterically, as Serena grew frustrated. "I'm so bad at this game." She huffed, as Daisy finally made it through the finish line.

"Hey.. you weren't terrible this entire time." Gary teased, before he punched Serena's arm. "Yeah whatever.. you came first every single time. Did you do anything else as a kid than play Mario kart?" The blonde asked. "Uh.. no not really." The brunette shrugged, jokingly.

"Hey Sere.. thank you for coming over. It has been a bit lonely being suspended and all." The brunette sweatdropped. "Yeah I figured.. I've missed you too. I hope this suspension was worth it though... Paul deserved that punch." Serena huffed. "Yeah he did." Gary added.

The brunette then looked over at Serena, feeling grateful.. he was so grateful he had someone like her in his life. She'd come and comforted him during such a shit time.. he would do the same for her.

"I'm gonna go outside and have a cigarette.. you staying in here?" Gary asked, getting off of the couch. "Yeah." Serena replied, also getting off the couch. The girl grabbed the empty icecream bowls and walked over to the kitchen sink. "It's too cold outside." She added, placing the dirty dishes im the sink. "Suit yourself." Gary decided, before he took his lighter and carton of cigarettes and went out into his backyard, to sit on the balcony.

Serena didn't know how Gary could go outside in this weather.. it was awfully cold tonight. She walked over to the thermostat and cranked it up, as she felt cold indoors as well.

The girl plopped herself back on the couch and whipped out her phone, as began answering text messages. After a few minutes, the glass sliding door to Gary's backyard slid open as the brunette entered the house again.

"Oh my god, why is it so hot in here." He huffed, before he reached his hands down to pull off his shirt. "Ah Gary keep your shirt on!" Serena huffed, as the boy took off his shirt and let it fall onto the floor. "What, it's nothing you haven't seen before." Gary teased.

Serena's eyes averted to Gary's shirtless body, causing her to blush insanely. It was true, she'd seen him shirtless before.. but she'd never stop and admired. "Hey Princess, my eyes are up here." The brunette sweatdropped, causing Serena to blush even more. "S..Sorry Gare.. It's just.. you have a really nice body." She stuttered. Gary blushed slightly, before he smirked, "Thank you." He replied confidently, before he sat beside his best friend.

The pair played a couple more rounds of mario kart, Gary was having another winning streak. Serena looked at her phone to check the time, and sighed when she realised it was already 10:30. "Hey Gary, I'm gonna have to head back to Dawn's house." She decided, as it was late.

"Yeah of course.." Gary smiled as we both got off of the couch and walked over to the front door. Serena turned to face Gary and say goodbye, but was instead surprised with a hug. The girl blinked in surprise, before she put her arms around Gary and returned the hug.

The pair stayed embracing eachother for a moment. "Thank you so much for tonight.. I really needed this." Gary said, as they let go of eachother, but still remained standing close to one another. He leant forward, pressing his forehead against Serena's. "I really appreciate you Sere.. so much." He said softly.

"Hey, we're best friends. You look out for me, and I look out for you." Serena said sweetly, feeling her cheeks heat up a bit. Gary smiled back, "I feel like my world has kind of turned upside down.. after being in a relationship for so long.. I don't know how to be alone.." He began. "But really I haven't been alone at all.. because you've been here for me.. and I uh, love you." The brunette smiled sweetly.

Serena smiled brightly at her best friends comment, before she looked down at his lips. She then looked back up into Gary's eyes, before she began to lean closer to the boy, closing the gap between them. Gently, she placed her lips on Gary's, kissing him softly.

After a moment, Gary's eyes widened in surprise, and he pulled away from Serena, the pair were both lost for words as they looked at eachother, surprised by what'd even happened.

The silent second between them, broke Serena's heart.. she worried that she'd just ruined their friendship.. and their friendship meant everything to her. "I..I'm sorry.. I really need to leave." She said, quickly throwing on her jacket and walking hastily towards Gary's front door. "S..Serena, wait!" Gary called out, as he came back to his senses and walked over to his front door.

The brunette stepped through the doorway and stood on his front porch, he looked around for his best friend, but she was already gone.

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