14. Filthy Cheater

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Serena's eyes sparkled as the group entered the stadium. The rest of the new girls to the Vixens looked around, just as amazed as Serena, as they saw other teams scattered around, some talking about strategies, some stretching and some practicing.

"Alright Vixens, we'll set our stuff over here." Dawn announced, as she placed her bag down in an empty corner. "Start your stretches and I'll go let the judges know we're here." She gave a smile before she walked away from the group. Serena just gave Dawn a smile back before she'd walked away.

"Are you excited?" A voice piped up, as Serena turned to see Shauna had stood beside her. "You bet I am!" The blonde grinned.

The girls all sat in a circle and did their stretches. "So how does this all work exactly?" May asked, facing Hilda. "So most of our competitions have two rounds. The first round we have to show that we're coordinated and in sync by showing the judges that we can make any formation of our choice, with ease. Second round we'll be performing exactly what we've been practicing over the past month." Hilda smiled.

Ursula stood up, turning to leave the group. "Where are you going?" Dawn asked, as she was returning to the group. "I need a cigarette." Ursula looked at Dawn, blankly. "You're not allowed to smoke by the stadium.. if the judges catch you-" Dawn began, before Ursula cut her off. "Relax insufferable smurf, I won't get caught." She replied, giving a fake smile before she walked off. Dawn just rolled her eyes, before she joined the group and started stretching.


Ash sat in the library beside Brock and Brendan, tapping away on his computer as the trio were writing practice essays for their English homework.

Gary and Misty sat a few metres behind their table, making out. Misty had basically straddled Gary, as he sat in a chair, and the pair had been locking lips for several minutes now.

The trio had been quiet, but they were visibly growing annoyed as the sounds the pair made were quite distracting.

Ash was finally growing fed up, and turned around. "Can you two cut it out? I can't concentrate." He asked. Misty pulled away from Gary, shooting Ash a glare. "You dont have to listen to us, perv!" She growled. Brendan grit his teeth, irritated as he turned to the lovebirds. "I agree with Ash, you're both being distracting as fuck." He grumbled.

Misty rolled her eyes, climbing off of Gary before she reached out to grab his hand. "Cmon babe, lets leave the nerds and go some place quieter." She suggested, as Gary took her hand and the pair left.

"I thought they'd never leave.." Brock sweatdropped. "Same.." Ash agreed. "Wait, you managed to get them to leave? I thought they were going to start getting freaky in front of us." Drew huffed loudly, as he walked over and sat down at the table with the trio. "Honestly.. You and May are much worse.." Brock teased, causing Drew to blush lightly. He smirked, trying to play it off, "Whatever.."

"Have you come to sit with us because you're bored? After all a certain brunette isn't here." Brendan teased. Drew rolled his eyes, "May might not be here.. but at least she is responding to my text messages and calls." He shrugged. Brendan and Ash both shot Drew a glare. "Not cool man." Ash said.

Drew sweatdropped, as he got out of the chair. "I'll see you guys later.." He awkwardly said before he walked off. Ash just looked to Brendan, who still had a look of worry on his face. "School will be over before we know it and then we can go and check on Calem.." He assured him. "Yeah.. you're right." Brendan replied, hoping Calem had just had a sick day or overslept.

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