8. Paul is back

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Serena entered her house nervously, and closed the door behind her. "Hello?" She called out, hoping to get no answer.

"Serena?" A voice spoke up, causing the blonde to sigh. Her mother was home. "Serena, how was your day dear?" Serena's mum asked, entering the room and racing over to her daughter, to hug her. Serena found her body grew stiff as her mother hugged her.

Serena's mother then pulled away, waiting for Serena to answer her question. "It was.. good.." She replied. "That's good.. I'm cooking dinner tonight, is there anything you'd like in particular?" The older woman asked, heading back into the kitchen.

Serena blinked in surprise, not remembering the last time her mother cooked. "Uh, surprise me! I'm happy with anything." The girl answered before scratching the back of her head. Her mother was acting like nothing had happened.. did she even remember that she'd striked her daughters face with a glass bottle.

Serena went upstairs and put her school bag down, before going downstairs, hesitantly. "You.. seem to be happy today.." The girl admitted, peering into the kitchen. "Well I am.. I've gone on a few dates with Craig and things seem to be going well." Her mother answered.

"Oh man.. Craig.. this man is probably secretly a drug dealer or something.. give it a few days and Mum will be in a sour mood because things didn't work out.." Serena thought. It was harsh to think this way of her mother, but there was a reoccurring theme where her mother would only be happy when her love life was going well.. it never lasted more than four days..

Serena headed up to her room, despite her mother being in a good mood.. she still didn't want to be around her. The girl closed her bedroom door behind her and sat on her bed, deciding to text Gary as she promised.

Serena: Hey Gare! Sorry I didn't see you later at school.. I had a busy day. Maybe we could hang out tomorrow after school?

Gary was sitting by his bed, throwing his shirt back on. He heard a ding and flinched in shock, before noticing Serena had sent him a message. Eagerly, he picked up his phone to reply.

Gary: Hey Sere, that'd be fun! Meet by the front gate after school?

He then placed his phone back down, and looked to his bathroom door, wondering why Misty was taking so long in there.. as she'd disappeared a few minutes ago.

Misty stood inside the bathroom, locking the door before she whipped out her phone. She began to text Paul.

Misty: Where are you? You said you were starting school on Monday and it's been two days..

Paul was a fast replier

Paul: Aw, does somebody miss me?

Misty: Yes, get your ass to school

Paul: I'll be there tomorrow, moving has been a lot of work.. you know you could always come over ;)

Misty groaned, before typing a reply.

Misty: I have plans with Gary, as usual

The orange haired girl put her phone away, before exiting the bathroom. "Babe, am I staying the night?" She asked.

"If you want, Mum might be here tomorrow morning though." Gary admitted, causing Misty to groan. Misty and Gary's mother didn't get along at all. "I'll take my chances, I want to spend time with you." She admitted. Gary nodded, though he wouldn't admit it, it really bothered him that his mother and Misty didn't get along.

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