7. Everything Is Fine

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Serena's POV

My eyes fluttered open. I turned to my alarm clock and my eyes widened when I realised I'd forgotten to set an alarm for school and I was now going to be late.

I quickly got up and raced over to the mirror, where I noticed the cuts around my eye looked a lot more healed. I knew with some makeup to cover it, I'd be able to get through school.

I didn't want to face people, but I knew I couldn't stay home any longer. Being home alone with what'd happened.. it wasn't healthy. Besides, I knew certain people would really worry if I stayed home any longer.

I got changed into some suitable clothes for school, and got to work in covering the cuts around my eye with makeup. After about fifteen minutes, I managed to have covered it really well.. with layers of concealer and powder. I used a setting spray and then looked in the mirror, feeling relieved that it was covered.

I went downstairs and made some breakfast, and quickly ate. When I had placed the empty dishes in the sink, I pulled my backpack onto my back and got ready to leave.

I walked out of the front gate and closed it, before looking over at Clemont's house sadly. I hadn't had the chance to see Clemont in days, I was looking forward to seeing him again.

I started walking to school, thinking about what classes I had for the day. I had cheer practice in the morning, which I was already going to be late for.. then art and history.

I soon reached the school gate and entered the premise. I hurried to my locker where I dumped my school bag before locking it again. I took my second bag, containing my cheer uniform, with me into the bathroom where I changed.

I then exited the bathroom and began heading down the hall, to the gym in a hurry.. but on my way I bumped into somebody.

"Ow.." I sighed, taking a step back to realise I'd bumped into Gary. "Serena?" Gary blurted, seeming unfazed that I'd just ran into him. "Hey Gare." I replied sheepishly, knowing if I stood in front of him for too long, he'd definitely notice my eye.

"Is everything alright??" He asked. "Yeah! All good! I was gone for one day, it's nothing to worry about." I laughed nervously, speaking quickly as I tried to get around Gary to continue dashing towards the gym.

"Serena, wait-" Gary blurted, putting his arms around my shoulders lightly, to stop me from trying to walk past him. "You weren't answering your phone all weekend.. are you sure you were alright?" He asked, looking at me with a concerned look. I looked up at him, feeling guilty.. I didn't want to worry him.

"I was sick after the party.. I didn't really feel up to talking to anybody, sorry." I lied, speaking softly. Gary nodded, before squinting at me. "Hey what happened to your-" My eyes widened, as I realised I had to leave before Gary finished his sentence.

I nudged Gary's hands off on my shoulders before I quickly walked past him. "Gary I really have to go, I promise I'll text you later, bye!" I called as I kept walking away at a great speed. Gary sweatdropped, "Uh.. bye!" I heard, in response.

I kept walking towards the gymnasium, rushing past people as I went. Eventually I stopped, as I was finally faced with the gymnasium doors. I let out a deep breath, before I pushed them open and walked inside.

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