9. The Cheer Captain Isn't A Mary Sue

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Serena and Gary got out of Gary's car, as they stood in front of the diner Serena and Dawn had been at days prior. A smile crept onto Gary's face before he turned to Serena, "I haven't been here in so long." He admitted.

The pair entered the diner and were given a booth for two, by a window. "God we used to come here so often with our parents.." Gary admitted, looking around, "It hasn't changed a bit!" He boomed. Serena couldn't help but giggle over his excitement.

A waiter came over and asked if the pair were ready to order. "Yes actually." Serena smiled, about to talk before Gary had cut her off. "We'll start with two milkshakes please, one strawberry and one chocolate."

The waiter jotted it down on a notepad before turning away to walk back to the counter. "You remembered my order.." Serena blurted, surprised. "How could I forget? You always used to order a strawberry milkshake." Gary laughed. "That's true." Serena laughed also.

A couple minutes later, two milkshakes were brought to the table. "Thank you!" The pair said in unison.

"So.. how is cheerleading?" Gary asked, sipping on his chocolate milkshake. "It's been fun so far.. we have our first competition next week." She admitted. "Is Ursula still a cheerleader? She hasn't been to training since last week." Serena then asked. Gary shrugged, "I haven't really talked to Ursula much lately so I'm not too sure."

"How's uh.. the gang? I saw that Paul is back." Serena admitted. "It's good, shrinking slowly but Paul being back is great! I really missed having him around." Gary admitted. The pair soon finished their milkshakes, before pushing their empty glasses to the centre of the table.

"How are your parents going?" Serena asked. "Really good! Dad's on a business trip at the moment and Mum has been working from home a lot, but yeah they're both really good." Gary replied. "That's good." Serena smiled.

"How's your Mum?" Gary then asked. "She's.." Serena trailed off for a moment. "She's good." She quickly said, realising she paused. "She's been seeing some guy.. Craig I think his name is." The girl shrugged. "Oh, good for her then.. how's your dad?" Gary asked. "I.. Wouldn't know.. I haven't spoken to him much at all since he left.. he's a really hard person to contact." Serena sighed. "Oh that sucks.. I'm sorry to hear."

A waiter came over to see if the pair wanted to order any food, both Serena and Gary said they weren't hungry, so the waiter collected their empty milkshake glasses and left.

"Have you finished your art assignment?" Gary asked. "Yeah, I was paired up with Dawn and Ash.. we got it all finished in class yesterday thankfully. How about you?" Serena asked. "I've almost finished it.. my partners for it are quite.. easily distracted." He admitted. "Oh man.. that sucks.." Serena sweatdropped, laughing nervously.

"How are you going in your classes? You've missed quite a few of them." Serena admitted. "Honestly.." Gary began, biting his lip. "It's only been a couple of weeks and I'm already so behind. It doesn't really help that Misty constantly convinces me to ditch class with her." Gary admitted. "That sucks.. if you need any help with classes, I'm happy to help!" Serena admitted. "What as in.. tutoring?" Gary asked. "Yeah, I guess." Serena sweatdropped. "Actually.. that'd be awesome!" Gary admitted, feeling like he could do with help.

"I can come to your house after school some afternoons or something." Serena shrugged. "Wouldn't it be easier if I came to your house, since you're the one already helping me?" Gary asked. Serena shook her head, she wanted to stay away from home as much as she could. "I'd prefer to come to yours." She insisted.

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