19. Ruin Our Friendship

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Iris lead the group to May, who was being comforted by Lyra. "May, is everything okay?" Dawn asked quietly, as the brunette looked like she had been crying.

"No.. I'm... I.." May stammered, as Lyra put a hand on the brunette's shoulder. "It's okay, take your time." She insisted. The four girls were confused by why May was so upset and were all incredibly concerned. "May, what's going on?" Hilda asked, softly. May sighed hesitantly, before she pulled a thin object from her pocket and showed her friends.

The four girl's eyes widened in shock, as they were faced with a positive pregnancy test. "Oh my god.." Iris blurted, shook. "I lost my virginity to Drew a couple of weeks ago and we.. well we were really drunk.. ever since it happened I had worry at the back of my mind that we didnt use protection.. so I took this test. I don't know what to do now. I'm pregnant!" The cheerleader panicked.

"Hey May, it's going to be okay. We're going to be there for you no matter what." Dawn insisted. "Does Drew know? Or your parents?" Iris asked, curiously. May shook her head, "Not yet.. I'm still just processing it all. We were so stupid to have sex while we were so drunk.." The brunette sighed, mentally beating herself up over it all. "We're here for you, I promise." Hilda offered a sympathetic smile.

Usually this would be the part where the pregnant woman's best friends congratulate her.. but May's circumstances were so different. She was a foster child and lived with really strict parents, they would be mortified to know she got intimate with somebody, let alone was now pregnant. Besides that, May felt too young to even think about having children, she was far from financially stable... she is a student. For the brunette, this wasn't something she was excited about.


Timeskip to the following Thursday

Serena and Dawn took a seat at their lunch table and began to dig in to their sandwiches. After a brief moment, they were joined by Hilda, Iris and May.

"Hey guys!" Dawn chimed, once she had swallowed the food in her mouth. "Hey Dawn! Hey Serena!" The three girls responded. It had been a weirdly quiet week. May still hadn't worked up the courage to tell Drew or her parents that she was pregnant. Calem was still missing, and Ash and friends had taken the issue to police. Gary had been suspended for punching Paul, giving the boy a black eye. Misty hadn't returned to school since she'd been dumped, which raised a lot of questions to where she was. Brendan also had been quite absent. Ursula had changed her attitude over the past week and become a lot friendlier.

"I'm gonna visit Gary after school." Serena spoke up, breaking the silence. "I've been worried about him.. I should check up on him." She added. Dawn couldn't help but grin at the blonde. "What?" Serena asked, blushing lightly. "Nothingggggg." Dawn said innocently, as Serena grew flustered. Hilda, Iris and May all laughed at the pair.

"You so like him." Hilda teased. "Yeah Serena it's pretty obvious." Iris added. May was busy laughing at the pair who were provoking the girl. "Of course I like him, we're best friends." Serena defended herself. "Wooow.. just keep him in the friendzone." Dawn teased. "Hey! Says you! You're doing the same with Ash." The girl huffed.

"Actually I'm going on a date with Ash tonight." Dawn said confidently, before taking a bite of her apple. "Wait what?! You didn't tell us this." Iris blurted, surprise. Hilda leant her head on Iris' shoulder, before pretending to cry, "Our little baby is growing up." She said in an over exaggerated tone, earning laughs from Iris and May. Serena couldn't help but to giggle as well. "Laugh all you want, but i'm going to ask him to be my boyfriend." Dawn decided. "Oh really? I'm holding you to that." May grinned.

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