Sentinel Boys

By Cali_Black

185K 7.9K 1.1K

Ella is ready to take charge at law school, but she soon becomes the charge of three very distracting men. C... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 6

9.3K 436 61
By Cali_Black


Senior year- 6 months before graduation

I'm standing in the lobby of the dorm waiting for my family. It's family weekend and I'm so excited they are here I'm bouncing on my toes. Dallas is at the guard desk and he's watching me with interest. I try not to pay too much attention, or I know Cameron will find out somehow and chastise me. I can't be alone with Dallas or Oliver without Cameron popping up like a fucking spy kid. Ever since the date Oliver crashed where the males laid their feelings out things have been different.

Dallas and Oliver always stare at me longingly and I long back. They seem to still have those feelings of interest towards me and I'm relieved because mine have only gotten stronger. I only have six months of school left and I've decided I'm going to ask them if they'd like to explore this connection further. I'll be transferring into the law school, which is still on campus, but isn't technically a part of the school the boys' are employed through.

I am polite to Cameron and allow his guard as I always have, but it hurts knowing how he feels. I felt hurt by him and it's a feeling I'm not used too because I rarely let anyone that close to my heart. That night was a wake up call. I let myself get too close to those males. I allowed them access to my heart and I am the only one to blame for the feelings of rejection that I felt. It's been a year since that night and I still feel the pain. I let them too close.

I have been dedicated to my studies and I threw myself into my schooling with gusto after Cameron's rejection. He was right, of course. I'd never endanger the males' employment and I respect them enough to keep my distance now. Oliver is my sweet, sweet temptation though. He is always around and I know he feels strongly for me. He has said it quite a few times over the last year, but has made no move to cross any boundaries that his brother set. I respect that, but I want Oliver so bad it physically hurts.

Dallas has been just as constant. Where Oliver and I burn, Dallas and I share a warmth. He is the warm coat on a cold night shielding me from the elements. He is safe and consistent. I have the strongest urge to be held by him and crawl into his lap and let him chase these feelings of pain away. Where as things have only warmed up with these two males, with Cameron it's cold.

He's apologized and we've agreed to work amicably together, but there is so much love lost between us...not that there ever was love I guess. I'm brought out of my thoughts when I see Cassidy's jeep pull into a spot close to the front. I'm then shocked out of my thoughts when I see Trevor's truck park a few spots over from Cassidy. Oh no. I begged. I begged them not to bring her fucking bestie boys! Absolutely not!!

I broke down shortly after the incident a year ago with the males and told Cassidy what happened. Her and Mia consoled me and they usually ask for updates on each male and our progress, or lack thereof. Carter and I have discussed me asking Oliver and Dallas on a date after graduation and he said he supports my decision and liked all three of them the few times he's met them.

However, Mia's males decided that it was within their rights as "big brothers" (they are definitely younger) to seek "justice" against Cameron for my heart break. These stupid males in my life all have an affinity for their own fucked up version of justice.

I threatened them with bodily harm and fluidly harm (perks of knowing people in the chemistry major), and I thought my threats worked..but here they are at my school! This is not going to go well. Trevor, Liam and Sebastian are Mia's network. They are also engaged and are planning a wedding for sometime next year. They are the perfect males for Mia and they adore her with a fierceness. I envy her, and her ability to make males love her so easily and faithfully.

I can't even get a guy to give me a hug. I'm pretty sure Oliver is still on his quest to protect my poor vagina from any attention because I have not been asked out since my last date, which ended abruptly to say the least. I realize Dallas and Oliver can't help my vagina right now either so that just leaves a very disappointed me. I didn't realize I'd be unwillingly abstinent through college or I would have had a little more fun in high school. I look to Dallas and he gives me a smile.. they would be worth the wait though.

I'm still looking at Dallas when my family busts through the door. I get hugs and kisses from everyone. I introduce them to Dallas and he shakes the males' hands. He is the same size as the giant twins, Sebastian and Liam, but his burly beard and black tactical gear makes him look much scarier and I smile. Maybe the twins won't fuck with him. I turn with Mia and Cassidy's hands in mine to show them my dorm when Cameron and Oliver jog out of the stairwell to come to a stop in front of us. I would have expected Oliver to want to meet my family, but why Cameron?

My sisters immediately start to fawn over Oliver and his cheeks turn pink. They tell him how handsome he is and how muscular he's gotten and I swear he's going to combust. He looks so embarrassed and it's so freaking adorable. I don't think he's had much motherly or sisterly type of affection before, but he will get a whole lot from these two. Cameron stands back behind Oliver and I see the vultures descending.

I take quick steps to halt their progress and stand directly in front of Cameron.

"Hi there. Good to see you. How's your day? Great, good. I bet you have things to do. I'll see you around?"

I'm rambling and my eyes are big trying to tell him to get out of here. Trevor, Liam and Sebastian are a heavy presence at my back and I'm worried for Cameron's safety. We have a no killing rule that everyone has done well to abide far, but bruising is allowed and blood is rewarded with money. So you can see why I'm a little stressed.

I turn to Carter, "Help me corral the children, please?" I practically beg.

He just gives me a big smile and crosses his arms over his chest. I'm going to go ahead and guess Mia's males are here as a scare tactic and Carter is intent to sit back and watch. Before I know what's happened I'm upside down on someone's shoulder with my face hanging by their back. I can tell it's Sebastian from the color of the shirt.

"Hi, I'm Trevor. This is Sebastian and Liam. We are Ella's brothers. We've heard a lot about you." Trevor lets that comment hang in the air a moment before I hear Cameron respond,

"Cameron, and can't say I've heard much about you, sorry."

His tone is curt and almost annoyed. Oh Cameron. Why did you do that! Don't instigate it! I hear shuffling and hands at my waist,

"Give her to me." The comment is a command and not a nice one.

I'm pulled from Sebastian's shoulders and set on my feet to turn and find I'm in Dallas' arms. I give him a smile, liking his warm touch and his show of possessiveness. I remember Cameron is watching and look to him to see he is in fact staring at the connection Dallas has on my hips still. I quickly step away. I know Cameron doesn't like his brothers touching me and I don't want to act the temptress he already thinks I am.

I find I'm corralled between Dallas, Oliver and Cameron and we are in a face off with Trevor, Sebastian and Liam. Jesus we didn't even make it 20 minutes into family weekend before the fucking justice league had to make a scene. I roll my eyes.

Mia is looking at brochures on the wall all too familiar with her males' behavior and seemingly unconcerned. Cassidy is standing next to Carter with an 'I'm sorry, but these are your brothers now you're screwed' expression on her face.

Carter looks.. gleeful. He has a look of pure giddiness on his face. He claps his hands like a toddler excited for a treat,

"Do you guys paintball?"

Mia, Cassidy and I scream "NO!" at the same time.

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