Chapter 4

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Ella's Sophomore Year

Oliver and I are escorting Ella to the campus coffee shop. It's a beautiful day out so we are walking slowly, chatting along the way. My company is even more gorgeous then the campus scenery so instead of taking in the trees and flowers I'm just watching her. She's dressed in a white sundress and the top is tightly fitted to her beautiful breasts, her beautiful hair is in two braids hanging down her back and her beautiful face is only covered in subtle makeup. She looks young and carefree and beautiful

I will admit I have a bit of an obsession. My brothers are no better. We have been fascinated with this little bit since she stepped out of her car Freshman year. We have slowly become more entranced with her over the last year and a half. The three of us are always finding reasons to spend time with her and the other guards know to alert us if she needs escorted, or transported somewhere. There have been a few times we were all three able to go off campus with her and they felt like secret little dates..well I thought of them that way, but my date would have to be aware she was on one for it to be considered one.

We've never been anything other then appropriate with Ella. It's strictly against the rules to fraternize with the students and we would never breach that boundary line. We would also never be good enough for a female like Ella. She will have a successful network full of powerful males who will have important careers and families. We have no families to offer, no education and our most promising attribute is our brute strength and marksmanship. 

We know these facts. We remind each other often that we wouldn't be considered for a female like Ella and we remind Oliver daily that he needs let that dream go. He has been enamored with her since he first set eyes on her. He went so far as to pull a fire alarm when she had a date over Freshman year. Luckily, Cameron covered for him and said it was maintenance working on electrical, but Cameron lectured Oliver for over an hour that night. Oliver's heart broken face is still fresh in my memory.

I was worried she was upset with us for our actions that night since we all three admitted to each other we may have been curt with her and a little mean to her date. I may have threatened his life when I escorted him up the stairs. I didn't realize until after the fact that I probably could have gotten in trouble for that. Oh well, would have been worth it. She was all smiles the next morning though. She didn't acknowledge our inappropriate protective behavior and we didn't either, but she hasn't had another suitor visit her dorm either.

We arrive to the coffee shop and she seems to fidget a bit.

"Uhh why don't you guys go walk around since it's so nice out? I'll message you when I'm done." She gives me a big smile that I return automatically. Oliver looks to her,

"We always sit in there while you hang with your girls. We like making sure you're safe and I like having you in viewing distance." Oliver winks at her. 

I take the hint that she gives us and grab Oliver's arm. 

"You're right the weather is great we will take a couple laps. Just message us." I give her a head nod and practically drag Oliver away as she enters the shop.

"What the fuck man? We need to stay, we can't walk all the way across campus and leave her here, what if something happens?"

"What's going to happen, Oliver, she burns her tongue on her latte?" 

"She could... and my mouth could be the only one there to sooth hers." He has a shit eating grin on his face so I punch him in his shoulder.

"She obviously wanted some space hence the reason why she asked us to talk a walk. You're just too stupid to take a fucking hint bro." I tell him. He stops in his tracks to look at me. I don't like the look on his face so I reach out to grab him as he simultaneously takes a step back towards the coffee shop.

"Why would she not want us there.. unless it's a date?" His voice cracks on the word date and he's lost a few shades of color.

"I'm not sure man, it could be a date, which she has every right to go on. Let's keep walking she will message us when she needs us." 

"Yeah you're right dude sorry, let's keep walking." He gestures to the path in front of us so I turn to walk. 

I realize my mistake a moment later when I hear boots pounding on the pavement. I turn to see Oliver sprinting towards the coffee shop. He's much quicker then me, I'm too big to move that fast. Fucker. He knew that and took off like a bat out of hell. I chase after him and by the time I've reached the coffee shop door I already here the tell tale signs of a fire alarm.


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