Chapter 18

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Ella graduates today. It has been the longest few months of my life waiting for this day. I am ready to rip her off of the stage and throw her over my shoulder like a cave man. We have kept our promise of being chaste, but with great difficulty. All three of us have been able to function appropriately since Amy has been giving us weekly injections to counteract the previous ones. We feel like horny teenagers and it's embarrassing.

We met with Dr. Amy one day while Ella was in class and shared our concern for our over active hormones. We are having urges multiple times a day and having to touch ourselves each time to relieve the urges or they are unbearable. We can't even be around Ella without tented pants and I don't want her to think we are only here for sex. Amy just smiled and said it was normal and to expect it to continue for months until we were more adjusted to sexual activity.

I can't imagine suffering like this for months, but maybe if Ella was there to help it wouldn't be so thoughts are distracted when they call my girls name and she walks across the stage to get her degree. We are on our feet screaming and cheering with her family and I'm pretty sure we embarrass her with the degree of loudness coming from our section. She has a big smile on her face and she looks like perfection.

My sweet girl deserves the world and my brothers and I are ready to give it to her. We haven't told her yet, but we bought a house for us. It's spacious and close to campus, only a ten minute drive. Our wages were docked slightly because we no longer agree to injections, but between the three of us we can give Ella a very comfortable life. She wouldn't have to work if she didn't want too, but I know better then that.

We are just relieved we can have our girl to ourselves and no one can stand in the way. We will pamper her and spoil the shit out of her. We have the whole summer off together and we are going to travel with Mia, Trevor, Sebastian and Liam and visit Cassidy and Carter often. We are also hopefully going to have a lot of alone time.

We are starting our life today. Today is just the beginning of a future that wouldn't have been possible without her. She gave us a life worth living and we are so ready to start living. We are surprising her after family dinner with the house. We decorated her room in shades of purple with a huge custom king bed. It's classy and fitting for our little queen.

We have been in discussion for weeks about how we want our first time to be with Ella. We are nervous and unsure of our abilities, but she keeps assuring us we are perfect and it won't be anything less then that. We've decided it's best if we act individually the first time since we are all a little nervous, but agree group activity is vital to our relationship too.

Oliver was upset to find out she had not saved herself for her network. I knew she hadn't based on our unfortunate previous conversation about booty calls, but my brothers weren't aware until she told us one night. Cameron and I don't care about Ella's past, only our future, but Oliver was disappointed and it took a long vidcall with Mia for him to come to terms with it. Mia had gone through something similar with her males and she shared her experience with him. He bonded with his new sister and came off of the call having a better understanding of his female and her family.

Ella walks towards us after the ceremony and I'm taken back by her beauty. I still can't believe I'm worthy of her and I have to check my self conscious thoughts. She's everything I could have asked for. She is more than I prayed for.

After some very uncomfortable dinner conversation, too many sexual innuendos and Trevor making a comment about watching Ella's left hook we are finally ready to take our girl home. Cameron is in the back with her and blindfolds her when we get close. She is vibrating with exciement and it's contagious. I think she thinks we are going to a hotel, but this is going to be so much better.

After a long chat with Carter and Mia's males we decided to propose. The ring is burning a hole in my pocket and my heart is beating quickly. I pull into the driveway in our new SUV and smile. I'm going to pull into this driveway everynight coming home to my family, my brothers and eventually my wife. Maybe even babies one day. I have chills. This is a dream come true.

Cameron lifts her out of the car and carries her bridal style to the porch. Oliver lights some candles along the pathway and kneels. I take my spot next to him and Cameron tells her to keep her eyes closed while he comes and kneels next to me.

"Open your eyes baby."

The command is a soft one from Cameron, but she opens instantly and gasps at the sight.

"What is this?" She's shocked.

"This is your home beautiful girl and you've met us before." Oliver winks.

I pull the ring box out of my pocket and she watches my every move.

"What is that?!" She shrieks.

"Always full of questions my inquisitive girl." She smiles at me with tears in her eyes.

"This is your house baby. This is our house. We bought it for you as a graduation gift. This is where we start our life. Tonight is where our future starts. I want to make a million memories with you here. You gave me a life I never thought possible Ella, thank you. I love you always." Cameron hands her the house key and she takes it with a shaking hand.

"You found me worthy when many few have. I am a different man because of you. I am a better man. I am loyal to you for all of my days beautiful girl. I will protect you, my brothers and our family with my life. Whatever family you chose to bless us with in the future I will also protect. I've loved you since the moment I saw you and I will love you for all of the moments we have left in this life." I wipe my eyes as I speak. Emotional that I have the opportunity to start a life with this female in front of me.

"Hi sweet girl." Oliver smiles big at her. "I plan to be on my knees before you many more times in the near future so get used to this sight." He winks, ever the charmer. She giggles and wipes her tears.

"I love you. With all of my heart and soul. Forever. This is more then I dreamed, Ella. My dreams never compared to this life you've given me. I want everything with you. Every day, every breath. Give me babies that look just like you. Be my wife. Be our wife. Marry us?"

Oliver ends and we wait on bated breath for her response.

"Yes of course. This is such a surprise. Oh my god you bought me a fucking house!!" She screeches and jumps up and down, which gets chuckles out of everyone. She falls unceremoniously to the floor in front of me and puts her hand out expectantly.

"Gimme!" I put the ring on her finger and she takes turns kissing each of us.

"I love you, I love you unconditionally. I want to give you everything. Every part of me. Every wish you've ever had I want to make it come true. My family is yours, for better or worse, so good luck with that." She winks. "I want to give you a house full of babies and I think we should start practicing right now!"

Oliver chokes.

Cameron laughs.

I pick up my girl in my arms. She unlocks the door and I waste no time stealing my soon to be bride away and making her mine.

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