Chapter 13

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We are called to the main security office across campus after our shift and the three of us walk quickly. We are nervous and unsure about what we could be being called for, but also hoping it is not related to Ella. If someone found out our interest for Ella or Oliver's interactions with her, we could be fired. We could possibly be charged with a crime considering the contracts we signed with the university, and worst of all we could be at the mercy of her guardian who could discipline us as he see fit.. and he seems a little unhinged.

We haven't heard from her and that is not helping my nerves. I know she needed time to think, but the urge to stop by her room was so strong today. What if she decided we were out of line yesterday and she's getting rid of us now?

When we arrive my heart stops in my chest. I know now that we have made a grave mistake pursuing Ella like we have. We are going to be punished and lose our jobs over this female because we stupidly thought we could deserve someone like her. We shouldn't have even been allowed to be near her, we would never have been good enough, what were we thinking?

"Men come sit down please." It's our guard leader who speaks. He manages us directly and was the one who hired us.

The dean of Ella's college is sitting next to him and my panic is rising each second. Across from them sits Ella and Carter. Carter's face is neutral, I can't tell if he's angry and that scares me even more.

There are three chairs left open near Ella, but none of us move from the entrance of the room towards her. This feels like a trap and we are mice being tempted with the pretty peanut butter who looks mature and beautiful in dress slacks, some type of floral top and a blazer. Her hair is in a pony tail and it makes her look sophisticated and very much like the lawyer she will be one day. She's going to send us to jail because our worthless asses thought we deserved to breathe the same air as her. Oh god I think I might have a panic attack, my chest is heaving with nerves.

"Guys come sit down please. You look like your being led to the guillotine. Stop being so dramatic this is a good talk."
None of us move. She pulls out the chair next to her.

"Cameron sit here please." Her tone is sweet and she's smiling, but I hear the demand in her request, so I obey. She pulls out the other two chairs and points with her eyes to Dallas and Oliver telling them they need to sit down. They also obey quickly.

"Great. Thank you everyone for joining me and on such short notice. I appreciate your ability to accommodate me." She nods her head to the dean who replies,

"Of course Ella, I am happy to chat whenever you'd like with you and your guardian. Why do we have these males here? What is the purpose of this meeting?"

I can hear it in his voice. He's wondering why an intelligent women like her would be fraternizing with us lowly guards in any way.

"I'm just going to get the the point. I'm sorry, forgive me for being unprofessional but I'm tired and I read so much last night to prepare for this meeting I think I forgot how to spell."
Carter laughs and squeezes the back of her neck.

"You're good Ella. No need to be professional let's just do the damn thing so we can take a nap." He winks at her. He doesn't seem angry? He wasn't in town last night when we saw her so I'm going to assume he drove early this morning to get here.

"I'd like to claim Cameron, Dallas and Oliver as my network legally. I understand the stipulations in the contract they signed when they were hired as guards and they have not violated it in any way. This was my decision and I haven't even officially asked them yet. I thought it was best to do this openly and honestly in front of you both so the males' intentions were not questioned."

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