Chapter 7

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I'm jolted awake by a noise. I'm used to noise considering my two brothers share a room with me, but this must have been a little louder or out of place because it woke me.

"What was that?" Dallas asks into the pitch black dark room.

"I think someone is trying to get in the door." Oliver says. He sounds calm, but I hear him move from his bed and I hear the scratching of metal on wood, which signals Dallas grabbing his fire arm off of his night stand. I get to my feet silently and walk towards the door.

Before I can make it a few feet I trip over something and land hard on my knees. It felt like a body. Oh god it felt like a fucking body. Has someone so silently taken out one of my brothers in the last few seconds? Was that my brothers body? I turn to feel it and can't find it now. It's moved?

"Dallas. Oliver." My voice is loud, a command in the dark for them to reply to me.

"Here" rings out to my right and another "Here" from behind me. They are both accounted for so who the fuck is on my floor?

"Here" another voice rings out in the dark.

"What the fuck!" Oliver screams. I hear him scrambling towards the same door I'm crawling too to get to the light switch. I hear the telltale sign of him flicking the light switch and nothing happens.

"Powers out," It's Dallas who speaks as I hear him attempt to pull the string on a lamp we have near the kitchenette. I also hear his gun cock back. Who the fuck is in here...

A flash light clicks and illuminates a hooded face literally feet in front of me. I scramble back as my brothers and I give out an embarrassingly high pitched scream in unison. The flash light clicks off and we are in darkness again. It was too quick for me to get an ID on the face. I try to stand and I trip again over a mother fucking body on my floor. WHO THE FUCK IS DEAD ON MY FLOOR?!

"What the hell!" Dallas screams before I hear a thunk signaling he was probably taken to the floor by the intruder. I think there is more then one.

"Stop touching me cock sucker!" It's Oliver who shouts as I hear him fighting someone. I'm panicking now. We are under attack. Is someone trying to kill us? We need the god damn lights! I feel around for the body that was there seconds ago and it's gone. Fucker. I stand abruptly and walk quickly to the door.

"Who's there?!" I scream into the dark. A voice to my left whispers,

"We are the justice league, asshole."

"What do you want?!" I ask back, but no response is given by creepy batman.

What in the absolute fuck is happening right now.

My hand is on the handle to the door and I turn, but it's locked. I fumble with the turning lock and then a sharp pain hits me square in the middle of the back. I cry out, fuck! I've been shot!

"I've been shot!" I call out loud this time. There is silence, I can't hear my brothers. I can't hear movement either. I've fallen against the door and I remain there so I can try to hear movement around me. My back is only a dull throb now, was it a pellet gun? It wasn't a real bullet. Thank god.

Before I can take a deep breath in, relieved I wasn't actually bleeding out to death, I feel another sharp pain in my ass cheek.

"Ow, fucker! What do you want?" I barely get the question out before I'm hit at least 5 more times. It feels like there's more then one shooter. I touch my bare chest and my fingers come back sticky, is it fucking paint? It smells like paint.

My feet are grabbed and I'm dragged away from the door, further into the room. I've probably taken 8 hits and they sting, but I can still move so I kick out. I get someone hard in the gut and he grunts. Before I can jump to my feet to fight back there's retreating foot falls and the door is wrenched open. The light spills in from the hallway and I see four hooded figures sprinting out. I turn and see both of my brothers are gagged and their hands tied, but sitting unharmed on their beds... both smiling through their gags.

Mother fuckers.

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