Від SAllen68

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This is my take on episodes 29, 30, etc. and the Fabri, perfume, Can in jail farce. I could not stand Can's... Більше



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Від SAllen68

While the children slept, Can ask Sanem what Dante talked to her about?    She smiled sadly saying, "He actually talked to me about his Momma.   He told me that she was beautiful and kind like me.    He ask me why the kids call me Anne, I told him it meant Momma in Turkey, and he ask if it was okay to call me Anne?    I told him he could call me whatever he wants to, that it would make me happy."    She had started crying and Can wrapped his arms around her hugging her tightly.

He said, "He ask me about his Papa', since he heard us say I knew him.    I told him his Papa' was very brave and strong, and to be very proud of him.    It breaks my heart to think he has almost lost his whole family."

Sanem said, "But he hasn't; now he has a grandfather, two uncles, two aunts, three first cousins, probably two cousins more coming and my parents.    That doesn't even count his grandmother; and if she comes with us to Turkey we will get a second opinion medical consult.   I hope they will both consider it and come back with us."

 Can replied, "I hope so too, but we can't push them, this has been her home for thirty plus years.    We will support her with whatever they decide.    I still have a hard time believing this started from dreams, even though I know it did.   What do you want to happen?"

Sanem sat for a few seconds and then said, "I would love them to come back with us, and we take care of both of them.    I would like for us to adopt Dante, and I think our three have already adopted him.   What do you think?    Are you going to call your Baba and tell him what we found out today?"

Can said, "I agree with you, about us adopting Dante.   I don't think I should call Baba, this is not my story to tell.   If Bayan Cemile does not come back to Turkey with us, then I will have Baba and Mihriban come here and meet with her.   I honestly think that this is their story and she should talk with the both of them, as they were all friends."

Sanem hugged him back laughing and saying, "Well I am very happy this mystery was solved without having to look into anymore of your sexual past.    It wore me out thinking how many women we would have to look for and to interview all of them." 

 She jumped up and ran into the bathroom when Can started tickling her.    He said shaking his head and laughing, "I will get you back for that, and I would now except for waking our children."

The next morning Bayan Cemile phoned Can, and invited them to come visit in the afternoon.    The kids were very excited to go see Dante again, and quickly ate their lunch and got ready.

When they arrived at the home, Dante had the house door open before they could even get out of the taxi.   He ran to the gate and opened it for them.   The kids all gave him a hug, he high-fived Can, but grabbed Sanem in a big hug.   She had tears in her eyes when he let go, and he took off chasing the kids.    Can reached over and got her hand, as he was very touched with how they were greeted.   

They all went into the house and had greeted Bayan Cemile.   She was very happy to see them and hugged all of the Divit family.   The kids surprised Can and Sanem by running and hugging her without being prompted.  That was very unusual for their children, as they were always a little cautious with strangers.

The  kids all played on the floor working puzzles, that Dante got out for them.   Sanem and Can sat beside Bayan Cemile and waited for her to begin speaking.

After she offered drinks or snacks, Bayan Cemile said, "Since yesterday Dante and I have had some very interesting discussions.   The main thing that amazes us is that Sanem has been dreaming about Dante, without any reason.   Dante feels like his Momma made you dream about him and sent all of you to us.  Now I don't know about that, but I do feel like your family is an answer to my prayers.   We have decided together that now is the time for me to return to Turkey, but I worry about being an inconvenience to your family, if we stayed with you.   We can make plans, pack, travel and stay in a hotel for a while.   Then we can decide what we should do, as all of this is very sudden."

Sanem responded, "Our flight leaves in three days, during that time we can help you pack and you could travel back with us.    There is no question about you staying with us; you do not need to pay for a hotel, as we have extra bedrooms.    I just need to know if you have trouble climbing stairs."

Can spoke up saying, "I will contact the airline, and make all of our flight arrangements.   We will ask Ulmut to recommend someone to take care of your home while you are away."

Bayan Cemile replied with tears in her eyes, "Are you sure, you have your hands full taking care of your children?    We would be in the way at your home, and I'm not sure I can climb stairs right now." 

 Sanem said, "No problem, I have an idea."   Can says laughing, "Okay we are in trouble now because if Sanem has an idea, no one else can make any changes."

Sanem playfully punched him in the side, and he started laughing.   The children heard and ran over laughing and started tickling their Baba.   Dante came over, but stood to the side watching as the children pulled their Baba to the floor.   

Sanem touched Can with her foot, and he looked at her.   She kind of motioned toward Dante, and Can reached up and pulled Dante down to the floor.   The kids immediately started trying to tickle him, soon everyone was laughing, and even Bayan Cemile was smiling with tears in her eyes.   She told Can and Sanem, "We will come to Turkey and stay with you, thank you very much."

After a while the Divit's left with a promise to be back first thing the next morning.

When they were back in the hotel room, and the children were settled.   Can asks Sanem, "What is this great idea you have, even though I think I can guess?"

Sanem laughed and said, "You know me so well.    I will call the most organized sister in the world.    I will ask her to hire someone to move your office downstairs to upstairs, and move the guest room furniture downstairs.   Fortunately there is a small complete bathroom attached to your office.   Your Baba is a very smart man and knows how to set up a house."

Can said, "Yes, he does and so do you.   That is exactly what I thought you would do.    It is a perfect idea."

Sanem called Leyla who told her, "It is as good as done already.    Don't worry Sis; I've got this for you.   See you in a few days."  Leyla hung up the phone and called CeyCey, who knows everyone, and he started calling friends to help.   When he and Leyla finished the next day, everything was perfect, and no one charged anything.   They were glad to help out friends.

The next day when the Divit's got to Bayan Cemile's home, Sanem noticed that Dante had been crying.   After he greeted the kids and Can, he went to Sanem and hugged her around her waist.    He then begins weeping loudly.

Sanem sat down on the floor right where they were and hugged him back.    Can wasn't sure what to do, so he had the children come sit on the couch with him.   All of them with Bayan Camile sat and watched Sanem and Dante.

When Dante's crying slowed, Sanem very gently rubbed his hair and ask, "What's wrong son and what can I do to help you right now?"    Dante looked up at her and said, "I really want to go to Turkey with all of you but I don't want to leave Momma and Papa'.   We used to go to the cemetery and visit them every Sunday, until Nonna got to sick.   That's okay because I am still close, but in Turkey I will be so far away."

Now all of the adults were crying with this very sad child.   Bayan Cemile started to say something, and Can looked at her and shook his head no.    He whispered to her to listen to Sanem.

Sanem hugged Dante tight to her and said softly, "Dante I want you to put your hand on your heart and feel."    He looked puzzled, but he did what she said.   She then softly asks, "Do you feel anything?"    He said, "I feel my heart beating."

She said, "Every time you miss your Momma and Papa' I want you to feel your heart beating.    It is beating because your Momma and Papa' loved each other and you so much that they made you.  Your heart beats because of them and if you are far away, all you have to do is feel your heart beat and you will know they are with you always.    You can always visit the cemetery, but your parents aren't really there because they are in your heart beat.   They loved you so much and they would want you to be happy.   If going to Turkey makes you unhappy, then we need to think of something else."

Dante looked up at Sanem and said in a whisper, "Can I come live with you in Turkey and take my heart beat with me?"   Sanem, Can, and Bayan Cemile started chuckling softly through their tears and Sanem said, "Of course you can, but those three little ones on the couch might drive you crazy."

Dante said, "No they won't Anne, they are my brother and sisters."   He jumped up and started running around the room saying, "You can't catch me."     Next thing they knew all three kids were chasing him; the adults were crying and laughing at the same time.

Sanem went over to Bayan Cemile, and apologized if she overstepped any boundaries.    Bayan Cemile hugged Sanem saying, "That was perfect, thank you so much for helping him cope.    All of you are exactly what he needs; I can die in peace knowing he will be loved."

Can spoke up saying, "There will be no more talking about dying any time soon; we have already made an appointment for you in Istanbul, with an Oncologist for a second opinion.   You just need to have your Doctor send your records to the specialist.   Now I had better gain a little control of these children or we will not get anything done today."

Bayan Cemile and Sanem sat and drank tea while Can and the children played together.   After a while Sanem helped Bayan Cemile pack a lot of photo albums, awards and school journals of Luca's, to ship to Turkey.   They were able to pack to ship quite of few things that had belonged to Elena and Luca for Dante to have when he was older.   Elena had kept journals from the time she knew she was pregnant till she passed away, and they packed all of them very carefully to be shipped.

After a light lunch that Sanem had prepared, Bayan Cemile and the three younger children all lay down on her bed together and to take a nap.    The children had fallen in love with Bayan Cemile and were excited to lie on her big bed while she read them one of Dante's older books.

While Sanem cleaned the kitchen after lunch, Can and Dante worked together packing things in Dante's room.   Sanem could hear them laughing and talking while they packed.   She was so happy to see how well those two were getting along.   She felt more and more that they were doing what they were supposed to be doing.

The only concern she had was what Baba Aziz would do when heard this story.   Would he be angry that he never knew about Luca?     Would he understand why he was never told?    Would he forgive Bayan Cemile, and would he accept Dante as his grandson?   

The only thing that Sanem felt would be okay, was accepting Dante.    But if he didn't she would be a fierce Anne and make sure he didn't hurt Dante's feelings.   For now, all Sanem knew in her heart, was that they were doing the right thing.

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