Sentinel Boys

By Cali_Black

183K 7.8K 1K

Ella is ready to take charge at law school, but she soon becomes the charge of three very distracting men. C... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 1

20.5K 541 101
By Cali_Black

Freshman year of college, 18 years old

I'm sitting in the back seat of my sister's Jeep as Carter drives us towards my dorm. It's move in week and I've chosen to arrive on the very first day allowed. I like to be prepared and I wanted time to map out my classes and the places I'll need to utilize on campus. Carter and Cassidy are in the front seat while Mia and I are in back. Cassidy is my 33 year old  sister who's cared for me since our mom passed when I was 7, and Carter is her husband. They met when I was 12 and he's been a vital part of our lives since.

I look very similar to Cassidy. We share the same long brown hair and bright green eyes. My sisters and I all share the same genetic trait for being short unfortunately as I stand at 5'5 and I'm the tallest. We also share the same golden tan skin from living by our pool this summer. Mia is 16. She looks very different from Cassidy and I with full dirty blonde hair and big brown eyes. She is also a beautifully wild and fierce female. Mia is athletic and popular. She makes friends easily wherever she goes and males flock to her.

She has had a harem of males since she was 10 years old. She is the kind of girl that inspires that type of loyalty. Her boys are madly in love with her and Trevor, Liam and Sebastian have been like brothers to me. Their story is that of fairytales. Mia calls them her bestie boys, but as they grow so do their romantic feelings. It's sweet to watch and I have no doubt she will have a network with her males before I can even find one suitor.

I'm more reserved then both of my sisters. I keep to myself and focus on my studies and goals. I enjoy friends and males just like the next women, but I have big dreams and I won't let anyone deter me from those. I threw myself into my studies after our mom passed from cancer and our dad left. I was so young and wasn't able to understand what was happening around me. I focused on what I could control, which was my school work and my future.

I want to be independent and successful and I never want to have to rely on a man because I learned first hand from my father just how unreliable they are. I have dated males and been intimate with a few, but I have not had a desire to form a network or allow a male to court me seriously. Sometimes I envy what my sisters have with their males, but the thought of allowing a man close enough to cause me pain eradicates that envy. I am busy. I have things to learn and lives to change. I don't have time to cry in my room over a male. I don't have time for much else besides hard work and dedication.

I watch out the window as my campus comes into view. It's gorgeous. It's pristine and perfect. I'm giddy with excitement to start my future here. I was accepted into a specialized program for females who's focuses are in medical, engineering, science or law. Females tuition is payed for by the government and I am provided an even larger monthly stipend then usual due to my admittance into this particular program. All that means to me is I don't need to work and I can focus all of my time and attention on my studies.

I'll be surrounded with like minded women who's goals are similar to mine. That is exciting to me. I've always struggled making friends. I just prefer to focus on my education instead of my socialization, but in high school that just makes you weird. Maybe I'll have real friends here. Ones who will study and engage with me instead of the females I'm used too from back home who showed no interest in me. I'm quiet, but only because I have a lot of thoughts. I have no problem speaking my mind I just don't usually have a reason too.

I promised myself I'd make more of an effort to be friendly and to be normal. The campus is coed and there are majors of all kinds, but the females in my program and dormed together and our building has added amenities such as study rooms and a library. I've only seen pictures of the building but it looks luxurious. The room didn't look like any dorm I've ever seen. We don't even have to share.

The female population is so low we are valued above males. It sounds harsh, but it's just fact. We are valued because of our ability to make babies and repopulate, not because we are brilliant and capable of making change. Make no mistake though- I am here to make change. I'm studying law with a focus on female rights. I will be here for four years until I graduate from this program and then I'll spend another two in a post grad program. Six years of school... that's a dream come true for me.

I want to force change in our male dominated society. I want females to be able to walk the streets safely without chaperones. I want single females to be able to make choices for themselves, just as networked females are. I want females to be able to form all female networks if they so chose too. I don't want to stand on some fucked up pedal stool..I want equal footing on the same concrete ground everyone else stands on.

I'm brought out of my thoughts when we pull in front of my dorm building. It's just as majestic as it was in the photos and I squeal in anticipation.

"Holy fuck. Ella! You live in a fucking castle!!" Mia's face is practically glued to the window.

"Jesus Mia watch the fucking language. I'm going to have to have a talk with those males when we get back that shits not acceptable." Carter replies exasperated and Cassidy and I burst into laughter knowing that Mia picked up her cursing habit from him. 

"It's beautiful. I can't wait to see inside. Ugh hurry up come on, come on!! I urge Mia out of the car so I can slide out her side towards my building. I'm staring up in awe at the building when a guard approaches to ask if we need assistance with my belongings. Like I said, females are a commodity so we have to be guarded like fucking sleeping beauty. Ugh now listen to me. A car ride with Mia for a few hours and I sound like a sailor.

The males who attend this school pay exorbitant amounts of money so everything here is posh and expensive. Including the guards who stand at attention along the pathway in front of the building. There was a whole brochure about these guards in my welcome packet and they really do look impressive. The ones assigned to my building live on the bottom floor and are surveilling the inside and out 24/7. We have guards to walk us to class, from class, to eat, to read, to work out, to breath... you get the idea. I wasn't even allowed to bring my car because a guard has to take me to run my errands.

Carter is an officer of the law and was very pleased with the security and even hung the brochure up on the fridge where he admired it each day. I, however, am not pleased. Cassidy reminded me it's the (free) price I pay to attend this amazing school and I agreed I'd behave and allow an escort without too much fuss.

The guard who approached looks strikingly like Carter. I have to do a double take when they shake hands because the similarities are uncanny. The male is a little shorter then Carter, I'd say maybe 5'10 or so, but has the same neatly trimmed blonde hair, bright blue eyes, boyish face and big white smile. He's very handsome. I'm no nun. I enjoy casual sex and male attention and he is someone I'd definitely like some attention from.

"Yes sir." The male replies to whatever Carter asked.

I walk over to make sure Carter isn't requesting a tracker be imbedded in my skull.

"Hello, I'm Ella." I put my hand out for him to shake.

"Nice to meet you miss. My name is Cameron. I'm in charge of one of the squadron of guards in your building. We would like to assist you and your family with your personal items."

He sounds so professional. His hand his warm and huge, it engulfs mine. His black tactical uniform is folded up his forearms and I see they are corded with muscle and I practically salivate over the sight. I'm close enough to smell him and he smells delicious. It's been a while since I had male company and I might be feeling a little overwhelmed with the hunk of man being dangled  in front of me.

"Ella. Stop drooling. Did you hear that? There's more then one squadron. Ella, there's three in your building alone!" Carter has poked me in the ribs and is now clapping and squealing while staring at Cameron like he too wants to spend more time alone with this man.

"Yes Carter, I heard. More prison guards. Yay." I mumble and turn to start unloading the Jeep. I wipe my mouth to make sure there really is no drool. That was embarrassing. I round the Jeep to see two other security males have started unloading and my sisters are standing back watching,

"Wow you are like really strong huh?" Mia is admiring one's lifting technique.

"Are you single?" Cassidy asks the other.

Dear god. What did I do to deserve this? I put my hands together in a praying motion and look to the sky. Why do they always have to act uncivilized. By the time I've opened my eyes Carter is standing next to me and has his hands in the same position. He peeks one eye open to see I'm done and steps forward out of our prayer circle,

"And Amen."

The two guards look to me and are both also very handsome. Shit, is sexy a requirement? I'm pretty sure there's a strong no fraternizing rule so why the hell would they hire ones so tempting?!

One seems similar to my age and his skin is a few shades darker then mine.  He has black hair cut in a military fade and eyebrows that stand out against his face. His eyes are dark and I can see dark lashes from here. His jaw is sharp and his lips are so plump. Oh lord his lips.

The other is an actual giant. I'm pretty sure he was created in a lab because his size seems unnatural. His tan looks similar to Cameron's and I'm guessing they spend a lot of time outdoors. His light brown hair is longer then everyone else's I've seen and it's a little tousled like he runs his hands through it. He has a neat beard trimmed closely to his face, which I find I like. His eyes are brown, but not the dark brown like his cohort, but a light brown that glitters a little in the sun.

"What are we praying for?" Cassidy questions.

"Hopefully for these males' virtues since she was eye fucking them so hard." Carter deadpans.

The younger guard drops a box and I hear glass break. The giant looks to me with a 'deer in headlight' expression and then quickly averts his eyes. He clears his throat and addresses Carter,

"I apologize sir. We made eye contact with her first. We meant no disrespect."

"I should have your eyeballs fermented for that!" Carter's voice is high pitched and his head is buried in the back of the Jeep pulling things out. Cassidy and Mia are laughing at the whole exchange and I flip them off, which makes them laugh harder.

A throat clears and I turn to see Cameron just feet behind me. Super cool. I wonder how much he heard.

"This is Oliver." He points to the younger one. "And this is Dallas." He gestures to the giant.

"They will be some of the males who see to Ella directly." Cameron looks to Carter as he speaks and emphasizes the word see.

"Okay fine you can keep your eyes." Carter grumbles.

I walk to Oliver who is still worrying over the box he most definitely broke something in.

"I'm Ella it's nice to meet you Oliver. Don't worry about the box it's most likely just a picture of my family and I'm disowning them after today."
I turn to Dallas,
"It's nice to meet you too. Thank you for helping us with my stuff."

I give them a kind smile and they both look ...upset? I can't pinpoint the emotion that crosses their faces, but I'm pretty sure my inappropriate misfit family upset them. Ugh awesome first impression.

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