The Wimpy Kid Vs The Bully.

By xLadyBirdx

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Ben has never got bullied before in his entire life but as soon as he reaches the 8th grade his life becomes... More

The Wimpy Kid Vs The Bully
Chapter 3 (Three)
Chapter 4 (Four)
Chapter 5 (Five)
Chapter 6 (Six)
Chapter 7 (Seven)
Chapter 8 (Eight)
Chapter 9 (Nine)
Chapter 10 (Ten)
Chapter 11 (Eleven)
Chapter 12 (Twelve)
Chapter 13 (Thirteen)
Chapter 14 (Fourteen)
Chapter 15 (Fifthteen)
Chapter 16 (Sixteen)

Chapter 2 (Two)

839 34 43
By xLadyBirdx

Will Jake Stand up to the bullies? Yes? No? Read on to find out :D

Chapter - Two (2)

Around me it's still and peaceful. I reckon I was still asleep. I fell into a dream, based on what happened today after school but this time I was the bully! And Drake, Gary and Steven were my previous place. They didn't like it when I was bullying them.. In fact, they cried and wet their pants. I only wish it came true. Thinking about it is giving me idea's. But my dream was soon interrupted, by my mum waking me up.

"Is it 7am already?"

"Yes dear, so wake up, go get a bath and eat some breakfast."

"Argh! I'll be there in a minute" I hissed.

I slowly got up, and stretched back and forth whilst i clicked my toes. I felt the need to make it seem like i was getting up, until she left the room and then i could sit back on the bed. As i did i made a big thump and tucked myself in my warm duvet. She came back, booting the door open making sure she wouldn't have to buy a new bed.

"Ben! I said get up! This instant!" She snapped.

"I SAID I'M GETTING UP!" I yelled.

"Don't you dare give me that attitude! I carried you in my stomach for nine damn months, it wasn't easy giving birth to you since your head was so God damn big! It took an hour just for it to come out of my 'you-know-what', so don't talk to me in that manner!"

"Lalalala, yeah, whatever. I didn't ask to be born in the first place, did I?!

""Well why don't you just die right now, then?" What type of cruel mother says that? 'Why don't you die right now then?'.

She was already bullying me by saying my head is big. If dad was here none of this would probably be taking place. Everyday she'd nag and nag. Never shuts up. I jumped out of my warm bed and made my way to the shower, the water was ice cold. I picked up the slippery blue soap bar. It slipped out of my hand and hit my eye. I was blinded for seconds, I turned the tap on letting through water but as i did my forehead came in contact with the shower doors. It started to bleed. The pain was so sharp, it felt like someone stuck a needle through it.

"MUM!! COME, NOW!!!" I screeched.

It took me a while to get out of the shower since i could barely see. After i got out, i wiggled my arm around to feel where my towel was. At that point i remembered it was on the floor.. as usual. I picked it up and dried myself before my mum came in. I didn't like her watching me when i bathed, it was so uncomfortable. Although she might of when I was a baby, but if I knew any better I wouldn't have let her do it in the first place.

"What's the matter, Ben?"

I pointed at my multi-coloured lump, as it was swelling and blood was dripping onto the bathroom floor, causing a little puddle. She looked as if she wanted to make the lump worse than it is now. "I'll go get the first aid kit again. Whilst you go and get ready for school" She sighed."Ahhh, I don't want to go school!" I moaned. I got my iron uniform off the ironing board as I walked past my room, and adjusted it carefully on me, without getting any blood on it. This time I tried pulling down my trousers so they weren't at the my ankles, but at a normal length. It might make them not bully me as much. Also, these shiny velcro shoes just makes things worse.

I need some classy trainers. And last but not least, for once, I didn't button the top button of my school t-shirt. My mum came in minutes later with the first aid kit. "Well you took your time, didn't you?" I said, raising an eyebrow. She just ignored me and applied the disinfectant on it once again, then put a plaster on, to cover it. The plaster was huge. How could I possibly go to school like this? It's just going to be a big embarrassment for me, as soon as I walk in!

"Okay it's time to go to school now. Oh, wait a minute! Why are your trousers baggy?"

I was speechless. No matter how much I tried I couldn't think of a good enough excuse. Also I wasn't going to tell her I got bullied.

"Pull them back up this instant!" She snapped.

I obeyed her word and pulled them up slowly. Thinking she would forget about it, then I could pull them back down a bit, again. I left the house at 8:15 and made my way slowly towards the bus stop. The long grass made my ankles itch, as I walked along it. I got to the bus stop and at that minute my bus arrived, behind two other cars. It was the 97. I tapped my oyster card on the beeper, as usual. There wasn't really anyone on the bus, except for a few adults and elderly people. Ahead of me at the back were some empty seats and a heater.

I went and sat down there and stared outside the window, resting my feet on the heater. For most of the journey, I got really bored at times and it took me roughly an hour to get to school. Since I had nothing to do and their wasn't really any children on the bus, I started writing on the windows since it was misty and i had nothing else to do. Half way through my journey to school their was a car crash. So the bus was moving very slowly. I looked forward and saw Alice being teased by Drake, Steven and Gary. I didn't want to call her just in case they saw me too and got on the bus. But on the other hand I really wanted to call her. But, the best time to do it was when the bus was moving just so I know they wouldn't be able to catch up to me. The bus started to move.

Relieved, I banged at the bus window until I got their attention. When they looked up I put my middle finger up at them. They left Alice alone, but then their facial expression changed. They looked so angry and started running after the bus. I started laughing as the bus was speeding on and leaving them behind. But my minutes of laughter ended when the bus stopped and they started to catch up. Now, this was definitely not a laughing matter. They caught up to the bus and you could tell they were out of breath. I tried hiding but their was no where to hide this time and also, no escape root.

"So.. Who's laughing now, ey?" Said Drake.

Clenching his fist tightly, as if he's just about to punch something.

"Not me!" I said scarily. But, in my mind I was agreeing so strongly.

"Well we saw you and your remark!" Said Gary.

I thought maybe they'd just let me have some victory for once but, I guess I was wrong. I covered my eyes, tear drops forming, ready to fall. I just kept thinking, 'This is the end..'.

"Let's show him what we got!", Drake said, winking to Steven and Gary.

Gary took hold of my shoulder, giving a very firm grip on it. I was just waiting for the heavy punch, until I opened my eyes to see that they were being stopped by the bus driver. It was the same bus driver as before.. But, what makes him stand up for me this time? They started an argument which on both sides was good and bad. Good because the traffic was going, bad because they would get me back twice as bad at school. I sure didn't have the last laugh at all. But maybe the last tear, for certain. Due to their behaviour they got kicked of the bus. It was pretty embarrassing for them since every body in the bus stared at them, watching their every move as they got thrown off. I didn't even bother to look out the window, I just sat back on my seat. I Nearly got burnt by the heater, so I released my foot off of it.

Their was no point of me heading to school if my school was just at the next stop. The bus started to move really slow and it was already 9:03 on my digital watch. I had to be at school by 9:15. Not all the time but since my attendance had been 100% all year, I really didn't see the need of ruining it now. I pressed the bell, this time it wasn't dirty but I still wiped my hands with sanitise just in case of germs. I walked down the steps, ignoring the stares I got from people, glaring at the massive blue plaster on my forehead. For once the bus actually stopped for me, which I was surprised about, since any other time, he'd never do that. I got off and took my limping legs as fast as I possibly could.

On the way, I was barging past people, just trying to look for Alice, but she was nowhere to be found. She was probably at school by now or at the bus stop. Barging them just got me in enough pain than what I already was in. As I was limping I kept looking back just in case they were after me. Fortunately they weren't. I was so happy, until I bumped into Drake as he stood in front of me majestically. I could feel the blood squirting out onto the plaster from my lump but I didn't want to say anything just in case he'd rip it off.

"You think we were finished dealing with you, didn't you?" Garry spat.

I thought it was best not to speak as actions speak louder than words, apparently. The thing was.. I didn't know how to control my actions so they never came at the time when I needed them most. Drake grabbed me by the neck. My feet no longer touching the ground and my ankle length trousers were literally up to my knees. My face pink as it glowed up by all the blood that wasn't flowing throughout my body. I couldn't breathe the slightest and felt as if I was going to faint. Until they let go of me.. By throwing me back down on the ground. Making me scrape my back. I started to cough really loudly, and a lot of my "friends" who were around started to call others to come watch the scene. I was suffocating on loss of oxygen. Nobody could even ask for them to stop or anything.

Just standing there gasping, probably afraid of themselves getting hurt if they helped me. They finally dropped me and I picked myself up slowly, rubbing my neck thinking it will make it better. No. It just made it even more worse than before. Making it sore and itchy. I started to walk away."Hey! Where do you think your going? We still haven't finished yet. Give us your money!" Shouted Steven. He looked like he got forced into bullying other's. He looked familiar aswell, well... different from Gary, of course, although they could probably even be twins.

"I don't have a-a-a-..." I couldn't get my words out properly.

My throat is so dry, like sand that had laid in the sun in the middle of the Sahara dessert. Since I had no money at all, they planned to give me what they call the "ultimate un definement". I had no idea what that could possibly be but I knew for a fact that it wasn't going to be anything pleasant, at all. Steven grabbed me by the hands, tying them up with my school Tie, the bell rang but the students still stayed. All gathered around, looking.

Drake followed on, behind me. And somehow ripped off my belt and managed to pull down my trousers. Revealing my pink tight boy underpants. So tight that, sometimes it gave me cramps below. My cheeks went plain magenta. I was so embarrassed. All the girls pointed and laughed and Drake took out his camera phone and took pictures. Out of everyone laughing, I looked beyond the people that were laughing and saw Alice. She looked so disappointed. She looked at me with a straight face then turned back around and walked off. After she walked off, she came back but this time with a teacher. It was Mrs Grappe. My favourite Teacher, she use to teach me in primary school from year 2-5 then she left due to another teacher who made her get fired.

"Hey! The bell has rang everybody get inside. And as for you, Drake, Steven and Gary.. Come with me this instant!" She yelled.

YES! Finally someone was doing something, but wasn't that someone supposed to be me? And why was I still handcuffed with my trousers hanging down below. It was okay at first, since I didn't see any sight of cars, till 5 minutes later they started driving past frequently stopping by and such. Argh, I just wish this could all be a dream, but I wasn't the one getting tortured!

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