Hometown| Mike Wheeler

By tvdxst

9.9K 178 27

Elizabeth Tate isn't that well known in Hawkins Middle School, but it is known that it wasn't likely she talk... More



254 4 1
By tvdxst

The girls had towels wrapped around them, leaning on each other's shoulders, as Mike, Lucas, Dustin and I sat with them on the bleachers, waiting for the next direction.

After Nancy, Jonathan, and the adults had dispersed, we were left sitting there in silence.

Mike checks his watch, letting out a sigh and standing up, yelling for the teens as he walks out of the school.

He comes back in, "They're gone."

"What?" Lucas asks.

"Nancy and Jonathan," Mike specifies, "His cars gone."

"They're probably just sucking face somewhere." Dustin reasons.

"Gross." Lucas moans.

"Ew, no, Dustin. At least, not at a time like this." I shake my head.

"Did they go with the chief?" Dustin questions.

"I don't know." Mike shrugs.

"No." El denies.

"What? Did you see them? Do you know where they went?" Mike interrogates.

"Yes." Eleven answers.

"Where? Where did they go?" Mike queries.

"To demogorgan." Ten cuts in.


"Guys, guys! This is crazy," Mike exclaims as the boys stand in a group, and I rub the two tired girls' backs, "We can't just wait around."

"Mike, in case you forgot, we're still fugitives. The bad men are still looking for us." Lucas reasons.

"Yeah, and we don't even know where your sister is." Dustin adds.

"They can find them." Mike motions his hands towards Eleven and Ten.

"Mike, look at them," Dustin points his hands to the two exhausted girls, "I still think we should stick to the chief's plan."

"Exactly. We stay here, keep El and Ten out of sight and keep 'em safe," Lucas explains, "That's the most important thing, remember? Besides, she's okay. She's with Jonathan."

"Yeah, and she's kinda a badass now so..." Dustin trails, making his point and spinning around, making his way to the gym doors.

"Well, where are you going? You just said stick to the plan!" Mike shouts.

"I am. I'm just gonna go get some chocolate pudding. I'm telling you, Lunch Lady Phyllis hoards that shit." Dustin responds.

"Are you serious?" Mike yells.

"El needs to be recharged!" Dustin retorts, throwing up his shoulders in a shrug.

Lucas runs after him as I stand up, making eye contact with Mike, both of us sighing deeply.


"Guys, I found the chocolate pudding!" Dustin screams to Mike and I.

"Okay!" I reply in annoyance, leaning my head in my hands.

"You...okay?" Ten asks, a small smile placed on her lips.

"Oh, yeah. I'm fine. Just tired is all." I shrug, sitting up.

"What's 'putting'?" I overhear El ask.

"Pudding." I correct with a chuckle, Ten and I taking a seat at the table Mike and El were sitting at.

"Pudding, it's...it's this goo that you eat with a spoon." Mike explains, "Don't worry, when all this is over, you two won't have to keep eating junk food and leftovers like a dog anymore. My mom, she's a pretty awesome cook. She can make you whatever you like."

"My mom too," I inform Ten, "My mom makes the best lasagna."

Mike laughs.

"Eggos?" El asks, hopefully.

"Well, yeah, eggos, but real food, too," Mike sighs, "See, I was thinking, once all this is over and Will's back and you guys aren't a secret anymore, my parents can get you an actual bed for the basement, or you can take my bedroom if you want, since i'm down there all the time anyways, and Elizabeth's parents can let you get a bed for her closet-room. My point is, our parents will take care of you guys. My parents will be like your new parents, El, and Nancy she'll be like your new sister."

"Will you be like my brother?" Eleven asks Mike.

"What?" Mike scoffs, shaking his head, "No, no."

Eleven looks to me, furrowing her eyebrows before looking back to Mike, "Why 'no'?"

"Because..." Mike looks to me, flustered, before turning back to Eleven, "'Cause it's different."

"Why?" Eleven asks.

"I mean, I don't know, I guess it's not," Mike sighs, "It's stupid."

"Hey! Lizzie! Come help us get some of this pudding!" Lucas screams.

I roll my eyes, grumbling, "Coming!"

I slowly rise from my seat, Ten following me out the door.

When I had made it to the boys, their arms were filled with pudding.

"Here, take these," Dustin hands me a load of pudding, "Here, Ten, you have these," He hands a pile of the containers to her.

I shake my head as the boys go back to the fridge doors, continuing to go through the puddings.

Ten and I slowly make our way back, giggling at the boys who were so crazy for the chocolate food.

We step back into where Mike and El were, only to be met by Mike's lips on hers. There was a slight pain in my chest as they pulled apart, smiles on their faces.

Ten pushes past me, dumping the pudding on the table as I notice head lights creeping up from the window, "Mike, your sister."

Mike gets up, "Guys, I'll be right back. Just stay here."

Lucas and Dustin come back with the rest of the sweet pudding, Dustin with a big grin on his face, "This will charge you two right up, i'm telling you."

Ten already had opened a can from the ones we brought earlier, and there was chocolate along her top lip.

"Guys! Guys!" Mike shouts, rushing into the room.

"What is it?" Lucas asks.

"They found us." Mike pants.

We race out the door, and around the dark halls of the school. It was weird being here, dark and empty, no chatter or kids buzzing around.

"How did they find us?" Lucas asks, fear evident in his voice.

"I don't know, but they knew we were in the gym." Mike says quickly.

"Lando." Dustin assumes, like he had only days before.

The doors in front of us open, and a bright lights flashes us right in the face.

We all run the other direction, down the hall, following El and Ten who had taken the lead.

Again, the bad men had rounded the corner, flashing us with their flashlights. We turn around, taking a left and running down the hall, curse words spilling from our mouths.

A woman then steps in front of us, pointing a gun at the group of us, men standing behind her. We were now trapped, people armed with guns surrounding us at every corner.

Eleven and Ten take each others hands, focusing on the woman.

The flashlights begin to flicker, and that was when the fear was shown in the woman's eyes. But that wasn't the only thing in her eyes. Every single person there had started to bleed from their eyes, grunting and shaking, before dropping to the ground.

I almost scream in terror, but hold back,  grabbing onto Lucas' arm.

Okay, so maybe I'm scared.
Scratch that, I'm terrified.

The girls drop to the floor, and we all surround them.

"El, are you okay?" Mike cries, "El!"

"Hey, Ten?" I lightly shake her, but her eyes stayed shut, "Ten, you alright? T, hey, get up. Ten, come on, please, you have to-have to get up."

"Something wrong." Mike states.

"They're just drained." Dustin asserts.

"No, no, no," Mike shakes his head, "she won't wake up, El!"

"Ten's not waking up either," My eyes start to water a little, in fear of the worst, "Come on, someone help me get her up."

"She's barely breathing." Mike informs us as Lucas goes to help me to pick up Ten.

"We gotta go." Lucas declares.

"Leave them!" A deep voice orders, sternly. A white haired man walks over, two bodyguards at his side, "Step away from the children."

"No!" Mike shrieks, "You want them, you have to kill us first."

"That's right!" Dustin adds.

"Eat shit!" Lucas curses.

"Yeah, you grody motherfu-" I cut myself off when a group of men come from behind us, pulling us away, "No! No! Ten! Eleven!"

I fight and thrash around in the men's tight grasp, his arm wrapped tightly around me, stopping me from going anywhere.

But, at just the right moment, when both his arms were trying to keep me from slipping away, I bite down on his forearm, the man recoiling and screaming out in pain. I try making a dash for it, but immediately get pulled back by my hair.

"Elizabeth! Hey, don't touch her you asshole!" Mike yells.

As we fight to get out of the arms of the men, the white-haired-weirdo had picked up both Eleven and Ten. His hands cupped Elevens face, his other arm holding Ten.

The girls looked around, whimpering.

As the man had tried telling the girls to come back with him, Eleven had started to cry out, "Mike."

The electricity had started blinking on and off once again, and I looked up wearily.

"Blood." Mike mutters.

"What?" Lucas questions.

"Blood." Mike repeats.

The brick wall of the school had started to crumble, and a familiar looking creature smashes out.

The same tall creature that I saw the night it had taken Will, that had started all of this, the, "Demogorgon," Dustin breathes out.

It's flower, like, mouth opens up, revealing the tiny sharp teeth lined all over.

The guards let go of us to take out their guns.

We take this as a chance to get the girls. Mike and Lucas help El up as Dustin and I help Ten, her arms draped across our shoulders.

The continuous gun shots fired in my ear as we ran down the hall, away from the monster.

We stumble into a classroom, slamming the door shut behind us. We set the girls on some larger tables, both girls looking worse then ever.

"Just hold on a little longer, okay?" Mike sniffles.

"Yeah, this will all be over soon," I assure. I take Ten's hand in mine, "When everything is okay, and you're better, we'll be able to live at my house, and we can be sisters. Your papa will never be able to hurt you. You'll be safe, with me. And we can play together, and color together, like sisters do. We'll face everything, together."

"Really?" Ten smiles, both of us now crying.

"I promise you, T." I laugh, although my eyes were still brimmed with tears.

A close by screech brought us out of our moment, all of us listening in on the gunfire, until it completely stopped.

We stood there, waiting in silence for it to begin again, but it never did.

"Is-is-is it dead?" Dustin asks.

"I-I don't know." I stutter.

In that moment, the door comes crashing down. A fleshy creature standing on four legs in its place.

We all rush Lucas to get his wrist rocket, but I had a feeling it wasn't going to do much. I was hoping it was going to buy us time until Nancy got back, but that wasn't the case.

Lucas grabs it from his bag, Dustin handing him one of the many rocks we had collected and were now stored in his bag.

Lucas pulls back the band, shooting the monster right in its face. The creature roars back in response.

The rocks were doing absolutely nothing, and the demogorgon was only getting closer.

Mike pulls me behind him and the boys as they hurry to hit the monster.

Dustin and Mike scream at Lucas in panic, the rocks only bouncing off of its body.

Lucas pulls back the band, letting it go. The demogorgan flies back, into the chalkboard.

I look at Lucas with wide eyes, "W-was that you?"

Lucas shakes his head, the boys backing up into me.

Two ill girls, holding hands, stalk past us, determination set in their darkened features.

"Eleven, stop!" Mike demands.

Both Mike and I going to stop them, but we get flung back.

Mike hits his head against the cabinet, letting out a groan.

I watch helplessly as Eleven and Ten face the monster, slowly turning their heads around.

"Goodbye, Mike." Eleven softly cries.

"Elizabeth," Ten frowns, looking at me, "Bye, sister."

"No more." Eleven mutters when both girls had turned back around. Through my teary-eyes, I could see that both girls were holding out their arms.

A screech erupts into the air, so loud that we had to block our ears so we could not hear the painful noise.

I squeeze my eyes shut, holding my hands over my ears.

The noise stopped, and I open my eyes, seeing the lights were now on and all that was left of the girls were ash.

I quickly stand up, "Ten? Ten?" Mike does the same, only screaming Elevens name. I drop to the floor where the ash is, tears gushing from my eyes, "No, Ten. No!" I scream, looking up at Lucas, "They're gone. She's gone."

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