Maid for the Alpha

By Nikki_Hudak

473K 19.6K 2.5K

! WARNING! This contains MATURE language and SEXUAL content. Not recommended for young readers. Please re... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Reader's Choice!
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
FYI - Update
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 (Part 1)
Chapter 19 (Part 2)
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Readers' Choice 2!
Chapter 22
Update & Chapter 23 Teaser
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Thank You!
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Author Update
Chapter 28 (Part 1/Teaser)
Chapter 28 (Part 2)
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 (Sneak Peak)
Chapter 35 (Continued)
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 (Part One)
Chapter 37 (part two)
Chapter 37 (part three - last part)
Chapter 38
Author's Note
Author's Note
Chapter 40
Time for a Vote!
Update from the Author
News & Sneak Peak
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Author's Update
Chapter 43

Chapter 39

3.8K 161 30
By Nikki_Hudak

Thank you all for your continued support of this story. Your votes and comments mean so much to me. As a writer I am continuously growing in my craft and a part of that includes some hard lessons. As you read, you may notice a change. In previous chapters I used the word "Gypsy". I am formally apologizing as this is a derogatory term and hurtful to the various traveler peoples. For the duration of the story these characters shall be Romani. I am currently working my way backwards in the story and am unsure how long this will take. If you find any G-words that I missed, please let me know right away so I can correct it. I thank you for your understanding and again apologize for my error. (note: this paragraph will be repeated in future chapters to ensure all my readers have the opportunity to read this notice)


There was nothing but the pounding of her heart ringing in her ears... and the shiver of her skin reaching to her soul as Leland's haunted gaze captured Liz. Slowly she rose, breathless and unbelieving – as time seemed to stretch into oblivion.

"Leland..." the word whispered through her lips, but the reality escaped her senses. After all that had happened, the world seemed too unreal now – as if this were a dream within a nightmare. She could still feel the tightening grasp of drying blood on her skin and sense the tingling sparks of unrealized power in her fingertips – and yet... a swell of pent up emotions pushed their way to the surface as she looked at her werewolf Mate.

She wanted to ask him What happened? Where were you? But could not utter another word. She wanted to yell and shout and berate him for not being there to protect her. But could not summon the anger. She wanted to run to him, hold him and never let him go. But could not move her feet.

She stood still and silent... as if bewitched – lost to the undercurrent of passion and pain where only his eyes, his incandescent cerulean eyes permeated her vision. The rest of the world just fell away, crushed beneath the power of the need for her Mate – her Leland, who finally stood before her once more.

The Lord Alpha's unbelieving eyes slowly reconciled back to reality and the breath of shock that he subconsciously held was released. His paws twitched, as if to take a step forward, but remained firmly cemented to the floor as a swarm of feuding feelings ravaged his already battered soul.

The wolf wanted to howl as joy, relief and protectiveness fought to remain on the surface, but Leland's humanity was quickly rising. As rational awareness began to override his animalistic instincts, he was becoming cognizant of the cost that had been made. While he wanted nothing more than to shift, run to his Mate and take her into his arms, grief and shame held him back.

She never should have gone through something like this. He should have realized who the Rogue was long before Liz ever came into the picture. He should have prevented her from being kidnapped. He should have been able to find her faster. He should have not .... killed Romani?!

Flashes of his crimes came crashing into his conscious mind. What...what have I done? The Lord Alpha became painfully and horrifically aware of the sins he committed. He finally smelled whose blood laid upon his fur... and felt whose bits of skin still stuck to his claws. It was then, as the crushing weight of their deaths hung heavily upon his soul, was when he noticed the third being in the room.

Madam Corauni hadn't noticed when Leland arrived, probably because she was so lost in Liz's healing energy that she was unable to sense anything beyond her own torrent of emotions. She usually was a woman that was not easily surprised... and yet this day was full of startling revelations. Liz, a supposed human – but obviously not, has proven to have impressive, if not scary-good, supernatural powers. Then the black werewolf suddenly appears – after somehow escaping his own mental prison while wrapped in magic-fortified chains designed specifically to subdue a werewolf – and finds his Mate without anyone else's help, as if he never needed assistance in the first place.

The shock at seeing Leland there was enough to bring her to her feet. But as the fated lovers gazed upon each other, her supernatural senses came back to her... and what she surprisingly divined caused anger to boil in her veins.

She recognized the blood of her people, felt their spirits hanging from the Lord Alpha's mane in spectral unrest. They chanted to their leader, called to her for justice and freedom. Their voices grew louder and louder in her ears, blinding her vision to nothing but red rage. And it did not matter that she saw in the werewolf's mind the depth of guilt he felt for the atrocities he committed nor how deeply he mourned for those he butchered; as they cried out, she shouted along with them, "MURDERER!"

With her power now fueled by fury, she rose to hover over the ground. Her loosened hair whipped wildly about her face as hatred surged to the surface, "YOU SLAUGHTERED MY PEOPLE!!!"

Liz was taken aback. She covered her ears against the shrill war cry, but the soul-shivering sound pierced down to her core. As Madam Corauni's hostile energy filled the room, Liz's own power rose to answer. But it was not the enraged Romani that spurred Liz into action – it was the snarling werewolf with burning blue eyes that caused her to leap between the two supernatural beings. The Alpha's instinct to protect his Mate fought with the Madam's duty to avenge her people.

The two energies dueled as they slammed into Liz, nearly knocking the air out of her. Had her own power not shielded her, she would have been on the floor gasping in pain. But she was getting a handle on herself, and as the two other powerful beings in the room challenged each other for dominance, Liz had had enough.

"STOP!" The walls trembled with her order, and to her surprise they both obeyed – barely. The suffocating presence of their supernatural forces subsided as their attention fell upon her.

Liz's joy at seeing Leland was now replaced with dread. Did he really murder people? Turning to face him, she asked, "What have you done Leland?" And that was when she finally noticed his disheveled appearance. Blood was splattered and smeared upon his dirty fur. How did she not see this just minutes ago? Was it the shadows of the darkened room that hid his shame? Or was she so blinded by love and relief that her eyes glazed over the truth?

Leland shivered slightly at her question... but remained silent. He was not ready to acknowledge this, not to Liz. But she needed to hear it, and she needed to hear it from him. After all she had been through, she needed her Mate to bring her back to sanity, to peace. His silence, however, was like a stab to her heart. And she was so done with being hurt.

Anger quickly rose within her and in a flash her body hummed with energy as she snapped, "I asked you a question! Now ANSWER ME!" Her eyes became an incandescent gold as the power within her lashed out to her Mate. It slammed into him with such surprising force that the Lord Alpha did not have the chance to brace himself. He flew back and landed on the debris littered ground with a crack!

"Leland?" Liz gasped. What had she done? What had come over her?

Sprinting to him, she bent down to gingerly touch his side. His instinctive flinch caused her to jolt as guilt gripped her. "Oh Leland," she breathed.

Confused and humiliated, the wolf retreated in remorse and Leland finally was in full control of himself again. The man emerged, lying on his side hugging his knees, naked and disgraced before the two women. Never before had he felt this way. He had always been a proud Alpha, but at this moment he was ashamed as he realized he was no better than the Rogue – and was slightly afraid of his Mate... who had supernatural powers?

But before he could even begin to process all he felt, Madam Corauni was ready to perfect her punishment for his crimes. "Move away Liz," she commanded, "He must pay for what he did!" As she raised her arms, with energy building in her palms, she readied herself to pay blood with blood, but Liz rose to once again stand between them.

"You don't know what happened." Liz countered. She needed time to make sense of this, to understand. She needed answers.

"I KNOW what happened! I can smell their blood on him, see their souls clinging to their reaper, and hear them cry out for justice! I will NOT be denied my right to avenge my people!!"

"She is right," Leland spoke feebly, weakened by his sins. Unable to look them in the eyes he continued, "I murdered those people... I lost control in my wolf form and broke our treaty."

Liz could not comprehend how the man she loved could do something so cruel. "Why?"

Looking up at her, bloodied, dirty, and guilty – with tears prickling his eyes, he answered her, "Because I thought I lost you and I could not bear it. I was so lost in my rage that I could not think. It was as if anyone before me was my enemy. I thought they were keeping me from you."

Liz wanted to wipe away his tears, but he held up a hand to stop her. "It is only right that she takes her vengeance. It is the only way to release the souls of her brethren. They were doing their duty and I cut them down – maddened by my rage, yes, but that is no excuse." After releasing a shuddery breath, he added, "I'm no better than the Rogue. I deserve to die."

How could he say such a thing?! Liz jumped to her feet. Fresh anger rolled off her. She did not understand this new world she was thrust into, but there had to be another way. Turning to Madame Corauni, she opened her mouth to protest, but the Romani woman knew her thoughts.

"It is our law. There is no undoing it. Say your good-byes and step aside." And with barely a whisper she added, "I owe you at least that much and more."

But Liz heard her, "You do owe me, don't you?" At this, Corauni's eyes rounded in surprise. "I saved your life. You would be dead if not for me. And what is it in your laws that say about that? What debt do you owe for your life?"

No. The Romani gasped. She cannot know. She could not know what I owe.

It was like a whisper in Liz's ear, or perhaps something within her soul, but she heard it and repeated it, "A life for a life," and to her satisfaction Madam Corauni's face paled in shock. But only for a moment.

"No! Not today!" She would not be denied her right. Corauni pulled together all her power. She was prepared to break a code of honor passed down from Romani to Romani and fight her savior, just to provide peace for her slaughtered people.

But Liz was prepared as well, more so than what Madam Corauni thought were possible. Driven by the instinctive need to protect her Mate, Liz's supernatural force rose up stronger than before. Vibrating loose from deep within her core, it swirled about the room before circling around its master. To everyone's shock, the energy lifted Liz up to meet Corauni's gaze. With glowing eyes, iridescent skin, and floating hair, she spoke – more like commanded – in an otherworldly voice that sounded like Liz, but not quite, "A Life for a life!"

Undeterred and determined, Madam Corauni's moment of shock and awe quickly subsided as she met Liz's demand with a demand of her own. Releasing a swell of energy with a flutter of her hand, the Romani woman cried out, "Blood for blood!"

Liz drifted back, but was otherwise unfazed. With a slight lift of one eyebrow, she released her own power with a wave – well... more like a shock wave that rolled off Liz like a tsunami. It slammed into the Romani leader unforgivingly, sending her soaring back to slam into the wall behind her.

Pain radiated through Corauni's sides as she spat blood from her mouth. For the first time in a very long time, she felt nervous. Very nervous. Liz was far more powerful than imagined...and was discovering her abilities too quickly without any training or guidance. What are you? She wondered.

But there was no time to ponder such things. No longer would she hold back. It was time to teach this fledgling what real magic is. Anchoring herself to the wall, Corauni began to chant.

"Wait!" Leland tried to intervene, but the Romani woman did not hear him. "Please, stop..."

"Let her be," Liz commanded. She looked down upon her Mate – and the eyes that he saw in her were unlike anything he had ever seen before. This was Liz, but not. Who was this being hovering above him? It couldn't be his Mate, could it? And yet... he knew deep down that this was the female destiny gave to him.

"She needs to finish her incantation before I can finish this. Go into the hall and wait for me," Liz instructed.

His body was moving before he could even register what was happening. Who was this human woman that could command a Lord Alpha? It was as if there was an energy, a power in her voice, even when spoken softly, that pushed him to obey – not unlike the Alpha energy he used upon his subordinates. But all his questions about his Mate would have to wait. As he slipped into the hall he crouched by the doorway to peer within. If Liz needed him, he'd be ready.

Leland watched as Corauni called to her inner power, to her ancestors, to her gods. Her lips blurred in unearthly urgency as the spell shifted and shaped air into a spectral spider. It grew in size until its spindly legs nearly touched the floor.

A broad smile spread across her lips as she challenged Liz, "I really don't want to hurt you Liz. Hell, if things were different, I would have taken you under my wing as my apprentice. But you have no idea who you are dealing with girl! And he murdered my people; I cannot just look the other way. I'll give you one last chance. Your choice. Leland's death? Or yours?"

Liz did not hesitate, "Neither."

"Yours it is," and with one last word, Madam Corauni unleashed her beast, "Attack."

A ghastly screech was the only warning the arachnid offered as it leapt towards its prey. Within its eight large eyes, Liz's reflection was the only image the beast could see. All of Corauni's anger and hatred poured into every fiber of its being, from the tips of its claws to the points of its venomous fangs. It stretched forward, filling Liz's vision with its opening jaw.

"NO!" Leland roared as he raced to save his Mate, but not even an Alpha is faster than enchanted air.

The Romani leader laughed as she watched her creation envelop its prey and disappear into thin air, taking Liz with it.

Leland cried out in agony. She was gone. She was really gone. Swallowed up by that cursed creature. Standing in the middle of the room, he pulled at his hair, clawed at his skin, and howled into the ceiling. The ground trembled with his pain.

Madam Corauni floated back to the ground with a Cheshire grin plastered on her face. She had won. Was there ever any doubt? Liz was powerful, yes, but the girl was a novice, while Corauni was a master.

"The time has come," she told the wolf.

He spun on her and snarled, but his conviction was only half-hearted. With his Mate gone, what was the point?

The Romani woman agreed with him. Reading his thoughts, she merely echoed what he was already thinking, "There is nothing left for you here in this world. Your Mate is dead. You have gone rogue. Your own kind will not take you back now. And you know how to set the wrongs you've made to right again."

Defeated, Leland nodded. There was nothing left to do but succumb to his fate. Looking up, he met Corauni's gaze with unwavering acceptance. But then his vision blurred. Wait... no, he could still see Madam Corauni clearly, it was the wall behind her that became obscure. Not the wall – the air. The air began to churn and coil and cast itself into a familiar shape.

Corauni first noticed the look in Leland's gaze, then she sensed it – a powerful magic in the air. The hairs on the back of her neck pricked and tingled. This was something dominant, eternal, ancient. Slowly she turned around to come face-to-face with Elizabeth Soler – a phantom vision that solidified before her very eyes.

Hovering inches above the ground, Elizabeth's mane floated about her like a chocolate halo and her golden eyes blazed with brilliant magnitude. She was shrouded with a supernatural sovereignty that Corauni could not understand – but felt.

Suddenly Madam Corauni felt heavy, as if her knees begged to kiss the floor. Slowly she lowered herself to the ground. "What are you?" She asked.

"It is not what that you should be asking," an unworldly voice answered back, "but who."

Shaken to her core, Corauni barely managed to ask, "Who...who are you?"

Elizabeth smiled, "I am she who saved your life. And I am calling in the debt you owe me."

For several minutes the two women stared at each other while the werewolf wisely kept his mouth shut. What could he say as he stood there, shocked, awed – and slightly frightened?

Finally, the Romani accepted defeat. She nodded, but a small flame of hope kept burning in her heart that one day she would be able to avenge her fallen people. She would just need to be patient.

"Are you certain you wish to call on this debt now?" She finally asked.

Elizabeth did not hesitate, "Yes."

Corauni nodded, "Very well. Leland's life is spared as payment for my life. My debt to you is fulfilled."


And with those few words, the Lord Alpha's life was saved.

The Romani leader rose and turned to leave, but halted just outside the doorway to give one last warning over her shoulder, "Know this Lord Alpha, you have made an enemy this day – one of many. Your days are numbered as it is. And when your own kind come hunting for you and capture you, I shall dance upon your grave as I welcome my fallen people home."

As Madam Corauni walked out, Elizabeth stepped down onto the ground. Her glow faded as her powers receded – and her energy suddenly drained. She wobbled before her legs gave out.

"Liz!" Leland caught her quickly and held her close, "What...are you alright?"

Her head throbbed. "Shhh, don't yell in my ear."

He wanted to laugh...and cry. She was here. She was safe. And she was... magical?

He hugged her tight and pulled her to her feet. After a breath he finally spoke, "Liz...what...what was that?"

She looked up at him, "I don't know. I don't know what's going on. I just..."

"It's okay," he soothed. "We both have a lot to process."

Liz nodded.

He breathed in her scent, honey-vanilla and cayenne pepper, but there was something new in it, a hint of something that he could not identify. What...?

"Leland," she interrupted his thoughts. Gripping him tightly, she continued, "Whatever just happened...I'm just happy we're okay."

"Me too...but... you should not have done that...stopped Madam Corauni. Gods I love you, but..."

Liz backed out of his embrace, "But what? Let her kill you as I watch? Don't you think I've been through enough already? You don't think watching you die would be traumatizing? Like it's no big deal? Fuck Leland! I mean, I am overwhelmed, I nearly died – several fucking times, I thought you were dead, but here you are, and there are...changes happening to me that I cannot even begin to comprehend, and then you... you killed people?! And what... I'm supposed to process all that and just be totally fucking cool with the man I love being murdered right before my eyes too?!!! FUCK! Fuck you! Fuck you to the deepest pits of hell you ungrateful bastard!"

With hands on her hip and temper flaring, Leland's only thought was, Gods you are so bloody beautiful, but he said instead, "I don't deserve you."

Those four words cracked through to Liz's heart, but she couldn't let him see that – not just yet. "No. You don't. But you've got me anyway, and you're not gonna shake me loose so easily. Not now. Not ever."

Her words struck through to Leland's fragile spirit. So much had happened in just twenty-four hours. So much pain. So many mistakes. He was broken. And in this moment, while the weight of his sins pushed him down, to hear those words from her mouth – spoken with such determination and conviction – he could not... just couldn't... he just...

He cried. Thick tears fell down his face as silent sobs rocked his shoulders. His legs buckled and he fell to his knees before her.

All of Liz's anger, despair and fears melted away in an instant. She knelt down before him, with him, wrapped him up into her arms and rocked with him... and finally allowed her own tears to flow freely. They held each other tightly. Their tears mingled as they cried for each other. It was in this vulnerable moment that they temporarily let go of the outside world, the Rogue, the Romani , and anyone else that might be after them.

It was finally just them.


This is NOT the end of the story, I promise, just the end of this chapter.  

This was a difficult chapter for me.  I got so stuck on a few parts, the worst was the fight scene between Liz and Madam Corauni!  I rewrote that one so many times before I finally wrote what felt right.  When I finally finished this chapter I literally jumped for joy. :-D

Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.  I will be going through my notes next.  I need to start bringing the loose ends together.  Wish me luck.


~Nikki Hudak~

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