The bad girl

By parad0_x

163K 2.2K 1.1K

She has always had a rough life, when her mom and dad died in a drive by she is forced to move in with Kevin... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 1

18.1K 211 138
By parad0_x

I'm on the way to Kevin and Veronicas house, I never really met them before but My dad used to tell me stories about how they used to steal snacks at corner stores. I'd do anything to be with my mom and dad again. They died in a drive by shooting. I've lived on the south side ever since I was born, so I was pretty used to and a part of the drug deals , and Drive-bys etc. My thoughts were stopped when morgan- my social worker, said we arrived at the house, As I was walking up the steps I noticed the house was in pretty good shape to be In the south side.
I reached the door and was approached by Kevin and Veronica.

" hey you must be Kylie, we are so excited to have you here." "Uh yeah that's me and thank you I'm excited too." I wasn't really, I never knew any adults other than my mom and dad. I really only talked to my dad. It doesn't feel the same without them here but I have to get used to it soon.

A couple hours passed and I got settled in the room and I was laying on the bed relaxing my mind. Then I heard veronicas voice from the bottom of the stair case.

"Hey Kylie! We are going to the Gallagher's if you wanna come and meet them." "Yeah I'll be down in a second" I didn't want to go but I didn't wanna seem like a stuck up bitch.

We walked over there and their house was a bit worn down but it's nothing I haven't seen.

As we walked in it had the same smell as every other south side house, booze and drugs. Nothing I'm not used to- trust me. I was greeted by Fiona first "hey you must be Kylie." She gasped "the one and only"I said in a flat toned voice. Then one after another I was greeted. But the one Gallagher that caught my eye was Carl Gallagher. He looked me up and down "hey babygirl I'm Carl"he said licking his lips. "Hi" I said back not bothering to look up until after. He was fit with a beautiful smile and face.

We soon left the Gallagher's. It wasn't the best experience but I really wasn't in to going out ever since they passed. It felt like everyone was trying to be a better version of themselves. I went up to my room and plopped down in the bed. I'm exhausted from the move. I hate meeting people. I hate talking to people.I need something to calm me down and take everything away. I'll go out tomorrow. But for now. I just have to imagine.

The sun was beaming down through the window almost yelling at me to wake up. It was around 12:52 almost 1:00. Good thing it's summer. I got up and got dressed for the day. I ran downstairs and ate real quick. I told kev and V I was going out for a bit. I made sure to grab my wallet first. I searched around the block and surely I found no other than frank selling weed. I ran up to him and bought 2 grams. I ran to the corner store to buy a pack of gum. As I was walking back to the house I see the one and only Carl. I stopped in my tracks and turned around to go the other way. Then I heard him
"Hey Kylie"
I was almost forced to turn around
"Oh hey Carl"
"What are you doing?"
"Uh just went to buy some gum"
"Yeah sure have fun i know what you're up to, hey next time invite me and my boy nick why don't you"
"Yeah sure thing" I laughed nervously

I was back at the house and thankfully no one was home. I took the gum out of the wrapper and peeled the paper off the aluminum. I took out the little bag and put some on the wrapper. Rolled it up and lit it. I inhaled and I could feel it go through my throat and into my lungs. It felt so good. I finished the blunt and I put everything up and laid down. Good thing I saved the gum out of the wrapper because I heard kev and v walk in. I quickly put the gum in my mouth sprayed my room but I didn't think of buying eye drops. My eyes is what was gonna give it away. Thinking fast I crawled out of my window landed onto the ground and ran to the Gallagher's. I don't know why but my first thought was to find Carl. I found him in his room laying down. I rushed in and told him everything.
"Calm down" he said busting out laughing
"What are you laughing at this is not funny! Do you see me laughing Carl!"
"It kinda is" he said reaching in his top drawer of his dresser
"Thank you, you saved my ass"

Fiona came down the hall and saw me in Carls room
"I see you made a friend carl"
I quickly put the eye drops in my pocket.
"Uh yeah I guess, she's pretty cool"
When she walked out of the room I turned to him,
"Oh so I'm just 'pretty cool' I think I'm very cool"
"Well I don't know you well enough yet"
"Well then let's hang out more often, I'll swing by tomorrow and you can see how cool I can be"
"Then it's a bet, see you tomorrow"

I walked back into the house and kev and v looked at me "where were you?" They asked sternly
"I was at the Gallagher's"
"Oh I see your coming out of your shell" v said smiling.
"Yeah they are pretty cool"
"Glad to hear that"

I went upstairs to my room and plopped onto the bed thinking about Carl and how I needed more stuff for tomorrow. I laid there and thought where I was going to get all this money. Surely I can do something.

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