
By J_largarday

14.1K 687 129

Seconds became minutes.Minutes became hours.Hours became days.Days became months.Months became years and year... More

Derek Xavier Allen
Derek Xavier Allen
Annabelle-Updated chapter
Derek Xavier Allen
Derek Xavier Allen
Derek Xavier Allen.
Derek Xavier Allen.
Derek Xavier Allen.
Authors note


965 52 44
By J_largarday

Are you okay?

I rushed to his side and picked up his injured hands. His body tensed with the sudden gesture and his hands balled up into a fist. Without making eye contact, I gently opened them up and bit my lower lip to stop myself from crying at the sight of his ruined palms. The broken pieces of glass had cut deep into his flesh, leaving trails of blood at every corner of his fingers, I didn't need to ask if he was in pain. I could feel his pain just by looking at it.

I carefully picked out the pieces of glass from his bare flesh. I tried to make the action as quick as possible but he remained still and quiet throughout the process. I could feel his heavy gaze on me, it was as if he was forcing me to look into his eyes, and looking into them meant I would see his thoughts. I didn't want to see the disgust he had for me in his eyes. I was sure that he thought of me as nothing but a shameless whore, who only went after wealthy Bachelors.

I tried to stay focused on getting all the pieces out. Dylan had lied to me all these years, he told me he was an architect, a simple man, but how could I have been so blind. From the exotic cars down to his fashion sense, nothing was ever simple about him.

Who was Dylan exactly?

Who was his father?

And how did he know Derek?

I asked myself those questions as I continued throwing the glasses covered with blood on the floor. I couldn't care less who was looking and how I was perceived while doing this. I only cared about removing the glasses from his hands, this little activity was the only action that helped me to avoid the questions and the people who were now gathered around us.


I didn't need to look up to know who was calling my name. He was the only one that could ever pronounce it so well with a thick accent, I tried to hold back a smile and pretend to not hear him as I continued with his hands. The sound of the glasses falling on the tiled floors was comforting, I was scared to stop focusing on the low clicks they made. If I did, I would focus only on his voice.

"Selami "He growled lowly in a tone that only I could hear.

The intensity of his voice would have made any person jump back but after all these years, I was aware of how stubborn he could be. I ignored him again and went after the last piece. After I got it out. I quickly unwrapped my scarf from my neck and tied it around his palm to stop him from bleeding, I wrapped it as tight as I could on his large hands. With a satisfied smile, I got up to leave his side but he snatched my wrist before I could.

I finally met his icy eyes. I was right, he was in a lot of pain but I couldn't see irritation or disgust, maybe I was imagining this but he looked shattered.

I must have had a lot to drink to think that Derek Xavier Allen, the one who shatters people could possibly feel pain.

But you made him feel this.

I took in a deep breath to clear my thoughts from taking over me. He used his injured hand to hold me back. 

Maybe he wasn't in physical pain.

He angrily pulled my hands closer to him.

"Your hands. "He said before looking away from my face.I almost screamed when I saw blood spilling out of my two fingers. I was too busy fixing his injury that I didn't realize that I was also injured as well.

How many times would I let him hurt me?

I tried to remove my hands from his hold but he didn't flinch or shake, rather he picked up my two bleeding fingers and inspected them.

He drew his lips closer to me until I could feel his breath. I could almost taste the bitter smell of alcohol, specifically vodka. I held my breath as I waited for his next move. I told myself that if he kissed me, I would slap him or push him away but I knew deep down in my heart that I wouldn't.

I wanted to taste what I had been missing for the past five years, something which no one could give me.

I squeezed my eyes shut, unable to see myself in his eyes and worst of all, unwilling to look at Dylan. I couldn't face him and the pain he would feel after what was about to happen.

I felt his heavy breath so close that if I moved just a little, I would finally taste him. His lips were soft, wet and everything I imagined them to be, they were still as skilled as I remembered them to be and as I opened up my mouth to receive his tongue, I tasted nothing.

I finally opened my eyes and He was not kissing me.

 His lips were not on my puckered lips. They were on my bleeding finger. He was using his mouth to take in my blood. The sight was very disturbing but for some reason, I was enjoying it.I finally felt his soft tongue. They were sucking on the injured spot. I didn't dare move or say a single word and at that moment he chose to look at me, his eyes were dark, he looked pleased with my reaction. I didn't want this moment to be ruined so I shut my eyes to stop myself from fighting him and fantasized about his actions been done on my lips but right before I could. He stopped.

I opened up my eyes again, with the aim of pouring out my anger and frustration but I stopped in my words when I met his amused face. He let out a satisfied grin and locked his eyes to mine and slowly he opened his mouth but rather than words he spat out a piece of glass from his lips.

Before he could go into the second finger. Dylan pulled me away from him. I was finally brought back to reality. I prepared myself to meet disappointment but I was met with confusion and fear.

He didn't know about Derek. I was sure of it.

"Are you fine my love?." He asked. " Should I take you to the hospital or call an ambulance." He stuttered. He looked very sad as he looked at my fingers.

My stomach churned with the realization of just how horrible I was.

"I am so sorry baby. "He apologized before pulling me into a soft kiss. "This will never happen again. I swear to you."

I nodded and offered him a reassuring peck on his lips.

How could he be so worried about my safety when I was worried about not feeling Dereks lips?

He pulled me to his side and held my waist. After one more kiss to confirm that I was fine. He looked away from me to Derek.

A large smile broke out from his face.

If only Dylan knew Derek as I did. He would have offered him a slap rather than a handshake.

Thank you so much Sir for helping my wife. He said.


It took everything for me to stay still in his arms and not make a scene.

At the mention of the "W "word, Derek's face fell and for a second I was satisfied with how sad he was. It served him right for doing such a despicable act in front of my boyfriend. After a brief moment, his cool and composed exterior was back. He looked and Dylans stretched his hand for a while. I could tell how uncomfortable Dylan was as Derek declined his help and got up to his feet on his own.

"I can manage. "He replied after a while.

 He calmly dusted away the pieces of glass from his fine suite and unraveled the scarf I tied on his hand. I had to press myself closer to Dylan to stop myself from holding Derek's hand and retying the scarf.

"I apologize for the little accident and Allen industries is looking forward to working with you." He said at Dylans father. "And your son. " He added as he shot Dylan an icy glare.

Dylan brushed away his cold act and replied to him with a warm smile. 

"The pleasure is mine." He said as he pressed me tighter to him.

Derek then looked away from Dylan and his father and faced his attention on me.I silently prayed for a large hole to form under my feet and swallow me, I tried to look away from him but I couldn't. 

He allowed me to see the pain and hurt in his eyes.

"Thank you for your scarf Mrs.?"He casually said.

"Adewale." I completed his sentence for him as Dylan's guard stepped forward to collect my scarf.

I watched his shoulder relax at the use of my surname. His eyes were filled with hope and determination as he transferred an unspoken message to me.

You are only mine.

I forced myself to look at something else. I focused on the amazing man beside me and leaned in closer to get more of his warmth and his smell. I would not allow Derek to come between us.

Deep down I knew that this was more to do with me than him.

"Enjoy the rest of your evening," Derek announced with a calm tone. 

With one last nod, he walked away. Behind him, two large men followed. I watched as they walked in unison and from the door, they left into the cold night with everyone's eyes including mine on them.

He had not changed that much after all.

The event eventually came to a conclusion an hour later. As soon as Derek left, workers came in and restored the venue back to its former glory. The traces of glasses and blood were cleaned so perfectly that I doubted if something had taken place. My index finger still had a glass stuck inside so after the vote of thanks, Dylan rushed me to the nearest hospital. The doctor reassured him that I was completely fine and I did not need to get admitted.

Trust Dylan to carry my matter on his head.

The nurses removed the glass from my finger and neatly plastered both of my fingers. They offered me one tablet of Tylenol to help with the pain and I was good to go.

I was extremely silent throughout our ride back home. Dylan did most of the talking as he poured out his first impression of Derek. 

He started by expressing his distaste towards Derek. 

It took everything in me to remain silent.

He then continued by wondering what had made him break the glass. I remained silent as he recalled what had happened. I was so relieved that he did not bring up how calm I was during the glass sucking incident. After a few curses and insults. He reached a decision about Derek being a self-entitled son of a bitch who was raised with poor manners and was spoilt by his parents.

In that moment, I wanted to attack Dylan and force him to apologize for his wrong accusations. Derek was many things but not spoilt, his father was too much of a demon to do anything that showed that he loved his son. But by doing this, I would give up my charade of pretending to not know who Derek was. 

I wasn't ready to explain to Dylan that the man who had removed the glass from my finger was once the most important person to me and having him so close had made me want more of his lips on me and not my fingers.

Rather than saying all this. I nodded in agreement and looked away from him to the window. The night was dark and the moon was shining brightly tonight. I recalled everything that had happened tonight and one word was still bothering me.

My wife!

I would have to confront Dylan but I wasn't ready to do it right now. So I listened attentively to him or at least, I tried to. 

I watched his lips move very slowly, I couldn't help but think of Derek's lips and how close I was to taste them.

I really needed to talk to him.

We arrived at his house after some minutes. No matter how I forced myself to believe that this large building was our home, it didn't feel like it. Maybe because he didn't clarify if it was or not. He helped me out of the car and offered to carry me. on a good day, I would have agreed but I was still pissed at him for this evening, so I politely turned him down and walked away before he could ask any questions.

I quickly walked to the front door and unlocked it.I could hear him calling my name as I entered the house and shut the door behind me. I raced upstairs for the room and by the time he was in the room I was locked in the bathroom.

I don't know how long I spent there but at least two hours had gone by. I spent those hours in the most relieving way possible. I started by undressing myself and then soaking myself in a cool bath, I cried a little as I recalled Dereks hurt eyes, his ruined palms, and Dylan's cluelessness and after feeling pity for both of them, I moved into anger and with anger came Dylan.

He lied twice today.

How could he?

And with that confrontation came angry hot tears. He was so focused on venting about Derek that he forgot to add an apology. I scrubbed my body a little harder to remove any trace of Derek. I could still smell his perfume on my hands and I didn't want it on me.I didn't want to think.

After my bath, I went into massaging my oils into my body and face. I loved doing this right before going to bed, the smell of fresh lavender and coconut was one I was very fond of. Luckily for me, there was a clean robe on the rack so I slipped into it and tied my wet hair into a bun.

I quietly snuck out of the bathroom to meet a dark room. From the light snores that echoed throughout the large room, I could tell that Dylan was already fast asleep. I walked into his closet and searched for anything comfortable to wear, as much as I was mad at Dylan, his T-shirts would always be the best nightwear ever. I grabbed a pair of his extra-large shirt and his clean boxers. After towel drying my hair and taking my vitamins, I settled down beside him.

I looked at him for a moment, I imagined actually being his wife, waking up to his face every single day, seeing his eyes closed tightly together and his small lips form into a small smile or in this case to a thin frown, a clear indication of him overthinking. I was interested in seeing how his sleeping face would change according to his mood.

But was this the man I wanted to call my husband? Was this what I wanted?

I watched him stretch his hands around to reach for something and when he met nothing but air he settled on keeping his hands to himself. 

Dylan was very handsome during the day but at night- he was beautiful.He reminded me of the drawing of an angel I saw once in a museum. His curly hair was scattered on the pillow and some hair made its way to his face, I had to stop myself from adjusting his perfect hair. I wanted to wake him up and talk to him, tell him how I was feeling, and most importantly about Derek.

 I didn't want to keep things from him, I didn't want our relationship to fade into two people who kept nothing but secrets between themselves.

I wanted to know every part of him, read him like he was my favorite book, I wanted to know him more and understand what made Dylan him. It took a lot of courage for me to turn away from that opportunity and sleep on my other side. If I continued looking at him, I wouldn't sleep. He already chose what he wanted, he already explained how our relationship would be like from the moment he failed to tell me who he really was. Indeed our relationship would be a box of secrets. I moved further away from him as the feeling of emptiness crept into me. I placed a pillow in between us in case his hands got reckless, I pressed an extra pillow into my chest as I silently cried.

I felt warm arms reach for my waist and before I could fight back, he pulled me to his side.

"I see you checking me out while I sleep and worse of all, you're putting on my favorite shirt. " 

He whispered into my ears with a low tone. "What do I do with you Selami. You've been acting strange all evening." He said.

His other hand pressed me tightly to him while his other hand played with the band of my/his boxers. I couldn't make a sound because I was too busy crying.

I haven't had the opportunity to touch you since you came back from your little trip. He continued, now his hands were no longer on the band, they had moved into my shorts. 

" What is wrong with you baby?. "He asked as he gently massaged my inner thighs slowly and if not for my tears, I would have let out a low moan. 

He knew how much I loved that.

He gently used one of his fingers to rub my labia. He did this for a while and stopped abruptly. He removed his hands and after a few seconds, I heard him swallow.

You are definitely not on your period. He announced before putting his hand back into my shorts.

When had Dylan become this dirty?

"So what is the problem baby? please talk to me." He pleaded as he used four of his fingers to massage my vagina, he moved slowly at first but when he noticed that I wasn't making a sound. He quickened his pace and this time he was kissing my neck and roughly squeezing my breast.

"Baby, please."  He begged as he moved even faster till I felt his bulge behind me.

"Baby." He called again


He kept on calling and with every call, his voice went from a gentle child to an aggressive adult, and just when he was about to get a sound from me.

I finally spoke with a tone so high, it was almost a scream.

"I do not want to be your wife."

He immediately stopped touching me. He removed his hand from my shorts and the other from my breast. He gently turned my face towards him. He was in an unimaginable type of pain as he met my face covered with tears.

He stood up from the bed and I did not bother holding him down. He looked away from me and aggressively touched his hair, minutes went by and he was in that same position. I watched him as I sobbed loudly, after a few minutes more he turned to face me.I met his red eyes and sad face, he tried so hard to hold back tears. He walked into his closet and grabbed a shirt, after putting it on, he grabbed a pillow from the bed with a blanket, he looked at me for a while before walking away and closing the door behind me.

I laid my head back on my pillow and cried myself to sleep.

The bright light from the window woke me up. Usually, Dylan would always close the curtains before I got up. He knew how sensitive I was to light.

I didn't want to bother getting up, my head was hurting a lot. I opened my eyes and laid downwards, I scanned his room. He wasn't here but I could tell that he had been here, the smell of his perfume was very faint.

I decided to reach for my phone on the table. I saw a cup of tea waiting for me and under it was a white note with a perfect writing

Drink this for your head. Breakfast is in the microwave and if you need anything call me.I am sorry about last night.


You will not believe how many times I wrote and re-wrote this chapter. It is so hard to get back to my usual form of expression but I hope you enjoyed it.Hope you all are staying safe

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