By SAllen68

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This is my take on episodes 29, 30, etc. and the Fabri, perfume, Can in jail farce. I could not stand Can's... More



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By SAllen68

This chapter is a little long; please understand it was necessary, to set up some upcoming events.  Also, Can is still learning.  Thank you for your patience and comments.  Thank you for overlooking my mistakes and for reading.

The next few weeks were very hectic for the newlywed/new parents couple.  They were tired even with family coming to help.   Can had stayed at home for the first month.   One morning  Can was getting ready for work, and Sanem had been up all night, with their six week old babies.   They were sitting and having tea together before he left, when Can ask Sanem if she and the babies wanted to visit the Agency later today.   He told her he could come at lunch and pick them up and bring them back home later.   He said, "All of our co-workers want to see you and the babies."   Sanem who was extremely tired, said "Maybe another day, I just don't feel ready to go out to see people.   Look at me, I still feel fat, I look tired and am tired."

Can said, "That is not true, because you are the most beautiful wife and mother in the world.   I know you are tired, but maybe you would feel better to get out of the house for a little while.   You have not been anywhere except doctor appointments since our babies were born."   Sanem replied, "But Can, I really don't want to go anywhere.   I like to stay home with our babies."   Can replied, "I want to show you and the babies off to everyone, I am so proud of you.  Please think about it and call me if you change your mind."   He got up and gave Sanem a little kiss on her cheek and left for work.

Sanem sat there and started crying, because she knew Can was upset with her.    He always gives her passionate kisses on her lips, big hugs before he leaves and tells her he loves her.   He must be bored with her, and doesn't want her anymore.   She looked down at herself and she was wearing baggy sweats, hadn't had a shower this morning, and probably smelled like breast milk and baby pee.   Oh no, she is not attractive to him anymore, but she is so tired.   What should she do?   She just sat there crying until Leyla came through and said, "Sanem, what's wrong?    Why are you crying?   Are the babies okay, is Can?"   Sanem kept crying, until she finally replied, "Everyone is okay, but me.   I am sloppy, messy, smell bad, and Can is bored with me.    He wants me to get out the house and take the babies to work for a visit, but I am so tired."

Leyla held Sanem while she cried, telling her that "none of that is true, except being tired.   You are beautiful, you've never smelled bad in your life and Can loves you and is not bored."

While they were sitting there Mihriban came into the room, saying "What is going on here? Sanem why are you crying, are the babies okay?"   When Leyla finished explaining everything she knew,  Mihriban said, "Okay, I know what to do.   Sanem go take a shower, let us know when you get out.   Leyla you call into work, and take the day off.   We are going to have fun.  Now I hear a baby waking up, so I will get some breast milk out of the freezer to thaw, while Sanem is in the shower, change a diaper and feed a baby."

When Sanem got out the shower, she went to the nursery and saw all three of her babies, lying in their cribs quietly.   She turned amazed to Mihriban and Leyla saying, "How did you get them all quiet at once?  Look how cute they're dressed.   My girls are in matching dresses and my son has a matching shirt and in the same color little pants.   They are adorable.  I don't recognize these outfits."   Mihriban said, "Ask Leyla, she brought them in here freshly washed and told me to put them on these cuties."

Sanem turned to Leyla, laughing saying, "I told you not to buy them anymore clothes, look at you not listening.   I bet you have more hid in your room."   Leyla said laughing, "What me, I always listen to you.   I would never disobey you, when it comes to my nephew and nieces."

They turned to Mihriban who was grinning, and ask her what's next?

Sanem was already feeling better, after her very long shower and few minutes to herself.   Mihriban turned to Leyla and said, "Okay give your sister her gift."    Leyla turned and lifted a garment bag off the rocking chair, saying "Happy early birthday, sister!" giving her a big hug.

Sanem started crying again when she saw a beautiful silky dress that matched her daughters little dresses, and her son's shirt and pants.   She hugged Leyla and said, "You are so sweet and wonderful.  Where did you find these beautiful clothes?   Thank you so much."

Mihriban said, "Now while you get ready Sanem, I am going to get my van that just recently had three brand new car seats installed.   We are going to visit your husband at work.   Then we are taking these sweet babies to Mevkibe and Nihat who are so excited that their grands are coming to visit them for a change.   After you nurse your sweeties, Leyla and you are going to the spa for the full treatment and we are charging it to Aziz Divit.    I am staying at your parent's home so we can each rock and spoil a baby while you are gone.  Now get ready!"    After big hugs for both Mihriban and Leyla,  Sanem ran to dry her hair and put on her beautiful dress.    She was so excited and could not wait to surprise her husband.   She was feeling energized and wanted to tell Can he was right, she needed to get out more.

When they arrived at the Agency it was lunch time.   They got the large triple sized stroller out, and got all of the sleeping babies settled; they entered the elevator from the parking garage.   It was quite a parade, with three babies, Sanem, Leyla, and Mihriban.   

CeyCey saw them first, he called Deren, and everyone came running to see Sanem and her babies. Fortunately the babies slept through it all, because everyone was being quiet.   After so many hugs, and telling Sanem that she and the babies were beautiful, Sanem turned to CeyCey and ask where Can and Emre are?   CeyCey said, "They should be back in a few minutes, they went out to lunch with a new client.   Oh here they come." Sanem turned around and was shocked to see Can and a tall curly red haired older woman walking in the door.   The woman was hanging onto Can's arm and he was laughing.   All of sudden, there was total silence as all of the staff saw what Sanem was looking at.   Nobody said a word, but they could hear the woman saying, "Why are all of your employees standing around a baby stroller?   This is a place of business, why would anyone be stupid enough to bring a baby here?   Only the lower class would do something like that, mothers need to stay home out of the way."

Can looked up and had a startled look on his face, when he saw his wife's face.  They walked up and all of the employees backed away, as Can said, "Sanem I didn't know you were coming today.  How did you get here?   This is Ceyda, one of our partners in Compass Sports."   Sanem looked at where Ceyda still had a hold of Can's arm, and looked at Ceyda's smirking face. 

 She very calmly said, "Nice to meet you, Ms. Ceyda from Compass Sports.   I am Sanem, Can's wife and these three babies actually belong to the man you are clinging too.   We are not lower class, as you can see, since the boss is the father of all of them, and early this morning invited us here today.   I hope you enjoyed your work lunch.  Can, we will see you at home later.   Goodbye Ms. Ceyda."

 Sanem very gracefully turned the stroller around, told their friend's goodbye, saying we will visit again soon, and walked out the door.   Mihriban and Leyla gave Can and Ceyda disgusting looks and followed Sanem and her babies.   All of the staff just looked at Can without smiling and turned and left him standing there with Ceyda.   He quickly moved her hand off of his arm and said excuse me, and ran after his wife and babies. 

  When Can got to the parking building, Sanem had taken each baby and was very carefully placing them in their car seats.  He said, "Sanem that wasn't what it looked like, she is a client and we have to be nice to her.   If I offend her, she will pull the account."  Sanem stopped, turned to Can holding her son Ates, in her arms and said, "I understand, I should not have tried to surprise you, my bad.   It won't happen again.   Will we see you at home tonight or do you have to play nice with her tonight too?   Don't work too hard."  She gave him a little kiss on his cheek, finished putting Ates in his car seat, and got into the van.  Mihriban drove away leaving Can standing there thinking, what have I done?   Sanem acted like she didn't even care and did not say she loves me.   Wait, that's what I did to her this morning, when she was so tired.   Then she went out of her way to surprise me, and she looked so beautiful.

He went back into the Agency and Ceyda came up and grabbed him by the arm, saying "I didn't know you were married.   It must not mean anything since you didn't even tell me.   Come to my place tonight and I will make it up to you that you are tied down with three kids.   I bet you had to get married.  Did she trick you; I bet they are not even yours?"

Can turns to her and said, "I did not say anything because it was not any of your business about my private life.   I was not tricked, those are my babies and I am very proud of them.   I will never go to your place, all we did was have a group work lunch, and then you acted like you tripped so I let you hold onto me.   If you want to pull the Compass Account from our Agency, go ahead I don't care.   I will not have you talking about my wife, my children, or me." 

 With that Can turned and walked away toward his office.  As he walked by where the staff were standing and watching, they all started clapping.   When he got into his office his Baba and Emre were standing there clapping.   Aziz said, "I don't care if we lose that account, I will not have that old cougar, insulting my daughter-in-law.   Good for you."   

Can said, "Now I have got to go find my wife and make it up to her.   I can't believe I was so shocked to see her and the babies here, I couldn't think.  I didn't even introduce Sanem."

Can left work and went home, he was really shocked that no one was there when he went into the house.   He went back outside and sat in the swing, thinking about how this day had gone wrong.   He was really worried about what Sanem was thinking was going on with Ceyda.  It reminded him of when he was always parading Polen in front of Sanem.   He would have had a fit if someone was holding onto Sanem like Ceyda was holding onto him.   What is wrong with him?

While he was sitting there Bulut came into the yard, and had a seat on a chair across from Can.   He handed Can a beer, and said, "Okay what's up?"  Can looked over at Bulut and said, "Deren called you didn't she?"

Bulut took a drink and said, "Yep, and Mihriban called and told me you would be coming home to an empty house.   I'm supposed to tell you that your babies are at Mevkibe and Nihat's, with Mihriban and they are spoiling your babies.   Sanem and Leyla have gone to the spa.   I also know that you are in deep trouble.   I know this Ceyda, from a lawsuit a few years ago for sexual harassment, she was the aggressor.  What were you thinking?   She is the worst cougar ever, and she is at least 15 or more years older than you."   Can replied sadly, "I was just being nice because of her account, we went to lunch with a group and she acted like we were on a date.   She pretended to fall and grabbed my arm, when we walked into the office.  When I saw Sanem I froze, I was afraid of what she would think.  So I blew it!"

Bulut said laughing, "I'm sorry, if you need an attorney, I can't help you as I represent Sanem, but if Metin is busy I will help you find one."  Can said, "I really don't think you are very funny."       Bulut said, "Seriously, everything will be fine, Sanem will listen to you.  Now stay far far away from that Ceyda woman, she is extremely bad news."

Later after the spa and eating dinner with her parents, Mihriban brought Sanem and the three babies' home.   Leyla had gone out with Emre, so did not ride back with them.

Can ran out to help them out of the van, when he heard them pull up.   After the three of them got the babies inside, Mihriban left with a hug for Sanem.   Sanem thanked her so much for the day out, and helping with the babies.   After they had bathed the babies, fed, and gotten them settled in their cribs, they finally had a chance to talk.   Can prepared them both a tea, and they took the baby monitor out to the swing with them.  Can starts with an apology for how he had acted that morning, and thanked Sanem for surprising him at work.   He told her he was so proud of her and the babies, and really liked their matching outfits.

Sanem drank her tea, then turned to Can and asks very calmly, "Are you dating that old woman that was hugging you today?   Is this going to be our life, with you dating clients to keep accounts?"

Can replied horrified, "I am not dating anybody.  She pretended to fall and grabbed my arm as we came in, and I froze when I saw you because I knew how it would look.   I am so sorry if I embarrassed you." 

  Sanem said sadly, "The only thing that bothered me was you were looking down at her laughing, when you don't laugh with me anymore.  I am so sorry that I am tired all the time, that I dress in baggy clothes, and probably smell like breast milk and baby pee.   I will try to do better."

Can wrapped his arms around his beautiful wife and said, "We were laughing at her stupid shoes, was all.  You always smell wonderful!   You and I do laugh together, yes we are both tired, but I did not understand this morning how overwhelming it was for you to plan a day out after being up all night.   I need to be more understanding of your point of view.   I just get up and expect you to have tea with me before I leave, when you should have been napping when the babies were.   I get up shower, dress, and leave.   You have to feed babies, try to eat, shower when they sleep, and dress when you can.   Not even counting the housework you do, and writing your new book when you have time.  Even with family dropping by and Leyla's help, it mostly falls on you, and I have been selfish and not thinking.   I love you very much and I am so proud of you. Please forgive me."

Sanem hugged him back and said, "I will, if you promise I never have to see that old woman again.   She smirked at me and called me and our babies, low class.   I won't play nice next time, when I smack her face.  I do love you very much."

Can laughed while he hugged her saying, "I know you won't, so no you probably won't ever see her again, as I told her off after you left.   Baba was so mad, he said he didn't care if the account was pulled, as she cannot insult his daughter and grandchildren like that.   Come on lets go snuggle before our little darlings need to eat again."

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