She Stole My Heist ( Jelsa...

By melantha123

536K 17.9K 13.9K

He's all over the news in Burgess. "The Snowflake Burglar" as some call him, leaves sprayed snowflakes on eve... More

She Stole My Heist - Characters
1 Life that Changes in Seconds
2 Valentine's Day
3 Arabian Night
4 They Love Us
5 Hope and Memory
6 Olympus Gallery Opening
7 Memorial Day
8 Icy Business
9 Identity
10 Are You Joining?
11 Complicated Lives
12 Stealing a... Chocolate?
13 Fan Meeting
14 Blue Hoodie
15 Heart of a Bookworm
16 The Debt
17 Alibi
A/N: Reasons
Stolen Kiss - SPIN OFF
18 Stuck with You
19 Little Snowman
20 Party Time!
21 I Never Lie
Important (not an update)
22 Nightclub
23 Red and Juicy
24 On Air
25 Real or Not?
26 Men's Approach
A/N Update??
27 It's.... Complicated
28 Expecting a Surprise
A/N: New book
30 Moment of Truth
31 Making Confessions
32 Revenge the Wrongs
Merry Jelsa Christmas!
33 You're Mine
34 Present Meets the Past
35 Scarred
36 The Black Cauldron
37 Together We Stand
Contest and stuff
38 Healing Effect of Laughter
New Cover and Stuff
39 No More Hiding
40 New Beginnings
41 The Diamond Slipper
A/N: Slow Updates.. WHYYYY
42 Memories Made Us Who We Are
43 The Stranger at Your Door
44 Our Will
45 Snowflake Blizzard
46 Armored Hearts
47 Suiting For You
48 Time to Act
49 Praying for a Miracle
Trailer: She Stole My Heist 2
50 Safe and Sound?
Cover Finalists
She Stole My Heist 2 is published!

29 Toulouse's Bridge

6K 259 214
By melantha123

POV Jack

I'm squeezing my bleeding hand as I go inside my home. "You were out late again," I heard Emma saying in the darkness. It got me startled, "Geez Ems! Don't hide in the dark!" I shouted. I went to put on the lights.

"Haha, Jack. I don't know if it's dark or not," Emma said bitterly and I sighed my apology. I ruffled my hair nervously, "You should go to sleep."

Emma sighed and rolled towards me with her chair. "Would you read to me? You haven't done that in a week," she sounded a bit sad and disappointed. I bit my lower lip, "Yeah. Just hold on for like fifteen minutes and I'll come to your room. Okay butterfly?" I grinned and messed up her hair. She laughed and pushed my hand away.

Emma started to smile to me, "Thank you Jack. I would love to hear the second book in the Hunger Games series today." I chuckled, "Sure Ems. You ship her with Peetah, don't you?" I teased her. Emma's cheeks blushed. "Yeah, why wouldn't I?" She snapped and started to move towards her room.

"Remember Jack, fifteen minutes," she shouted to me. "Yea, yea," I yelled after her and shook my head. Then I run upstairs and quickly pull off my hoodie. I threw it to thrash as I go to bathroom mirror. "Hmm, just a scratch," I whispered as I look at the gunshot wound. Done by Elsa, my ex. Well, not many of my books characters can say that their exes shot them.

I sighed and opened up medical cabinet where I took out some disinfectant. I gritted my teeth as the cleaner was sending burning sensation on my wound. After doing precise cleaning I wrapped my hand up and put a new clean hoodie on. "Much better," I say in front of the mirror and smile. Tomorrow I can explain her everything. I hope that it works, that the device gets broken. My plan needs to work.

Emma was already waiting for me in her bed when I finally got there. I opened up the second book in the series and started to read. "Jack," Emma interrupted me and I lift my eyes from the book. "Yep?" I asked.

"I missed your reading," she whispered sadly. "Yeah, we just started this series when I got lost into my work," I laughed. Emma hummed, "It's not that but the fact that you've been so distant lately."

My cheeks blushed and I struggled not to tell her about everything. About my double life, how things went with my first girlfriend ever. It's the fact that I just cannot tell this to Emma, her heart probably would break and then my heart would be shattered.

Emma exhaled loudly. "I know Jack, you need to go and continue your art while you have the drive," she smiled and her hands were playing with her blanket. "Yeah. Thanks sis, I love you," I whispered warmly and leaned over her. I kissed her forehead and brushed some of her hair away from her face.

"Good night beautiful butterfly," I said while standing on the doorway. "Bye brother," she said warmly and I closed the door behind of me. I felt a piece in my throat as I was lying to her. No, I won't do art like she believes that I'm doing. Heck, I'm not even doing my usual stuff. I'm just a spy of the police, someone who can get information about Nightmare's whereabouts and give them in.

This new thing that I'm doing has cost a lot. It cost my one true love, it even has taken time from me and my sister. My best friend hates me and many others. I cant tell how things are since I'm forced to wear a tracking and recording device on me when I'm going out from my home. My phone calls and messages are followed, even my emails. Not speaking of the hidden microphones in my house. The police special forces thought of everything.

One thing that I didn't lie to Emma tonight was the fact that I needed to go. I needed some sleep before Toothiana would pick me up. She was my contact and we pretended to be together so our constant contacting to each other wouldn't be suspected by anyone. She's a nice person actually but a bit moody. Yeah, she is pregnant. One time she wanted chocolate and unfortunately just when we were passing Elsa's sister's chocolate shop. It ended up badly. I've also had to go and buy kids stuff with her. She uses these contacts of ours to her advantage. It's causing people to hate me more apparently.

I went to my bed and the hours passed. The thing was that I couldn't sleep. There were too many things in my mind. There might actually be some hope that I can speak with Elsa finally, tell her everything. The most interesting thing is that how she will take it. I mean, she just shot me tonight!

Suddenly my phone started ringing and I glance at my table radio. Yeah, it's already three am. Quickly I stood up and run downstairs. Before going out I put on my coat and then run to car where Toothiana is waiting.

"You know that you can speak to me about anything?" Toothiana asked while driving. "I mean I think of you as a friend," she sighed. "Hah, police being a friend to whom is a criminal," I said bitterly.

Then I turned the music on louder and we kept on driving. Soon we were at the police special forces base. Toothiana waited for me to get out from the car and then we went together to the meeting room. There were already Mr. North, Sandy and Bunny waiting for us.

Bunny was rather satisfied looking when he saw Toothiana coming to room. Toothiana flashed her perfect teeth to Bunny as she smiled to him. Bunny smiled warmly back to her but what did I get from Bunnymund? Well, if a look could kill you I would be dead. Ten times.

"So you took my fiancé to buy baby stuff.. for my baby," Bunny hissed as he walked to me. "Whoa calm down," I laughed nervously and lifted my hands up. "Yes sweetie, the store just happened to be there," Toothiana giggled and then took Bunny's hand. She was telling him about the stuff that she got and how she's going to show them to him. Bunny gave me one more angry glare before leaving.

Actually Bunny has been really jealous ever since I have been working with them. It's not like I would steal his future wife from him even though I'm a criminal. The funny thing is that my heart is already stolen by someone who hates me. So brilliant.

We agreed on a plan during our meeting. I told them that at next night I would be looking for Nightmare's, keeping my eye on them. We could possibly have another successful arrest on that criminal gang. Unfortunately last night Elsa was almost caught but I managed to stop it just in the nick of time. For my luck she's not been doing so much jobs for the gang and I hope that it stays the same. It would be horrible if she's caught.

"Okay, I will tell you their next move when I know it," I told them as I was leaving. "Do you need a ride?" Toothiana shouted after me. "Nah, I will take a bus or something. Thanks anyway," I responded and then I run outside. The sun is already rising and it's morning.

I stretched out. It was a new day and I could possibly fix some things. My hand goes to my neck but I realize that I gave it to her. I chuckled faintly and started walking. It's some way to the bus stop but it gets me time to think of how I will plan the whole thing for this midnight. This is going to be hard to fool everyone to get to my goal.

POV Elsa

When the morning came I went to breakfast, Anna was already chewing on her cereal. "How did you sleep?" She said after swallowing her food. "Fine I guess," I said and poured some milk to my bowl.

I heard a clattering sound when Anna dropped her spoon on the bowl. "What's hanging on your neck?" She gasped and pointed at me. I looked down and I see something silver and round on a chain.

"A ring?" I raised my voice and my fingers touched it. "That's not a usual ring! It's one of those purity rings," Anna said quickly and stood up. She walked to me and she leaned towards me. "It says.. 'True love waits'," Anna whispered as she read the text that was going around the ring. My cheeks blushed when she grinned, "So Elsa. What were you up to last night?"

I wrapped my fingers around the ring and I rose from the table. "Umm.. Nothing, I will go and change my clothes now," I mumbled and went to my room. My heart was beating fast and then I closed the door with my shaking hand.


I locked the door and jumped to my bed. My fingers are playing with the ring and then I inhaled deeply when I lifted the chain from my neck. "How did I not notice this sooner?" I whispered as I remembered how Jack put something on my neck yesterday.

I turn the ring around in my fingers. It truly has those words carved on it which Anna said aloud. I see some more writing in the inside and I narrow my eyes to see better. "J. Overland?" I whispered.

"Is this some sick joke," I sighed and closed my eyes, my hands lifted up. Then I put the chain back to my neck. I flinched to my actions as I realized that I put it back on. "I was supposed to be over him," I told to myself and pulled my legs against my chest, embracing myself.

"M-maybe there's a good explanation to everything, that must be it," I reasoned to myself as I got a message. It was from Hiccup. 'Police is on him,' I read the message. My hand is shaking again. Now I really need to see him tonight. Maybe this is why Jack has been so weird. I mean, he said that he never lies. Or maybe that was a lie too?

"AH! My head hurts," I groaned. Then I heard Anna calling my name from the door. "I'm fine," I yelled back. "Just gonna have a PJ day today and read some books!" I shouted. "Uh, okay. See you at dinner," she said and I heard her getting to work.

When she left I went to living room. "Okay, so now some practices of speech. Should I torment him? Stay silent?" I spoke to myself as I paced around the room. Then I stopped, "What if.. if I just shoot him?" I said with high voice and shook my head. No, that I cannot do. It would be like I would shoot myself into my heart.

The hours passed and I left one hour before I would meet Jack. I told Anna that I would go to see Punzie. It was a rather chilly evening for it being the middle of June and I pulled my jacket's collar up. "He better have a good explanation," I muttered as I waited for the bus to take me to Toulouse's bridge.

Bus travel felt taking like ages even though Toulouse's bridge wasn't that far on the edge of the town. Bus stop was just hundred feet away from there and when I stepped outside from the bus I went into pitch darkness. There was just a single lamp post in the bus stop, I'm at countryside where they seem to think that we don't need the lights.

It took a while for my eyes to get used to the blackness of the night. I looked up the time from my phone, it was just five more minutes until I should see him. I had checked every once in again that no one was following me and it seems safe.

Slowly I walk to the bridge while my heart is pounding at my chest like a wild horse who is about to be captured. I see someone standing on the bridge and looking down, it's probably Jack. I went to him and he turned his head and looked at me.

Suddenly he grinned and grabbed onto my hand. He pulled me close and kissed me forcefully, his hand went inside my shirt and he is unclasping my bra. WHAT IS HE DOING!

Quickly I pushed him away and reached to the gun that I had brought with me. "YOU ARE A JERK!" I shouted and pointed at him. "Chill out White Blizzard," he laughed and lifted his hands up. He takes few steps back. "No I won't!" I yelled and he winked his eye, getting closer. Right until his chest was touching the guns barrel.

"You won't shoot me," he whispered to my ear, causing chills to go up my spine. His hand goes to my neck as he starts to kiss my neck. His hand is going inside from my shirts collar and my cheeks are warming up. "NO!" I cried and kneeling him to his crouch.

He grunted and backed to the bridge's railing. Suddenly he climbed on it. "P-please don't shoot me!" He begged suddenly. It caused me to let my hands drop down and stare at him with my jaw hanging open. What's wrong with him!

"DON'T PUSH ME DOWN!" Jack shouted and just when I was about to ask what he was doing he jumped. He jumped down from the bridge. "JACK!" I cried after him. Without thinking further I run to the railing and jump down after him.

The water was still cool this time of the year, it was like a black mass around me and trying to pull me down. I managed to swim back to surface and then I felt a hand going around my waist. It was Jack who pulled me to shore.

"ARE YOU CRAZY!" He shouted to me as we stood up at the shore. "You're the one who is crazy!" I screamed and poked his chest. "YOU - JUMPED- FIRST!" I told him angrily. Then my cheeks got warm when I noticed him checking my body where my clothes were pressing tightly against since I was soaking wet after diving to the water.

I slapped him to his face, after the blow he was rubbing his reddish cheek. "Stop acting like a perv!" I hissed to him and now he was blushing. "I wasn't," he whispered and cleared his throat.

"I only brought spare ones to myself. You can have them," he said and gave me a bag with blue hoodie and brown pants. "You need to explain first!" I ordered him but he shook his head.

"Change. We need to go fast. Let's go to Agraba, then I will explain," he told me quickly and pushed me behind of a bush. Agraba? That's the city with lots of casinos and nightclubs. Quickly I changed my clothes and Jack flashed me a smile when I got back. "I love the way you look in my clothes," he said mischievously as he pulled his own hood over his head. He covered his white hair with the hood and then took my hand.

We climbed up back to the road and went to bus stop. Short after the bus arrived and we climbed on it. Jack paid for the tickets with cash and we went to sit on the back. I was about to sit on the other row but he took my hand and pulled me to sit next to him. I gave him a glare but I couldn't see his face.

Jack was silent for the whole drive to Agraba which was three hours drive away. However I saw his fingers twitching a little while he was sitting next to me. Then he placed his hand on my knee and hummed. My hand was shaking as I laced up my fingers with his. He squeezed my hand tightly and kept looking out from the window.

Soon I saw the lights of Agraba. "So the city of teases," I whispered and I felt Jack's thumb brushing the back of my hand before letting go. We went outside from the bus and Jack took my hand. "Act like we're a couple," he whispered. I glance at him but he still isn't showing his face.

Somehow Jack seems a bit nervous. I gulped when he brought me to a hotel, that's rented only for 8 hours at a time. I wish that I could see the expression on him as he is getting a key. I'm just looking at his back and waiting for him. My feet and mind are telling me that I should leave but my heart is telling another story.

"Seriously?" I gasped as he opened the door lock and pushed me inside. "Just wait. I'll get you some girly clothes," he told me and left me alone. Yeah, he just brought me into a hotel which was just meant for couples to have.. fun. No, this can't happen.

I sighed and decided to go into shower. It's nice to wash off your miseries and gather your sense. The warm water felt nice while it rained down. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment. After washing my hair with strawberry scented shampoo provided by the questionable hotel I turned the shower off. My face turned red when I saw that the ceiling in the shower was a mirror.

I wrapped towel around me quickly and went to bedroom. The freaking hotel room had mirror ceiling! So nasty. Then I noticed that Jack had come back. He was pulling his wet hoodie off and I froze on the shower doorway.

I saw the scars on his upper body and then I see something weird. "What the heck is that?" I shouted and Jack turned around, seeming surprised for me being there. "This?" He asked and pointed at the device that was taped on his chest.

Jack sighed and stood up, walking to me. "It's a listening and tracking device. It will zap me if I try to get it off myself. I just hoped that the jump to water might be enough to destroy it. They always put it on when I'm out of home, also at home I'm being under surveillance," he said blankly. I glance at him. "The police got me Els, made me work for them to catch the Nightmares," he whispered.

He threw a bag to me, "Here. Something for you to wear. I hope that it fits. Anyway we need to move after I get this out." He told me and started to get the tape off. I dress myself quickly to ice blue knee-high party dress and after Jack had got out the tape he took the hoodie that I was borrowing a while ago. He changed his clothes and took my hand, pulling me outside.

"This is so odd," I muttered as we walked outside. "That sure isn't enough for an explanation. Lot more to explain mister," I hissed to him and he chuckled. "Yeah. Just, let's kill some time and make sure that neither of us is followed," he told me as he pulled me inside to a night club.

A lady came to us and guided us to a table. It was one of the expensive night clubs. The lady pulled a curtain in front of our table and getting us more privacy. I pulled it back open and Jack's eyes were filled with surprise. "Better that other people see us until you have explained. Everything," I said through the loud party music. Jack nodded his head and then the lady brought us a couple of shots.

"Compliment's of the house," she smiled and placed one shot in front of me and one to Jack. "Thank you but he doesn't drink--," I said but then I see how Jack takes the shot and drinks it with one go. He slams the glass on table, "This isn't easy for me Els." He said sadly and I nodded my head.


So Jack is gonna explain! WOOHOO! Hehe, Elsa might kill him or not. What do you think? How will Elsa take the news O_O

*hugs everyone* I like hugs more than Olaf ^^

AND OH MY! I just realized that this book has over 90k reads! That's so incredible! Thank you all so much. I love you guys and I'm freaking out. YAYYYY! *runs around and gives hugs to everyone and starts dancing*

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