Collide (X Reader)

By ghost_writer_86

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After meeting Tom Holland an undeniable chemistry sparks between the pair of you. But the more you and Tom ha... More

The dream.
At Ace.
An unexpected call
A lost memory.
The world's getting weird now.
An epiphany
A new theory.
So it goes...
The past.
Missing Pieces.
A late night.
Spiderman and Scarlet Witch
Gone rogue.
Meeting the Hollands
Back to London.
From the Shadows.
Fight or flight.
Back Home.
A beautiful day.
High and Low.
Where and when.
Training Day.
Spidey Senses.
Getting stronger.
What if...
Be all, end all.


1.2K 40 55
By ghost_writer_86

Pale faced, Tom looks like he's about to pass out. Throat working he croaks, " I think I need a drink."

Numbly, you nod. Scarlet Witch. Freaking Scarlet Witch saved your life, and you absorbed her. But she's also you, the Marvel Universe version of you!

" This doesn't feel real," you shake your head, stumbling to your feet. Your hands feel tingly and the bathroom sways. Tom stands up also, some of the color returning to his cheeks.

A polite knock echoes faintly down the hall.

" That must be the champagne," Tom murmurs. He walks out of the room, and you follow him down the hall with a churning stomach. What's Tom thinking?

Nervously, you wring your hands. Tom tips the room service attendant, and turns around, a silver bucket in his hand, a bottle of champagne in its middle nestled amongst the ice.

He walks past you and puts it on the table in the living room. Your heart pounds as you watch him grab two glasses from the bucket, and pop the cork off the champagne bottle. The sound makes you jump, unusually loud in the silence. The bottle glugs as he pours the champagne into glasses.

Wordlessly, he hands you your glass, and walks back to the living room. You watch him gulp his champagne down in two seconds flat. He refills his glass immediately.

" Tom, are you ok? Are you mad at me or something?" spiders crawl in your stomach. Please don't hate me for dragging you into this, Tom.

He chokes on his champagne, " No! I'm not mad at you," he puts his glass down, running a hand through his hair. " I'm just.... Shocked, I think? It's a lot to take in. The Marvel Universe is real, and it's seeping into our universe..."

You swallow nervously around the lump in your throat, " I know what you mean, I feel like I've gone insane. I've absorbed Scarlet Witch... who is me though? An alternate version of me."

"And the alternate version of me is Spiderman..." Tom stares at a spot above your shoulder, his thoughts in turmoil.

The bubbles hurt your throat as you chug the cold champagne. This is a nightmare you wish you could wake up from. People from the Marvel Universe are being absorbed by their alternate selves in your universe, because of a bridge created by Scarlet Witch when she saved you from that car accident. Your head spins and you grab the bottle of champagne, pouring yourself another glass. Drinking it down, you wish Tom ordered something stronger, so you can forget about the events of the day.

" First an explosion at the bar, then we discover I have powers, then we discover the Marvel Universe is real? I don't know how stranger this day can get?" You whisper.

" Well, I guess we kind of knew it would be something weird, from the dreams. But I would never have guessed this."

You nod, in agreement.

" What do we do now ? Because of Scarlet Witch people from the Marvel Universe are being absorbed into this one." Tom walks over to the sofa and takes a seat, following, you flop next to him.

" Well she said she's not strong enough yet to leave me, but when she is maybe it'll end then. I don't think there's anything we can do, we just have to wait for her to get strong again," you shrug.

" But she said there's going to be attacks on our universe ..." Tom looks at you, concern in his eyes.

You look away, taking a sip of champagne, " Which means... I'll probably have to train these new powers of mine so I can defend our universe."

Tom's silent, so you turn and look at him. A look of admiration crosses his features, " You're so brave...Unfortunately, it looks like that's what you'll have to do, though."

" Too bad, there's no one to teach me."

" We can figure it out together," Toms hand clasps over yours, a warm feeling spreads through your chest, and you smile at him. " I wish I could help you, like have powers too. But at the same time I don't, because I know what the cost is..."

" Because if you suddenly became Spiderman it means you absorbed the Tom Holland from the Marvel universe?"

" Yeah," Tom looks down, his shoulders drooping.

You clasp your hand tighter around his in an effort to comfort him. He shoots you a small smile, that makes your stomach flip. Despite the strange events of the night, one thing stands out clearly in your mind. And it's that you're falling for Tom Holland. Hard. You've always admired his work, and thought that he was the most gorgeous guy. But he has such a good heart, he's there for you, even though you've only known each other for a few days. You've both gone through things in the last twenty four hours that no one has ever gone through, and he's still there, by your side. He makes you feel warm and comfortable, like you've known him your whole life. Is it because Scarlet Witch and Spiderman have known each other since they were children? Your heart sinks as you realize the Tom Holland from the Marvel Universe grew up without his best friend because she was trapped in your body.

" Hey, what's wrong?" Tom notices the droop to your lips.

" I was just thinking how I robbed the Tom Holland from the Marvel Universe of his best friend after she saved my life," turning away, you gulp down the rest of your champagne.

" Y/N that's not your fault, okay. You were just a kid, and you both had no control over this. Scarlet Witch would never have let you die, no matter what. I mean, would you have left her to die, had the situation been reversed?"

You shoot Tom a look, " No, of course I wouldn't have let her die."

" So there it is. There's nothing we can do about the past, we just have to hope Scarlet Witch gets stronger soon, so she can return to her universe so no more people get absorbed into ours."

" You're right. There's nothing I can do about it... It just feels bad you know? Knowing that I've robbed someone a chunk of their life, while I lived mine," sighing you put your head in your hands. Toms warm, comforting, arms circle around you. His delicious cologne floats around you, distracting you from your thoughts. Lifting your head, you find him gazing into your eyes. You're drowning in pools of chocolate and his mouth parts. Desire unfurls inside you, and you grasp his face in your hands, colliding your lips with his. He falls back on the sofa, as you straddle him, his hands gliding up your thighs to rest on your hips. Heat blooms inside you, and you wrap yourself around him, holding him tight. His lips are soft, and your kisses become more urgent. Parting for air, you look up at the ceiling. Your eyes close when you feel the brush of Toms hair under your jaw, his lips are gentle and warm as they caress your neck. He finds a tender spot, sucking gently, electrifying your nerves. You can feel it throughout your entire body. Gasping, you clutch onto his strong shoulders, fingernails digging in.

A loud knock at the door has you jumping apart, breathless, chests heaving. You're still on Toms lap, his strong arms holding you. You glance at the door then back at him, his cheeks are flushed and his eyes are bright. You wonder if you look the same. The knock sounds again, louder and more urgent this time.

Tom groans, rolling his eyes, " Sorry, I better get that."

Reluctantly, you get off Tom's lap, your skin feverish from your make out session. Tom ruffles his hair, and you watch him go, biting your lip. He's SO goddamn sexy!

Tom swings the door open, and you stomach drops away, ice trickling down your spine at the sight.

Two police officers, and a man in a dark suit, stand in the doorway. The man with the suit, flashes a badge. Even from the living room you see the bold blue FBI on the badge.

" Mr Holland? I'm special agent Wilson with the FBI, I'd like to ask you some questions." 

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