From the Shadows.

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Face crumpling, tears slide down your cheeks as you drive home. The drive back is so much worse now that you know Tom has left Boston. Chest raw and empty you watch as the sun rises, kissing the sky a golden hue as you fly along the freeway. It feels like a mockery of what you feel on the inside, like the sun has set on your happiness forever. Once you reach home, you race to your room and collapse onto your bed in a sobbing heap. What feels like an eternity passes until your bedroom door creaks open, making you look up from your pillows.

" Y/N?" your mom's standing in the doorway her face filled with pity.

You swallow around the lump in your throat, face hot and swollen, eyes raw, "Yeah?"

" Can I come in?"

"Sure," you flop back down onto the pillows.

" Honey... it's okay, he'll be back," your mom sits on the edge of your bed, a reassuring hand rubbing your arm.

Face crumpling, you sit up and your mom wraps you in a hug, holding you for a while as you cry into her shoulder unable to say anything.

Hiccuping, you voice the underlying fear that's dogged you all morning. "What if he doesn't come back? What if he forgets about me and I was just... I don't know, someone he "hooked" up with?"

" Oh honey, he doesn't feel that way about you." Your mom pulls out of the hug and gives you a look, " I saw the way he looked at you at dinner the other night. He adores you. He couldn't keep his eyes off you."

You sniff, " Really?"

"Yes. I know he's a big movie star and all, but he's humble and a good person. A mother always knows these things," Your mom taps her temple with a smile.

" Yeah... I suppose."

" Don't let doubt ruin this for you. He will come back, and if he doesn't... Then he's not the man you thought he was, and you're better off without him."

" I know. But I... I've never felt like this before, about anyone."

" I don't think he has either," Your moms eyes crinkle into a warm smile, and you swallow, looking down at your bed spread, thinking back to all the times you and Tom hung out. You think of the bond you share, the journey with your powers, the laughter and the fact that he actually saved you from Agent Wilson. You smile at your mom, knowing that she's right about Tom and you know that this insecurity was something that you've carried with you because of how your ex treated you. You'd always felt like you were never good enough, which was why you hadn't dated anyone else since him. But Tom changed that, he flipped your world upside down. Tom adores you.

" Thanks mom," you smile.

" It's okay, sweetie," she kisses your forehead and leaves your room.


The next day you drag yourself out of bed to go to college. You really don't want to go, instead you want to lie in bed all day crying whilst stuffing your face with snacks. But you put on a brave face, dragging yourself to classes as you try to ignore the empty dark cloud dogging your every move. In an effort to cheer yourself, you keep thinking about Tom coming back, and all the things you guys will do. But it still doesn't chase that dark cloud away because you miss him so much. He's all you can think about.

It's a beautiful sunny day and you're crossing the quadrangle heading to one of your lectures, a cool breeze rustles the dead oak leaves off the concrete, and students walk past talking cheerfully with one another. It feels like the sunny cloudless day and happy students are mocking you with their joy. Frowning, you cross your arms tighter around yourself, and head into the gigantic brick building where your next class will be held.

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