My Boys (boyxboy, girlxboy)

By alittlepeiceofheaven

404K 12.6K 1.3K

Cassie is 19, with her family all gone and a huge house to herself she makes a choice. She takes in a strang... More

My Boys
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one

Chapter Fifteen

13K 429 29
By alittlepeiceofheaven

Pic of Angel

Cassie's POV

Present day

Walking into the house followed by Angel my heart was thumping painfully in my chest. He was shuffling and groaning quietly but I could still hear him clear as day. You would imagine being given a chance like I was offering him he would be a little happier, but he seemed more upset the closer to the door we got.

I remembered fondly how both Riley and Samuel had responded and Angel’s reaction couldn't be more opposite. He showed no interest in the lavish home my parents created. He actually rolled his eyes on arrival making me smile.

I came across Angel just hours ago. Jessica had demanded we go out on a girls’ trip to the city, like she did every other time she broke up with a boyfriend. I had a bad feeling the whole way there; leaving the boys at home and making myself leave the house had me on edge. She had gotten herself obnoxiously drunk within ten minutes of arriving at the first bar. The night that followed saw me running after her as she danced from bar to club and back to bars.

She ended up stumbling into a famous gay strip club 'eclipse'. I must have stood outside the entrance cursing her name for fifteen minutes before I gave up and followed her inside. It wasn't so much that it was a gay club or that it was a gay strip club that had me reluctant, I guess I just didn't want to deal with the fact Jessica had gone completely off the deep end.

The music pounded in my ears making them ring painfully, I had to wait a minute just to let them adjust. Everywhere around me were men, big ones, small ones, young ones, old ones, hairy ones and glittery ones.

Jessica resembled a kid in a candy store, she was sitting front row at the stage clapping her hands excitedly as the host introduced the next act. She waved me over quickly, beating her hand even more viscously when I was obviously reluctant.

"Cas please, come on! We're going to watch the show!"

"Jess I think it's time we went home don't you?"

"No I do not!" she giggled drunk

"But Jess the boys and..."

"The boys the boys the boys, that's all you ever talk about anymore, and look around, there are boys here" she laughed and averted her eyes to the boy coming on stage.

I was going to demand we leave until I saw him. He stopped any words coming out of my mouth or forming in my brain. He was so beautiful I blushed in my seat and he hadn't even done anything or looked at me.

He was tall, lean and muscular. His dark hair was spiked with gel and looked like someone had sprinkle glitter all over it. What was left of the glitter must have been rubbed all down his body because every way he turned the light would catch and he would sparkle.

It wasn't the sparkles that had me transfixed and unable to speak, it was the way he moved. It was confident and full of authority, a sort of stance that screamed 'I dare you to'. He came to the stage with a just out of bed look, wearing a silver loose t shirt and soft sweats. The song played slowly and erotically in the background as he made his way to the centre stage, where there did happen to be a prop bed covered in pillows and feathers.

He had this innocent smile on his face in the beginning, rubbing the back of his neck looking nervous almost. I would have said he was about 21 but like this he could pass for 16. Judging by the hoots and hollers from the men in the crowd his look was working for him.

He climbed onto the bed and began to take of one item of clothing at a time.He started grinding into the pillows slowly smirking at some of the men who were waving dollar bills in his direction, begging for some special attention.

Half way through the performance he was left in only his sweats and I may or may not have broken out in a sweat of my own when he started to peel them off. Jessica was practically drooling, and I wasn't too far behind. I was so caught up in it I couldn't even think of being embarrassed.

After what seemed like an eternity he made his way to the front of the stage, to please his eager fans. Money flew everywhere and I found myself wondering why he wasn't picking it all up, like he didn't even need it. He paid special attention to a man in a tux holding a fifth, leaning down he let the man put the bill in his shorts and then the boy gave him permission to touch. This made others wilder than they had been before, wailing for the boy 'Angel' they called him.

He paid them no mind and continued his private moment with mister big spender, before he finished he leaned down and whispered something in the man’s ear letting him go and climbing back on stage, making sure to give everyone a good view of his ass. He was amazing I had to hand it to him.

The song ended but the applause carried on until well after he had left the stage. Men all around commented vulgarly on his appearance and what they would do if they had him to themselves, it made me shudder all of a sudden. The man in the tux got up slowly, a look of distaste on his face aimed towards the other men, and he went to the bar ordering a drink.

I studied him for a while, interested as to why someone so important looking would find themselves here. He was a broad man, stubble, probably around forty or so. He didn't look as though he particularly even wanted to be here, that was until Angel appeared by his side. He wasn't wearing anything more than he had been on stage, a different, less sparkly pair of shorts maybe. The two chatted nicely for a couple of minutes, they didn't even seem to be flirting, had they both been somewhere else and dressed a different way I would have said they were just good friends. However my image crumbled when Angel took a hold of the man’s tie and tugged him towards the back, presumably where the private rooms were.

I looked behind to see Jessica totally preoccupied by the next act on stage, who I hadn't even noticed arrived. She was fussing with her wallet which I knew she wouldn't ever be able to open.

I still can't tell you why I followed Angel and that man, I can't remember, but I did. I watched Angel take him away, winking at other dancers who just grumbled at his luck. Luckily for me they’re wasn't even rooms there, only small areas with patricians and curtains keeping you safe from wondering eyes. It seemed crude to me that people could have sex in conditions like this but I suppose with the music blaring and curtains closed no one would ever have to know a thing.

They walked behind the curtain and I took a seat in the next 'room', pulling the curtain behind me. There was enough space in between the patricians for me to be able see into their room while hopefully being hidden.

Angel already had the man seated and was straddling his waist, but there still seemed something odd about the way they interacted. I hadn't ever been to a strip club but I didn't think this was the way client and seller got along if you know what I mean.

"You didn't need to give me a fifty Jack" Angel grumbled annoyed. He was playing with the man, Jack's collar.

"I had a good week, won some cash, what better way to spend it" Jack guffawed making Angel smile.

"Maybe next time buy yourself someone who'll give you something back"

"I'm still holding on to hope every time you being me here" he chuckled stroking Angel’s thighs

"Sorry babe, In all the year you've been coming here you should know you're not my type" he winked and ran his hands through Jacks hair

"I'll get someone else to take care of me later, but tell me how you doing?" he fixed his eyes on Angels

"I'm alright, same as always" he shrugged still smiling.

His voice was hard and soft at the same time, like it could be harsh if he wanted it to be but at this moment he didn't need to sound like that.

"And your back?"

"Eh, I’ll get by"

"You should stay with me tonight!" Jack pressed rubbing his hands over Angel’s shoulders

"I told you I wouldn't do that anymore, you have a family Jack. I almost ended your marriage"

"The fact I'm married to a woman means my marriage never started" he chuckled

"It's not bad in the shelter" he shrugged still running his hands through Jacks hair as the man closed his eyes and laid back

"I don't like you being there kid. You're too young for that type of life"

"There's younger than me that don't have a place at all" his expression turned guarded, no longer smiling

"I'm not out to upset you I’m just trying to help" he mumbled stroking his cheek affectionately

"I have a job, it's more than most" he chuckled making Jack scoff

"Some job!"

"What you don't like what I do?" Angel smirked grinding his hips sensually against Jacks front making the man blush red

"I love what you do! I would prefer if it didn't do it for the rest of Philadelphia" he teased picking Angel off his lap and tossing him lightly onto the soft couch next to him.

"Done so quickly?" Angel pouted but it didn't make him look any less manly I noticed

"I need a real man who can satisfy all this, your voice can only get me half way" Jack said leaning over and planting a kiss on Angel’s forehead

And he dragged himself reluctantly off the sofa following Jack out. I acted for the second time on instinct following them out. Angel and Jack were saying goodbye when I made my presence known.

"Uh hi, Angel right?"

He turned around and his eyebrows shot up. "That's me" he said slowly, sceptically

"I want some service" I said as straight faced as I could holding up a 100 dollar bill.

"Lady, unless you're packing heat in that skirt you've come to the wrong place" he laughed using a tone much less kind than he had with Jack.

"I'm a paying customer"

"How do you know I’m not more expensive?"

Jack choked on a laugh behind Angel looking between the two of us.

"I'll take whatever it will give me"

He studied me for a while, as if seeing whether or not I would chicken out. When I didn't he opened up the curtain again and gestured for me to enter.

I sat on the plush pillows where Jack had thrown Angel a couple of moments before.

"So what do you want, that'll pretty much give you sec if that's what you're looking for" he shrugged

"Ah no thank you I don't actually want anything I was wondering if we could talk"

"There's cameras in here I have to do something or I get fired"

"Uh so the pole" I waved my hand at the large pole in the centre of the small space

"If that's what you want" he shrugged and got to work swaying on the pole

"Can they hear us?"


"So can we talk then?"

"I don't know it sounds serious" he commented from his place on the pole

"I was just uh wondering how you are?"

He stopped his routine and looked at me letting out a confused laugh "What?"

"Just how you are?"

"Do I know you or something?"

"No um listen this isn't coming out right"

"I bet it's not"

"Look so I live in a big house just outside the city with these two other guys...."

"So you want me to have sex with your gay friends? Sorry I'm not a prostitute"

"No god no!!!"

"Hey you wouldn't be the first"

"No so look I sort of have a spare room in my place and I couldn't help over hearing what you were saying to that guy about the shelter"

"You eavesdropped?" he glared at me and crossed his arms somehow still looking like he was dancing

"Yes but not for a bad reason I mean It was bad but I want to offer you a place to stay"

"Look lady I don't know what the hell weird type of sweat shop you run at your house but I'm not in the mood to be a part of it"

"No it's not like that truly"

"So what? You just invite strangers to come live with you?" he stopped on the pole and came and sat over me his knees on either side on my legs pinning me there.

"Sort of yes, I guess you could say that"

"You understand that makes you insane"

"Maybe" I shrugged

"I don't have money if that's what you want, and if you're a pimp I'm also not interested"

"You don't need to; I'll let you live there without rent until you get on your feet, then you pay like the rest, but it's not a large amount."

"I don't think so, you look nice and all but that's too weird for me"

"I think you should do it" Jack suddenly appeared in the door.

"I don't need your opinion thank you" Angel scowled still sitting in my lap making me blush

Jack approached me and held out his hand "I could see you peeking a moment ago by the way, Jack, pleasure to meet you"

"S-sorry, I'm Cassie"

"So Cassie, you want to take my boy and make him an honest man then?" he smiled at me placing his hands on Angels shoulders only for them to be swatted off.

"I'm not doing it"

"Look so I seem to have this thing I do where I let people live in my home when they need a break, I know how weird it is, really I do"

"And your parents aren't around I presume?"   Jack asked passively

I shook my head and he looked to Angel "She's as messed up as you Hun! She's not going to do anything"

"I don't care what she does or who she is, I don't know her, why all of sudden would I live with her"

"You don't know anyone in the shelter either; at least if you were at her place you'll go home every night knowing you have a bed"

"He's right" I piped in making Angel glare are me, like he had forgotten I was here

"I won't give up my job, you're aware you would have a stripper in your home" he asked smirking like he thought I would give in

"What you do in your spare time isn't any of my business" I shrugged making him glare again

"You're stressing me out I need a smoke" he mumbled running his hands over his face.

"This is crazy I know it is, but for some reason it feels like it's the right thing to do" I pleaded. Don't ask me why but I had a feeling, from the moment I first saw him, it was the same if not more than when I saw Riley and Samuel.

Or maybe I was acting out of blind fear of being alone, Riley and Samuel were obviously growing closer, though neither will admit it. I'm happy for them but I'm beginning to feel that emptiness creeping back.

"Do you always go out to pick up stripper boys then?" he asked sarcastically 

"only every month or so" I snipped back

"Angel, give her a chance" Jack whispered placing a hand on his cheek.

"Mhhhmmm" he grumbled rolling his eyes

"What's that?" Jack smiled at him

"I'll go" he grumbled slightly muffled against Jacks hand

"Aha yes" Jack cheered clapping his hands together

"How does your wife not know you're gay" Angel snapped getting off my lap finally

"Very funny dear" he flipped Angel off going back out through the curtain.

"But if I don't like this set up I'll be out by morning" he turned back to me

"Of course" I nodded not wanting to push my luck and say more

"Should I shower here or do you have one" he asked rubbing his glitter covered torso

"No I have one for every room"

"Fancy" he snorted and I followed him out to the floor again

"Damn" I cursed and he looked at me confused


"My friend she came here with me and she's totally wasted"

"So she can't go with you?"

"No she can but she can't see you coming home with me"

"Why not?"

"She doesn't know that all the guys living with me either homeless or in your case a stripper"

"Right well I guess I'll just leave it then" he shrugged

"No, No! Just let me think"

"I'll take her home!" Jack shouted next to my ear making me jump and Angel laugh

"I don't know" I said sceptically

"Seriously I'll look after her, wait until she passes out at the bar and I'll take her home and that way she'll never know"

"Are you sure?"

"She will be in the safest of hands" he smiled

"Thank you seriously you're saving my ass"

"Now if I could get him to give me some of his my life would be complete" he said winking at Angel.

"You'll live a life of disappointment then"

"Never say never"

"Never" he dead panned

"Do you have any stuff with you or will we have to pick it up" I asked suddenly tired

"No it's all in a bag in the back I'll be back in two"

I waited for him to return and we drive home in complete silence. He had a funny twitch in his wrist, like he was shaking his hand but it seemed too erratic for that. It was pretty slight though, I wouldn't have noticed had I not been staring at every part of him since we met.

His eyes began to droop just as we reached the house. I saw him look up a little but and roll his eyes,but  he must have been nervous because he tucked his wrist behind his back.

I pushed the front door open to hear my two boys screaming and shouting from the kitchen. I glanced back at Angel who was again rolling his eyes this time making me want to slap him but I decided finding out what was wrong was more important

"Don't" I heard Samuel yell

"Sammy just let me help you" Riley cried desperately

When I slammed open the door I saw Samuel crumbled on the floor tears streaming down his face and Riley looked much the same. They looked awful.

"Ugh guys this is Angel he's going to be staying with us for a while" I mumbled not sure what to say

Riley brought his hands to his face to wipe away his tears as Samuel took his chance diving from beneath him and running upstairs.

"What happened" I said softly walking to a broken looking Riley

"So bad, I'm in so deep I can't do anything" he sobbed onto my shoulder

I patted his back and held him for a few seconds "go to her sweetie, I'll help you in the morning, nothing you can do now"

He nodded meekly and walked slowly hunched to the living room where I heard him flop down on the couch.

"You know I thought I wouldn't like it here but I'm clearly in heaven" he commented

I rolled my eyes and he stared at me. "Alright?"

I nodded and gestured to the stairs for him to follow me. I couldn't wait to go to bed.


A/N hello my dears, nothing important to say really, only just that I am so thrilled with the response to the last chapter. You guys blow me away with your kindness and every comment helps me to write faster and more. This chapter is quite soon because I haven’t got college this week, but I am supposed to be studying. I write in between I swear.

As always I love you guys and I have a good feeling this chapter will get me to 6K with all your help.

Comment/vote/read and enjoy X

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