The Surgeon. |✔️|

Door raezwrites

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Beyoncé Knowles, a prized possession at New York Presbyterian, is one of the best orthopedic surgeons to grac... Meer



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Door raezwrites


I hated the feeling of saying goodbye, especially to someone who I truly adored. Dressed only in his "3" white tee with my messy bun, I watched Jay pack up his belongings for the flight home in about three hours.

The rest of our week together was more than I could imagine. Not only did we stimulate each other sexually, but we also managed to connect on a more deep and spiritual level. Jay was a man full of wisdom and intellect that I got chills every night we sat out on the patio and let our words flow in a unrehearsed manner.

"Aye, stop looking like that.. you're making it harder." He said, now standing tall in front of me. I titled my head back to lock eyes and he puckered my lips for a kiss. "This is not goodbye, you'll be home before you know it."

"I know, but you won't be here with me." I said with a pout.

"I promise I'll have a surprise waiting for you as soon as you land, but just know I thoroughly enjoyed every second with you. I think this was something we definitely needed."

I couldn't help but agree since this time alone did give me insight to how we would manage our partnership for the future. Yet I knew this wouldn't be a dream come true if I didn't do my part and tell the damn truth.

"The car is here." He said, breaking my train of thought. He grabbed his bags and we walked hand and hand to the front driveway.

"You swear you can't stay any longer?" I questioned.

Jay let our a soft chuckle, "You know I would if the opportunity presented itself, but I gotta head home.. I heard shit was getting pretty outta hand with my absence."

I frowned, "Jay please be safe. The last thing I want is someone telling me that you're gone."

We shared a loving kiss followed by an even better hug; "Don't you worry bout me, baby.. I'll call you every second I can. Now go on and fuck this conference up, Doctor Knowles."

I smiled wide and tried to stop the phrase of I love you to leave my lips. We said our goodbyes once more and I watched him get settled inside the car before driving off toward the airport. Now with him gone and my medical conference beginning tomorrow, I was able to focus on my lesson plans for the week. In the midst of review, my phone rang and I immediately accepted my daughter's FaceTime call, eager to see her beautiful face. Yet what I saw on the other side placed an immense panic within my heart.



It wasn't suppose to happen like this. I wasn't suppose to find my best friend aspirating on her own throw up at the entrance of her bedroom.

If I didn't trust my gut to come see her, she'd be dead .. a situation I don't think I'd be able to cope with. The past week for us was breeze, we went to school everyday and watched movies every night, so I had no inclination that things would get this bad. Rue's bubbly behavior eased the anger I felt toward my mom leaving and we fulfilled our time together in her cozy room. But in this moment, I understood that things were bound to get worse since the anniversary of her father's death was today, yet I wish I knew better, asked more questions, and intervened sooner to avoid this possibility.

Her gurgling cough got louder and her chest heaved up and down as I ran to her side. I could barely see through my tears, but shook her shoulders to bring her back to consciousness.

"Rue please! Please wake up!" I screamed as loud as I could, but she was unresponsive. Immediately, I grabbed my phone and traveled to my mom's name. Our FaceTime call connected right away and I saw her bright smile drop instantly at the look on my face.

"Mommy help! Help me please!" I yelled while my shaky hands made the phone unsteady. "She's starting to have convulsions!"

"Aaliyah, hunny breathe. Turn Rue on her side right away!" Her calming tone of voice eased my anxiety a tad and I followed her directions. Forcefully, I rolled Rue to her side and watched in horror as chunks of frothy vomit escaped her mouth.

"Mom I'm so scared!! I can't lose her!" I cried out. The scene in front of me hurt deep as I feared my best friend wouldn't come out of this alive.

"I know, baby.. I know. Is she still convulsing!?"

I made a sniffle, "Yes! What do I do now!?"

"Call 911 right away. Tell them everything you've seen, Aaliyah!"

I wiped my snotty nose with my free sleeve and ended our call to dial 911. The operator picked up right away and I cried for help; "H-hi yes, my friend is having a seizure, she's throwing up everywhere! I think she may be experiencing an overdose!"

"Okay, I've found your location. Help is on the way, just please stay by her side." The voice assured. They then reiterated my mom's advice to keep her on her side till her seizure ceased.

"Rue not like this.. not like this please!" I begged through my tears. Her convulsions came to a halt and I gently caressed her clammy face. "It's gonna be alright. You're going to get through this .. I love you so much!" My tears fell on her shirt and I prayed to God for some sort of miracle.

"Paramedics!" A strong voice called out. Immediately, three team members came running down the hall with their handy equipment.

"Come, dear.." A lady reached for me. The other members took Rue from my grasp and tended to her needs. We shared no words as she wrapped her arms around me and allowed me to sob even louder.

"Just please save her! I want her to live!"

"We'll do everything we can, sweet girl. How about we go to the living room and contact all personnel and you give me a run down of what happened?"

"Okay.." I mumbled. She helped me stand up and we walked slowly to the couch; I couldn't help but look back and saw Rue being transferred to a stretcher. When we made it to the couch, I decided to stay silent and call my mom back; this time around, she was fully dressed and in the midst of packing.

"Baby girl I'm on my way! Did the paramedics arrive?"

"Y-yes they're here. I just want you home so bad!" I cried.

She made a light sniffle and when she put her face into view, I could see her own set of tears. "I'm coming. I should be to you in four hours top. The taxi is coming now."

"Thank you.." I replied.

"I love you Aaliyah, I'll stay on the phone for as long as I can. Just tell the paramedic everything you know."

Before I had a chance to speak, police sirens surrounded her home. "Rue! Oh my goodness, Rue!" I hear her mother shout. She ran with all her might up the driveway and met her still unresponsive daughter at the loading portion of the ambulance.

I sighed loudly and shook my head in disbelief at the amount of chaos around me. I grabbed my throbbing forehead and coached myself through a few deep breathes although my anxiety wasn't going to end any time soon.

"I need you tell me everything you remember .." The female paramedic spoke in a soft voice.  

"Just.. I had been trying to call her since yesterday, Sunday because she had flaked on our plans to go to the movies. With my grandma not wanting to drive me over and check on her, I continued to keep calling but got no answer; not from her mom either. So, this morning, .. same thing."

"And this behavior is abnormal for her?"

"Definitely. Something told me to come over and check things out. I grabbed her spray key and when I opened the door, an awful smell hit me right away."

"Of drugs?" She questioned.

"That and vomit." I replied.

"What happened next?"

"I screamed her name, got no response, so I chose to search the house and found her at the entrance from the hallway." I took a long pause at the feeling of my tears pooling around my eyelids and graphic memories. Gently, the lady patted my thigh and allowed me to get myself together.

"Then I just called 911.." I finished.

"Aaliyah, is it?"


"You did the right thing and for that we are forever grateful. I know this is going to be tough on you, but thank you for giving such a thorough report. Is there anyone that can take you home now?"

"I'm actually boarding my plane right now.." My mom interrupted on FaceTime. "Is there any way she can stay by Rue's side en route to the hospital?"

The medic sighed, "I don't think so, the policy is usually one companion per patient."

"I assure you're taking Rue to NY Presby, right? I'll make sure her aunt Dr. Lively will be present to take her off your hands." My mom spoke with authority.

The medic shook her head vigorously, "Doctor's order, got it." We stood from the couch together and I lagged behind till we made it inside.

"Li look at me," my mom demanded. I wiped away my stray tears and only showcased my forehead and a portion of my puffy eyes. "Blake is aware and prepped on everything coming in. Although she will be performing Rue's surgery, she's going to take you to the physicians suite till I get there, okay?"

"Yes, that's fine." I croaked. Before ending our call, we prayed together and she blew me a kiss goodbye.

Pulling up to the trauma bay, a herd of nurses and assistant workers surrounded the ambulance. The back door flew open immediately and the gurney was pulled to the ground and rushed through the double doors.

"Aaliyah!" My aunt called out. Dressed in her appropriate baby blue scrubs and OR cap, she escorted me off the truck and wrapped me tightly in a hug. "It's going to be okay, you hear me? I'll do everything I can."

My tears were rapid once again, "Please!" We walked quickly to the suite and she gave me another hug before being whisked away to surgery. In a few moments, I became an anxious, restless mess. I pulled my knees up toward my chest and sunk my head down in between to rock front and back; all I wanted was to see her beautiful face one more time.



I felt numb .. angry, and incapable to make all this chaos make sense in my own mind. I was scared for my daughter and felt a mixture of sorrow and hate for Rue to place her in such predicament. The look of fear on my baby's face troubled me so bad that I sprung out my seat and ran to the bedroom to get dressed and pack. I then immediately booked the next flight out, regardless of the price and cabin space, since nothing in the moment could trump the chance to get home. I landed 4 hours later exactly from the time she called and had my already arranged for a private driver to escort me to the hospital.

When I arrived through the emergency double doors, I took down my hoodie and swung my hair off my shoulders. Just with my presences alone, the security officer badged me into the facility and I walked at a swift pace to the suite.

"Mom!" Aaliyah cried once she saw me. I held back my own tears and allowed her to crash into my arms. She was inconsolable at this point, and all I could do was take in all her pain. Other than the sound of her wailing, silence consumed us. I lowered us down to the couch and continued to stroke her hair and back for constant comfort.

"Mom this cant be real, just tell me it isn't real!" She swore in an anger tone, "Tell me she'll give through this, please!"

The battle to not break down had defeated me, there was no way either of us could keep it together. I also stalled my answer because the last thing I wanted to do was give Aaliyah false hope. Unbeknownst to her, Blake had called me briefly to give an overview on Rue's condition and we came to mutual understanding that a miracle needed to happen. Along with her major episode of aspiration, her nasal passages were inflamed and soaked in blood as if she'd been snorting a great deal of whatever substance. She was suffering from dehydration and unfortunately went into hypovolemic shock, a life-threatening condition; if Aaliyah didn't arrive when she did, Rue would have suffered from central cyanosis and possibly die from respiratory arrest.

"Baby they're working as hard as they can." I struggled to say.

"Don't say that!" She exclaimed while her head sprung up. "You're a doctor! You know exactly what will happen!"

I sighed and wiped away her tears, "I know, but.. Aaliyah just trust me." She pulled away and quietly apologized for her tears on my grey sweatshirt.

"I rather you let it all out now till we get some answers." I replied. She had nothing more to say then curled herself into a ball underneath my arm.

We waited for what felt like hours before a heavy knock sounded at the door.

"Come in." I called out. The door opened and reveled the same security officer from earlier with a set of two policemen behind them. Aaliyah sat up right away and I could sense the fear radiate off of her.

"Hi, Mrs. Knowles?" The one officer greeted. "We were tuned in to your situation and was told that your daughter was a key witness. Do you mind if we ask her a few questions?"

"As long as I can remain present."

"Absolutely," They grabbed two chairs from the table and sat directly in front of us. Aaliyah reiterated her statement from earlier and made sure to not leave out important details.

"So this using of narcotics, was this new for her?" He asked.

"No," Aaliyah responded. "She'd been experimenting with it for as long as we were friends. She told me constantly that she'd stop taking the actual pills but as for the marijuana, .. that was ongoing."

The office nodded, "The weed we aren't as concerned about since the substances Ms. Bennett has come in contact with are of a heavier matter. But we have to ask in any way, shape, or form have you interacted with any of these drugs with her?"

"..N-not necessarily." She stuttered. I moved my position on the couch to directly face her.

"What do you mean, not necessarily?" I questioned in a strict tone of voice.

Aaliyah began to play with her sleeves and I knew right then and there that it was more to this situation than what she led on.

"Aaliyah Knowles. Don't make me repeat myself, please.."

"It was just one time!" She finally blurted out. With sorrowful eyes, she looked at the officers and repeated herself, "Just one time!"

I snickered in disbelief and rose to my feet to walk my anger out around the room.

"Mom I'm sorr-"

"Stop." I said with my hand up. "If you could please wrap this up.." I said to the officers after a moment of silence.

"That's actually all the questions we had. However, we will have to perform a pat down to make sure nothing vital is in her pockets."

I sighed, "Is there a female officer present to do it?"

"Absolutely." One officer voiced the request via his police radio and the sound of female's voice responded that she was on the way. I continued to walk around in a pure state of shock until she came through the door.

"I'll take it for here." She notified her coworkers. "Hunny, I understand you may be clear and also very scared but this is just policy, understand?"

"Y-yes ma'am." Aaliyah said through her tears. The officer began her pat down and like expected, no evidence was found. She then thanked us for our time and went on her merry way.

"It's not that I'm mad that you did what you did," .. "Wait scratch that, I'm actually furious." I had to backtrack. "And you know what's crazy!? I had my inclination that maybe or maybe not you two were doing things you had no business, but to find out like this, Aaliyah? Really!?" I stood baffled. "I've always instilled in you to tell the truth, no matter how ugly or upsetting it may seem. And you knew this but continued to smoke weed in secret as if I would never find out!?"

"Ma, I'm so sorry! .." She exclaimed.

"Sorry can't save you right now, Aaliyah! You partook in an illegal substance not under adult supervision and moved on with life as if everything was okay!? What if you had a terrible reaction or worse got caught and arrested!?" I yelled.

"I wasn't thinking, ma.. I really wasn't! I just wanted to fit in!" She defended herself.

I blew a breath and placed my shades back over my eyes. "I really don't even know what to say to you anymore, Aaliyah. Just, grab your stuff and let's go. We'll check on Rue in the emergency room."

She grabbed her phone and wiped her tears, "Okay.."

Then it hit me to ask, "Did you even know who was supplying Rue with these drugs?" I stopped her tracks.

"Not the heavy stuff.."

"The marijuana?" I clarified. She kept her lips shut and started to look around in an anxious manner.

"Aaliyah I promise you won't be in any more trouble than you already are if you just tell me who it was."

Time stood still when the name finally left her lips; "Some guy that goes by the name of Jay."


*mic drop* 🙂

Pretty heavy chapter, what are your thoughts? Did you see this coming? Why or why not?

Aaliyah gave out more information that needed..

How do you think Beyoncé will feel after this revelation? If your child told you news like this, how would you react?

Please let me know!
Vote + Comment
- Rae 💘

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