Addiction [boyxboy]

By MortalGamesinNarnia

2.8M 100K 64.5K

Highest rank in Teen Fiction: 7/12/16 - #43 Jacob Palmer. Druggie. Addicted. Addictive. Scary. Intimidating... More

ADDICTION - Teaser Trailer
2. "you're cute when you're trying to be mean"
3. "i'm having lunch with my boyfriend and his friends"
4. "there's also another thing that i'd love to see between your lips"
5. "i think i'm in love with you"
6. "i can be a little possessive"
7. "you're just...beautiful"
8. "are you going to kill me"
9. "i'm sorry for almost hitting you"
10. "i'm sorry for coming on too strong"
11. "you're important to me so i'm not giving up on you"
12. "friends? friends."
13. "brain freeze!"
14. "you're both expelled"
15. "she's going to kill me"
16. "thats for turning me down"
17. "we need to talk about us"
18. "who's this?" "he's no one"
19. "i want you to date me and i'm not taking no for an answer"
20. "hey, i'm bleeding"
21. "i was shot because of you"
22. "guess who asked me on a date?"
23. "so...what do you want to do tonight?"
24. "you're only in your underwear"
25. "look, you're my best friend"
26. "will you please be my boyfriend, babe?"
27. "let the fun begin"
28. "let's play"
29. "i just want to apologize"
30. "and go to prom with me?"
31. "can i have this dance?"
32. "make love to me"
33. "you're my addiction."
Addiction - Epilogue

1. "cigarettes are bad for your health"

195K 5.4K 9.1K
By MortalGamesinNarnia

I looked at the math problem on the chalk board and wrote it down on a piece of paper. I started solving the equation. It was so easy. I solved it in three quick and simple steps.

I looked up from my paper and looked around the room. Everyone else is still doing work. Leave it to me, Timothy Clark, to finish my work first. I sat in my seat awkwardly and looked out the window.

I watched as the sun was slowly still rising. It was so beautiful. The color of the sky. It was a beautiful orange mixing in with the blue of the sky.

Suddenly there was a loud noise out in the hallway. I looked over to the door as everyone in the class room got up and left the room to see the commotion.

I got up out of my seat too and went out in the hallway. There was a massive crowd surrounding what looked like a fight. I walked closer and looked over all the people to see that it was a fight.

But no, it wasn't just any normal fight. It was a fight between Jacob Palmer and Tony Dawson.

The thing is, these are the two biggest bad boys of Westshire High School, and they're the two biggest enemies. They hate each other so much because they both sell drugs and they're always trying to get more clients than the other. God, drugs are so gross, but what's more gross is people that do them.

"What's going on over there?" I heard someone call from behind. I turned around to see Principal Johnson rushing towards the crowd with other teachers close behind.

They got to the crowd and started pushing students aside as they weaved their way in. The teachers started grabbing the boys, trying to pull them apart.

After a minute or two, the teachers were finally able to pull Jacob and Tony apart. Tony shrugged the teachers off him and started walking down the hallway. The principal started chasing after him, telling him to stop.

I watched Jacob as he turned around and glanced at everyone in the crowd before his eyes landed on me. He stared at me for a couple seconds before he turned around, pushed through the crowd and walked away.

I stared after him as he walked away, while thinking...

What the fuck just happened?


The final bell rang, releasing me from this prison. I walked to my locker as people started leaving the school to make their buses. Good thing I drive.

There was only a couple people left in the school. I walked out of the school and towards the parking lot where my car was parked. I flipped my backpack around to the front of my body and opened the front pouch. I started searching for my keys, which I was failing at right now.

Before I knew what was happening, my body collided with something tall and hard and I started falling to the ground. Two arms wrapped around my waist and caught me before I hit the ground.

The person pulled me back up to my feet. "Sorry...and...thanks for catching me..." I said awkwardly while looking down at the ground, too embarrassed to look at the face of the person I ran into.

"Yeah, no problem." I heard the person say. I looked up to meet beautiful copper eyes, a rough jaw line, high cheek bones, and brown hair that was sort of spiked up but also off to the side and leaned back.

That's when I put it all together and realized that the person I ran into was none other than the oh so sexy, scary, and intimidating Jacob Palmer.

He smirked and that's when I noticed the unlit cigarette sitting lightly between his plump lips. He had a lighter in hands so he must've been just about to light it. "Are you okay?" He asked while chuckling.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said as I pushed past him and started searching for my keys again.

"You seemed to zone out for a moment back there. You sure you're okay?" I heard him ask as he followed behind me.

I stopped and turned around to look at him. I noticed that he put the cigarette back in his pocket. "Why are you following me?" I asked slightly scared and a little annoyed.

"We were having a conversation. It would be rude to just abandon it without saying goodbye." He said in a "duh" tone.

"Oh, well where are my manners?" I said while smiling at him, before letting my face fall flat and putting on a bored expression. "Goodbye." I said before I turned around and started towards my car again.

He chuckled. "You're funny." He said as he ran to my side.

I rolled my eyes. I went back to searching in my bag. "Ugh, where are my fucking keys?!?" I groaned loudly before dumping out my backpack onto the ground. I jumbled my stuff around, searching for my keys. I sighed loudly when I couldn't find them. "I must've dropped them in school." I started putting my stuff back into my backpack.

"Well, if you need a ride..." Jacob said, trailing off.

I looked up at him like he was crazy. "I need to go find my keys. What if someone finds them? They could steal my car and everything in it. I have my drivers license and money in there." I said as I zipped my bag up and started heading back towards the school. "I'm gonna go search for them."

I felt him run up to my side. "I'll help you look for them."

I rolled my eyes and sighed but agreed to letting him help me since that way I could find them quicker. We got to the doors of the school and I pulled on it but it didn't open. "Great, it's locked."

He chuckled again. "This just isn't your lucky day."

I glared at him. "No duh."

"Yeah duh." He said while grinning back smugly. I just kept glaring at him.

"I'll just have to come back really early tomorrow." I said as I started heading towards my car again. That's when it hit me, I can't drive since I don't have my keys. How am I supposed to get home? I live almost thirty minutes away.

"I could drive you." I heard Jacob say from behind me.

I turned and looked at him with an expression of gratitude. "Really? That would be - wait, how did you know what I was thinking?" I asked him suspiciously.

He stared at me with wide eyes before sighing and moving in close. He whispered into my ear. "The truth is, I have a special power to read minds."

I moved away and stared at him with wide eyes. "Really?" I asked astonished.

He started laughing really hard all of a sudden. "No, you were speaking your thoughts." He just kept laughing. He bent over and held his stomach as he laughed. "I can't believe you believed that!"

I glared at him. "It's not funny!"

He kept laughing. "I thought it was." His laughter died down as he stood up and looked me straight in the eyes. "I also thought it was cute though."

My eyes widened and I blushed a little. "D-Don't say t-that." I stuttered out.

"Why?" He asked as he got closer to me. Suddenly I was trapped between him and a car. "I think you're cute. Especially when you blush like you did when I said that." He said which just caused me to blush harder.

He licked his lips as his eyes stared at mine. I thought he was going to lean in and kiss me but he just pushed away. He turned around and started walking in the opposite direction. I was super confused until he turned around and said. "Are you coming or not?"

I nodded my head before following after him. Soon, we got to a black and white sports car. My beetle was nothing compared to this. Yes, I have a beetle. Don't make fun of me, I think they're cute.

He unlocked his car and told me to get in. I opened the passengers door and was bombarded with the weirdest and most gross smell I've ever smelt. I started coughing like crazy. "What is that disgusting smell?" I asked while pinching my nose so I couldn't smell it.

Jacob sniffed the air for a couple seconds before turning to me. "I don't smell anything unusual."

I looked at him and my eyes widened. "How do you not smell that? It smells like a...molding...grapefruit." I said, trying to come up something it smelt like. But I honestly couldn't come up with anything so I just said that.

He squinted his eyes while he thought. Suddenly, his face lit up and he looked at me. "Oh, what your smelling must be my weed."

"Excuse me?" I asked him.

He reached across to where his arm was in front of me and opened the glovebox. I watched as he pulled out a small baggie filled with these weird rolled up paper things that sort of looked like cigarettes but I knew were not. That's when reality came crashing down on me.

Holy shit, that's weed. I'm in Jacob Palmer's car. With Jacob Palmer. And he is holding weed right in front of my face.

I felt sick to my stomach as he slid the weed back into the glovebox and started up the car. He pulled out of the schools parking lot and got onto the road.

I was staring out the window, thinking about how much trouble I could get into right now for just being in this car. Suddenly, I was pulled from my thoughts when he asked me the most disturbing question. "Would you like to buy some weed?"

I looked over at him like he was crazy. He had his eyes on the road, he was smoking a cigarette, and he just sat there looking calm as if he didn't just ask me a question that could get him in big trouble if anyone else heard.

I took a deep breath, which was a bad idea since the smell of the weed was so strong. I gagged a little before speaking. "No, I would not like to buy some weed. First of all, it's illegal-"

"Not in some states." He said, interrupting.

"Well, even if it was legal in this state, I'm underage." I said while crossing my arms.

He smirked as he took a long drag before pulling the cigarette out and blowing the smoke out the window, where it mixed into the wind. "And cigarettes are bad for your health." I said as I turned back around and looked out the window.


After a long and awkward drive, we finally showed up in front of my house. I got out of his car, wishing that I would never have to get in it again. When suddenly, Jacob called out the window. "I'll pick you up at seven tomorrow morning."

I stopped and turned around slowly. "Why?"

"So I can drive you to school." He said it as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

"I can drive my-" That's when I remembered, my car is still in the school parking lot. I would ask my mom to drive me but she has work in the morning. "Ugh, fine but why so early?" I asked.

"We can search for your keys then." He said as I rolled my eyes.

"Fine, thanks." I said as I started walking away again.

"Wait!" Jacob called out. I stopped and turned around, looking at him expectantly. "I never got your name."

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "My name is Timothy." I said before turning around and walking up the steps again, but not before I heard Jacob call out one more thing.

"You're cute, Tim."


Hey, my Narnians'!!!

I'm so excited to finally be posting this story. I've been working really hard on it since November 2014! So, I really hope you guys like it.

And this story is really important to me. So, hopefully you like it.




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