A Weasley Mess *ON HOLD - REW...

By Nithmen

160K 3.9K 863

Because everyone needs a happy/feel-good story. 1993, her final year of school - at Hogwarts. The Weasley twi... More

II.Fight them with love
III.October Wonderland
IV.The Joy of Family
V.I swear, they're trying to convert me
VI.That's some Weasley!
VII.Merry Christmas
VIII.It's magic
X.May I snog your brother?
XI.Planning your doom
XII.End of an Era
XIII.So... I'm snogging your brother.
XIV.Happy Birthday
A/N - semi important
XV.Back to Hogwarts
XVII.Fairylight and flames
XIX.Common room
XX.Future unspoken
XXI.The Burrow

XVIII.Finishing touches

5.5K 147 13
By Nithmen

Let's talk N.E.W.T.s and how disgustingly nastily exhausting they truly are. Like when you wake up in the middle of the night, covered in old smelling books and your heart is racing ever so hard, you're so sure you overslept and the nightmare you just had told you that you failed every single subject just by not showing up.

Claire had started wearing her hair up in a messy bun, one quill always showed up in it and at least two or three parchments constantly tucked into her robe pockets. Percy was also worse for wear lately, his neat hair sticking up at odd angles that would surely put Harry Potter to shame, and his bloodshot eyes had surely not gotten any better with the dark circles. He kept snapping at his siblings for anything and absolutely nothing.
There was an unspoken, mutual agreement in the Gryffindor tower that plainly said that everyone needed to give him a wide berth and some leniency.

Facing nine N.E.W.T.s subjects and Percy's grueling study plan mentally killed her, for a while she was positive that it would never end or that she would surely have to redo her year - bringing on a new set of panic attacks. It was so common to see someone bawling in the library or sleepwalking to classes now, it seemed like the new normal.
Yet they had gotten there, she was already through with her DADA, Muggle Studies, Alchemy, Herbology and Charms. Now there was 'only' Potions, Care of Magical Creatures, Transfiguration and Ancient Studies left.
Let's put it this way; Claire was in dire need of someone to punch or something to drink. It had gone somewhat alright, yet she couldn't shake the feeling of imminent doom - the feeling that every exam gave her.

For Potions she brewed the Draught of Living Death, all while professor Snape lurked around the other five that simultaneously brewed, all at a good distance from each other. Professor Hagrid was so proud just to be there, he could've burst. He had brought a few Knarl, a hedgehog like creature that was so suspicious of everyone and everything - that most of the exam was just to keep it appeased and converse about the care of the small beast.
McGonagall had her on her toes, the strict professor had them doing Human Transfiguration, not an easy task at all. At the very end, there was her final subject of Ancient Studies. It was a written exam the day after, leaving her slightly comatose.

"That's it, you know - a few short weeks and you're both outta here!" The twins had her cornered by one of the fireplace, leaning against the wall, both of their arms crossed. "Can we deal with a little less Perce?" Fred grinned at his brother, "Heck yes, but yet.." George continued, "It just won't be the same without you, Blondie." He shrugged, nonchalantly pretending that the loss of their best friend wouldn't be utter misery.

"It's not like we'll never see each other again, boys." Claire rolled her eyes a little, all the while smiling and slouching in the large armchair.

"True, you'll be out and about - with our charming brother." George grinned, sitting down across from her and crossing his legs lazily.

"In my own future flat and with my own future job - as an independent lady, thank you very much." She smiled sweetly, but the steel in her eyes dared them to try to mock her.

" - and what would that job be then? You could always tour the circus with Màni - let the world see his majestique!" Fred popped down into the chair next to his brother.

"I have no idea, I'll just get the next best thing and go from there - I think."

"Yeah - why don't you just pop into Honeydukes with you nine PERFECT N.E.W.T.s.." Ron walked by, chewing on a chocolate frog.

"WE DON'T KNOW THE RESULTS YET!" Claire yelled, getting up with a huff and marched to the dorms.

"If I were you, Ron -" George started, in a hushed tone, "I wouldn't mention the N to the E to the W to the T to the H's... She's sensitive."

It's all about the ending, the end of an era and the end of your chocolate cone - those with extra chocolate at the bottom. The end of your exams, when the weeks and weeks of stress and ridiculous eating patterns finally stop and there is this... Emptiness. The emptiness where you just don't know what to do with yourself, are you studying more? Where did the books go and why isn't Perce nagging about the studyplan?

And the end of her school year meant one hell of a party - also known as a 'total waste of time', according to Percy.
But Percy was going to have fun, either he liked it or not.

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