Dragon Ball Altered Frame

Por fund8579

3.2K 122 14

An alternate dimension, what if instead of sending Goku away after seeing the future, Bardock instead would e... Más

Altered Begining
The Development of said fate
Goku & Bulma
The first week of an adventure
The turtle master and Nimbus
Fire Mountain
Kamehameha & Rabbit bandits
Shhh, Goku's hunting rabbits
Comrades, The last Dragon Ball.
Pilaf Vs Goku Pt.1
Pilaf VS Goku Pt.2

Oolong and Yamcha

246 13 0
Por fund8579

Bulma and Goku decided to spend the night that day and make their move the next afternoon. Currently, Bulma and Goku were laying down together after getting a room together.

Bulma while she was laying down she was thinking of something, "Hey Goku?"

"Hm?", he asked.

"If I was in that same situation what would you do?", she asked.

Goku looked at her confused, "You already know what I would do, so why ask?"

"I just want to hear you say it", she then placed her hands on his cheek.

"I'd go through this whole world beating up anyone or anything that would try taking you away from me", he then kissed her, "I...love you...Bulma"

At first, Bulma was shocked by what he said, but she felt wanted by him and she wanted him, "I love you too Goku."

Both of them hugged each other and snuggled, they quietly fell asleep.

The next day they managed to make a plan of what they could do in order to stop Oolong. The plan was that Bulma would distract Oolong while Goku would make a sneak attack. At first, Goku didn't want to risk Bulma's safety, but Bulma said that she was tougher than he thought and that she'd be fine.

Suddenly there was a massive trembling, everyone started running away. They all hid in their homes while Bulma remained outside and waited for Oolong.

As he entered the village, Oolong noticed that everyone was running away. "Hehehe, Pocowapa where are you?" Suddenly he stopped when he saw the beautiful blue-head in front of him, "Hey, beautiful why don't you come with me if you do then I'll make sure not to hurt you."

"Ha! I have a boyfriend so I think I'll pass", she said as she stared daggers at him.

"I think you're not getting it, that wasn't a request", he then tried to reach for Bulma before something hit his hand. "Ow! Who did that!", he then noticed that Goku was there on top of Nimbus while holding his bow staff.

"Don't you dare lay your hands on her", Goku said glaring at him.

"You just made your death sentence", the beast in a suit then moved his club and swung at Goku. Goku dodged easily and then used his palm and slammed it in the beast stomach sending him flying back against the wall. 

"No way! How are you so strong!?", Oolong yelled.

Goku then got into a fighting pose, "That's because I'm a Saiyan, the strongest race!"

Oolong became terrified and then transformed into something else, he became a missile, "I'll get you back for that! Mock my words!", the missile then left flying away.

"Bulma make sure that everyone stays inside until I come back with him", Bulma nodded and Goku using Nimbus quickly chased after Oolong.

Oolong thought that he had made some ground, but when he turned to look behind him, he saw that the same boy was chasing after him. [How the hell his he so fast!], he then tried to increase his speed.

Oolong and Goku flew through the mountain and over rivers, sadly Oolong had reached his limit, "I'm done with my transformation- ah!!" Oolong was turned back to his regular state when he started falling.

Goku quickly launched at him and dived in grabbing his hand before he crashed to his death, "Now tell me where are the other girls you kidnapped?"

Goku then tied up Oolong and took him back to the village.

"Hey guys, I caught him", he yelled.

"Wait that's Oolong?", Bulma asked as she ran up to Goku. The village people also came following her and were shocked by what the teens said.

"Yup, he has the ability to transform, but I'm guessing that he can only do it for a limited time", he added. 

"Where is my daughter", yelled a woman from the village.

"Huh, she's home", Oolong quietly muttered.

"What do you mean? What home?", Bulma asked.

Oolong was then forced to show the villagers where the rest of the girl were, when they reached the house he was talking about everyone was surprised by it, it wasn't a house but a mansion. Oolong had used his powers to cheat people out of their money and built it. The parents quickly ran into the house but were shocked when they saw that their children were fine and goofing off.

The villagers thanked Goku and Bulma that they helped them. Bulma and Goku also said that in order so they wouldn't get bothered by the pig anymore, they would take him with them. Goku wanted to do this because he thought that they might need to have a handy ability to disguise themselves.

Oolong was laying down in his seat, "So where will we be going?"

"Oh we will be heading to fire mountain", Bulma said while looking at her map.

"What!? Fire mountain! No way I will ever go anywhere near there!", Oolong yelled.

"Calm down, what's so bad about this place?", she asked.

"They say that that area is always covered in fire, they also say that there is a giant named Ox-King, he'll slice anyone who dares get in his way", Oolong stated in a terrified tone.

"He sounds strong", Goku said as he sat in the passenger seat beside Bulma.

"Not just that, on the way people say that there is a vicious bandit. He'll attack anybody and anyone with valuables, nobody has ever seen him, he's so fast that you're dead before knowing what happened", Oolong stated.

"Sounds scary, but I have Goku here to protect me", Bulma said as she held his hand.

"He'll die before he can do anything!", Oolong shouted.

"Oh hush now, here have this candy and sit", Bulma said as she gave it to Oolong.

Goku felt for a sweet, "Hey can I have one?"

"Sorry that was my last one, besides, I gave it to him", Bulma said, [I can't let the piggy know that its a stomach converlser]

Bulma then stopped the car in an opening in the forest so they could relax, the needed to use the car so that they could fit in everyone. 

"Ok we'll stop here", she got out of the car and stretched her arms, "we'll set up camp here." She then opened her capsule box and tossed out an RV capsule. 

With an explosion, the RV appeared, "I'll take a bath, if you try to peek I'll shoot you pig."

"I'm not a pervert, lady", Oolong grunted.

"I'm going to catch something in the river I'll take Oolong so he won't bother you", Goku said grabbing Oolong's rope.

Oolong felt like a dog, "I can walk you know!"

Goku and Oolong left for the river that was nearby, they had already caught a few fish and were going to catch a few more.

"Hey Goku I need to go to the bathroom", Goku stopped fishing and then hid the basket somewhere. 

"I'll go too", he said.

"I can go alone!", Oolong yelled. In reality, he wanted to sneak into the bathroom and watch Bulma naked. 

"Oh, I remember Bulma said that some people want to go to the bathroom alone. Don't worry just go behind a tree, I won't be able to see", Goku said.

[At least I have a chance], Oolong thought.

Both went to a nearby tree and Goku waited for Oolong to finish, "Whenever you're done tell me."

Oolong quickly went and waited for a second then he untied his rope and ran. "Hehehe, that boy is naive", he smirked, when he noticed a shadow over him, he then lifted his face and saw him.

Goku waited for a while and then asked, "Hey are you done?"

"WAAAAAAAA!!!!", Oolong ran past Goku in a flash.

"Hey Oolong!", Goku was then attacked by a sword but thanks to his reflexes he dodged. He quickly jumped back feet away into what seemed the edge of the forest and the beginning of the desert. "Who are you and why are you attacking us!", Goku said as he got into a fighting stance.

"Greetings, I'm Yamcha the master of this land. We don't need to fight just hand me everything you have and I'll let you go", the man named Yamcha said. Beside him stood a small cat-looking creature, his name was Puar.

"Oolong, go and warn Bulma, I'll take care of this guy", Goku said.

"I warned you!", Yamcha then charged at Goku and he jumped away. 

They were in the middle of a stone bridge and were staring down at each other.

"This could have been over if you just handed us your goods", Yamcha said getting in a fighting stance.

"And I told you, not happening", Goku and Yamcha charged at each other.

Both of them attacked each other and they both dodged and blocked each attack that came their way. Goku then used his tail as a third arm and smacked Yamcha in the face stunning him. Goku then wrapped his tail around his arm and then pulled him forward and he jumped punch him in the face. 

Yamcha got up from the floor, "How the hell are you so strong?"

"I was trained by the best!", Goku said as his tail wrapped back around his waist.

"You're strong kid, I'll tell you that", Yamcha then got into a different stance and smiled, "But I'll win."

In a flash, he made it to Goku, "Wolf Fang Fist!", Goku was suddenly bombarded by punches and kicks from Yamcha. Goku was surprised, he never thought that he would be attacked repeatedly at very high speeds.

Yamcha then united both hands and slammed Goku with both, Goku who was still blocking was actually sent back a few feet. "No way how come you didn't faint from that?", Yamcha asked in shock.

"I'm stronger than I look", Goku then got into the same stance that Yamcha used for his special attack, "Let's see how you hold up?"

Goku then charged at Yamcha at a faster speed than Yamcha did and launched an attack, "Wolf Fang Fist!" 

[How is that possible?...... Did he take my attack so he could copy it?], Yamcha was too distracted that he forgot to block and was met with the full brunt of that attack. One, two, four, eight, and each time the number of punches and kicks kept increasing when Goku then ended his attack as he slammed Yamcha with the palm of his hand.

"Yamcha!", yelled Puoar as she went to check on her friend.

"I'm ok.....tell me how were you able to copy my attack and make it even stronger?", a hurt and bruised up Yamcha asked.

"My Grandpa, he was one of the strongest in the world, he taught me that if you like a move but it misses something then you learn it", Goku said. "He was the 2nd best behind master Roshi himself, Master Gohan!"

[Gohan!!], Yamcha mentally yelled, [That's why this kid is strong, he the grandson of a very powerful man, and he's his successor in Martial Arts], Yamcha once again got into his fighting stance, [I'm scared but this is my chance to see how I am against one of the legend's trechinque]

"You still want to fight me?", Goku smirked, "Come on then!"

Suddenly a car arrived and from the window, a girl in blue haired poked her head out, "Goku are you okay!?"

"We came back on time", Oolong stated.

"My friends are here", Goku then looked at Yamcha and saw that he was still while blushing red as he saw Bulma. Yamcha then stood up straight and somehow while being still, he fell to his side like a stick.

"Yamcha!", yelled Puoar.

Yamcha quickly got up and looked at Puoar, "I thought you told me that there are only two people, you know how I am around pretty women!"

"I'm sorry Yamcha", Puoar said in an apologetic manner.

Yamcha and Puoar quickly got on their hover scooter and drove away, Yamcha then looked back at the others, "This isn't over! I'll be back!!"

Bulma quickly went to Goku, "Are you ok? Who was that guy and why was he attacking us?"

"That man's name in Yamcha, he is the bandit of the desert", Oolong said.

"No way", Bulma said as she got back in the car with Goku.

They were still in shock for a while until Oolong made them mad by not revealing that he had a 2 floored camper in a capsule. Oolong then apologized to them by cooking dinner that night. 

"Hey Oolong is there a shower here?", Bulma said as she got up and stretched her arms.

"Yeah let me show you", Bulma then walked after Oolong into a small room and inside was a small cramped.

"Hmm, seems a little small", she added.

"What'd you expect? A 5-star luxury hotel!?", Oolong yelled, Bulma then started looking around the bathroom, "Now what are you looking for?"

Bulma kept looking around the walls a little more before responding, "Peepholes."

"What kind of place do you think I have?", Oolong yelled.

"Oh whatever, hey Goku, come we need to take a bath", Bulma yelled as she went to get her clothes.

"Coming Bulma", he said as he went for his own clothes.

"You two shower together!?", Oolong asked the woman with a shocked tone.

"Well yeah, he is my boyfriend", Bulma she said as she waited for Goku. 

"I thought you guys were lying", Oolong said in a still shocked tone.

"No, besides we've already seen each other naked, right Bulma?", Goku said coming back with a towel and pants.

Bulma then grew a blush, "Don't say stuff like that, I was so embarrassed that time"

Bulma and Goku both entered in the 

"Damn lucky bastard, he has a fine woman, I wonder how far have they gone. But how can he handle all the nagging that she does", Oolong grunted ad he tried to listen through the door of the bathroom.

Goku was scrubbing Bulma's back with the sponge, he was making her feel very good and relaxed, "Hmm, that feels great."

"Yeah? Let's try here", Goku then kind of started massaging her trapezius or the back of her neck. 

"Yeah", Bulma moaned from this pleasure, "Here let me do you next." Goku sat down and turned around so Bulma could scrub his back. 

She was scrubbing a second when she looked at Goku's tail, "I'm still shocked by your tail, what use could you have it for?"

Goku turned his head back and saw Bulma in only a towel, he didn't know why but she was so arousing. He quickly looked forward, but Bulma noticed the blush on his face, but she felt glad that Goku liked her body.

"My dad says that a Saiyan can be strong, but they're even stronger when they have their tail. Thanks to our tail we can pull out more power than normal, he also told me to watch out for my transformation", he said.

"Transformation?", Bulma asked as she stopped her scrubbing.

"Yeah, you know the werewolf and mister hyde, right?", Bulma nodded, but she was shocked that he knew about those stories, "Us Saiyans have an ability like that and if we use it many times we can master it and have complete control, but sadly I still need training."

"Really?", Bulma asked in shock.

Goku noticed the perplexed expression on her face, "I'm not lying, my family can also do it."

Goku and Bulma then got up and entered the tub after showering, Goku sat down first and Bulma sat on top. What they didn't know was that a person, Yamcha, was watching them entering the tub. If you could guess, he was having a nose bleed for seeing Bulma in only a towel. 

"What kind of beast do Saiyans transform into?", she asked.

"Its kind of like a giant monkey or ape", he stated, "All of our power is unleased then, but we need a catalyst to transform and that's the moon." Goku then noticed that Bulma was thinking about something, "Are you afraid or repulsed that I'm different?"

"No, I love you for you. You might be dumb for wanting to fight stronger people, but you're also loving and caring as well", she then kissed his lips. "I would never leave you for something you have no control of", she said with a smile.

"I love you", Goku said with a smile.

"I love you too", Bulma said and turned around starting the makeout session.

Yamcha and Puoar were forced to stop chasing the three members since Yamcha was literally out of commission for the day. Oolong wanted to check Bulma out but Goku was sleeping with her so that Idea was out of the picture.

The next morning..........................................................

"Hey Oolong? Do you have anything I can wear?", Bulma asked.

"As if anything I had could fit you!", he said sarcastically. "But if you really need something, there's something in the drawer upstairs"

"Ok, I'll be back baby", Bulma said as she kissed Goku.

"Man, kid, how can you handle her?", Oolong asked.

"Whatever, so what's for breakfast?", Goku said as he sat down at the table.

"Kid, you're always hungry", Oolong stated.

"What the hell is this!", Bulma ran down screaming, "What kind of crap is this Oolong?"

"Why are you yelling? I thought you said you needed something girl like to wear, that's the only thing I have", Oolong said.

Goku turned around to only see the arousing figure of his sexy girlfriend.

"Damn you Oolong, this looks weird on me right Goku?", she asked.

"Beautiful, Bulma", Goku then walked up to her and pulled her before kissing her.

"You know what? I think this is the best outfit", Bulma said with a crazy blush.

Oolong twirled his eyes, [Love struck Idiots]

They then heard the sound of another motor, Bulma looked out the window to see the same man from before, Yamcha and Puoar.

"Oh crap!", Oolong shouted.

"That's a bazooka", Bulma yelled as she ducked, Goku quickly grabbed Bulma and Oolong and covered them from the window.

Yamcha then fired the bazooka at it hit the window that they were at, Goku was blasted by the explosion.

"Goku!", Bulma and Oolong shouted.

"I'm okay, but we need to get out before the car blows", he said as he lifted them up.

"Don't worry about the girl master, I bet she got knocked out in the crash", Puar whispered, but the Saiyan heard everything.

"As if I would let her get hurt you bastards", Goku growled.

"Listen now give me the dragon balls or you will die", Yamcha said as he aimed the gun at them. 

"Oh, so you say you'll kill us", Goku then got up.

"Stop your gawking and hand them over now", Yamcha yelled.

"As if I'd ever let you hurt my friends, this is the end of your days on earth", Goku looked at Yamcha with a death glare.

Yamcha was too stunned by the glare, that he didn't even notice that his opponent was already in front of him. Goku then rammed his fist into his stomach that took all the air out of him. Yamcha rolled down and then looked up to see Puar being thrown at him, Yamcha quickly grabbed Puar but he was uppercutted by Goku. Yamcha was on the floor bleeding and beaten up. Bulma and Oolong were still in shock from that explosion, but she was even more shocked to see Goku's actions. 

"Yamcha!", Puar quickly jumped to him.

Yamcha tried sitting up and then tried standing up, but was kicked down, Yamcha grabbed his chest, "I submit."

"You think that a simple sorry is enough, you tried to kill us, so that means this is self-defense", Puar quickly tried to block Goku's path, but Goku kicked him out of the way.

"I swear......I promise......to not bother you guys again......please", Yamcha begged in pain.

"Like I would believe that, if it's not us then you'll hurt another person. That's something I'll stop before it happens", Goku then pulled his bow staff and lifted it up preparing to end his life with a beating. 

Suddenly someone stepped in front of him and protected the bandit.

"Why are you stopping me?"

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