Only For Mr. Kamski

By Laineywantstobtl

19.1K 773 249

Discover a love story of a teenage boy and a teenage girl. *Reader Insert* *Complete* Cover isn't owned by me... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22. The Epilogue

Chapter 20

594 25 5
By Laineywantstobtl

*3rd Person*

November 11th, 2038

Thursday, PM 10:01:01...

Detroit, Michigan

(Y/n)'s teeth chattered as she shivered uncomfortably. Standing in the cold wasn't benefitting her current state. It was snowing, with heavy flakes and a slight breeze. This kind of weather always made Detroit seem so magical in the winter. (Y/n) watched flakes flow down to the ground and gather along with itself or melted once it hit the warmer earth.

Fish shook his head as he stood in front of her. "You shouldn't be out here Doctor." (Y/n), in turn, shook her head. "I should be with my treasures. I need to fight for their freedom alongside them. You need me." Fish scanned her. Her body temperature was close to normal. 97.3 degrees, she was developing a cold. "You're going to get sick if you stay out here longer." He fussed. "You are all going to die if I don't." She soberly countered.

He sighed in defeat. "You have no respect for your own well being." "If you can fight for a just cause, then why should you fear death." She asked. "You're beginning to sound like a philosopher." She snorted in amusement. A peaceful silence fell between the two. We aren't so different. Soon the world will see...

The great mass of people continued walking to the concentration camps full of androids. On occasion, you could hear an echo of gunshots bouncing off the city walls. It was slightly off-putting to (Y/n) and put her on edge. She left her spot where she had fallen into line and made her way to Markus. She said nothing and walked alongside Josh and Simon. She couldn't help but think about Daniel when see looked at Simon.

"This is it." Josh murmured. "Yeah. It's all or nothing now." Simon said from the right side of (Y/n). She simply nodded and kept her eyes trained to the back of Markus' head. I wonder what Elijah is doing... Probably sipping his scotch and watching the news. She reached for her phone and quickly remembered she didn't have it. "Shit..." She hissed. The two looked to her in concern. She gave a quick smile and said, "No worries. I just remembered something." They looked at her skeptically.

"Are you ready Markus?" North privately asked him. He turned to her and a small grin appeared on his face. "It's time to decide our future. As one with humanity or die for what we believe." Josh and Simon beamed in approval while North seemed content with what he said. (Y/n) felt indifferent but she was proud of her children, her would-be family, her creation, little pieces of her.

Soon they made it to the Hart Plaza, just outside of the camps. (Y/n) figured it was sometime around 10:30 ish. You could see policemen lined up in front of us. A chill ran down (Y/n)'s back in sudden realization, she might die tonight. From behind her, Fish scanned her heat signature and noted that it returned to a stable 98.7 degrees. Raven was holding Fish's hand and stared straight ahead.

"The public opinion speaks highly of you Markus." (Y/n) spoke from behind him. "Maybe they'll help stop this war before it truly begins." Markus only nodded in acknowledgment. He was just as nervous as she was, but the helicopter above the scene didn't help very much either. The news was recording everything and anything that was going on from above.

"Are you sure you want to stay in this fight, Dr. Miller?" North asked cautiously. They've never gotten very well but then again, they never really needed to speak with each other. "I'll die alongside you if push comes to shove." (Y/n) frankly spoke. Her heart burned with fear and anger. Is the world is watching me do this? I wonder what they're thinking. A magazine landed next to her. I thought printing was dead... She picked up the paper, that was extremely cold and wet, and read the headlines.

Androids: Alive or Malfunctioning?

In a turn of events, Androids have been making a stand to the human race in remarkable ways that will go down in history. Although they have been choosing to stand up to humans in a peaceful way, critics are skeptical about the resolve of these machines. Are they willing to negotiate for their freedom or will they take action and fight? Many of the residents in the Detroit area have been evacuated or fled from the newly made battleground. Most people support the idea of these machines actually being alive- Continue on A4

They are alive. Her face hardened into a scowl and dropped the paper back onto the ground. She felt a sudden chill run down her spine, feeling like she was being observed. It's now or never. Game time. "On your mark Markus." She glanced over to him and he nodded.

He began to walk towards the camps until we came to an abandoned stoplight. Snowbanks piled up on both sides. "Here we are... Moment of truth." Markus spoke. The soldiers ahead raised their weapons and pointed to the mass of androids. "Surrender immediately or we will open fire!" One of them warned. Markus kept walking. "Stand by!"

To the left, (Y/n) could see reporters on the other side of a barricade. They were watching the scene. "They support you Markus." She blinked. He nodded and projected, "We don't want confrontation! We are protesting peacefully." "I repeat: surrender now or we will open fire!" Was the answer. A truck blocked the straggling androids behind them. "There's no turning back now." Markus said forlornly. "We ask that you release all androids detained in camps and cease all aggression against us. We are peaceful. We will not resort to violence." Markus shouted. "But we are not leaving until our people are free."

Markus waited a moment then began walking. (Y/n) stood in place. "Fire!" Gunshots followed. "Fire!" Androids in front of her fell. Markus raised his arms above and we all followed suit. "Are you gonna open fire on unarmed protesters?" "Or on a human Doctor?" (Y/n) asked angrily. They struggled with the idea and finally ordered themselves to stand down.

"Markus, what do we do now?" North asked. "We hold out." He answered quickly. "As long as we can..." "We need a barricade of our own." (Y/n) began picking things up. Androids can over to help her. They were a lot faster than she was and got the barricade finished in a few minutes. (Y/n) had to sit down and rest. (Y/n)'s stomach growled and painfully broke into a fit of coughs.

Markus was doing his own thing at the moment. Putting signs of freedom up for the public to see. He made his rounds until he stopped in front of her. She spat a wad of phlegm on the ground next to them. "How are you holding up?" "I'm alright. Just hungry, cold and sick." She smirked humorlessly. "A small price to pay when I'm helping fight for your future." He frowned and said, "We can find something for you." He nodded to another and they went off somewhere to find food.

Markus returned to North. (Y/n) was in her thoughts while she watched events unfold. Markus jumped out of the protective walls and walked toward the humans. I wonder if they're negotiating. There was an echo through the breeze from one of the nearby buildings, it sounded a little like "Connor" but it was hard to tell. Exhaustion was beginning to take over her body. Damn the cold.

It takes a few minutes for them to talk and exchange words. I get up from my spot and came next to North as Markus came back into the safety of the barrier. "What's going on?" "What happened, Markus? What did he say?" They both asked at similar times. They gave each other a glance as he brushed passed them. He got onto a box and began, "The humans are about to launch an attack. And we will show them that we are not afraid. If we must die today, then we will die free." He said a little sassily.

An explosion caught us all off guard. They were all thrown in different directions and chaos ensued. (Y/n) landed hard on her hip and side. "Shit, that hurts!" She muttered under her breath. Another explosion threw rubble onto her and covered her with dirt and soot. She tried getting up only to have another android land on her. Pain radiated through her body. She pushed the android off and tried to stand on her own and almost fell over. Fish ran toward (Y/n) and hunched over her and checked her for wounds.

She had cuts from flying shrapnel. He deemed her fit to move her to a better location and analyzed the situation. Markus was saving people left and right and getting them to safety. Soldiers poured into the barrier. Fish picked up (Y/n) and carried her to the rest of the group was gathering, safety in larger numbers. He placed her behind her and protectively put his arm while Markus stood in front of them. He looked to North and connected hands. They kissed each other in front of the soldiers.

The soldiers lowered their arms and stood down and backed away. "We won." (Y/n) started to cry. "We won!"

There she is now my Lovelies. I hope y'all are okay and taking care of yourselves. Things have been rather odd with the Coronavirus and earthquakes and rumors of WWIII. Please be safe, wash your hands and stay feisty through this troubling time. Love y'all.

Question of the day: How is Coronavirus affecting where you live? 

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