Kiss My Mask. (Hollywood unde...

By Mya_Holman

36.6K 1.4K 405

Danny had everything in his life, a new best friend, American Idol, everything. But when Jorel asks Daniel to... More

I don't mind the rain.
Dont party with Hollywood Undead
I messed up..
Starting fresh.
Kiss My Mask.
Messed up mornings.
Las Vegas part 2.
Vegas Part 3.
No. 5
Back home.
It's Christmas in Hollywood.
Presents and the studio.
Tearing Apart.
I Love You.
My names not Jeffery..
Tour.. Already?
But we just got here..
Song Lyrics Are Truthful.
"Okay, Hun?"

Las Vegas.

1K 43 27
By Mya_Holman


Its been awhile since I have been to Vegas. The bus drove down the strip and got stuck in the traffic. Strangers from everywhere scattered across the sidewalks and ran across the street. Some people saw the tour bus, pointing at it.

Dylan started humming "another way out", and charlie started to sing the "whooah" part.

Soon, the whole bus except for me started singing the part.

"I wish there was another way out!" Danny sang.

"Voices won't go away, they stay for days and days.." Charlie began.

I smiled at all of them as they sang. It was like my own personal concert. It was amazing. Danny grinned at me until it was the chorus. His beautiful voice rang out. The song went on.

Charlie sang, "Break you down, now--"

"Put it back together again, break you down, now put it back to get her again.." I sang, and they looked at me shocked.

All of them sang along after awhile until the song was done. They cheered at me and I felt heat collect in my cheeks. Was I that good? I never thought I was.

"Holy sh*t, woman!" Matthew shouted. I jumped as they all piled over and gave me a group hug.

I didn't know who to hug, so I just hugged the first person that was the closest. Dylan. His Bastard threads jacket smelt like weed, but a slight scent of cologne or something filled my nostrils. I wrinkled my nose before he pulled away. He looked pretty surprised that I hugged him out of the 6.

They all went back to where they were all sitting before the bus came to a halt. Jordon had no idea what was going on, he was walking around looking out the windows and freaking out. It was hard to tell if he was sober or not. Jordon was stumbling over his feet at one point singing "No. 5".

Everyone started piling out of the bus, taking their luggage. Danny took mine, so I just walked to the hotel useless.

I was pretty excited over the hotel. I mean, who doesn't want to stay in a suite in Caesar's Palace? When all of us herded through the door, I looked up at the ceiling at the delicate paintings. It was amazing for a hotel.

Tomorrow was the concert, so today was a free day. I don't know exactly what the HU members wanted to do, I'm guessing they just wanted to party all night. Since there's no one I know that is in the city, I'd have to follow them around like a puppy.

Surprisingly, no one noticed the crew as we walked to the elevator. Danny asked, "So, you're fine with sharing a room with me, right? If not I can get a room for you."

"I'm fine with sharing a room. Don't we get our own beds?" I asked.

He nodded. I have no idea what the elevator smelt like. It was a mix between cigarette smoke, Cologne and alcohol. The scent was awful.

The door to the elevator slid open. Dylan, Matthew and Jordon went down the left hall while George, Jorel, Daniel and I went down the right. Danny stopped at a door, his hands full. He looked over at me.

"The key is in my right pocket." Daniel turned to me.

"Al-right.." I reach into his pocket awkwardly, the whole time in silence. I felt some pennies in the pocket, with some lint and a candy wrapper. I pulled my hand out, with only a handful of lint, "Nope."

"Other pocket probably." He turned his left hip so I could reach into his left pocket.

I pulled out his credit card that i thought was the key, "Um, are you sure it's in one of your pockets?"

"Actually.. I feel it in my back pocket." He turns to the door, and I slowly reach in his right back pocket. He flinches, "Left. Forgot to tell you."

"Are you kidding me?!"

"Sorry." He laughs. I reach into his left pocket and feel the card.

"What are you doing?" Jorel walked down the hall, and stopped.

I pulled out the key, and I could feel myself blush, "Getting the key."

"Sure you are.."

"She is, man.." Danny turned to him, giving him a WTF look. I slid the key into the door, and I opened the hotel suite.

I walked into the room.



"So tonight. For dinner. Cheesecake Factory then partying all night!" J-Dog did a little jig that I never seen before. I laughed.

I loved Caesar's Palace. When you are inside the building, there is this certain place where you can look up at the ceiling. The ceiling is lit up and looks like the blue sky with clouds. Their are mall stores that look like old buildings on the outside, and the floor is cobblestones.

Jorel walked down the hall to get the others, and I walked into the room that seemed to be the living room and kitchen mixed together. The walls were white and designed like inside of a palace(of course). A gold chandelier hung from the ceiling that had a circular gold spot in the middle. Pictures of the sunset to roses were hung on the walls. There was a piano in the corner, and next to two couches sitting parallel to each other was a fireplace. I walked through looking at the place, passing a pillared area into a room. Sondra came out of the large bathroom.

"There's not another bed. They said there would be another bed!" Sondra said, a bit rattled.

"It's fine. I'll sleep on the couch."

"No, if someone should sleep on the couch it should be me."

"No. I already made the decision. I'm sleeping on one of the couches."

"Daniel Rose!" She Put her finger on my chest, "Im sleeping on the couch."

"No." I chuckled. She was so adorable when she was mad. I just wanted to squeeze the f*ck out of her.

Sondra playfully hit me and walked out of the room. The bathroom was gigantic. The jacuzzi was like a hot tub that could fit over 5 people. I have no idea why they have it that large. The shower was walk-in, and then there was the white sink.

I decided to walk back into the main room, to find a note on the coffee table. I picked it up and read it.

"'Hope you enjoy the one-bed suite. Haha.'" ~JD

"Asshole.." I said under my breath as I crumpled the piece and shoved it in my pocket.

Sondra walked into the room, and I can hear her footsteps echo as she padded toward me.

Well, hello! I feel like people haven't really read the last chapters of my books since there are no comments or stars. You are more than welcome to comment. I love comments, it makes me happy!

These upcoming chapters will be parts to this chapter. I just didn't want the undead army to wait forever. Enjoy. :)

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