Dragon Ball Altered Frame

By fund8579

3.2K 122 14

An alternate dimension, what if instead of sending Goku away after seeing the future, Bardock instead would e... More

Altered Begining
The Development of said fate
Goku & Bulma
The turtle master and Nimbus
Oolong and Yamcha
Fire Mountain
Kamehameha & Rabbit bandits
Shhh, Goku's hunting rabbits
Comrades, The last Dragon Ball.
Pilaf Vs Goku Pt.1
Pilaf VS Goku Pt.2

The first week of an adventure

313 11 2
By fund8579

"Hey guys dinner is ready", Gine yelled.

Sato and Sarada quickly left to get first bites, while Goku and Bulma walked behind them.

As they exited the house to go outside they saw that there was a man sitting there already.

To Bulma, the man looked like an older more menacing version of Goku. [Is this the way Goku will look like as an adult?]

"This is my father, Bardock", Goku said.

"So she's the girl", he said, "he then found himself a woman, lucky you"

"Woman.....", Bulma said while blushing.

"Come on Bardock you know they just recently met", Gine said.

"So what? That didn't stop you from laying your hands on me?", Bardock stated.

Gine blushed remembering how they met, she then turned to her son and a blushing Bulma, "Sit down we'll get your food ready."

After a while both teens got their plates an ate around the fire. Sato and Sarada, like kids usually do, they played with their food, Gine and Fasha were talking about things that occurred or things they thought of, while Bardock just ate silently.

"Mommy, Mom, Dad, I need to tell you something", Goku said as he looked at his family. "I'll be leaving for an adventure with Bulma", he stated.

"What are you saying brother? Does that mean you're leaving?", Sato asked.

"You're not going to abandon us right?", Sarada asked.

"No, never, I'm doing this so I can get stronger, remember what dad keeps on telling us", he asked.

"Your parents were weak, so become strong in order to protect everything you love!", all three of them said.

"You said that?", asked Gine to her husband.

"Seems that the man has a very soft spot", Fasha said.

"Be quiet you two. Returning on the topic at hand......", Bardock then just stared at Goku. "...Kakarot you already know what I'll say don't you", Bardock said with an angered stare and Goku nodded without even breaking from his smile. Bulma was crapping her pants from his stare, Bardock then sighed,  "......I approve of this."

"Yes!", Goku cheered.

"Under one condition!", Goku and Bulma stared at him wondering what the condition was. "Goku this isn't a request, this is an order! I want you to become stronger, the strongest, you are a Saiyan and that's your objective as a warrior."  

"You know I will, that's why I'll go and come back as the strongest, I'll also come and visit my family", Goku the proceeded to pat his brothers on their head's. 

"Son make sure to take care of yourself okay", Gine begged.

"Make sure to come and visit in 5 months to see your younger sibling, we are the only family you got left", Fasha said with a smile.

"Make sure not to visit too often or you'll never get stronger", Bardock said. 

"Alright!", Goku said. "You hear that Bulma, well we'll get going, we need to get some mileage in before nightfall."

"Ok, but before you go, I'll get some non-perishables for your travels", Gine said. 

"I'll help to get your clothes", Fasha said getting up and going inside the house.

"Also I expect you to have a woman or two by the time you come back, got it!", Bardock demanded.

Goku patted his head in embarrassment, "Hehehe, maybe..."

Gine and Fasha came out with a  suitcase of Items and gave it to him. Goku then grabbed his bow staff and said goodbye to his sibling since they had to sleep.

Now only the 5 five of them stood outside.

"Well good by everyone, I promise I'll get strong and come to visit", Goku said.

"Thank you for letting me eat with your family", Bulma said bowing.

"Take care of him ok miss Bulma, you do the same for her okay dear?", Gine said.

"If you come back, make sure to make some babies as well", Fasha teased. 

"Okay then, go have fun and Journey to get stronger", Bardock said fist-bumping his son and then walking into the house.

[What a weird father], Bulma thought, "Before we go, I need to do this"

She then went to her bicycle and pressed a button on it, suddenly the bike transformed into a capsule. She then opened a box she had in her belt and tossed another out while putting the other in, suddenly the capsule she had tossed exploded and from it appeared a car.

"Told you guys she had abilities", Fasha said.

"Oh, no this isn't a power, it's a just an item my father invented, this technology has the ability to make big enormous items into very small sizes", Bulma said.

"Oh!", all three said in unison.

"Alright! Goodbye guys!", Goku said putting his things inside and then entering himself.

Bulma also got in and then started the car, they waved the other Saiyans goodbye and then left.

"I hope they'll be fine", Gine asked in a worried tone.

"Don't worry, he's your's and Bardock's son after all ain't he?", Fasha then walked inside leaving Gine alone.

"Good luck on your journey Kakarot", Gine said.

Goku and Bulma were traveling at a very high speed and were making great mileage. 

"Wow I never knew something like this was ever possible", Goku was super excited this was the first time he had ever traveled in a car.

"You've never traveled in something this fast?", Bulma asked.

"Yes and no! You see my dad can actually fly", Goku said nonchalantly.

"Wait seriously! You're lying", Bulma said in confusion.

"No, I'm serious. Though he can't do cant do it too long or else he gets tired", Bulma still didn't believe him. "Hey, anyways is it true that there are so many things out there in the world like beaches and snow!"

Bulma was shocked, "Wait you've never seen the snow or the beach, have you ever seen the city?"

"Well no, I've only seen pictures that my grandpa had", he said.

"Well then we have a few things that we can do on our travels", she said.

"Hey, you gave me this thing, right? What does it do?", he said pointing at the radar with some dots on it. 

"That helps us locate the other dragon balls, it tracks the energy that they emit so all we have to do is follow it", Bulma then stopped the car.

"What's going on?", he asked.

"Oh sorry Goku, I just needed to make a quick stop for something" 

"What is it?", he asked as she was getting out of the car.

"I need to use the bathroom", she whispered.

Goku then remembered something his grandfather told him, that when he met strangers to never bother then as they went to the bathroom, "Oh ok, take your time, I'll be here"

Bulma thanked god he would bug her about it and left to do the deed behind a rock.

Not even a second when by when he heard a yell, "Goku come quick!!"

Goku ran as fast as he could and when he passed the rock he saw that Bulma was in the grasp of a pterodactyl, "Goku help!"

The pterodactyl quickly attacked Goku when he dodged it as if flew over him and started leaving him. "Goku save me please!"

Slowly the pterodactyl was flying higher and higher, "I need to get up", he quickly activated his father's ability and started flying. "Let's go!", he quickly started charging at it when he activated his bow staff and extended it, "take this!"

Once he was close to the dino's face he smacked it hard enough to actually kill it, the grasp of the dino's hand was now lost and let the girl fall. 

"Goku save me!"

"Bulma!", Goku dived down and quickly swooped down grabbing Bulma before she hit the floor.

"Hey it's okay now, I've got yo-", Goku then noticed that he was feeling wet, "Bulma?"

"If you say anything you're dead...", she whispered, but it scared the crap out of Goku so he ended the conversation there.

After that, they went back to the car and Bulma got changed into something dry sine most of her things were in her capsule house Goku had lent her some clothes he brought with him. Then they were off once again, they didn't make it to far though since it was about to be night time.

"Well this seems like a great spot to stay the night", Goku stated.

"There's no need to sleep out in the open like savages I have my capsules", she said pulling out her box of capsules.

"Let me guess you have a tent capsule as well", the boy joked.

"Well no not exactly", she said then stepped away from the car and tossed it feets away, when it blew up there was suddenly a house there. "There doesn't that look cozy, you can even put your things in there"

Goku thought about it, "I think its better if I leave them in there, what if we have another we-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence!", Bulma growled scaring the crap out of Goku

"Well then I think I should put my food in there you know...for safekeeping", he said while diverting his eyes in nervousness.

"Then let's go", she said in a calm warming smile, but somehow it was still scary.

As they opened the door Bulma pressed a button and then there was light inside.

"Is this what electricity is?", Goku asked in a surprised tone.

"Yup, electricity has the power to make things move and light up, this house and the car use it in order to work properly. Its more specific and precise, but I'll teach it to you another time", she said while puffing out her smartness.

"That's so cool", he said as he looked all over the place.

When Goku was beside a small screen, Bulma quickly grabbed the control and turned on the TV. Scaring Goku a little, "Its this thing also powered by that electricity?"

"Yup, that's called a TV. It lets you see things that people show", she said, "But it doesn't show everything though"

"Oh", Bulma then changed the channel of the TV and on it was a romance show. It was a scene where two people were about to kiss, Goku then turned to see that Bulma was so excited for this, he then saw that the two people on the TV kissed each other and they seemed happier about it.

[Maybe kissing someone makes that person happy?], Goku then moved in front of Bulma.

"Huh? Goku?", Goku then kissed her in the lips shocking Bulma so much. She quickly pushed Goku back in shock, "What the hell Goku why did you kiss me!?"

"Was I not supposed to? I did it because I thought that it might make you happier, I saw how much you wanted those two people to kiss and saw how happy they were after so I thought you might want one", he said.

[Deos he not know what kisses mean?], she never knew Goku was this pure, "Hey Goku, you should never kiss someone unless they want you too, or if they are your girlfriend, you should also only do it when you want to and not when someone forces you." 

"Oh, I'm sorry then", he said.

[But....man...that kiss....was so good], Bulma without knowing started drooling.

"Hey, Bulma are you getting hungry?", Bulma was confused by his question, "Its because I see that you're drooling."

"Huh, no sorry", [How embarrassing, me falling for someone younger], Bulma thought. "Hey Goku, I'll be taking a bath so you wait here okay?"

"Huh yeah sure", he said sitting down on the chair and watching the TV.

After a while Goku figured out how to change the channel and turning the TV off and on again, he even learned how to make the volume go higher and lower. 

Bulma then came out of the bathroom, "Goku I'm done, if you want then you can take one"

Goku was about to respond when he saw her, she was so bright and shiny, she was extraordinary and beautiful, "So beautiful..."

Bulma then looked at him  when he said that, "w-what?"

"I said you look beautiful", he bluntly stated.

"G-Goku! Go take a shower now!", she yelled as she pushed Goku inside the shower room.

"H-hey wait, I need to get my clothes first!" before he could say anything else she slammed the door on his face. 

Bulma quickly breathed and sled down the door, [What the hell! First the kiss and then calling me beautiful, does....does he like me? If he does....should I...but I mean I'm older than him.] Bulma then remembered that Goku said he didn't have any clothes and she also used up the only towel there was, she quickly grabbed the things she needed and listened through the door. [I guess he hasn't started since I don't hear the water running], she then opened the door only to realize it was a mistake.

Goku was but naked while using his tale to scrub his back. He then turned around to see that Bulma was there. "Oh hi Bulma, you brought my things thanks", he smiled.

Bulma then started another nose bleed. She quickly put the things down and ran out of the bathroom.

[OH MY GOD!!! I saw him naked! How can he leave the door unlocked like that! Maybe he feels comfortable enough around me to do that, but if he does, does that mean he really does like me? I mean I think he's pretty cute too, I mean look at that body~ for a thirteen-year-old he does have a nice strong body.] Bulma then remembered how he looked like, she remembered his toned back muscles and his sexy abs as well as his chest, [Maybe just maybe I also like him]

She then remembered something odd, she saw him wash himself with a tale, she quickly ran back inside to check, "No way it's true! You really do have a tale!"

"Well yeah, I never lied to you about it, even my family had them. Remember that fuzzy thing on their waist's well that was their tale."

"No way, can I touch it?", she asked ignoring the fact that he was naked.

"Sure", he then sat down on the edge of the tub extending his tale out while continuing to wash himself.

Bulma grabbed it but made sure not to tug on it. If it was like an animal's  than it should also be very sensible, "Wow it warm, it really is a tale."

"Cool huh? I guess you guys never had one right? Grandpa did tell us that not all humans have tales", he said.

"I've never seen them on anyone else, wow", Bulma then got up, "Anyways I'll go get some dinner ready, just so you know it will be some vegetables and bread is that okay with you?"

"Sure! Sounds great!", he said smiling.

Bulma left smiling and went into the kitchen to prepare dinner after a minute she suddenly realized that she went back into the bathroom willingly with a naked boy, a good looking boy. She quickly had to stop her nose bleed.


Meanwhile, in another area, three people were talking about finding the dragon balls in order to conquer the world. There was a tall woman with black hair, and orange ninja fox, and a small blue imp with one dragon ball.

"I'll conquer the world no matter what it takes", the imp said maniacally.

Back with our main protagonists............................................

Goku came out of the bathroom all dressed up and nice.

"So how is the city Bulma? I've heard many things about them, but I've never been in one", the boy said as he received his plate of food.

"Well, where do I start? It's loud, busy, and the boys there are all jerks", she said in an angry tone.

"Seems that you only have bad experiences",  he then took a bite out of the bread and drank some coffee. Thanks to his grandpa he knew what these things were.

"Well not all my experiences were bad, some were nice too", she then looked up remembering the times where she would be praised from being the smartest in her middle school that they had to put her in high school and then later she would graduate the next year.

After they were done eating, Goku became tired, he then laid on the bed and waited for Bulma as she finished washing the dishes. "So how come you gave up on your wish from the dragon balls?"

Bulma stopped and then became red as a cherry, "W-well.......I lost interest" 

"Seriously? Did you not want a boyfriend or do you actually have one already?", Bulma was even more shocked.

"Well I do like someone, that person is you", she whispered.

"Well I like you too Bulma", he said hearing her loud an clear.

"Wait you heard me!?", she quickly turned around and saw Goku was already sleeping.

[He looks so cute when he sleeps, Idiot slept on the bed, I don't want to sleep on the floor though], after brushing her teeth she quickly laid down and covered herself. "I love you Goku..", she whispered as she hugged Goku and fell asleep.

The next day................................................

It was moring when Bulma woke up and realized that her hugging pillow/ Goku wasn't there. She yawned and looked around when she heard something outside. When she opened the door she was shocked to see a half-naked Goku doing push-ups.

"One hundred and ninety-seven, one hundred and ninety-eight, one hundred ninety-nine, two hundred!", he yelled as he stood up and stretched.

"So sexy", Bulma said.

"Oh hi, Bulma! I hope I didn't wake you up", he said as he cleaned off his sweat with his old dirty clothes.

"Oh no you didn't so don't worry", [although my hugging pillow did disappear on me]

"Hey Goku, I'm the first girl you've met right?", Bulma asked.

"Yeah...why?", he asked as he started drying his hair.

"Well...I was wondering if you like me?", she asked.

"Of course I like you, I wouldn't be here if I didn't", he told her.

"I mean like me as......as if you would make me your girlfriend", she whispered.

Goku grew a small blush and smiled, he then walked up to Bulma and for whatever reason he had he leaned in and kissed her, "I think that's an I like you too, right?"

She was so shocked but happy that she hugged him and he twirled her around, "I'm glad you feel the same!"

"I don't really know how the whole love thing really works but I liked you the first time I saw you, but I don't know if you feel sure about a guy you just met", he asked holding her.

"I don't care if we met today yesterday or weeks ago, I bet I'd still feel the same", she then kissed him.

[Why does kissing her feel so good? Is this love?], Goku thought as he continued to kiss Bulma.

After a while, Bulma and Goku stopped kissing and picked up all their things getting ready to continue on their adventure. While they packed up they could stop looking at each other and blushing, Goku kept looking at Bulma like she was the most beautiful girl in world, while Bulma stared at him as the most perfect and kindest man in history.

"Ready to go Goku?", Bulma said as she got in her car. 

"Yeah, just a sec", when he was done he then quickly entered the car, "Let's go!", he said excitedly.

After a while of driving, Goku saw something moving ahead on the road. 

"Hey, Bulma pullover I think that rock was moving?", Goku asked.

"Wait I think that's a turtle", she said pulling over.

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