
By ShannonRobinson9

346K 10.5K 403

*Fan fiction inspired from the Netflix series The Witcher* Geralt of Rivia is a Witcher. For many years he h... More

The Reunion
Authors Note


12.2K 402 15
By ShannonRobinson9

Elena couldn't help but notice the worrisome glances exchanged between the punters at Geralts presence. However, it didn't stop one man from approaching her table. "Hello," his voice was quiet and bashful. He was short and malnourished. "Hello," Elena replied, smiling encouragingly at him. He blushed and shuffled awkwardly in front of her. "May I sit with you?" He asked.
"Of course. As long as you're not scared of Witcher's that is," Elena said mischievously.
He shook his head quickly and took a seat across from her.
The mans name was Ivas. He worked as a miner, and lived in this village with his wife and newborn child. They had also been joined by a young girl named Shireen. She had long, dirty blonde hair; big green eyes, and when she smiled a dimple popped out on her chin. She was sitting next to Ivas.

As usual, Elena hadn't heard his approach.
"Am I interrupting?" Geralt asked flatly, arching one dark eyebrow. His face was serious, but she could see the humour in his eyes. She watched as the newcomers shifted uncomfortably and looked anywhere but at Geralt.
"Geralt.." Elena said, drawing out his name, trying to sound scolding. "Please, be nice! Meet my new friends; Ivas and Shireen."
"Hmmph," he gave a brief nod of his head.
He was standing beside her, towering over them all, arms crossed over his broad chest.
He made no intention to sit. It suddenly occurred to Elena that Geralt had left his bounty unattended in the stables with Roach. He would have sold it by now if he hadn't wanted to get her somewhere safe first.
"Geralt, I'll be safe here while you take care of business," she said cheerfully.
His eyes flickered between her two guests, mistrust clear in his face. "No one here will hurt me," she reassured him.
"We'll look after her, Witcher," Shireen said, her high pitched voice ringing with promise.
Geralt sat down close beside Elena, turning his body to her. "I won't be gone long," he whispered to her, his face inches from hers. His topaz eyes boring into her own. "Please, don't do anything unusual. And for god sake, keep your powers under control."
Elena reached up to place a hand on the side of his face. "You have my word," she said soothingly, trying her best to reassure him. Her fingers running over the coarse stubble of his jaw. He sighed deeply, leaning into her touch ever so slightly. Then suddenly he rose to his feet. "If there is as little as a hair of her head misplaced when I get back, there will be hell to pay," he growled, addressing the pair in front of her. They both nodded solemnly and swore again to protect her.
He turned to look at her once more, and then left. He didn't look back.
Elena felt a pang of worry in her chest as she watched his silver head disappear out the door. She prayed silently that he would come back to her soon, and unhurt.

Her companions were cheerful enough, and kept her mouth busy, but her mind was on Geralt. The night passed painfully slow. It felt as if he had been gone for hours.
In quieter moments, her mind would wander back to the lake, and she'd be kissing Geralt. Her face flushing at the memory of his mouth skimming across her cheek. She hoped it wouldn't be the last time he touched her like that.
He'd been acting rather unusual since their kiss. Like he was holding himself back from her. She couldn't understand why. Why resist something that felt so right?

Elena hadn't been altogether idle while she waited on his return. She managed to get a room for them for the evening. The server had promised her fresh sheets and a skin of wine would be waiting for them. Elena could hardly wait. A good nights sleep and Geralt beside her. Her body was utterly exhausted from the excitement of the day. It felt like leaving for their adventure was days ago.
She couldn't help but wonder what tonight would bring for her and Geralt. Secretly, she was hoping for more kisses.

Shireen was the first to leave her. Elena could tell she was hesitant to leave but she insisted.
At long last, Geralt finally returned. Her whole body relaxed at the sight of him, letting out a breath she hadn't realised she was holding.
His eyes immediately finding hers, his stern expression softening slightly.
Elena stood up to meet him, as he closed the space between them quickly. He stopped a foot in front of her.
"I got us a room," she told him.
"Ah," he sighed. "Good. Let's go." He took her by the hand and towed her towards the back of the tavern which led to a curling stair case. Elena called goodbye to Ivas, giving him an apologetic wave. She didn't wait to see if he waved back, her eyes fixed on Geralts broad back. Enjoying the warmth and reassurance of his large hand around hers.

The room was small but sufficient. The bed was much bigger than Elena's one. The room contained only the bed, and a fireplace which lit up the room warmly. Geralt picked up the brown, leather skin on the bed and removed the cork. He raised it to his lips and swallowed thirstily.
"What did you do with the creature?" Elena asked nonchalantly.
"Sold the parts that were useful. Then I burned the rest," he replied, just as causally.
"Hmm," Elena sounded. His aloof use of speech rubbing off on her.

Elena, eager to get into bed, started to undress. Geralt startled slightly and respectively,  turned away from her. She laughed softly.
"You don't need to do that. I'm sure you've seen plenty of naked women in your time," she said to his back. "And besides, there's no shame in nakedness. It's natural."
"If it's all the same to you, I'll stay where I am," he said to her over his shoulder.
Elena shrugged and crossed the room to where Geralt had placed her bag. She put her nightdress over her head and pulled it down over her naked body. It was the nicest night dress she had made. It was mostly made from white cotton; sleeveless and stopped just below her mid thigh. She has added lace to neckline, which plunged in a modest V, stopping just above her breasts. She felt suddenly proud and confident to be standing before him.
"Better?" She asked. He finally turned back around and froze, staring at her, his expression serious.
"Not really," his voice whispered, barely audible. She watched his eyes rake over her, taking in every inch.
She smiled sweetly at him, her stomach fluttering happily at his response. Made her way to the bed and slid under the sheet. He was still standing in the same spot, staring at her. She patted the empty space on the bed with her hand, inviting him in beside her. He looked torn. His dark brows furrowed in thought. "Hmmph," he sounded, smiling slightly to himself. Then finally, he moved and made a start at taking off his clothes. She watched as he unbuckled his sword belt and shrugged out of his studded armour. He stopped when he noticed she was still watching.
"Aren't you going to look away?" He asked surprised.
"Do you want me to?" She was shocked at how confident her voice sounded.
Geralt cocked his head at her, the corner of his mouth pulling up. "I don't mind," he said indifferently.
He unlaced his shirt quickly and pulled it over his head. She watched the muscles in his chest ripple as he made a start at the laces on his trousers. He pulled them off agilely, leaving him in just his white breeches. They hung loosely around his hips.
Every inch of him was muscular. She couldn't begin to imagine how one could become so strong and powerful. He moved gracefully, despite his size. He was shockingly handsome in the firelight. Her heart squeezing as he moved towards her.

He got in beside her, his warmth filling the bed. Elena couldn't resist the draw to snuggle up beside him. He wound a large arm around her waist and pulled her closer, her head resting in the hollow between his shoulder and chest. She sighed contentedly, breathing in his scent. She felt his lips brush the top of her head. Elena looked up at him then, that glorious mouth in her line of vision.
He looked back at her, the depths of his golden eyes were bottomless. She reached a hand up to his mouth and traced the sensual curve of his upper lip with her forefinger. His mouth opened slightly and she felt his warm breath against her finger tips. 
She wanted to kiss him. Badly.
Her whole body ached for it.
He seemed to sense her need and pulled her up to him, so she was almost on top of him, her mouth hovering over his.
His body was solid and warm under her, he must be able to feel her heart pound. She took a deep, steadying breath and kissed him. His free hand moved slowly up the back of her neck and then lost itself in her hair. He made a low moaning sound, which made Elena shudder and a warmth pool between her thighs. She pressed her body eagerly against his, she couldn't get close enough.
Suddenly he grasped her hair and pulled gently, freeing her mouth and making her gasp loudly. In one smooth movement, he rolled her onto her back, his body pressing her down onto the bed. He took his weight onto his elbows and gazed down at her, his eyes glowing. Elena's breathing was ragged and the pounding of her heart was almost defeating.
"Don't stop," she gasped, her voice hoarse in a way she had never heard before. He looked conflicted. "I think that's enough for one night," he said gently, stroking her temple with his finger. Elena shook her head insistently and pushed her hips upwards and into the hardness she felt between her thighs. She felt his body tense and he closed his eyes, jaw clenching.
"Elena..." his voice too came hoarsely. "I'm not going to take your virtue in a tavern."
He pushed himself off her, his arousal evident, straining against his breeches. He cast his eyes to the ceiling and murmured a silent prayer to himself. Elena's heart had slowed somewhat, as she lay frozen on her back, trying to catch her breath. Geralt slumped back to his side of the bed and he too lay on his back, one arm thrown across his face.

"Geralt... What do you mean?" She asked confused, "How can you possibly take my virtue?"
She watched his chest rise and fall erratically, he was laughing at her.
"Tell me Geralt!" She pleaded, "Please..."
He peeked a look at her from under his thick arm, an amused smirk on his mouth.
She waited patiently. After a minute or so of silence she raised her eyebrows at him expectantly.
He sighed loudly, shaking his head at her but propped himself up on one elbow. The bed sheet slid down at the movement, revealing more of his muscled torso. She tried her best to keep her eyes on his face, less she got her thoughts muddled.
"Well... I'll just put it plainly," he said matter of factly, but there was mischief in his eyes. "Has anyone ever touched you between your legs?"
Elena's heart almost stopped. Blood rushing immediately to her face. She couldn't seem to find her voice to answer him.
"The way we were kissing," he continued, looking deeply into her eyes, "Well, that would have eventually led to me touching you there."
The look in his eyes made her insides feel like jelly. She very much wanted to see what it would feel like for Geralt to touch her between her legs. It seemed to pulse and squeeze pleasurably at the thought.
"And I believe that no man has ever touched you there. So if I did, then I'd be taking your virtue," he continued, his voice quiet, deep and crazily inviting.
"Am I wrong?" He asked, leaning in towards her slightly.
"Uhm... No," she mumbled, barely able to hear her voice over the pounding of her heart.
"Mhhmm..." He sounded, his eyes gazing at her fondly.

Many unknown emotions were swimming within her. She had never felt anything like this before. She had never wanted anyone until now. Her earlier confidence seemed to have packed a bag and left her, she felt so suddenly shy in front of him. How could she tell him what she wanted? That she wanted him? She didn't care about her 'Virtue.'
She didn't understand why it was so important. Obviously, Geralt had touched women before so why would it be wrong for him to touch her?
"Geralt..." her voice sounded weak even to her own ears, "Would it be wrong to take my virtue?"
"Yes," he said immediately, his voice suddenly serious. Her stomach fell in dismay.
"But why?" She asked, trying not to sound as disappointed as she felt.
He looked away from her then, his jaw clenching.
"Because Elena, you deserve better than me,"
He said, turning his fierce eyes back to her.
What? How?
"But I don't want better.." she started.
"That's because you don't know any better,"
He interjected, sitting upright now, his back to her. He was right in a way. But she couldn't help but feel he was wrong.
"Well I know what I want," she said stubbornly. Sitting herself up beside him.
He looked at her from the corner of his eye, a small smile on his lips. "We will see..." he muttered quietly to himself.

Geralt was a very confusing man, she decided. Were all men so confusing?
She knew he felt the same way. It was just a matter of time before they'd kiss again and she wouldn't stop him from touching her anywhere. Virtue be damned.
He would be hers soon, just not now.
She only hoped she didn't have to wait too long.

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