I Hate Loving You (Umeji Kizu...

By Natsuko_Senpai

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Completed. Mei is 17 - year old girl and has recently moved in Shisuta Town. Her new school is Akademi High... More

A Little Info
My Name Is...
New School, New Problems
My New Hell
Getting To Know You
Your Soft Side
What Got Into You?
Osoro Shidesu
Umeji's Backstory
Blush, Blush, Blush! (& a Small Theory)
The Beginning Of My Suffering
Our First 'Something'......
Nothing But Lies
More Than Just A Kiss
Loving You

Why Are You Helping Me?

438 6 2
By Natsuko_Senpai

Mei's Pov

I opened my eyes.
I looked around and saw my dark room, covered in shadows.
I can't move. Not even my little finger.
I can't speak.

I start to breath fast, start to panicking. No, no, no.
I am scared. I am scared that He will come from a dark corner and grab my ancle,
while I can't move or scream.

I jumped up, holding my chest and trying to calm down. Not again.
You may be thinking that this was only a nightmare, but it wasn't.

The truth is that I suffer from sleep paralysis, since I was very young.

Sleep paralysis is a state in which your body is sleeping, but your brain doesn't. In other words, you wake up during the night and you are not able to move for about 2 - 4 minutes or so.

I used to take sleeping pills, but I thought it completely stopped after The Day.

" Guess I was wrong" I said out loud.

I saw my kitten jumping on my bed and crawling closer to me. I straw its back. I really needed some company, so it was my new roommate now.

" You are awake too, Neko?"

And yeah, I named it Neko - Chan (=cat in Japanese). I know I am not very creative, but it sounds cute.

I checked my clock and it was 5:17 in the morning. Great. I tried to get back to sleep, which I did, only to wake up again by my alarm clock 2 hours later.

My new white - or Spring Uniform, if you like it that way - uniform hadn't arrived yet, so I put on the dark blue I wore yesterday.

I catch my hair up to a ponytail and headed outside to wait for Kokona, Saki and Amai.

Umeji's Pov

I woke up as usual, around 7:30, with an awful headache like I always have. I took took a quick shower and changed into my school uniform, along with my favorite yellow shirt with the flaming skull.

I looked myself in the mirror.
I wouldn't pay attention naturally, but I did today. I remembered how Izumi had twisted Gaku's arm, the same arm that Bullies had broken a long time ago...

I remembered how all of us used to be. Just a bunch of innocent kids, just like others. Normal.
But weak as well.

Why am I even thinking about these? I am guessing due to Izumi.
Damn, that girl. It's almost like looking at myself some years ago, being bullied in horrible ways. She may has guts now, but eventually she will bent. That's what always happens.

I can tell that she is hiding her real feelings. Pretty much like me.
When she was on the ground, I saw her weakness, which, at that moment, wasn't able to hide.

" Why am I even thinking about this looser?"

I snapped my mind off and got ready for school.
Before walking out, I said loudly :

" I'm leaving, Mum!", in which she didn't reply. I went to her room and saw her sleeping on her office.
She was working late again?

I put her on her bed, which was right next to the office. She is constantly working on double - shifts and never gets enough rest. I sighed.

" I should find a job as well"

Mei's Pov

" You are perfect for the job!" said the red headed girl and shook my hand.

I had applied for a job at the
'Maid's Café'. It was the only place which would hire a 17-year old, so I didn't really had a choice and I really needed money. The payment was also pretty good and I could work after school. The only odd thing is that I had to wear a stupid Maid's Uniform, but whatever. It's not like anyone is going to see me in it.

I have to buy some sleeping pills from the Pharmacy Shop as well. I'll do it after school.

Time Skip!

Nothing special happened during classtime. The only odd thing was that Osana didn't show up. And Ayano looked extremely happy about it. I concluded that she had something to do with it, but it was none of my business.

My desk is right in front of Gaku's, so I couldn't really tell what he was doing. But I could feel his eyes on me the entire time! I glanced at him at some point, and he instantly looked away with his cheeks flushed pink.

Pff. And yet everyone is scared of the big bad Delinquents. Don't make me laugh.

I spent lunch time with Kokona, Saki and Amai as usual, talking about random shit and our Club Activities. I didn't bring up that I would be working in Shisuta Town at a café, but I'll be honest here ; I don't believe that they would make fun of me.

Everything happened during cleaning time. It was Musume.

After what she had done to me last time, I would always try to avoid her. But mostly about what she had said.
'Go cry to your Mommy's arms'.
I hated her. I hated her just for that. But it was about to get even worse.

I was cleaning the hallway at the 2nd floor, right outside my classroom, 2-1.
I was recalling the lyrics of the song I had to practice later. I turn to the corner of the hallway, right outside the bathrooms. I hadn't realize that I was out of everyone's else sight.
Until I heard her talking.

" You would make a great slave, you know that?"

No one else talked with this annoyingly high voice tone. I turned around to see Musume and her 4 tanned bitches.

" Leave me alone"

" What? You are scared after what happened last time?"

" I don't want another uniform destroyed" I growled.

" Why? You don't have enough money?"

She came closer to me and whispered to my ear.

" My Daddy has a TONE of money. More than you could ever imagine"

" I don't give a damn"

" What do you have? You can't even afford to buy an extra uniform"

The rest of the girls laughed.
She was right though. I couldn't.
All I thought at that moment was how unfair this world is. Because people like her can buy things they don't even need, while others fight to survive. I am not an example of a good person. But other kids they bully are. And it is just unfair for them.

" Now, time to get to the Grand Finale!" said the one with the green hair (I think her name is Hoshiko).

Hana walked inside the girls' bathroom, while Kokoro, Kashiko and Hoshiko pinned me to the ground. Moments later, Hana walked out with a bucket in her hands. I could tell from the color that it was bleached.

" Oh, and one last thing" said Musume.
" Don't even think about telling to the Counselor. Everyone has accidents, right?"

That's how they would cover it up? They would say that I accidentally spilled bleached water all over me?!

" Stay away from me, you phycopath!"
I tried to scream, but Kashiko covered my mouth.

" Phycopath? " Musume squealed, her eyes filled with anger.
She took the bucket with the bleached water out of Hana's hands and came closet to me.

" Who did you called phycopath, you whore! " she screamed, as she grabbed my right arm and sank it inside the bleached water.

I gasped from pain, as I felt my skin burning and pilling off. I tried to scream for help, but they shut my mouth.

" Say goodbye to your soft skin, for the following 3 months, Mei" Musume said, as she gestured for Hana to held the bucket above me.


Umeji's Pov

(15 minutes earlier)

It was cleaning time and I was with the rest of the gang at the Incinerator Area, as usual. I couldn't stop thinking about what happened yesterday, about the past... It's funny that it has only been a year since we changed.
Since we met her.

Osoro Shidesu.
She was salvation for all of us. Pretending to be someone we are not, is what stopped the bullying. It is better for people to fear you sometimes.

Looking at what is happening at Izumi right now, is almost like looking at myself back then.
But she is hiding something. For sure.

" Yo,'Mej'. You OK?" I heard Hokuto saying. I looked at him, only saying :

" Y - yeah"

" You sure? You haven't said a single word" Dairoku asked.

" I said I'm fine. Mind your own damn business!"

I sounded kinda hursh, didn't I?
They all looked concerned and disturbed by my behavior.

" I think I forgot my phone at my classroom. I'll be right back" I lied.
I just needed some alone time.

" If you say so" Hayanari replied, raising an eyebrow.

I walked past them and got inside the school.
What the hell has gotten into me?

I was passing by the staircase, which led to the 2nd floor, when I heard a loud 'splash'. I wouldn't pay attention normally, but then I heard a familiar voice.

" No, stop! What are you doing?"

It was Izumi.
Without even thinking about it, I ran up the stairs.

Mei's Pov

Hana held the bucket with the bleached water above my head. I started punching and kicking, while Kashiko held my mouth closed.

As she was about to pour it on me, I freed my left leg from Hoshiko's grip and kicked Hana's knee with all my strength.

She screamed in pain and let the bucket fall on the ground, right next to Musume. Most of the water got spilled on the floor, but some of it fell on Musume's feet, soaking her stockings and shoes.

She was even more angry now, while I felt my arm burning from the bleach.

" You whore! They were really expensive!"

She grabbed me by the collar.

" I'll make sure that you'll pay for this" she screamed.

All five of them literally picked me up and dragged me to the top of the staircase. My eyes widened in shock, as I realized what they were about to do. Until the very last moment, they held both my arms and legs, so I couldn't fight back.

They were taller and my body was tiny compared to their's. Only once Musume stepped in front of me, they let go. But I didn't have time to react.

" You shouldn't have come to this school!" she screamed. And right after that, she pushed me off the stairs.


I prepared myself for the impaction to the ground..... But it never came.

Instead, I felt someone wrapping their arms around my waist and preventing me from falling. Then, they helped me to stand on my feet again, by pulling me up and then placing me down.

I looked around and saw...... Umeji?!?

Umeji's Pov

I knew she was in trouble. Again.
I don't even know why I am messing with her business, but at this moment I didn't thought about it.

I ran up the stairs, only to see Izumi being pushed from the top of the staircase. I immediately got near her and held her from her waist, preventing her from falling. I sighed in relief.

Her head landed on my chest and she had her eyes closed, probably cause she was scared. I pulled her up, as easy as it is to pick up a doll, and placed her on her feet.

It was then that she turned around and saw me. She was very surprised and.... Satisfied? Grateful? I don't know, let's just that say she was glad I was there.

I gave her an it's - OK look, and then faced Ronshaku and her cronies. They started backing away, all except from her. She was scared as fuck though.

" Wha - what are YOU doing here?"

" Just passing by" I said, as my hand reached for my bat in my backpack. Before I could even touch it, they had already left.

I slipped my hands inside my pockets and looked over at Izumi.

" You OK?"

" Y-yeah" she lied.

My eye caught a bucket on the floor and water all over the place.

" What happened here?" I said as I took a few steps towards the spilled water. It had an intense smell.

" Is this bleach?"

She nodded.


" Izumi, they didn't.....". She looked at her feet. I noticed her soaked sleeve.

I went to where she was standing and took her hand in mine. She tried to pull it away, but didn't manage to do so. I was right. Her skin was red and was pilling off.

I got mad. I grabbed her hips and pinned her against the wall.

" Why are you letting them do this to you?!? Why don't you fight back!?"

She faced me. Her blue eyes were weak, but filled with hate.

" What do you care?"

" I don't know. I just do. You have to learn how to defend yourself!"

" They were four, Umeji! And I was one! I couldn't do anything "

" Tch". I let her go.

" You need to go to the Infirmary. If you don't put something on it, it will leave a nasty burn"

" No thanks. I won't evolve teachers into this. I'm going home"

" Are you crazy? You can't leave it like this!"

" But I will" and she started walking away.

I stopped her. " Cut the bull and be reasonable"

" It's none of your damn business. Let me go!"

" You have to go to a doctor. And the School Nurse is the best choice"

" It's just bleach!"

" Your skin will be completely destroyed if you don't do anything"

" Let me go!"

" Stop being so stubborn!"

" Stop messing with me!"

I growled in anger. " Alright, I can drug you there"

And that's what I did. I drugged her by her other arm, while she kept complaining and trying to escape my grip. But she seems tiny in front of me. She couldn't do much.

One way or another, we arrived at the Infirmary. The Nurse was very surprised to see me bringing another student there. Izumi sat on the bed near the entrance.

" My classmate needs your help"

" It's nothing serious. I just accidentally spilled bleach on me"

" And it got even on your shoulder?" the Nurse asked, not believing her.

But Izumi had said such a stupid excuse on purpose. She wanted the Faculty to suspect that someone else had done it.

" You will buy from a Pharmacy Store this cream and you will use it twice a day " the Nurse finally told her.

" OK" and we walked out.

Her arm was getting better, all except her palm. It was really bad.

" I am getting out of here" Izumi said, once we reached the front gate.

" It's only 5:10!"

" So what?". She started walking out.

I thought for a moment what happened before with the rest of the gang. I should probably stay away from them for a while.

She was about to get out, when I......

Mei's Pov

" I'm coming with you " Umeji said and started walking next to me.

" I don't need a babysitter"

" Chill, I am just leaving too, that's all"

" And what about your 'friends'? Are you gonna leave without them?"

He looked down. " I'd rather go home"

" You sure do"

We walked together, without saying a single word. I kept examining my hand, which was in an awful condition!
I have to wear gloves if I don't want anyone to notice.

We arrived at Shisuta Town and as I was about to turn around and leave, I felt Umeji's hand on my hip stopping me.

" You have to go to the Pharmacy Store, remember?"

" Ugh, I'll just tie it up home"

" Don't start again"

" Just let me do whatever I want to"

" I don't mind drugging you there"

The hell? " Jeez, fine"

He chuckled and slipped his hands inside his pockets. I bought the cream for my burns, while he waited outside.

" I got it"

" Good. Let's go then"

Why is he doing this?
I looked at my feet.
No one has ever acted like this before... Does he really care?

I felt my face heating up, my expression was probably the shy - girl one and I held my hand into my other in embarrassment.
But I was actually very happy.
I felt my heart flying, as I realized that someone really cared. Just one person, yet I can't describe the joy I felt.

Shut up!
This is nothing. He is probably just using you to his advantage, or something.
I shouldn't care TOO much about people. Because when they leave you, when they say you are what's wrong, when they won't hug you as you cry, when they won't be able to understand that you are in pain, you'll be hurt.
Broken and hurt.

I don't know why I asked him this.
But I did.

" Hey, Umeji?"

" Yeah?"

" Why are you helping me?"

Umeji's Pov

Her question caught off guard.
Why was I helping her indeed?

I guess I didn't have a specific reason. But my gut just told me to do so. So I did.

" I don't know. It's probably just instinct "

" Instinct?"

" Kinda like the birds. They are never actually taught to fly South for the Winter, but they do. Just because their gut tells them so. I don't really have a reason. I am just following my gut too"

Her expression was soft and sweet. She was really cute...... Oh, shut up!

" I - I have to go now" I heard her saying, as she untied her hair. The setting Sun made them look silver and her eyes sparkled.

I guess I was just staring at her, until she said :

" Thank you"

And then she just left. I felt a feeling rushing through my body.
Thank me..... For what?
For stopping her from falling? No, I don't think so. Everyone would do that.

What's wrong with her?
What is she hiding?


Hello Guys!

All I want to say is THANK YOU!

Seeing my story getting more and more reads just makes me very happy!

I'll try to update once a week, so expect a new Chapter soon.

You may also want to check some other stories I have written, or make recommendations.

If you liked this Chapter, don't forget to vote for it and leave a comment. I'd also really appreciate if you follow me and it would give me a lot of support to continue!
(I always Follow Back!!!)

Until the next Chapter,

Have a Lovely Day : )

~ Author - Chan

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