By just_keep_writin

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TMS People's Choice Voting
Chap. 1
Chap. 2
Chap. 3
Chap. 4
Chap. 5
Chap. 6
Chap. 7
Chap. 8
Chap. 9
Chap. 10
Chap. 11
Chap. 12
Chap. 14
Chap. 15
Chap. 16
Chap. 17
Chap. 18
Chap. 19
Chap. 20
Chap. 21
Chap. 22
Chap. 23
Chap. 24
Chap. 25
Chap. 26
Chap. 27
Chap. 28
Chap. 29
Chap. 30
Chap. 31
Chap. 32
Chap. 33
Chap. 34

Chap. 13

917 58 84
By just_keep_writin

The bell rang shortly after, so the both of us headed back to class to put our stuff away and collect our bags. When I entered the classroom, the first person I looked over at was Chloe, but she wasn't looking back at me. Instead, she was busy stuffing her books inside of her bag with such force, looking angry and upset, while Sabrina stood by her side, patting her back. It seemed to me that Chloe had fully misunderstood Marinette and I, thinking we were dating.

Someone brushed past me, and when I turned around, I saw Nathaniel heading to the door. I grabbed my bag and rushed towards him, wanting to apologize, though I wasn't really sure why. I guess I wanted to make things clear to him, have him understand so he wouldn't be mad at me. I wanted friends, not enemies.

"Hey Nathaniel?" I walked up to him. Surprisingly he stopped and turned back to me, waiting until I caught up with him. Now, how do I start this conversation?. . . "I just wanted to ask you a quick question," I looked down at the floor while we walked. "Do you hate me, and if you do, why?" I guess I found it easier that I knew the real reason he ignored me, instead of guessing and having a better chance of making things worsen between us.

"I. . . I don't hate you," It surprised me when he spoke up. He didn't look at me; instead he continued to look at the front while he walked. "Why would a rich guy like you want to even be friends with me?" He had said it in a low voice, but I still heard him.

"Is that what you think? That just because I'm rich, I don't want to befriend anyone?" I asked him.

"Well, Chloe made it clear to me. She made it clear to everyone." He finally looked up at me. "Before you got to this school, she started talking about how you didn't need any friends because you got her. So when you came to the school, everyone ignored you because we thought you had the same personality as Chloe."

I stopped walking, unseen anger rising up on my face. "She said that?" My voice was unbelievably calm, like I was trying so hard not to lose it, especially in front of Nathaniel. She said that?! Chloe had ruined my life even before I got to this school. So what, she thought I was going to spend the rest of my year in this school with her?! She thought I was going to be leaving this school at the end of the year with just one friend. Then I realized. . . it wasn't just anger that I felt. I felt more upset that my own best friend would go and do that behind my back. And suddenly I didn't care that she was mad at me. . . She deserved to get hurt. She didn't deserve to have such a friend that was always so patient with her and actually cared about her.

"Excuse me." I walked past Nathaniel and headed to the men's bathroom, not really sure why I was heading in there. When I got inside, I sat at a corner and buried my face in my palms, wondering where I went wrong to have Chloe treat me like this. Was befriending her in the first place the mistake I made? Or did I make a mistake by having her believe that I was okay with the wrong things she was doing? Where the hell did I go wrong to get these kind of punishments?!

Dang you, Chloe! You deserve to lose me.


"Where were you?!"

I didn't even want to deal with this right now, but I found myself stopping and turning around to face Marinette, who again, had such a worried look on her face. "I was in the bathroom," I shrugged, trying not to have my feelings get the best of me.

"For the entire period?" Marinette widened her eyes like she couldn't believe it. "You missed a whole class. Everyone were wondering where you were, even the ones that don't hang out with you."

I shrugged again, knowing I was being ignorant when really, I should have thought about how to fix the situation. I knew the teacher was going to tell Father that I'd missed his class, there was no doubt it was going to happen, but I found myself not caring. And even when I said "I'm sorry," to Marinette, I knew I didn't mean it at all. "I have to go talk to Chloe. Please excuse me."

"Oh okay. Sorry." Marinette turned around and started walking away from me, and there, I wished I hadn't sent her off. I pushed my thoughts aside anyway and continued my way towards where I knew Chloe would be; most likely in the locker room, hanging around and not caring if she's late for her next class or not. I didn't really know Chloe anymore. . . At least, not the new her.

I entered the locker room and sure enough, I was right. Inside the room, Chloe stood talking to Sabrina and some other girl I couldn't care less about. Walking up to her, I waited until she noticed me. Sabrina whispered something over to her and pointed at me, and that's when Chloe turned around. Though, when she turned around and saw me, she turned back to Sabrina, as if she didn't want to talk to me.

"You have absolutely no right to be mad at me!" I suddenly yelled out, catching her attention again. "After what you did, you think you're the only one who's allowed to be mad? Is that it, Chloe?! You find my feelings easy to toy?!"

"What are you talking about?"

"At the beginning of the year, before I got to this school, what were you telling everyone about me?" I asked the question, just so I could hear it from her, though when I asked it, she kept silent, and I could see the colors drained from her face. She opened her mouth to say something but completely shut it again. "You know," I started up again, "I didn't want to believe what I heard. I didn't want to believe that my own best friend was that kind of person, but. . . I can see all the good things I've ever said about you was a total lie. You didn't deserve this friendship at all. I should have left you crying there in the rain on that day, then I wouldn't have to face all this trouble you're bringing towards me."

"Adrien, wait!" Though she told me to, I turned around anyway and started heading out. She then suddenly grabbed my hand, but I slapped hers off and gave her another angry look before I stepped out of the locker room.

"What else did you tell everyone before I came to this school?!" I shouted out, but didn't wait for her to answer. I took off away from her and headed to the bathroom again, only this time, I just wanted to wash my face, because I was afraid I was crying. When I looked in the mirror, my face was dry. No tears. But I still washed my face, so just in case I did start crying, it would look like water.

After that, I headed to my next class, and of course I was late to it, but I didn't care. I headed to my seat, at the back of the class, beside Nathaniel. This was that class — the only class — where I had to sit beside Chloe. Why had Marinette even agreed to switch spots with her. I'd much rather have her sit beside me than Chloe lying Bourgeois. Now I knew why Lila hated her so much; Chloe had probably started most of the fights they had back when they were young.

Class started. I didn't participate in anything like I usually did. I didn't speak, just scribbled down notes and listened to the teacher talk. Sometimes I would even bend my head down or rest it on the desk and close my eyes. I appreciated it so much when Chloe didn't make an effort to try to talk to me in class; I appreciated it that she kept her distance even when class ended and I stood up and started heading out. I appreciated it that she understood I didn't want to talk to her, nor have anything to do with her anymore.

Lunchtime. I headed to my locker first, before the cafeteria, my lunch money in my hands. When I stepped inside, some students were already in there. I quickly caught sight of Marinette and Lila standing in line to get their food, and when I did, I headed towards them. Lunchtime was the best time to apologize to Lila. I got in line behind Marinette. She waved at me when she turned around and saw me. I waved back, but besides that, I didn't say anything.

"Marinette, do you have an extra Euro?" Lila turned around. When she saw me, she glared at me, as if I had stepped into her territory without asking. But she ignored me anyways and turned back to Marinette.

"Ah sorry, no."

This is when I realized it was my chance, at least a way of saying I was sorry. "I do." I stuffed my hand inside my pocket and took out an Euro, but Lila seemed pissed off rather than thankful.

"I don't want to take money from someone who insulted me!"

"Right I understand, but this is my way of apologizing. I'm sorry for everything I said. I didn't mean it at all." I put the Euro out in front of her, waiting for her to take it. "At first I thought Chloe was a good person too, but I was wrong. It wasn't your fault for hating me. Chloe gave everyone the wrong idea that I was just like her, and instead of proving everyone wrong, I was stupid enough to follow Chloe. I'm really sorry, Lila."

Lila seemed hesitant, but she took the money from my hands, muttered a thank you and turned back around, getting a smile up on my face. We get our lunch and picked a table. Nino, Alya, Nathaniel and one other girl were already waiting for us when we came over. I sat down at the table, feeling a little awkward as I felt all eyes on me, as if they were all secretly judging my actions.

"You guys. . ." I looked up and they were still staring at me, like I had something on my face. "I'd like to apologize for the other day. I shouldn't have been so rude, and I'd like another chance at befriending you guys. Whatever Chloe said before I got here, don't believe it. She was lying. I do need friends. Desperately." I waited, and finally they all started cracking a smile.

"Oh, it's fine, dude. I never really did believe what Chloe said either," Nino waved it off like it was nothing, and I just smiled. "I don't judge people by what others say about them. I just didn't approach you because I wanted to be sure if what Chloe said was true or not."

"Well, it wasn't!" I could see Chloe sitting at another table in front of us. She may have purposely chosen a table that was so near us, but I didn't care, just as long as she didn't bother me from now on. "And I'm glad I found out, because if I didn't, I would never have proven to people that I wasn't like Chloe. Instead, I would have continued to be on her side with no clue that she literally tried to keep people away from me." I just still couldn't believe it. I could feel anger pouring out of me as I spoke these words out. The last time I was this angry was before I had come to accept how Father dealt with things when it came to taking care of me.

But I was glad of how things turned out now. I had gotten amazing friends, which I believed I deserved, and I was finally done with Chloe dragging me down. Picking up my spoon, I pecked the food I had gotten. I should have just gotten my own food from home. Though she was sometimes harsh, Nathalie made amazing food.

"So, how are you all doing with your bios in class?" Alya spoke up, changing the subject. "I'm doing this girl, Rose."

"I straight up just picked a random person I didn't know," Lila spoke. "I hadn't wanted to do him before, but now I really don't care. He's not that bad." She looked up and smiled at me, and that was when I realized she was talking about me. Wait, why would she even pick me in the first place if she didn't like me? Miss Bustier had given us the choice of who to choose.

I brushed the thought aside anyway and looked over at Nino. That was when I noticed he was looking at Marinette, and when I turned to Marinette, she gave Nino a thumbs up, before putting down her spoon and opening her mouth to speak.

"Uh. . . Adrien and I are hanging out after school, 'cause, I need to know more about him for the bio," Marinette said. "Alya, I notice how you're not doing anything after school. Why don't you hang out with Nino for a while, after all he is doing you for his bio."

I immediately knew what she was trying to do, and I smiled a little at that. Marinette was trying to bring Alya and Nino together, and I was so up for that.

"Aw Nino, you're doing me? I thought you knew me." Alya turned over to Nino, looking like she was about to cry but only teasing him.

"I. . . I do, but not that much. The only thing we do together anyway is sit together at Lunchtime and talk," Nino scratched his head, looking nervous.

"Well, if it's for the bio, then sure," Alya gave a thumbs up before she looked down at her food. "Well, I'll give you 2 hours of my time, because I have to go over to Rose. We're both doing each other for the bio project. Hope you don't mind."

"Ah, oh no, that's okay. Actually, 2 hours is just enough time for me."

Yeah, Nino, I thought to myself, enough time to make a move on her.

"Hey. . ." I heard Lila talking to Marinette while the other girl I still didn't know the name of got into a conversation with Nino and Alya. "Is it okay if I tag along with you and Adrien? I'm not doing anything either, and I don't want to go back home. My father will be home. . ." Her voice trailed off, and I could see Marinette showing her worried expression.

"Is he still doing. . .?"

"Ah, no. I just don't like being around him," Lila caught her off with a wave of her hand. "He makes me feel uncomfortable. Also. . . My mother invited me to come live with her."

"Oh Lila, that's so nice!" I wondered if Marinette and Lila knew I was secretly listening in to their conversation while I pretended to be enjoying my food. "What's the problem though? You look upset about the idea."

"Marinette, she lives outside of Paris. I don't want to leave this school, and I don't want to leave you," Lila sighed. "And plus, if I tell my father, I'm not sure if he'd even agree for me to leave. You know how he is. . . Always so stubborn."

I looked down at the table. Was Lila's situation really that bad, worse than Chloe's? Well, she did say her father had stopped, but I could still sense pain in her voice. I gulped. Chloe had probably made her feel so bad about herself in middle school, hadn't she? Why did Chloe have to be the worse?!

I inhaled and exhaled, trying to calm myself down. I shouldn't be worrying myself with this anymore. I'm so done with Chloe, and that's final!

~ Edited ~

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