Court Of Night

By the_rebellionxx

1.2M 47.5K 11K

The pack on the verge of collapse, Fie Wright watches as her Alpha falls into a downward spiral due to his dy... More

Love Drunk
Tick Tock
Kit Kat


33.3K 1.2K 298
By the_rebellionxx

Fie Wright's P. O. V

Snuggling into the warm embrace that consists of my bed is all that I'd wished to do today. The long day winding down after spending a few hours with my gorgeous mate being the perfect way for me to head to bed even if one part of me was drowning in sorrows that I wouldn't be sharing that said bed with him nor cuddling into him as I doze off. Instead I was left to go to my own room, to my own cold bed with a simple kiss on my forehead to get me through the night.

Oh the horror.

As annoyed as I am at the prospect of me saying I wanted to have a separate bedroom when my mate asked me, I'm more disgruntled over the fact that this is what is keeping me up at night when I should be snoring away much like my mate a door down from me. I don't actually think he does snore since I can't hear anything coming from his room but, nonetheless, my brain won't seem to just shut down so that I can have some peace and quiet.

Muffling my sigh, I don't bother checking the alarm clock since I already know it'll say something close to being one in the morning. Tossing and turning in my bed for the better part of two hours is not how I wanted my night to go. Especially considering the fact that I have to be up bright and early tomorrow for my proper first day as an accepted trainee advisor.

Willing my sleep to come to me, I close my eyes and slowly start to envision my body relaxing bit by bit while physically stopping myself from stiffening up. Maybe by the time I'm halfway, I can fall asleep. This trick usually works but I can tell I'll be having deep eye bags marring my skin tomorrow. The frown on my face is quick to come at that thought and already, then and there, has my relaxation technique gone down the drain.

Letting out a soft groan, I turn over to find another comfortable spot to settle into but instead I'm met with air. Cold, uncomfortable air that sends a chill through me even though my blanket is wrapped around me and more so entangled between my legs. A second passes before my backside reaches the floor and then the rest of my body. This time a loud moan escapes me as I lay sprawled out on the wooden flooring, breath knocked out of me as my eyes stare wide eyed at the ceiling; not being able to comprehend what exactly just happened.

Just as I start to put the pieces together that I'm not exactly in my bed but now rather on the floor, my thoughts get scattered again as I jump from fright, my head hitting the bedside table right above me. The cause of my fright being the slamming of my bedroom door against the wall as a growl resounds throughout the room.

The hair on my neck stands up as a figure looms over me. I already know who it is as anticipation runs throughout my body even though my mate is glaring down at me. Hair in a disheveled mess but eyes ablaze and full on alert. I blink up at him in slight delirium, not quite taking in what's happening so quickly as his own eyes raise up to scan the room for any potential threat before falling back down to me. My mate takes me in from head to toe, glancing at the bed and then back to me.

A sheepish smile taking over my face is all the answer Malleus needs as a sigh escapes the towering man. I put my hands underneath myself in order to sit up but they get swept out from under me as he leans down and gently picks me up. The man holding me as if I'm made out of delicate bone china.

"I thought someone broke in and attacked you." He informs me in a gravelly voice as I'm hauled tightly into his arms, his deep blue eyes staring down at me as my lips part at the sheer intensity they hold.

"I-I rolled over to far and fell out of bed." I admit with a slight blush coating my cheeks, I'm sure he already figured that one out. The head shake I get causes me to blush even more since I know it comes from slight exasperation. When he takes a step or two away from my bed, I lean out of his arms so that I can jump onto the floor and get back into bed. However, all my movements halt in place as Malleus tightens his arms around my torso and leg, not letting me thrash about.

"Um. You can put me down now. I-," my words get cut off as a particularly loud sound echoes throughout my room. My heart hammering away in my chest as I jump slightly in Malleus' arms while the thunder continues to boom outside with various intervals of lightening streaking across the sky and lighting up my dark room.

"You will come to my room and stay the night," he says in a matter of fact tone, not leaving any room for arguments, "You will have a new bed in the morning." My eyes widen as I look up from my bed and over to Malleus, only to find him glaring at my bed like it purposely threw me off and onto the floor.

"But why? I love my bed." I say indignantly while letting myself be carried away and outside my room in my mates strong hold.

"It is not big enough. You will be getting a larger bed but one that is considerably lower to the ground." I keep my lips sealed and especially don't comment over the fact that my bed is nearly big enough to fit five people in it let alone just little old me.

I watch as we both make our way from the living room and closer to my mates door. The situation only now hitting me as I come to realise I will in fact be sleeping with in one bed with Malleus. My heart that had stopped hammering away in my chest nearly picking up speed but I try to calm myself down as much as possible. The thought of sleeping in his arms already causing tingles of excitement to shoot up and down my entirety. The call of my wolf being the main source behind my pent up longing.

I watch with wide eyes as Malleus turns the handle to his bedroom door and we finally step in. The place I've wanted to see for ages almost immediately soothes me as my body goes lax in his arms at the scent of lemongrass and orange blossom attacks my senses.  I can already picture my wolf forcefully shifting so that she can flop around in the bedcovers and his clothes till we're in a mini coma as our mates scent overpowers the both of us.

The man's room itself is a perfect blend of black, grey and white as they accentuate the other. Everything in here sleek and clean from the wooden flooring to the bed frame that looms on for what seems like ages. My eyes get drawn to the television that seems to be coming up from the floor as it stands at its full expanse. Nothing seems to be playing on it as it's surface remains blank. The curtains are much like mine but in a different colour as they cover the left side of the wall where two huge windows open up to reveal a balcony which I can see through the slit between them. The furniture appears to be limited with a sleek desk in one corner with his laptop and some paperwork scattered on it.

I'm guessing he had either been working or fallen asleep while doing so. I think it's more the latter since his hair is tousled in the way it usually is when one tosses and turns in bed. Not to mention the fatigue lacing his eyes as he edges closer to the bed, carefully propping me on it.

I barely get a chance to shift before he's grabbing the comforter and tucking me into bed, pushing me down till I'm smack dab in the centre of his bed with no chances of falling off even if I roll twice or thrice. I freeze up as he turns around, my words slipping out of my mouth before I can stop them.

"You're sleeping in the bed next to me, right?" Malleus turns back around at my words, an eyebrow propped up as he continues to stare at me through this intense yet weary eyes. I can tell he's been struggling to sleep much like I have been. It must be taking a greater toll on him, however, considering that he's been waking up at the crack of dawn, much earlier than I have been.

"If that is what you wish." He says in that same controlled voice which makes me let out a sigh and roll my eyes. Not enjoying the way he's so edgy and constrained around me.

"Yes. It is. It looks like you've been struggling to sleep. Much like I have." I say bluntly as he rounds the bed and slips in. I plop my head down on the pillow, inconspicuously inhaling his soothing scent while bracing myself for him to simply turn his back to me and sleep.

"It appears like our wolves are struggling to cope with the distance." He says and much to my surprise, sidles closer to me till we're face to face. My eyes take in his close appearance and the tiredness is much more visible at such a distance. This is all it takes for me to hum in agreement as I scoot closer to him till my head lays on the same pillow as his. I go to raise my hand but pause in surprise as I feel one of his own arms wrapping around my waist and pulling me in close till we're pressed up against each other. My flimsy shirt acts like an irritating barrier and all I want to do is to rip his and my shirt off so that our skin press against each other's.

It's almost like he reads my mind as Malleus pulls away a little, a frown marring his face as he shifts as if in discomfort.

"If you do not mind, I'd like to take my shirt off. I don't feel quite comfortable sleeping with it on," he begins as he shifts in his spot before continuing hurriedly, "If it makes you feel uneasy then do not worry I-," My soft grin cuts him off along with my hands grasping the soft material of his shirt. Malleus' once frowning expression turns into a careful gaze as I tug at his shirt and make him lift his arms so that I can pull it off of him. I don't even bat an eyes as I grab onto the shirt now in my hand, throwing it to some far flung corner of the room.

"I don't mind." I say simply after that, watching as he lets out a sigh of relief and settles back down into the comfort of his bed. Only when he throws his arm over his eyes do I let my gaze travel down to what I've so badly wanted to see for the few days I've know this man was my mate. Sharp, precise and defined is all that runs through my brain as my mouth nearly waters at the sight of my mate exposed. His defined biceps now in proper view as I travel my sights lower to his torso. The muscles here flexing with his movements as his abs contract when he shifts slightly. A slight train of hair smattering over his torso especially from his navel all the way down to where a pair of black sweatpants obstruct my vision. I nearly glare at the intrusion but instead manage to avert my eyes to his deep v line that could cut through steel. I almost want to run my finger over every inch and curve of him but just barely manage to stop myself as I feel an arm wrapping around my waist.

I raise my eyes just in time to see that same frowning face gazing at me as he removes his hand from his eyes.

"What is the matter? Why aren't you laying down?" Only then do I realise I've been sitting up since removing his shirt. With a content sigh, I move my body so that I'm laying down. My hand splayed over his chest, I tentatively lean over so that my head rests in the crook of his neck. I'm awarded by Malleus' own sigh of satisfaction as he nuzzles his nose onto the top of my head and intertwines our legs together, not leaving any inch of us to be apart.

This doesn't take me long to fall asleep and before I know it, my eyes are shutting without my consent. The only thing registering in my mind is the tightening of my mate around me along with his whispered words.

"My precious mate."

I'm surprised that wasn't enough to startle me awake but instead I drift off with a goofy smile on my face.

Waking up is like heaven on Earth since this time it's not to a cold empty bed but instead, a warm bed that is immersed and swimming in my mates intoxicating smell. A dipping of the bed where I lay alerts me to the fact that this must be my mate. I hear something being put down gently on the bedside table while something looms over me. Or rather someone.

I try my best to keep my face in a composed mask and not let the smile slip on my face even though the both of us know that I'm awake by now. Tingles erupt on the skin of my cheek as Malleus' warm fingers trace the soft area in a caressing manner. I try my best to wake up in the way people usually do in the movies, with their eyes fluttering open and hair in a graceful tousle. Instead my eyes barely crack open since they're covered in sleepy dust and the bright light needs some getting focused to. Raising my hands to face, I rub at my eyes for a few seconds and only then just manage to pry them open.

I immediately come face to face with a content looking Malleus who continues to caress my cheek.

"It's nearly time for you to get up. You have your first proper day ahead of you today." He says in a low voice, almost as if he doesn't want to disrupt the peace and quiet that surrounds us. I sit up under his watchful gaze and eye the alarm clock on the bedside table on his side of the bed, noting that it's just about seven thirty and I should be meeting with Asha at eight thirty exact. This should give me more than enough time to freshen up and get ready before I meet my boss.

Although, technically speaking, Malleus is my boss.

I go to open my mouth so that I can ask him something but am beaten to the punch as he stops caressing my face, only to lean over me so that he picks up the object he placed on the bedside table besides me. Bringing it towards me, my face scrunches up in confusion as I wonder what on Earth he's giving me until it comes into view and my features turn into one of delight. I nearly tackle the man in front of me out of sheer happiness but realise it's not the best thing to do. A blinding smile is what he gets as he places the steaming mug of freshly brewed tea into my awaiting hands. The smell hitting me head on as a sigh leaves my lips while bringing it closer to me for warmth.

"How?" Is all I ask while wrapping both hands snuggly around the huge ceramic mug.

"Lets just say that hypothetically I asked a certain someone some things about you and that certain someone told me you liked to drink tea first thing in the morning. It wakes you up." He says with a rather casual shrug of the shoulder, the action almost sheepish and nearly making me squeal out of pure happiness.

No wonder this man is made for me. I could marry him here and now if it means I get fresh tea every morning.

"Thank you." I beam up at him, the widest smile I've probably ever smiled in my life. I nearly let out a short giggle as Malleus appears stunned for a short second. Lips parted and eyes unblinking before he clears his through and nods his head at me.

"No problem." His tone of voice is gruff as he tries to clear it some more.

We lapse into silence for a few minutes as I sip at my tea and pretend like Malleus penetrating stare isn't unnerving to me at all.

"How come you're up so late? You're usually doing-," I trail off for a few seconds since I'm not sure what exactly his day entails nor where he goes off to for the better part of his day, "-Whatever it is you do by now. I've not seen you around the rooms by this time." I end finally in a slightly nonchalant way. Or I hope it comes off like that and not like I'm begging for his attention to let me know where it is that he wanders off to.

Malleus tried to make himself comfortable as he shifts around on the bed and only then do I notice he's dressed up once more in his formal attire of a button up shirt and pants. I nearly scoot to the side to make more room for him but a noise of surprise escapes my lips as I'm lifted up from leaning against my pillow till I'm deposited in between his legs with my back pressed to his chest and his arms wrapped around me. I bite down my ever growing smile and merely sip at my nearly finished tea.

"I wanted to wake up my mate today. Care for her before I have to set off for another day of Kingship." Malleus says simply as if his words didn't just make my entire day. This time I have to bite down on my lip hard as I feel two pairs of lips kiss the crown of my head in a loving manner.

"Thank you." Is all I say with my words slightly muffled due to the mug so close to my mouth. His arms tighten in response and that's all that's said as I finally finish my tea and place it back down on the table. We relax in each others hold for a little while longer before my eyes land on the alarm clock and a sigh escapes my lips.

"I should start getting read." I murmur into his arms as they unwrap from around me. Gathering the energy, I hoist myself till I'm standing up and looking down at him for once.

"I'll see you some time later today?" I question with hope in voice while Malleus stands up to his full height.

"Sooner than you think, mate." Is what I get in response along with another lingering kiss but this time to my forehead. My eyes stay closed from the impact up and until I feel the slight breeze from his movement, already knowing he's walked out the door and gone on with his duties.

I guess that means I have to do the same.

AN: Hi everyone! I hope you liked this cute little chapter. Let me know what you think.

Question: Would you rather have a flying carpet or a car that drives underwater?

On a more serious note, however, I'd just like to say that I hope you're all okay and please do stay safe with all that's going on. Don't risk your well being for anything and try your best to not go out unless it's necessary. Please care of yourself and your loved ones. All the love! Xx

Please remember to:


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