The night is darkest just bef...

By Mimorimori

174K 6.9K 4.3K

After getting rejected by his childhood crush, Izuku was heartbroken. On the very same day, he got attacked b... More

Chapter 1: A bad day
Chapter 2: Night mission
Chapter 3: A favour
Chapter 4: Intertwine and connecting
Chapter 4.5: Aizawa
Chapter 5: Searching for an answer
Chapter 6: Bad timing
Chapter 7: Fledgling and pure blooded
Chapter 8: Fear and worry
Chapter 9: A wishful thinking
Chapter 10: Fragment of the past
Chapter 11: Hidden truth and pain
Chapter 12: Decision
Chapter 13: The targeted fledgling
Chapter 14: Spotted
Chapter 15: Hunted down
Chapter 16: Captured
Chapter 18: Test
Chapter 19: A small chat
Chapter 20: What am I to you?
Chapter 21: Nightmare
Chapter 22: Todoroki Shoto
Chapter 23: First mission (Part One)
Chapter 24: First mission (Part Two)
Chapter 25: End of first mission, beginning of a storm
Chapter 26: Scars
Chapter 27: Togata Mirio
Chapter 28: Training and preparation
Chapter 29: Cargo
Chapter 30: Amajiki Tamaki
Chapter 30.5: His story
Chapter 31: Getting ready
Chapter 32: Battle
Chapter 33: Warning, danger
Chapter 34: The choice that was made
Chapter 35: Taken
Chapter 36: A small hope
Chapter 37: Bad route...?
Chapter 38: Even if it's against the order
Chapter 39: Rescue mission
Chapter 40: That's my promise to you
Chapter 41: No longer the same

Chapter 17: Trial

4.5K 206 53
By Mimorimori

Standing in front of the meeting room, Takami was waiting for the others to arrival so that they can start their meeting about the boy who has been hiding a vampire from them. He was the first one to arrival and the next one to reach after him is Aizawa, who was part of that mission regarding the boy and the vampire.

"I remember what you said during our last meeting." Aizawa said.

"Hm?" Takami blinked, surprised and confused to hear that the first sentence to come out of Aizawa's mouth would be this. "You remember what I said?"

"The idea of having using a vampire who is willing to protect humans... you aren't against it right?"

Now this has certainly caught his full attention and he can finally understand why Aizawa choose to approach him to talk about it.

"Tell me about it." Takami smiled.


When Katsuki finally woke up, he was quick to notice that he was locked up in their organization's underground cell with Kirishima and Kaminari. Katsuki was pissed that they were being treated like a fucking prisoner. On top of that, their weapons and phones has been confiscated.

Pushing himself up into a sitting position, Katsuki saw Kirishima and Kaminari sitting on the opposite side, safe and unharmed. He was glad that those two idiots are fine but more than that... how long has they been sleeping? What happened to Izuku? They... couldn't have killed him right?

"Oh, you're awake Bakugou." Kaminari said.

"...Where the fuck did those bastards bring Deku to?" Katsuki asked.

"I don't know. But Midoriya's still alive and that's all I know." Kirishima replied.

"Alive for now..." Katsuki thought. Now that they have been captured, its' already game over for them. He's gonna get fired and Izuku's going to die. Katsuki doesn't want this outcome to happen but right now, he couldn't really think of a way out. It might be a different case if there are some higher ups who is willing to side with them.

The bad sign has shown itself when the trio heard the sounds of heavy footsteps and the jingling keys. Katsuki glared at the two hunters as they open the cell and pull the door open.

"Come with us obediently, Bakugou Katsuki." One of them said.

"Bakugou..." Kirishima muttered with a worrying look as he watches Katsuki stood up and left the cell without a word.

Once Katsuki went off with the two hunters, Kaminari finally asked, "When did you guys met?"

"Are you talking about Midoriya?"


"Well, he may be different from the other vampires but he's a really nice guy. Although we only know each other for nearly two months, I can tell that he's the type of person who is willing to put someone else before him."

Kaminari mouthed an 'oh' word and remain silent after that. Izuku saved him before so he's a great guy, just like what Kirishima said. Even if he's a nice guy, he's still a vampire and soon...

The higher ups is going to give Izuku his death sentence.


The walk down the plain and empty hallway was awfully quiet. Katsuki thought about knocking these two extras out but he know that the cameras on the ceiling is watching his every movement. Any unnecessary movement might makes things even worse. As long as there's a chance for him to talk to those shitty higher ups and getting them to spare Izuku, he's not going to risk it.

Stopping in front of a large door, the two hunters knocked on to three times and then slowly push it open.

Inside the large meeting room, Katsuki was stunned to see that so many members of higher ups are here to question him all kind of shit. Although everyone called them 'Higher Ups', they are also working as hunters as well. Sitting at the middle of the round table is Todoroki Enji, the number one hunter. At the side is Takami, Aizawa, Sekijiro, Kayama and Sasaki.

Takami and Kayama aside, the rest are mostly the type that are strict about things like rules. On top of that, Todoroki Enji is here and he has never let a single vampire escape to live through another day.

Well, fuck.

"Bakugou Katsuki, I'm sure you know what you have done and the reason why you're here." Sasaki spoke up

"Yeah." Katsuki replied in an annoyed tone.

"Sheltering a vampire is a huge crime. Given by our rule, we would have banish you from this organization. Even though we don't agree to the way you acted, we still acknowledge your talent as a vampire hunter. Which is why we're willing to give you a chance to redeem yourself." Sekijiro said.

Redeem? Although Katsuki doesn't know what they meant by that but he doesn't like the sound of it. What in the world are these people going to make him do- no... it can't possibly be 'that' right?

What Katsuki thought and feared has come true and another two vampire hunters drag Izuku into the room and then shove him to the floor. His wounds has already healed but instead, Izuku has both of his hands cuffed behind his back. His legs are also cuffed and there a metal muzzle on him as well, specially made for vampires to prevent them from biting people.

"Those bastards...!" Katsuki internally cursed, gritted his teeth in anger. He wanted to murder all those people for treating Izuku that way. While it's true that the nerd is a vampire now, he still has his personality as a 'human' and he has never drink a single drop of blood before! And yet these fuckers is treating at Izuku like he's the most dangerous and cruel monster!

Standing up, Enji threw a gun loaded with bullets at Katsuki's feet and said coldly, "Kill that vampire with your own hands. That way, we'll overlook your crime and allow you to continue your job as a vampire hunter."

To think that they would make him kill Izuku with his own hands...! Just how fucking twisted is that fucking bastard?! There's no fucking way that he can do it!!

If Katsuki choose his job, he'll be able to gather information and get the chance to hunt down the vampire that murdered his parents. But for him to continue his job, he'll need to take Izuku's life. And if he were to choose Izuku, he'll lose his job. Knowing this fucking bastard, they will definitely kill Izuku or do some nasty experiment on him!

Fucking piece of shit! Is there really no other way out?!

Izuku slightly tilted his head and saw the stressed out look on Katsuki's expression. Seeing Katsuki forced to make such choices is heartbreaking and there's no way that the blond can choose one out of the two. Izuku know how hard Katsuki has been trying to find the vampire who murdered their parents. Izuku's afraid of death but for their dead parents and Katsuki...


Due to the muzzle, Izuku couldn't speak clearly and his words was muffled. However, he did manage to catch the attentions of everyone in the room.

Shutting his eyes, Izuku smiled sadly even though Katsuki couldn't see it. Despite that, the message got through and Katsuki immediately understand that Izuku's telling him to take his life.

"I heard about it from Kirishima-kun. You're looking for the vampire that murdered our parents right? This job is very important to you so go ahead, I won't blame or hate you for it." Izuku thought, hoping that Katsuki'd pick the gun up.

"Deku, you..." Katsuki said in a low voice, utterly dumbfounded to see that Izuku's offering his own life for him. Goddammit, this fucking idiot! Does Izuku think that everything will be solve and return back to normal if he were to die? That's fucking bullshit! Nothing will be solved and nothing will be the same is Izuku is no longer around!

As soon as Takami saw how Izuku's willing to give up his own life for his friend, his lips turn upwards into a small smile. This is what he has been waiting and this is what he wanted to see. When Aizawa came to him and talk about this interesting fledgling vampire before the start of this meeting, Takami was surprised to hear such vampire actually does exist. It's like a small hope and miracle has been given to them. Having a vampire on their side has a lot of advantage so there's no way he's going to let it go to waste.

Todoroki Enji rarely listen to someone else but since they has been friends for some time, Takami can be sure that he'll listen to him to the end. But firstly, Takami would need the correct timing to speak.

"What are you doing? Hurry up and pick up the gun!" Enji said sternly.

Seeing that Katsuki didn't make any movement, Sekijiro sighed and said, "Surly, you know what our job is right? We must kill every vampires in sight in order to protect people and that's what we do as our job. Even if that boy is someone you knew, he's no longer the same because he's no longer 'human'. He'd need to drink blood and in order to do that, he'd need to hurt and kill other people-"

"DEKU WON'T DO SUCH THING!" Katsuki snapped.

"I won't trust those words. What makes you think that he wouldn't attack anyone?" Sasaki asked.

"I fucking know him! Deku's an idiot who is too nice for his own good! Even if he became a fucking vampire, he choose to hide in a place where people couldn't find him so that he could fucking starve himself for eternity!"

"Even if that's true, didn't you got bitten by him when you first ran into him?" Kayama asked.

Katsuki froze when he heard that. What happened during their meeting at the old school should be a secret so how did they know that? How did they find out that Izuku bitten him before?

"...How the fuck did you guys know that?" Katsuki glared.

"While you guys is still sleeping, a truth serum drug has been used on him and he told us everything." The female hunter explained.

Katsuki can feel his rage boiling to a new point. Forcing Izuku to tell them everything with a fucking drug?! There's no mistake about it, this has to be that fucking Todoroki Enji's order!!

"..." Izuku lower his gaze to the floor sadly, silently blaming himself for spilling everything and not being able to tell a lie to help Katsuki. He has never felt so useless before. He couldn't do a single thing to help Katsuki.

"If Deku spilled everything to you fuckers, then he should have told you guys that he didn't drink any blood before!" Katsuki protested angrily.

"But he can never win against his hunger and instinct every single time. The longer he didn't have blood, the harder it is for him to fight off his hunger. I know you wouldn't like to hear this but I'm afraid that we're going to eliminate him and-"

"Deku doesn't need any fucking blood as long as he can eat human's food!" Katsuki cuts Sekijiro off for the second time and after that, there was nothing but silent as the higher ups tried to proceed what he just blurted out. Their reaction told Katsuki that they didn't know about how Izuku can eat human food. If it was possibly, Katsuki'd like to laugh at these adults. They asked Izuku if he has attack any human before but they didn't ask him how he didn't go crazy from hunger without having blood.

"How fucking great! So you idiots didn't ask him about how he manage to stay sane for so long without blood?!" Katsuki mocked. And since everyone is too shocked to say anything, he shall use of this chance to make a very clear declaration. "I won't kill Deku and I refuse to leave the organization! If you bastards are THAT afraid of Deku attacking people, then I'll prevent that from happening with everything I had! I'll never allow Deku to hurt anyone for as long as I'm alive!"

Izuku looked up, staring at Katsuki. He can feel the tears gathering but he held it back. For Katsuki to say those words... he was happy but at the same time, Izuku's still unable to understand why Katsuki would go that far for him.

Pleased with what he heard, Takami smiled and asked, "So you're saying that whatever that vampire do, you'll took full responsibility for it?"

"That's right!"

"Very well. If you're willing to go that far for that vampire, then I shall allow you to keep a close eye on him." Takami said. As soon as he said those words, the other hunters stare at him like he has grown another head or something. Except for Aizawa of course. "Now, before anyone of you ask me why, calm down and listen to what I've to say first."

Standing up, Takami eyed Izuku with a fond smile as he begin to explain. "Just now, this vampire clearly prepared himself to die so that Bakugou Katsuki-kun can continue to work as a vampire hunter. And based on the report that Kaminari-kun handed in a few days ago, he said that he was saved by a vampire and I believe that the kind hearted vampire who saved one of our men is none other than this little one over here. A vampire that's willing to put other people ahead of him and risk his own life to protect someone else couldn't be that bad right? And so, I got one suggestion."

"Takami, don't tell me you..." Sekijiro muttered with an unease voice.

"Yes." Takami nodded and gesture towards Izuku. "Why don't we let this vampire join us?"


An outburst of disbelieve from the other hunters, just like what Takami has expected. However, he's not going to stop here and he shall continue on with his explanations. "All of you should know this. Without weapons, we're pretty much powerless in front of a vampire. So what if we got a vampire working with us? Wouldn't our mission go smoothly? As everyone knows, a vampire has sharp senses of hearing and smell, they can easily detect other vampires before we can. With that, hunting down other vampires will become easier and don't you guys think we can prevent more unnecessary death of our men?"

There was another silent as everyone is trying to process what Takami just said. Many of them has suffered by the hands of those blood sucking monsters and for them to get help from one of their kind... this isn't something they can accept easily. But then again, it's not like this kid choose to become a vampire.

On the other hand, Katsuki couldn't believe that one of the most respected higher ups is willing to spare Izuku from death. While he's against the idea of letting Izuku participate in their battle, this is probably the best way out for both him and the nerd.

Kayama let out a sigh and lower her gaze to the table. "I'll have to agree with you. To be honest, I'm tired of seeing people dying. If allowing this vampire to join us can reduce the number of deaths, I'm not against it."

Takami shifted his attention to Sasaki, one of the hunters who seems to be against the idea of having a vampire battling with them. "Well, what your thoughts Sasaki?"

"I'm not against the idea. However, what if this vampire doesn't agree to it? What if he stab us in the back? Even if he won't do such thing, he's still a fledgling and I highly doubt that he can put up a good fight with the other vampires."

"Mmf!" Izuku tried to speak but it was useless. As long as the muzzle is on him, he cannot talk properly.

Realizing that there's something Izuku desperately wanted to tell everyone, Takami signal the two hunters that brought him in just now. "Remove the muzzle."

"B-but..." they looked at each other with an unease look.

"It's alright. He won't bite your hands off."

"Okay..." One of the hunters gives a small nod and approach Izuku fearfully. He quickly remove the muzzle and then back away from the green haired vampire.

Once the muzzle came off, Izuku look at Takami and said, "I-I won't bring harm to anyone here! I'm willing to learn how to fight and protect the others!"

"There he goes again, saying stupid things like protecting everyone." Katsuki thought as he narrowed his eyes on Izuku. This idiot has always been the same, always putting the others in front of him. Knowing how selfless Izuku can be, Katsuki can be 100% sure that this fucking nerd has no problem throwing himself in front of the others and act as a shield to protect them. Even if he's a vampire and won't die easily, Katsuki doesn't want to see Izuku all bloody and badly injured...

Takami smiled and left the table, making his way to the vampire. Taking out the key from his pocket, he unlock the cuffs on Izuku's hands and feet, freeing him and allowing him to move. Izuku got into a kneeling position and rubbed his wrists. Crouching down, Takami place a hand on the boy's head, patting him in a fond way. "Good, that's what I like to hear. However, we would need you to take a small test."

"A test?" Izuku tilted his head curiously.

"Yes. Even though I suggested that we let you join us, many people will still disagree with the idea of having a vampire with us. So it's the best that we put their mind at ease once they can get to see that you won't attack people. But the test is going to be very difficult for you. And if you were to fail the test..."

"I'll be killed... is that right?"

"Correct. Of course, you can choose not to take the test, but that would means that you won't be joining us and the result will still be the same. Your life will end here and Bakugou-kun will be punished and fired from his job." Takami explained. Removing his hand, he whisper softly to Izuku. "Sorry, this is the best way out both me and Aizawa can offer to the two of you."

Izuku widen his eyes in surprise at the mentioning of his homeroom teacher's name. Aizawa-sensei tried to help them?

"So what will you do? Will you take the test?"

"I'll do it! I'll take the test and I'll pass it!" Izuku declared with a determined look. No matter how difficult the test is going to be, he swear that he'll pass it. This is for Katsuki and himself, so he cannot afford to fail the test no matter what.


A/N: Gosh, I'm really bad with scenes that has many characters in one place and all of them need to talk. I hope it's not too messy for you guys.

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