Nerd in Disguise: Blood Bound

By lystrandra

16M 531K 151K

As the only daughter to one of the most powerful Mafia families, Shay has sought to figure out her own path d... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40: EPILOGUE <3

Chapter 10

485K 15.4K 3.6K
By lystrandra

"Fine, I'll do it." I mutter.

"Say that again?" Jacob smirks.

I swear I'm going to kick butt him until he wipes that smirk off his face.

"I liked you a lot better before all this happened." I grumble under my breath.

"Oh, you mean the charming prince that swept you off your feet and you fell head over heels for?" He raises an eyebrow cockily.

He pauses and watches me carefully. "Don't tell me, you actually fell for my act?" He laughs hysterically.

"In your dreams--" I scoff. I'm not going to admit anything.

"Right, deny it all you want, but I've seen you drooling over me," his twinkles with mirth.

"I'm a great actor, but c'mon, you should be suspicious if someone as goodlooking as me hangs out with a nerd like you," he peers at me with slight disgust. Oh, that's right. I still had my nerd gear on, with the exception of my wig.

"I'm disappointed in you." He sighs dramatically.

"You know what? I hope you rot in some alley. You can go find my father by yourself." I begin to walk out of my room since he remains rooted in his spot. His true personality is shitty. To be honest, I was gullible and thought he was genuinely funny and kind. I guess my people reading skills are very rusty. I actually was beginning to enjoy Jacob's company.

"Aw, your love for me is amazing," Jacob replies sarcastically. However, fear flashes through his eyes ever so quickly.

"Whatever, have fun getting torn apart from the sharks," I frown and mutter once more. "I'm out of here." I actually touch the doorknob with the intention of never seeing him again. I don't want to see his twinkling eyes and disarming smile.

"You're a dimwit." He shakes his head. "Let's go meet your lovely family." It's like he didn't even hear me.

"Yeah, I just said no. You think you can order me around?" I'm wasting my breath here. He's not worth my time.

"Well, yeah. Do I have to explain everything? For someone who was a Ricca, I'd think you'd be smarter than this." I would say he is beginning to lose patience with me. "If you don't help me, I'm going to call them and tell then where you are." He thinks he's so smart, doesn't he? His smug mug makes my fingers itch for my knife, but that's the old me. I refuse to ever lay a hand on another person; I hate Jacob for making me almost injure him.

"Yeah, go ahead," I shrug, finally thinking some sense. "We're halfway across the country. By the time they arrive, I'll be long gone. You're also bluffing."

"Bluffing?" He stands and laughs suddenly.

"Yes, you're bluffing," I roll my eyes.

Jacob whips out his phone and dials a number. I know who he is calling, and I wonder how he got the number.

"Hello!" Jacob says cheerily. "My name is Jacob Smith, son of Matthias and Danielle Smith." He listens intently for a few seconds. "Yes, that Smith."

"Okay, hold on please. I have very important news. Sorry to interrupt but I believe you would love to hear what I have to say," Jacob winks at me. "I know where your daughter is....No, it's not a joke...Yes, Shay...No, I'm not kidding sir....She's in front of me..."

All this time I'm grabbing my bags, which are all nicely packed up. I loosen my hair, letting it fall in its natural cascade of curls. Then, I take off my thick-rimmed glasses and chuck it at Jacob right in his face.

"F*ck you!" I flip him off and slam the door right as he points to me and says," Shes in front of me."

I hurry outside and sprint towards the school parking garage. Passing by dozens of fancy car, I finally spot my baby hidden in the corner of the garage underneath a drab gray cover. In one fluid motion, I lift the cover off and whistle in appreciation at the sight before me.

I might have kept a family souvenirs when I left. My shiny Ducati 1098s that was my birthday present from my father and brothers. My mom loathed the sight of it and refused to let me bring it here. Fortunately, I was able to sneak it here with me. It was too difficult to part with my baby. I blame my brothers for making me obsessed with motorcycles. It's their fault that they brought me along with them whenever they rode. Those rides were one of my fondest memories.

I snap out of my memories and grimace. I shouldn't forget about what they did.

I take out my worn black leather jacket and gloves and put them on. Then, realizing the temperature will only drop in the next couple days, I take my time to layer as thick as I can get. Why does the school have to be located in an area where it freaking snows?  I silently hope my two layers of thick fuzzy sock within my black snow boots will keep my toes warm. I look two times bigger, but at least I won't freeze my butt off. I thank my friend Skyler for being a weirdo and giving me windproof, waterproof, insulated parka and pants for Christmas years ago. He had said it was to "help me survive in case I got lost in a blizzard." He's a peculiar child.

I swing my leg around the bike and put my helmet on. My lips curl into a grin as I feel the hum of the engine.

For the first time in forever, I finally feel like myself. I'm not some nerd, some nobody.

I'm Shay. Just Shay.

I grab a sharpie and scribble on my bike cover, "Catch me if you can. -xoxo."

My family knows I will be long gone. Not only is my bike one of the fastest in the world, but I was also the fastest in my family. My brothers were such sore losers when they learned the sad truth that no matter how many times they raced me, I always won. That's only because racing was my life.

I sigh once more as I try to repress my memories. I shouldn't reminisce. I should hate them. No, I do hate them. I take a deep breath and take off. Well, after I quickly text my mother that I'm fine. 


After six hours straight on the road, I pause at a random gas station for a pit stop. I wouldn't have actualy stopped at all, but my bladder was going to explode. Plus, my stomach was crying for food. The great thing about the school was that it was secluded for miles, so nobody could've found me easily. The bad thing was that it was in its own little world. I gulp as I stare at the dingy looking gas station. It reminds me of those desolated gas stations in the horror movies where zombies come out trying to eat human brains. 

Hey, at least the electricity works, judging by the flickering lights within the building. I'm going to pretend that I did not see the duct tape trying to cover the broken glass next to the door. It so doesn't look shady at all. I try to refill my tank quickly, but it just seems to take longer. Plus, this was one of those old stations where I had to go inside to pay for the gas.

I hesitantly open the door to the store, hoping that my baby will be safe outside by herself. The door chimes upon my entering. 

I sigh in relief--there's heating! The store smells a little funky but the inside looks a lot better than I expected. I glance at the front counter and sigh again, but to myself this time. It's a lady! I can't help feel safer, though I might be a bit sexist. She might be a bit buff and mean looking, but she probably doesn't bite. Probably.

I do notice her eyes squinting at me critically as I pick a bunch of food and drinks. She must be mid-thirties, but her face is lined with years of hardness. I don't miss the certain gleam in her eye that not most people have. Immediately, I'm on guard. This isn't no normal lady.

"That'll be $15.78." Her gritty voice says as she continues to eye me. Closer, I notice her bleached shoulder-length hair is rough and messy. She has multiple facial and ear piercings. She looks a lot younger than I expected, perhaps early-thirties, late-twenties but it's a lot harder to tell from her hard look.

"I like your tattoo," I notice her tattoo sleeves. They are quite a piece of work with detailed images depicting an assortment of things. I freeze as I see a familiar igsinia hidden within vines of throny roses. I don't let it show, but it does bother me. I try not to seem fazed; that tattoo looks very old and the roses cover it up cleverly. 

She watches me carefully once more before responding, "Thanks." 

I  rush outside, a cold blast of air slaps  me in the face. I shiver at the sudden change in temperature. I'm glad it isn't snowing, but the snow on the ground worries me. I quickly finish my water bottle and cold sandwich. The food is gross, but it's food. I take a look inside the store, and make direct eye contact with the lady. My body shivers slightly and I haul ass and leave the place. It's creeping me out. 

I keep heading east, not quite sure where I'm heading exactly. My mother never gave me a destination to meet her. Now that I think about it, she never even said the time or place to pick me up from the school. And in the past six hours, she never called or replied to my text. Someting doesn't add up, but I don't want to doubt my own mother. 

East. I could visit Pearl or Skyler. 

I completely shoot down that thought. They live in the territory. I'm freaking insane if I go there. Then again, I'm insane for even traveling east. It's just that if I head North or South, I'll be trespassing. West is off-limits. West belongs to our rival mafia.

What if I head in the direction they least expect? I could go right home, not home. It's not home. They wouldn't expect me ever to return willingly, but I would easily be noticed. I see a sign that says there is a rest stop in 1 mile. I have probably been on the road for a total of 10 hours, and it's getting scary biking alone in the dark. I'm brave, but I'm not stupid. I could hit black ice. Shit, I have no idea where the hell I am. Sadly, I didn't know the exact coordinates of my school. I've been heading east, and if my direction is correct, I should  be on unclaimed territory, or neutral land.

I slow down dramatically as I enter a small town. I am glad that I tinkered with my baby so its engine is silent, except for a faint hum. I pull into what seems to be a decent motel. Hiding my baby someplace safe, I scope out the place before heading in.

"How may I help you?" the man at the counter greets me. My bones feel heavy and my tiredness finally starts hitting me. 

"One single room for a night," I hand him a random card from my collection of credit cards. I must look quite a sight with my bundle of clothing. 

"Have a nice stay Ms. Dugard," he hands me the card and a key.

"Thank you. You too,"  i nod as I head upstairs. I slit the key in the door and run in. It's a decent room. It has a bed and bathroom, which is all i care about.

I smile as I flop on the bed and rest. It's so comfortable. i really don't want to get up, but I force myself to take off my clothes to dry. Then, I take a long, warm shower. When I'm done, I check the room and make sure I'm within running distance to my bike. 

Shit. I gasp. I entered without any disguise whatsover, but the thought slips away as my fatigue wins and takes over. 

I'm sure I'll be fine.



Should I make a chapter on Jacobs POV?

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