By SAllen68

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This is my take on episodes 29, 30, etc. and the Fabri, perfume, Can in jail farce. I could not stand Can's... More



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By SAllen68

Sanem hired a taxi to take her to Can's mountain hut.   When she got out she dismissed the taxi. She had started up the embankment, when she heard voices.   As the hut came into view she saw a sight that caused her to gasp. 

 Polen was sitting close to Can with her hand on his thigh. She was leaning so close that it looked like she was lying on his shoulder.   When Polen caught sight of Sanem she smirked and kissed Can on the cheek.  She begin saying, "I can stay the night if you want me to, and I know how I can make you forget what Sanem has done.  I know exactly how to make you feel good, I've done it many times.  I am much better than that naïve girl, who doesn't know how to please you."

Sanem just stood there with tears in her eyes, while Polen kept on watching her and laughing.    Polen then said kissing Can's cheek, "Look who came to see you Can, the little liar.   I will leave now, but call if you need me to help distract you."

She walked by Sanem and pushed her out of the way, saying "You will never win after this, I won."

Can jumped up and stalked toward Sanem, saying "What are you doing here?   I never want to see you again.  This is my private property and you need to leave now."

Sanem just looked at Can saying, "Can I talk to you?   Will you listen to me now?  You've had your say, but you will not listen to me."

Can replied shouting, "Every time I find a lie you are right in the middle of it!   That scent was OURS---just between you and me.  You went and gave it to Fabri!   How could you?   Now you are just like everyone else to me.  Leave now, and I don't want to ever see you again.   I am leaving with Polen for a job, and I hope you disappear from my life."

Sanem replied, "Why won't you at least listen?  You said you loved me, but you won't listen.  I may have made many mistakes, but I tried.  You are just running away.   Why would you leave with Polen, when you told me that you don't love her?"

Can yelled, grabbed her by the shoulders, so tight it hurt her, "It is none of your business who I go with, and maybe I am tired of your innocent acting and lying naive behavior.   Maybe I want someone who will just leave me alone."

Sanem crying, says, "Well you certainly enjoyed my innocence when you took it from me."   She turns to leave, when Can grabbed her arm and said, "You seemed happy enough when I did."

Sanem replied sadly, "Yes, I did because I love you."

She turned and started walking away, silent tears flowing down her cheeks.   Can just stood watching her leave and didn't say a word.   As Sanem got down to the road, she realized how dumb she had been too let the taxi leave.   Now she had about a four to five mile walk in the dark, to the main highway.  Then she would have cell phone service, to call for a taxi.   She didn't dare even try to call from here with Can so close.   Fortunately, she had a flashlight on her phone, but it didn't matter since she couldn't see thru her tears.

Polen had hidden out of sight till Sanem left, and then she went back into the hut to Can.   He looked up and said, "I thought you left."  Polen laughed saying, "And miss the show, you really told her."   She then went to Can and sat in his lap.  She put her arms around his neck, saying, "I knew you would get over your silly crush on her and come back to me."

Can stood up almost dumping her in the floor saying, "I loved Sanem, and am very disappointed how things have turned out.  It is not your place to gloat and think I will let you back into my life.   We are finished and you can leave now."  Polen tried to grab him and kiss him, when he pushed her away and said, "Leave now.  I don't want to see or talk to anyone tonight."

Polen just grabbed her purse and ran to the white sports car she had rented.  She gunned the engine and took off; furious that Can had turned her away.

As she was flying down the dirt road from the hut, she was thinking how much she hated Sanem and even Can for discarding her after all these years. She realized that Can had never cared for her, just used her as a bed partner a couple of times a year.  She had always known he wasn't faithful to her, but this was the ultimate betrayal.  He actually loved this innocent girl from a Malhalla.  It was so stupid.

She had not gone far when she saw a bright pink color to her right.  It was Sanem jogging slowly down the road with a flashlight, now if she were brave enough she would just run over her.   She started laughing hysterically, and thought I will just scare her a little.  She sped up and swerved toward Sanem, when her high heel shoe got caught under the gas pedal.

Sanem turned slightly when she heard the car, but it was too late, as Polen hit her hard with the car.   Sanem  rolled down the embankment, into the woods, out of sight.    Polen got the car stopped, and jumped out, but could not see anything off the side of the road.   She was shocked when she looked at the front right bumper of the car, as it was dented badly and had blood on it.  She jumped back into the car and sped away.

She kept thinking what will I do now, what if I killed her, where should I go?   Who can I call?

When Sanem stopped rolling, she tried to sit up but the pain in her left shoulder was so severe, she screamed and passed out. 

  Through the woods, there was a small cabin that a young man named Bulut lived in part of the time.  He usually works on a farm on the coast.  He just happened to be at the cabin picking up extra clothing, when he heard a loud scream and noise.   He took off running through the woods toward the noise.  Fortunately he knew the woods like the back of his hand, as he had grown-up there.  He thought the noise came from near the dirt road, up the hill behind his cabin.   He had a huge flashlight in his hand, because his cabin did not have electricity.  He would keep looking till he found whoever is in trouble.

Polen had reached the main road, when she realized that the headlight on the right side was out.   She slowed down and stopped, because she certainly did not want to be pulled over by the police.   She decided to call Can and see if he would answer.  Even though cell phone coverage was not good on the road, Can did have a Wi-Fi antenna at the hut.   She dialed his number and after a few rings he answered.  She told him she had hit something on the road, could he come check the car for her?  He said, "I will come, but we may have to call the car rental auto service, if much damage."

Can shook his head, thinking so much for wanting to be left alone.   He got into his truck, and headed out to see what Polen had done, when she had her temper tantrum.   As he drove carefully down the dirt road, he was looking to see if an animal or something was on the side of the road in distress.   He just saw some scuff marks in the dirt, where it looked like Polen had slammed on the brakes.   He stopped, got out, and looked over the side, but only saw where it looked like something rolled down the hill.  He got back in the truck and went on down the road to see what Polen had done to the rental car.

As Bulut was going through the woods, he noticed what looked like a truck on the dirt road above, stopped.   Before he could get over there it was gone.   He kept going in that direction, when he saw something bright pink in the distance.  He ran that way, and found someone lying on the ground.   He very gently rolled them over and realized it was a young woman, she did not open her eyes, but she was breathing.

He was saying "Hello", and feeling for a pulse, it was fast but regular.  He felt over her legs and arms for any breaks, but when he touched her left upper arm she moaned, and he saw blood on the bottom of her jacket.   He very carefully lifted her in his arms, protecting her neck as best he could.   He realized that she was very tiny and weighed very little.   She was easy to carry out of the woods, but it still took about forty-five minutes thru the brush, protecting her as best he could, to get to his truck   She did not wake up once, and he was very concerned that she might have a head injury.    He very gently placed her in his truck, and then ran back in the cabin for his water bottle, in case she woke up.

Can pulled over on the side of the road, where Polen was parked.   She jumped out of the car and said, "Did you see anything?"

Can said, "What do you mean, what should I see?"  She replied, "On the side of the road?" Can replied, "Just your skid marks in the dirt, why did you drive off like that, it was stupid on these roads?"  He went up and looked at the side of the car, and said, "Wow, whatever you hit either died or is badly injured, the bumper is crumbled, and there are spots of blood.   Did you see what you hit?   We need to call the car rental auto service, to come pick this car up.   You had better not drive it anywhere else, until it's checked." 

  Polen very quietly got into the truck, while Can called and gave the auto service the directions to come pick up the car. All she could think about was what if I killed Sanem?   Can drove her to his house where her luggage was, and told her to go to bed in the guest room.  He changed clothes and went for a run.

Bulut took Sanem to the local Emergency Room. All he could tell them was that he had found her in the woods, near his cabin.   Law enforcement was called when the doctors discovered that it looked like she might have been hit by a car.  She had a fractured shoulder and left arm.  She had some cuts on her hip and side that needed stitches.   She was covered in bruises and scratches all over her body, especially her left hip and shoulder from a hard hit, and her shoulders had fingerprints from being grabbed.

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