Collide (X Reader)

By ghost_writer_86

43.9K 1.3K 1.7K

After meeting Tom Holland an undeniable chemistry sparks between the pair of you. But the more you and Tom ha... More

The dream.
At Ace.
An unexpected call
A lost memory.
The world's getting weird now.
An epiphany
A new theory.
So it goes...
Missing Pieces.
A late night.
Spiderman and Scarlet Witch
Gone rogue.
Meeting the Hollands
Back to London.
From the Shadows.
Fight or flight.
Back Home.
A beautiful day.
High and Low.
Where and when.
Training Day.
Spidey Senses.
Getting stronger.
What if...
Be all, end all.

The past.

1.4K 47 43
By ghost_writer_86

Tyres squealing, the car shoots forward like a bullet. The stench of burnt rubber stings your nostrils, and the moon glows above as Tom speeds onto the highway, narrowly missing another car. A horn blares behind you, and the driver flicks their lights at you, an angry strobe light.

Cars and buildings blur past in streaks of light. The engine revs with each gear change as Tom picks up speed. You have no idea where he's taking you. Your heart feels like it's going to burst, and your stomach churns.

" I think I'm going to be sick," stomach convulsing, you clap a hand over your mouth. Tom shoots you a panicked look, " Can you please pull over?"

" Ok, just a sec," Switching lanes, he glides effortlessly between two cars, then pulls over to the side of the road. Clambering out, you stumble, dropping onto your knees and throw up your dinner onto the side of the road. It burns up your throat, leaving a sour taste in your mouth. Cars whoosh past, and you hear approaching footsteps.

" Are you ok?" A hand pulls back a lock of your hair, your breath mists in front of you, and you shiver from the cold. Car lights sweep past, and all you can do is stare into the darkness, down an empty alleyway filled with stinking trash. You're frozen, unable to get up. Your vision swims as hot tears course down your cheeks, and your chest heaves with each breath. Face flaming with embarrassment you realise you've thrown up in front of Tom Holland on what was supposed to be a romantic date, but was now what? A fight for your lives as that guy exploded into flame!

Your face crumples, and you choke on a sob, " What the hell happened?" You feel like you're drowning in a vast ocean, with no idea how to swim to safety. What is happening to the world? To me? You feel like tearing your hair out and screaming.

Vaguely, you feel the bite of cement stinging your knees, but you don't care.

" Tom what the hell was that? What was that guy? What the hell am I? That energy stuff we dreamed about came out of me!" You wail.

" Hey, hey. It's ok just calm down," Tom kneels down and envelops you in a hug. " It's going to be okay, we'll figure this out." You sob into his shirt, and his arms clasp tighter around you. You feel Tom's head rest on yours, and the warmth from his body, soothes you, making you feel safe. Your heaving chest slows down as you start to breathe normally. Pulling out of the hug, you realise you've left a wet patch of tears on Toms shirt.

" Great, I've ruined your shirt as well. I'm sorry," you stare at his ruined shirt. Could this day get any worse?

Tom chuckles, " It's ok. I'm just worried about you." He brushes a lock of hair from your tear streaked face.

Sniffing, you give Tom a watery smile, and stand up. He stands up also, brushing dirt off his pants. " I'll be fine, I just can't believe I have powers... Like that Storm Lady," you cross your arms around yourself, like it can keep everything in, like it can hold you together.

" And like Human Torch back at the bar," Tom says.

" Human Torch?"

" The guy that burst into flame at the bar, reminds me of the Human Torch out of Fantastic Four."

You shake your head, " What the hell is this? A freaking Marvel movie? Where are all these powers coming from?"

" I don't know Y/N. But now that we know you have powers, it can explain why we've been having dreams. It could be part of your powers... And maybe if you want we could test them out? See what you can do."

" I don't know Tom..."

"I think it'd be a good idea to see what your strengths and limits are. That way you could learn to control your powers. But only if you want to though, either way I'm here for you..."

" Thanks Tom," you smile.

Tom shuffles, chewing on his lip, something's playing on his mind, " If you don't mind me asking, I want to know what it felt like, when your powers came out of you?" Tom blurts.

You blink for a moment, " It's weird. It happened without me thinking about it, like I had no control over it. But it felt like something woke up inside me, and when it went down my arms I could feel it through my whole body. I felt charged, I felt alive, I felt powerful..."

Tom nods, thinking. You chew your bottom lip, worrying about your new found powers. " What if I hurt someone by accident?"

Tom shakes his head, " I don't think that'll happen, your powers protected us, without you even thinking about it."

You nod, an icy breeze blows, making you wrap your arms tighter around yourself. " I didn't see anyone get hurt at the bar though, did you?"

" No, everyone was in the kitchen and the bartender seemed ok."

" Why did you drag me out of there though?"

" Remember how the police shot at the Storm lady, before she even done anything to them. I  didn't want the same thing to happen to you. I was scared that if the cops turned up... they might hurt you," Tom admits, concern in his eyes.

Your heart warms and you take his hand in yours, " Thank you, but I hate to burst your bubble."

Tom frowns, " Why?"

" Everyone there recognised you. I'm sure if the cops were called they'll know where to find you."

" Crap," Tom hisses, running a hand through his hair. " They will too..." His jaw clenches, "Down side of fame," he mumbles.

You place a hand on his arm, " It's ok... We just need to go somewhere to think about our next move. Plan what to do, if the police show up. Where do you think we should go?"

" Hmm, I'm not sure. But let's get back in the car and think about it, it's cold," Tom's breath mists in front of him.

Shivering, you're grateful he suggested it, the night has a chill to it and you both hop in the car.

" Maybe we can go to yours?" Tom asks, his seat squeaks as he turns to face you.

" I don't think my parents would leave us alone, and to be honest if the police turned up. My mom and dad would freak out... I don't know want them to know about my powers yet." You look down, toying with your hair nervously.

Tom sighs, " Well...."

You look up, Toms brows furrow deep in thought, his arms crossed in front of him.

" We could go back to my hotel if you want? But if the police do come around, I could get on to my lawyer, and she can advise us what to do... I can't believe I didn't think of this before, and I don't want to sound like a dick, but I don't think the cops will try anything too bad, because of who I am. I don't think they'd like it if I put some police brutality video up on my Instagram, it probably wouldn't serve their best interests if they copped bad publicity that could open an investigation by the FBI..."

Staring at Tom, your tense shoulders release as you realize what Tom's saying is true.

" You're right! They wouldn't try anything because you're famous. They wouldn't want bad publicity, so maybe it might not be so bad."

" Yeah, and if they try to ask any weird questions, I'll get onto my lawyer... So, would you like to come back to the hotel with me?"

" Yes, that sounds like a good idea," Your cheeks blush with heat, and your stomach flips.

Tom smiles, " We can have another drink, I daresay we need one after what happened."


Before long you've both pulled up to the front of the Intercontinental Hotel. Stepping out of the car, you wrap your arms around yourself, as a crisp breeze blows in from the harbour. Tom hands the keys to a cheery valet, a pimply young guy, who's more than excited to take Toms keys.

" How are you Tom?" He asks vibrating with excitement.

" I'm great, Sam. How are you? This is Y/N" Tom holds his arm out and you step into his body warmth, trying not to shiver.

" Nice to meet you Sam," you smile.

" Nice to meet you too," he smiles back. Tom's very friendly with him, chatting like they've known each other for years. You smile, pleased at how friendly and down to earth Tom is.

" Well, I better park this beast, or I'll get in trouble for talking too much, again," Sam rolls his eyes.

" Alright then mate. I'll see you later," Tom chuckles, and waves goodbye to Sam. The Maserati starts and Sam drives it away, much more carefully than Tom. Heading into the pristine hotel, with Tom's arm curled around your body, you try to ignore your somersaulting stomach. It's warm when you step through the doors, and the familiar smell of hibiscus and soap wraps around you. Stepping into the elevator, Tom leaves your side and presses the button for the top floor. Of course he has the penthouse.

 You've never even been inside one before, let alone had the money to afford one. Suddenly, you're very aware of the sour taste still coating your mouth from vomiting earlier. Self consciously you shift from foot to foot, hoping that Tom has some mouthwash in his bathroom. You can't believe Tom's invited you back to his hotel room.

The elevator pings and Tom leads you down a carpeted hallway, with blindingly white walls. Pulling a key card from his pocket he swipes it over the door and opens it. Stepping over the threshold your mouth drops open in awe. In front of you is a floor to ceiling wall of glass that shows the harbour. Lights twinkle like fire flies off the ocean, as boats glide into the harbour.

" What a view," you whisper. Making a beeline for the wall of glass,Tom follows behind you.

" Yeah the view is pretty good," he murmurs. You press your fingers to the glass, it's cold against your fingertips. Looking down you see people on the pavement below, looking like ants under the street lights. You feel warmth behind you, and you sense Tom is standing right behind you.

Turning around, you gulp at the look on his face. A light smile brushes his lips and he's staring into your eyes. " Um, can I use your bathroom please?" You blurt.

Tom blinks, " Yeah sure, it's just down there," He points towards a hallway.

" Thank you," you smile at him, ignoring the hammering of your heart. You feel Tom's eyes burning a hole in your back, and you know he wanted to kiss you again, but you didn't want that to happen until you'd found some mouthwash. Walking away from Tom, you take in the amazing furnishings, all from a matching colour palette of black, grey and white. A tiered square chandelier hangs in the middle of the living room, and you catch a whiff of Tom's cologne in the air. You walk down the hall to the bathroom, past paintings of stormy beaches and sprawling landscapes. Entering the bathroom you switch on the lights. Glossy tiles coat every surface, and a gigantic oval bath occupies one end of the room. A humongous shower recess takes up one end of the wall, it's covered with stone and the shower head is the size of a dinner plate. It would be like showering under a waterfall. Wow.

" Hey! Y/N, I just ordered us a bottle of champagne, if you'd like to have a drink," Tom calls from down the hall.

" Sounds great!" You yell back, your stomach fluttering. A bottle of champagne, that's romantic, right? Does Tom want me to stay the night? He hasn't mentioned me going home. Your hands shake with nerves at the thought of spending the night with Tom Holland. Rushing to the sink you start searching through the drawers until you find a bottle of mouthwash. You sigh in relief, and unscrew the cap. Taking a mouthful you swish some around your mouth, grateful for the minty flavour.

Spitting it out, you look at yourself in the mirror and neaten your hair. Leaning closer to the mirror you wipe a smudge of mascara out from under your eye. A flash of red sparks across your eye. Jumping back, you gasp, heart racing. What was that? Stepping forward you lean closer to the mirror and inspect your eye. A fork of red energy, like a tiny bolt of lightning darts across both of your eyes. It sparks and multiplies until your iris becomes scarlet.

" Tom!" You yell in panic. Racing footsteps pound down the hall, and the door bursts open.

" What is I-", Tom's mouth drops open as he makes eye contact with you in the mirror.

" Y/N just, relax." Toms arms raise, like he's warding off a dangerous animal. Scarlet energy, crackles over your arms, it crawls down your legs, snaking around your entire body. Your heart pounds and your eyes glow blood red.

" I can't control it," you gasp.

" Just try to relax, breathe in and out."

" Somethings happening, I can feel it." The energy swirls, tendrils break free, reaching out for Tom.

" Um, Y/N," Tom's voice rises, his eyes wide. The energy caresses over him, enveloping him.

" Tom!" you scream.

" I'm ok! It doesn't hurt. It feels warm... and nice." Tom holds his arms up. The energy swirls around you both, as the bathroom starts to change.

" Wait, what's happening?" Toms head whips back and forth as the red energy envelops you both.

" I don't know!" The scent of fresh pine hits your nostrils, and blood. You can smell blood. The mist fades, you and Tom are no longer in the bathroom. You're outside under bright sunshine, standing in front of a pine forest, staring at a crumpled car laying on it's roof.

It's the car crash from your childhood.

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