
By ShannonRobinson9

344K 10.5K 402

*Fan fiction inspired from the Netflix series The Witcher* Geralt of Rivia is a Witcher. For many years he h... More

The Reunion
Authors Note


15K 460 8
By ShannonRobinson9

Elena was ninety percent sure she couldn't read minds. But she could feel Geralts confusion and frustration. He had interrogated her long past sun down. Each answer she gave him seemed to have left him more and more confounded.
He was sitting across from her at the kitchen table; his dark brows pulled together in concentration. He was still mulling over the answer she'd given him three minutes ago.
Elena was getting tense and tired.
Using her powers always drained her physically. Her muscles ached and she could feel her brain overheating. She shifted uncomfortably in her stool and sighed- longing for her bed.
She couldn't understand why Geralt was so interested, considering he was magical himself.
Surely Geralt had encountered someone like her in his many years. Elena always had a feeling she was somewhat different, maybe even a little special. But she couldn't possibly be the only one of her kind...
Elena shivered at the thought.
Could I really be alone?

Geralt looked up at her then. His gold eyes burning into hers. She could see the thousand questions swirling behind them. Oh please, no more tonight, she thought desperately.
His expression softened slightly. "I'll ask you one more question. Then I'll let you rest," he said quietly. Elena simply nodded.
"I've been studying you for hours and I've learned next to nothing. You can't remember anything except the last seven years. You don't know the full extent of your powers, but you do know you can heal animals; animals and humans trust you; you can sense emotions in both animals and humans. You've never been touched by disease. You also believe that you can't be harmed physically by humans and creatures. You also think you can't be lied to or lie yourself. Correct so far?" He asked.
Again, Elena nodded.
"The only rational explanation I have, is witch craft," he started up again, "but the chaos you used in the forest was completely unknown to me." He was staring at her intently, gauging her reaction. But Elena knew her expression was completely blank. She was almost too tired to listen to him now.
"Like I said, I'll only ask one more question. You don't have to answer straight away, sleep on it. I'd like to take you to a temple of a great wizard. His name is Khron. I think he may be able to help you."
Elena's heart skipped at the thought of leaving her home. She had never contemplated leaving before. She has all she needs right here. Here, she was safe.
Still, something in the pit of her stomach fluttered at the excitement of it all.
An adventure. Finding out who and what she was. She wasn't overly curious by nature but these were questions she now felt she needed answers to.
She could feel her teeth digging gently into her bottom lip. She licked them nervously and looked up at Geralt. He was looking at her mouth. His eyes flashed away quickly, but not quick enough.
It was her turn to study him.
Even sitting down, he looked intimidating. He seemed so large and brutish but she couldn't seem to make herself scared of him. His white hair pulled back, making the scar that ran down the left side of his face very prominent. She reached out with her feelings, trying to sense anything that would tell her she was in danger. But there was nothing there. All she could feel was his honest intention to help.
He waited very patiently as she brewed over this. She had made up her mind. "I'll come with you."

They didn't speak much more after that. Geralt urged her to turn in for the night which really didn't take that much convincing.
Elena had changed into her long white night gown and was just about to get into bed when she realised that Geralt had nowhere to sleep.
She quickly wrapped herself up in a brown mantle and headed back to him.
He was sitting across from the fire, gazing thoughtfully into the flames. He didn't look up as she entered. "Geralt," she said softly.
He turned his head to look at her. She watched him quickly take in her new attire expressionless. "Yes Elena?"
"You can share my bed, if you want... I don't mind," she could feel herself blushing hotly. She really didn't mind, she knew he wouldn't hurt her or do anything to compromise her honour.
"Thank you Elena," he said, a small smirk turning up the corners of his mouth. "I'll accept your offer, but first I'll see to Roach."
Elena nodded her head and hurried back through to her room. She hung up her mantle and slipped into bed, pulling the throw up to her chin. She scooted over as far as she could and waited. And waited.

It felt like an eternity until the curtain pulled back and Geralt stepped in. "Still awake?" He asked, smiling slightly. Elena gave a small nod and yawned. "Not for long though," he chuckled to himself. There was only one candle lit next to her bed but she could see him clear enough.
"Do you mind if I take off my clothes?"He asked politely.
"Just whatever makes you comfortable Geralt- I don't mind," she mumbled.
He made a move to take off his boots and Elena quickly closed her eyes- Giving him some privacy. The sound of Geralt undressing seemed acutely loud; She heard a thump of one boot, and then the other. Quiet pulls of laces and his leather trousers skimming down his legs. Some gentle rustling of fabric and his shirt hit the floor.
Elena felt the bed sink, as he slipped in beside her. He was warm. She swallowed hard and opened her eyes. She couldn't help but stare at him. This was the first man she had ever seen at such a close proximity. She was curious and nervous all at once.
His shoulders were broad, his arms thickly muscled. Only a small part of his chest was left uncovered but she could see it was thickly dusted with the same dark hair as his eyelashes.
He was watching her, she could feel the blood rush to her face, and her heart began spluttering in an odd, nervous rhythm.
"Goodnight Elena," his voice was barely a whisper. The closeness and warmth of his breath, made a warm feeling pool in the bottom of her abdomen. "Goodnight," she squeaked shyly. Shocked at her own voice.
He smiled at her fully, showing all his white, sharp teeth. Then he sank back into his pillow and closed his eyes.
"Go to sleep Elena," he said, his eyes still closed, "Tomorrow is going to be a big day."

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