Primalcraft: Sins of Bygone d...

De Nefersita91

41K 3.3K 548

Blake and Jaxon is ready to take on the new year together but their peace is interrupted by dangerous games p... Mais

Information about the release
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Rituals in the Dark, Chapter 1
Rituals in the Dark, Chapter 2
Rituals in the Dark, Chapter 3
Rituals in the Dark, Chapter 4
Rituals in the Dark, Chapter 5
Rituals in the Dark, Chapter 6
Rituals in the Dark, Chapter 7
Rituals in the Dark, Chapter 8

Chapter 13

1.1K 97 5
De Nefersita91

Blake watched the candle with a frown while Ahriman looked at him with boredom.

"Are you going to do it?"

"Don't stress me!"

"This is not rocket science. Just do it."

"Silence, evil being!" Coney shouted and bit Ahriman who did not even grimace. He just sighed and pulled on the rabbit's ears.

"Fine," Blake muttered and focused on the candle.

"Isra, Isra Surar, Isra Oc-" the flame lit only to erupted. Blake threw himself back before he burned off his eyebrows.

"Damnit! Why isn't it working?" Blake exclaimed frustrated while he extinguished the fire with a pillow. That was his twelfth fail. "It should lit, become smaller to finally go out. Why am I burning down the Conservatory?"

"It's the rhythm," Ahriman said.

"The vile creature is right, you said Isra and Isra surar like it was one sentence. Which only put the two Isra together," Coney tried to explain.

"A fire starter on a fire starter."

"Exactly, there should be a pause between the spells," Coney huffed as he released himself from Ahriman. "Don't be hasty. Just do it slower."

"Maybe it would be better if you just start a fire and then try out Isra Surar," said Ahriman.

"Isra," Blake said and the candle was lit. "Isra Surar." The flame became smaller just barely surviving.

"Well, that works. You just have a hard time doing spells after each other," Ahriman said clearly pleased with the result.

"What is the point of the diminishing fire spell?" Blake sighed. Idris Nemain had suggested these spells. He said it was a good way to practice the rhythm. Lit the candle, make the flame smaller, then extinguish the candle. Each spell cast after each other. Unfortunately, Blake hasn't been able to do it without burning down his surroundings.

"What does it say about me that I can't seem to get this down?"

"That you are a horrible dancer?" Ahriman laughed.


"No feeling for rhythm. It is the same base you have when you play music or dance. One, two three, One, two, three."

"Well, you are not wrong. I cannot dance for anything in this world. Mostly, I just flail around hoping that it looks good."

"You do similarly when you cast spells. It looks hilarious."

"Glad that someone is amused by it all," Blake muttered.

Suddenly a tick was heard. Blake turned around to see Franklin holding a metronome. "Try this one."

He put it down on the ground in front of Blake and gave him a smile. But his grey eyes fell upon Ahriman who did not even care to give him a glance. Coney just sniffed the air before starting to play with the metronome.

"How did you find us?" Blake asked suspiciously.

"I asked around. Your training sessions here are far from a secret, mate."

Franklin's eyes fell upon the dead World Tree. "It sure is a sight."

"Hopefully, it will be again after the new tree grows," Blake muttered.

"I heard it gave it's life to you," Franklin continued.


"How did it feel?"


"How did it feel to get the power of the World Tree? It must have been exhilarating. So much power."

Blake merely frowned," I don't know. It felt normal. I just woke up, there was some energy surge. I don't really remember."

"The druids and witches fought to get a taste of the power of the World Tree and you just speak of it as if you just drank water. Such a bloody waste," Franklin sighed. Blake did not like his tone. Neither did Ahriman as his eyes narrowed and peered at the boy.

Franklin winced and gave Blake a cheerily smile. "It must have been terrifying. To fight off Fingal Keir."

"I've experienced worse."

"Oh, you have seen dark magic before?"

"No, I just don't think that dark magic is as frightening as being abused by the people who should love and protect you," Blake answered. "Dark magic only seems frightening to those who have not experience worse."

Franklin clicked his tongue and perused him for a while. He looked so familiar. Who is this guy?

It happened again, a flash and Blake saw an older version of Franklin. When he blinked it was gone again. What is happening?

"You have a very interesting view of the world, mate. A tad naïve perhaps," Frankin started to walk away. "Maybe you should ask your spirit over there if dark magic is to be feared."
Blake frowned at the guy as he swaggered away before looking over at Ahriman who still stared after Franklin.

"Who is that?"

"I don't know. He says that he is a witch called Franklin Hall and that he was sent here by Leon to help us. Alex thinks he is a spy," Blake muttered.

"I agree with Alex but... Witch?"

"You feel it is strange as well. I have no idea why but I swear that he isn't a witch. Not to mention those strange flashes."

"What flashes?"

"My eyes hurt and I see an older version of Franklin before I blink and he looks like he used to," Blake explained and Coney jumped over at him.

"It's most likely the eyes."

"What eyes?"

"He is talking about the Sight of Moirai. It allows you to see the threads of fate. Maybe you see a glimpse of his future but-" Ahriman bit his thumb while he pondered for it a while," why would the Sight activate when Franklin is near."

"Is there something off about him?" Blake asked.

"Without a doubt, be careful around him. I will sniff around for a bit to see if I can find out who he is," Ahriman concluded and Blake nodded before he returned to practice using the metronome.


Elliott groans and stretched out his stiff limbs as he looked around at the mess. He had moved in his family into a small cottage who hasn't been used in a while. He had left the heavy lifting to Kai and Jaxon. Joshua said he would help but when he realized that it requires him to lift boxes, he hid away somewhere.

Joshua had tried convincing him to move in with him, but Elliott did not feel comfortable doing so. He and Joshua had a casual relationship at best and complicated one at worse. Since Elliott had no idea about what kind of relationship they are in he felt it was better to just stay with his family. Jaxon had moved into the dorms and is crashing with Aeron at the moment.

Kai is supposed to live here but Elliott is fairly sure that his brother is just sleeping in the coach office. He only came back here to grab some food and slap Jaxon over the head. Joanne wanted to move in with them and Elliott had not been able to convince her otherwise so he had to sleep in the basement. He would not let the woman carrying his child to sleep on a couch.

He had called in every favor that was owed to the Price family and the building on their new house has begun under his watchful eyes of their mother who seemed rather excited for the prospect of a new house while his father mourned the loss of their centuries-old one.

"Tired, mon Cheri?" Joshua asked and leaned against Elliott who stared at him with a frown. Where did he come from?

"I assume that you are not since you look well-rested. Perhaps you could move that couch to the left."


"Because I will be sleeping on it and right now the sun from the window in the morning will shine straight on my face if it continues to be there," Elliott replied bitterly while staring at the torture device that currently was his bed. If Ronan did not kill him, this damn couch will.

Joshua looked over at the couch with a frown and kicked it. It slid all the way to the other side of the room with a complaining squeak.

"You know, Cheri. My bed is far more comfortable," Joshua whispered into Elliott's ear before giving him a flirty grin. Elliott felt his neck hair stand on end and a pleasant shiver rushed through his body. His wolf growled happily and wanted to take up on his offer. Elliott himself felt like he was going to be insane. Lately, Joshua had been far more aggressive with his flirting than before but Elliott did not know why.

Before he flirted and then turned around to the same with the next person. It confused Elliott, now it seemed more... Just more.

"Joshua, what-"

Jaxon suddenly rushed in and Elliott held back an array of curses not fit for the public. Joshua showed no emotions on his face but Elliott could feel the hostility from him. Elliott's younger brother had no talent for reading the room.

"Jaxon, do you need to-"

"I need your help!"

Elliott groaned as problems sure like to pile up. When would there be time for settling his unrest?

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