Dragon Kings: The Icy King✔

By TempralSinz

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Secrets, regrets, and messages from long ago. The story continues as the Icy King tries to deliver a message... More

Into The Cold
Snow Storms And Hot Cocoa
Blood And Snow
Take Off
Welcome Home
A One Time Thing
This Is Home
Questions For A Queen
Double Unity
Then There Were Four Pt 1
Then There Were Four Pt.2
The Matchmakers Secrets Pt. 1
The Matchmakers Secrets Pt. 2
To Keep A Secret
In The Moonlight
Book 5 Teaser

Fix What Can Be Fixed

308 33 5
By TempralSinz

(Ruby's POV)

I wasn't sure what the hell was going on, but I made a mental note to kick the ass of the Guards who busted in on Tae and I this morning. We were on our way to round six- yeah that's right, six fucking rounds of the most epic sex ever and these ass hats in armor busted in with some emergency meeting thing in some sort of plan room thing. All I know is I didn't get my happy, and that most certainly didn't make me very happy.

Now I was standing here in a blue silky long night gown, a soft blue robe and white slippers. Tae's fingers were laced with mine and it felt good. My neck was a little soar but the rest of me felt more than good. I couldn't describe it but... damn did I feel good.

"So....." Namjoon was slowly rubbing circles over his temples. "What exactly happened?" He was asking this question to Tour and Jimin, who were standing together in front of a long ass desk thing with a map on it. On the other side of said desk- table thing was where the others stood. Namjoon was standing between Jin and Yoongi, Jungkook was on the other side of Jin and Hoseok was on the other side of Yoongi. I had no idea what was going on...

"You destroyed the Palace..." Jin spoke through gritted teeth. His expression was trying to convey calmness but oh boy was he failing at it.

"There is no roof over your room." Yoongi added. "Like, nothing- it's open fucking air little brother." Yoongi didn't seem to care who knew he was irritated. He wasn't trying to hide any emotion and well, I admired that.

"You realize how fucking important it is that our people here in the palace remain calm, and then you go and blow the literal roof of this place?" Jin was about to interrupt but Yoongi looked at him with a look that kill. "We can't be sparing what few builders we have! Our people are more important!" He was raising his voice a bit and I could see Tour wince. Namjoon was about to say something now but to hell if I was going to let this red haired dude lay into Tour like that.

"Would you let her speak before attacking her, jeez." I said. Tae whipped his head around to me and gave me a look, I took it as his way of telling me I shouldn't talk. But to hell with that shit.

"Right, Tour. Why did you wreck our home?" Yoongi was giving clear attitude and it was starting to get on my nerve.

"I didn't mean to. I didn't know I'd change... I just... it happened and I didn't know it was going to happen." She tried to explain. Namjoon's expression was soft as he nodded to her.

"We understand it was out of your con-"

"The hell we do! Someone could have gotten hurt. She could have gotten hurt! Pearl was able to run out to the front clearing.. Sapphire ran through the garden out to the meadow. Why the FUCK couldn't she contain herself and listen to her Dragon telling her to get somewhere safer!?" I could see the rage in his eyes, like a literal fire lit up in them. I didn't care how pissed he was, she was scared and upset and it was showing.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" I said, removing my hand from Tae's as I stepped forward.

"I'm sorry but do you have no consideration for how she's feeling? Do you not see how sorry she is? It was a fucking accident. I'm sorry but none of us were handed a fucking manuel when you Dragons busted into our lives and made us a part of yours. You have no fucking idea how stressful it must have been for her. And did you suddenly forget she was in pain, real pain because she wanted Jimin to be able to wait for Tae and I to come here, and do that Unity thing. Did you just fucking forget she was going to DIE!" I wasn't having it. No way I was going to let him yell at her for something not in her control.

"I remember but-"

"No fucking buts about it buddy. I'm sure you're going through something, but you need to chill the fuck out. You're getting upset over something that wasn't in her control, or Jimin's. Neither of them should be here getting grilled by you over some roof being gone. So what? Put in a fucking skylight who the fuck cares. It's a roof! Don't have the people to put up a new one, fine- just throw a tarp over it or something, I don't know. There's bound to be an easy solution, you just want something to bitch about!" I was done, I had said what I wanted. I folded my arms over my chest and glared at him. I drew in a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

"We actually have a way to fix the roof..." Jungkook slowly raised his hand and spoke, being very careful not to set anyone else off.

"See." I said more calmly. "He's got an idea, this is called progress." I added.

"Tour. No one is mad at you, Yoongi here is just stressed. But we'll talk about that some other time. Right now we just needed to know what exactly happened. You told us it happened after the bite, right? Since you were in a transformation pause for so long, I can only assume all that energy was released once your body acknowledged that your mate was making his claim and finishing the promise." Jin tried to calmly reassess everything.

"Yes, that sounds like what happened. We were... well.. in the middle of things, he marked me and then- boom, I was suddenly in the air and not really myself." Tour explained. "It happened fast I didn't notice what went on. It felt... amazing but I didn't realize I'd caused damage to the Palace. Once I got a little bit of control on it and I shifted back I still wasn't sure. At least not till Jimin pointed out what had happened. I really am sorry about it, but I'm also not sorry about it." Tour looked at Yoongi intently.

"I get why you're stressed, really I do. But you didn't consider how I've been even the last two weeks. I've been literal pain, more pain I let on. I didn't say anything because I know things have been chaotic. That doesn't mean I wasn't going through something though. I know the damage to the palace makes us vulnerable now. But I'm only asking that you take my side into consideration here." Tour was different already. I could see it, she was more poise, more vocal but she was still being respectful. It was nice seeing her stick up for herself though.

"I'll find a solution to the roof problem. I know you all have other things to worry about."

"I'll help her." I said as I took a step toward her. "We'll get it done together. You guys don't have to worry about a thing." I assured them.

"It would take one thing off our plate." Hoseok replied.

"Yes. And we can spare a few palace guards to help them." Jimin added. Namjoon nodded as did Jin and Yoongi.

"I apologize for snapping at you, but-"

"Yoongi, I get it. I know more than you might think. I've been in pain but I have been around and I'm aware of certain conversations behind closed doors." Tour cut him off but she was respectful. I was noticing subtle differences in how she was carrying herself. I'd seen it in Sapphire as well, Pearl always had a certain aura around her but even with her natural maturity she was a bit more elegant than before. That was the only word I knew to describe it... elegant. The meeting was ajourned once we came up with the solution that Tour and I will be the ones to handle the roof problem. I did apologize in return to Yoongi for snapping back. I could tell something was bothering him but I didn't want to over step.

I spent the afternoon with the other girls and the young prince. He was small but he was clearly growing, he was long which made Pearl think he'd be tall like Namjoon. Of course he was still a baby so it was hard to tell.

"He's just too cute. Aren't you little prince. Yes you are the most precious littlest charming guy." Sapphire was gently pinching the baby's cheeks. I had to laugh at her, Tour and Pearl were laughing at her too.


"Nothing. But you'll definitely make a great mom one day." Pearl answered.

"Yeah, if she doesn't pinch her own kid's cheeks off their face." Tour giggled.

"Oh, ha ha. You'll be the same damn way so can it. Also don't you two have building to do?" Sapphire fired back. I sighed, knowing that this whole roof project might have been a bad idea.

"Yeah, we should probably get to brainstorming on that..." Tour responded.

The two of us went in search for someone who could help, of course the only person we could go to in times like these was being hidden away. Which was a bit of a problem, so Tour thought it was best to ask someone else.

"Mother Iredia?" Tour called out into the large room filled with various fabrics, there were books scattered as well as loose paper with sketches and lists of things. A few sewing tables in the left corner, the place was a disorganized mess but over in the far right of the room Iredia was flipping through pages of a book.

"Mother Iredia?" Tour said again, walking closer to the woman. She turned and smiled, the glasses hanging on the end of her nose were suddenly pulled down by her. She smiled a little brighter at us.

"Come in dears- oh well I guess you already are. Haha." She laughed lightly and turned in her seat to face us. "What can I do for you?" She asked.

"Well, we have a bit of a problem..." Tour began.

"You mean the giant hole in the roof that you made?" Iredia smirked as she replied.

"Wow, has everyone heard of this but me till this morning?" I asked. Both smiled a bit.

"What's the problem sweeties?" She asked us.

"We have to fix said hole in roof. And we're not construction workers." I replied.

"Builders, we need to find one decent builder who can tell us how to fix the problem. Or someone who can at least tell us how to temporarily fix the issue." Tour explained.

"Well that's a simple solution. Go down to the stables, to the left of the gardens. It's right down the hill near the lake. If you hit the open meadow you've gone too far." She informed us. "Ask for Jensen. He'll help you." She added. Tour and I nodded, Tour gave a little bow and I decided I probably should too.

"Thank you mother Iredia." Tour spoke softly while Iredia smiled at both of us.

"Of course dears. Let me know how it goes." She said as we said our goodbyes and headed out to the back gardens.

"I really fucking hope this works." I said out loud but to know one in particular. Tour smiled and hooked her arm around mine as we walked.

"Is it... did it hurt?" I asked her as we walked.

"Did what hurt?" She asked for clarification.

"The whole turning into a giant dragon thing." I said and she laughed lightly.

"It doesn't hurt. But, it is weird." She replied.

"Weird how?" I asked her, curious.

"Well, for starters there's a constant voice in my head that only I can hear.... No I'm not calling you annoying. Stop. Oh don't be dramatic." I watched as she seemed to have a conversation with someone who wasn't there.

"Yup, definitely weird." I replied.

We walked in silence the rest of the way, finally spotting the stables. I don't know why the size of these horse like creatures always freaked me the fuck out but here I was once again startled as one of these huge creatures stepped out of the stables into the open air. A woman holding onto it's lead as she led him over to a man.. or dragon made water hole. The creature got in and two men already at the hole started taking wide scrubbers on extendable poles and started to scrub the creature's back and sides. I guess this was how they gave them a bath.

"May I help you... oh. Majesties, I'm sorry." A tall young man greeted us as we stepped into the stables. Which didn't smell as bad as I had thought they would.

"It's fine, we're looking for someone named Jensen." Tour informed him.

"Ah, yes. Right this way majesties." He replied and led us out the back of the stables to a stone house. We stepped up the front steps and he knocked three times. The door opened and an older gentleman with a graying beard stood there.

"Well don't just stand there, come in Majesties." He said as he looked over Tour and I. We were motioned to come in. We entered slowly and followed the man into a living room area. Looking around I noticed a lot of wooden figures and some stone tablets with things etched into them.

"Please sit, what brings your majesties out here to see an old man like myself." He grinned.

"Well Sir, we were instructed to come find you. Queen Mother Iredia gave us your name to help us. We are trying to fix the hole in the roof of the palace." Tour explained. Jensen's eyes widened a bit and he nodded.

"I see, the hole- large one it is." He noted.

"Yeah, if you could help us figure out how to fix it that would be great." I added. He looked up for a moment, seeming to be thinking.

"Hmmm." He hummed out, still caught up in thought. "I think I might have just the thing." He said with a smile.

"Oh?" I asked. Slightly hopeful.

"Yes. I believe we have some left over beams around back. And I can have Jay and Woojin bring you some cement. I'll have them both help me, and you. I'll need a few hours to find a base.. or a tarp to use for support." He stated.

"Really? That would help us a lot, thank you." Tour replied. We were both happy to have a solution. The only thing to do now was to fix it.

It took a little longer than expected, mostly because Tour and I had no fucking clue what we were doing. Even with the most basic instructions that Jensen could give us we were slow, fumbled a lot, and I may have accidentally dropped the other end of one of the beams on a guards foot... which caused him to curse under his breath. Jensen just shook his head at me but at least Tour was laughing.

The cementing was a bitch too, and it made me wonder how the hell people do it. Lastly we had to put these weird scale shaped shingles on the roof, that was probably the easiest part, well it was easier than the other parts.

Before we knew it two days had past and both Kirsa and Iredia were on us holding off on our conjoined coronation ceremonies.

"Okay, these people have way too many ceremonies for shit." I muttered loud enough for Tour to hear me.

"Yes, but we'll get use to it. After all, these are not our traditions too. Kind of makes you feel warm and fuzzy right? I mean, having family traditions and stuff." Tour mused happily. She was glad to be apart of this family I could see it written on her pretty face.

I admit I was a bit more reserved, or at least I thought I was. Something inside of me kept pulling.. or pushing me near something else though I had no idea what it was. I just wanted this coronation thing to be over so I could enjoy time with Tae, what little time I could get anyway. Lately he'd been distant, something to do with this possible war that seemed to loom over everyone in the Palace. I'd seen it, the somber looks- The distant whispers, and the all around cold feeling I kept getting.

Something was off, it had been off ever since I got here. Maybe a good night's rest before the coronation would make this feeling go away.

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