Snivellus' sister

By MaliaMalfoyWeasley

448K 10.8K 10K

(Re-editing) It's clear that Severus Snape has never been great friends with the chaotic group known as the m... More

1 - Questionable First Encounters
2 ~ The Sorting Ceremony
3 ~ The Caste Tour
4 ~ Galleon
5 ~ Intelligent and Cute
6 ~ Floppy fish and Werewolves
8 ~ Newt Scamander
9 ~ The Potion
10 ~ Christmas day
11 ~ Couples or Consequences
12 ~ Back to Hogwarts
13 ~ Truth or Dare
14 ~ Mudbloods
15 ~ Breakups and Makeups
16 ~ Quidditch Quarrels
17 ~ Full Moon betrayals
18 ~ Regrets
19 ~ Remus, Please
20 ~ Amortentia
21 ~ Felix Felicis
22 ~ Replicated
23 ~ Evening Gowns
24 ~ Remorse
25 ~ Spring Ball
26 ~ A Night to Remember
27 ~ The Letter
28 ~ Minnie
29 ~ First Session
30 ~ The Patronus Charm
31 ~ Dumbledore fancies me
32 ~ Seeking and Presents
33 - Firewhiskey and Love Potions
34 ~ Hogsmeade
35 ~ New Transformations
36 ~ New Encounters
37 ~ Last Games Disasters
38 ~ Brewing Romance
39 ~ Breakdowns
40 ~ The Snape Residence
41 ~ The Potters
42 ~ Safe?
43 ~ Sleepovers
44 ~ Returns
45 ~ The Order of the Phoenix
46 ~ Two Words
47 ~ Grieving
48 ~ Weddings
49 ~ Last Mission
50 ~ Coping
51 ~ Harry James Potter
52 ~ Alternative perspectives
53 ~ The Finale

7 ~ Quidditch Trials

13.1K 328 308
By MaliaMalfoyWeasley

"Must we really repeat this every morning? Will you wake up, I don't care if you can get ready in less than a minute I want to have a nice breakfast with you before you break your neck playing quidditch." Lily huffed shaking Silver awake who remain tucked tightly underneath the covers. "Oi you little slimeball will you wake up and get that loud mouth out of here, I am trying to sleep!" Ivys voice could be heard from her bed with a pillow being thrown at Silver. She huffed and got up scowling at Lily, "Is this really going to be an everyday event?" Lily nodded causing a groan to arise from Silver. She walked into the bathroom and moments later exited it with her hair neatly in two French braids with two curled peices of her silvery hair framing her face perfectly, she wore black sports leggings and a red hoodie. She walked over to her bed reaching underneath it retreaving her broom and she made her way down the dormitory stairs with Lily beside her waving goodbye to Ivy and Tillie who had somehow managed to remain in a deep sleep despite the shouting from the other girls.

They reached the breakfast table and Silver sat tiredly next to Remus leaning against his shoulder in attempts to not fall asleep. James and Sirius watched the girl as she nearly fell asleep in her porridge before Remus caught her and placed her head back on his shoulder. Sirius shook Silver awake from Remus' shoulder, "Come on, Princess. The trials are going to start soon we've got to go and warm up." Silver's eyes shot open, she couldn't wait to get back on her broom, she jumped up from the table and ran in the direction of the door. She didn't stop running till she reached the pitch, immediately grass and broom polished filled her sense much like her first encounter with the pitch. She spotted James flying laps on the school broom, Silver took the opportunity to hop on the broom and warm up. She started by flying laps around the pitch, lapping James many times much to his displeasure, she then practised her drives and pulling up as she neared the ground, she was about to practise shoot quafflers into the hoops when Sirius arrived and James began the trials, he placed everyone in positions and on two teams, on one team was Silver, Cherry and Tom being the chasers, Sirius and Coral being beaters and Cameron being the keeper. On the other team was Ben, Liam and Ava as chasers, Finn and Jordan being beaters and Oliver being the Keeper.

Silver had scored yet another goal for her team making the score 260 - 30, Sirius had been defending Silver where ever she went which was a difficult task as she was darting everywhere narrowly missing stray bludgers. James called for the trail to be over and stated he had decided the who would be on the team, he would write it up and post it in the Gryffindor common room. They made their way back to the castle to get change just in time for dinner. James of course was absent from dinner as he took time to write each player and their position as well as coming up with new team tactics that would allow Gryffindor to win the house cup, they had more of a chance than ever now they had Silver on their team.

Silver stood tapping her foot next to the fire waiting impatiently for James to bring down the team list. Sirius put a hand on her shoulder to calm her down. She looked up into his grey eyes and he chuckled looking down at hers. Remus smiled at the pair laughing to himself at the huge hight difference, Sirius stood at the impressive height of 6ft whereas Silver was the less impressive height of 5ft 2. Sirius was unaffected by the difference in height and instead found it quite cute, the Marauders were broken from their anxious state when James had appeared walking in through the portrait joke, holding a peice of parchment. He walked towards the notice board and pinned it up carefully as to not rip it. Immediately, a crowd gathered around the team list to see who they're new house team was, Silver due to her small size found it difficult to get past everyone, Sirius chuckled and grabbed her arm pulling her in front of him allowing her to see the sheet which read:

Gryffindor House Quidditch Team:

Chasers - Ava Golding, Silver Snape, Tom Smith

Beaters - Sirius Black, Jordan Jones

Keeper - Oliver Brown

Seeker - James Potter

Excitement flowed through Silver, she had made the team and so had Sirius, she threw her arms around his shoulders and his around her waist, he lifted her up and spun her round before placing her back down again. He smiled at her, "You better play like that during the matches though, Princess. Or else we're going to have so trouble." He straightened up trying to seem intimidating which caused Silver to laugh, "I'll play well as long as you protect me, Black." The pair's moment was ruined by the sound of James Potters voice shouting from the other side of the common room, "Pretty please Lilypad, go on one date with me." Silver smirked at Lily who rolled her eyes back, she turned away from James walking away shouting, " In your dreams, Potter." Over her shoulder. Silver and Sirius erupted into fits of laughter as the saddened James sent them a look of annoyance before storming up the stairs to his dorm.

Sirius bent down to Silver's height before whispering, "Galleon, that could've been very dangerous. What if I had missed a bludger and it would've hit Silver? You could've died." Sirius tone was father like, as if he was scolding a child who had been misbehaving. Silver couldnt help but noticed how attractive this seemed to make Sirius but shook it off giving Sirius a confused look. Galleon popped out of Silver's hoodie and stood on her shoulder looking down guiltily.

"How did you know he was there? I didn't even know he was there." Silver giggled gentle stroking the back of the bowtruckles head with her index finger. Sirius chuckled, "I know everything, Princess. But also I saw him fidgeting in your pocket when I saved you from the fourth bludger." He raised his eyebrows at the girl who grinned back at him, "Why thank you, my hero." Silver joked, but Sirius backed away from Silver and bowed applauding himself. Silver rolled her eyes and made her way up to her dorm to start getting ready for dinner. Leaving Sirius watching her from behind, she peeked a look behind her before rolling her eye, "Stop staring at my ass Black." Sirius chuckled from the sofa he had flopped onto. "But what a lovely ass it is." He called after her followed by a chuckle.

For the first time since Silver had arrived at Hogwarts, she was awake before anyone else. She smiled at her two peacefully sleeping roommates and quietly got out of bed. She headed into the bathroom to get ready, today was the first day of the Christmas holidays meaning it was the day that her and Sirius were visiting Newt and his magical creatures. Silver exited the bathroom now dressed in a black tight shirt and leggings, her silver hair falling over her shoulders with loose flowing curls. She approached her small trunk and grabbed it along with her wand placing it by the door in preparation for when she had to leave.

Once she had finished getting herself ready she went to her old sock draw, which Galleon had now made his personal room fit with a match box and cotton-wool buds for a bed and various objects he had collected around the castle. She opened the draw to find the match box empty, Silver was very confused as she had left him there the night before. Panic started to fill her as she imagines all the possible things that could have happened. What if someone stole him? What if the teachers had found out and confiscated him? What if she never saw him again? Her breathing rate increased as she found herself pacing round the room, what was she to do?

"Silver, what the bloody hell are you doing?" the voice came from Ivy was was now sat up in her bed looking at the girl with a puzzled expression. Silver shock the girl a worried look as she searched in every place she could think of, "Galleon's gone missing and I can't find him anywhere. I've got to meet Sirius in half an hour and there is no way that I am leaving without him." The Veela replied whilst on her knees searching under her bed. Ivy immediately got out of bed shaking Tillie awake, the three girls continued looking all over the dormitory, Silver searching under every bed and wardrobe, Ivy checking in and around the bathroom and Tillie searching through everyones clothes in attempts to find the small bowtruckle. Silver felt sick to her stomach, how could she have lost him? Tears began to fill her eyes dark eyes as she sat on her bed, she had lost all hope of finding her tiny friend.

She looked over to the clock realising she was already ten minutes late for meeting with Sirius, she said her goodbyes to the girls who said they'd keep looking whilst she was away and she sent them an attempted smile before grabbing her bags and walking sadly out of the dorm room door and over to the boys dormitory. Silver placed her trunk along side Sirius' and walked over to his bed. "The lazy gits still asleep we've been trying to wake him up for the last hour." James chuckled from his bed, he noticed the sad expression the girl had displayed on her face, "Hey Silver, what's wrong?"

Silver let a single tear fall down her cheek causing James and Remus who had emerged for the bathroom to rush to her side. "I-I-I can't find Galleon, I put him to sleep in my draws last night but when I woke up he was gone. Ivy, Tillie and I have been looking for him all morning." By this point Silvers tears were flowing down her cheeks and was weeping quietly.

Sirius heard the small girls cries and instantly jumped out of bed racing the girl and hugged her at once, she tensed at his sudden touch but soon melted into his warm embrace. She looked up at him stifling a smile which quickly disappeared when she noticed a small green creature sat on his shoulder. She pulled away from Sirius grabbing Galleon and pulling him into a hug, she wiped the tears for her eyes before sending the confused Sirius a death glare stronger than any he had seen before.

"You bumbling idiot, I've been looking for him all morning just to find him cuddling up with you. Just you wait till we get to Newts I'm going to feed you to the Nundu." With Galleon now carefully placed on her shoulder she stomped out of the room grabbing her trunk and wand marching down to breakfast. James and Remus fell into fits of laughter until James stood straight, putting a hand in his heart giving Sirius a look of offense. "Oh so your best friend can't wake you but she can. Wow bro, that's low." He faked a cry as he stormed out of the room after Silver. This caused Remus to laugh even harder making him unable to breathe. "How did u manage to annoy them both?" Remus managed to get out between laughs now holding his side's for support. Sirius rolled his eyes and followed his two best friends out of the room with Remus wiping the tears from his eyes and following.

She sat herself between Ivy and Tillie who looked pleased to see the familiar bowtruckle on her shoulder, Silver looked around the table to ensure no one was looking before setting Galleon down and allow him to tuck into his very own breakfast choosing an array of different fruits. She began explaining to the girls where she found him, when Sirius, James, Peter and Remus walked in. Ivy and Tillie broke out into laughter as Silver scowled at Sirius, he took this opportunity to walk up behind Silver lifting her up over his shoulder and carried her out of the Great Hall.

Silver began shouting and wriggling trying to get out of his grip catching the attention of everybody else in the hall including Professor Mcgonagall who was watching the scene with an amused smile on her face. As Sirius was exiting the hall, he came face to face with the headmaster. Professor Dumbledore looked down at the pair who had been followed by the rest of the Marauders and Galleon who Remus had collected before joining them. "Now, Mr Black may I ask you why Miss Snape is currently over your shoulder?" He chuckled at the girl who had now stopped squirming and huffed. Sirius stood proudly before the professor, "Well you see professor, Silver and I are meeting Newt Scamander in Hogsmead but she is currently being moodier than Mad-eye Moody."

Sirius released the girl placing her gently next to him but keeping and arm around her waist so she couldn't run away. Silver crossed her arms with a slight smile on her lips which she was clearly trying to prevent showing. Professor Dumbledore grinned at the pair, "Well it seems that you have cured her from her unpleasant state Sirius, congratulations. But I must rush you, if I am correct you are meant to be meeting Newt in..." He peaked down at his pocket watch before continuing, "ten minutes." Sirius and Silver look at each other in shock, Sirius retrieved Silvers and his own bags from where they were placed while Silver reclaimed Galleon from Remus. They said their goodbyes to their friends, however Silver was disappointed that her best friend hadn't come to see her off. This was very unlike Lily, but Silver brushed it off assuming Lily went to the library for an early start on studying.

They were just about to be escorted by Dumbledore himself to Hogsmead when Lily was seen running down the castle steps. Silver promptly dropped the bag she was holding and ran towards the redhead and engulfed her in a tight hug. "I thought I was going to be late for you leaving, I wanted to give you your Christmas present now so you can open it on Christmas day." Lily was out of breath from the run but none the less offered Silver a small package neatly wrapped in red wrappings and had a green bow placed perfectly around it.

The Veela smiled at the girl and pulled her into another hug, Sirius came in between the two girls gaining their attention. "Silver come on we've got to go. Bye, Lily." He pulled the girl into a brief hug and picked up his bags and the bag Silver had dropped beginning his walk towards Dumbledore who was now talking to an overly excited Hagrid. The silvery haired girl smiled at the redhead before chasing after him, she quickly turned around shouting, "Your present is under my bed, Ivy will you give it to her please?" Ivy nodded giggling at the dramatic boy, she couldn't help but notice how similar her and Sirius were. Silver walked next to Hagrid who had a skip in his step mumbling something like, "Does my hair look ok? I can believe I'm about to meet the great Newt Scamander. I hope he brings one of his rare creatures." Sirius, who had joined the girl, giggled at the half giant who seemed as if he was a teenage girl meeting up with her long time crush.

A/n - I know we haven't had a lot of Silvers and Severus' relationship yet but I promise that will come soon. I'm planning a chapter that will show a whole new side of him that we rarely saw in the previous Harry Potter books.

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