knight- a Dave Mustaine fanfi...

By monicaasmithh

3.6K 118 107

In her hometown of Cancun Mexico, Astrid finds out that her father expects her to proceed with her arranged m... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Sidenote <3
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 4

300 10 6
By monicaasmithh

"Sign here and here"
Said the man handing over the marriage documents to my dad as he proceeded to sign both papers. My dad had not made eye contact with me all day. Him, sitting in the chair next to my mom while I sat behind them in a metal chair inside a cubicle in the Cancun city courthouse. Watching them sign my life away to Eduardo.

I decided,, just like there isn't a point in going any further with Dave,... there isn't any point in fighting this anymore. Things finally started to sink in and I was so terrified, that I was numb. A form of traumatization I guess. I was driving myself psycho inside my head with the nonstop thoughts. Will I ever be able to enjoy my life ever again? Will Eduardo be abusive to me? If I try to escape him, will he try to kill me? Him being my husband gives him full access to do whatever he wants to me, and I have no idea who he is. The scariest thing though, is thinking about what will happen on our wedding night. I can already see a terrified virgin, being tossed around and screamed at while he viciously takes my innocence. These replaying thoughts on the inside, translated on the outside as me staring straight ahead with an emotionless expression.
To make things worse, it had been two days without seeing Dave. I pushed him away the last time I saw him. I didn't even tell him I loved him back. So I guess he really did give up on me.. and that hurt me. On top of that, he said that he was staying here for two weeks, so after he leaves back to America... I probably won't see him ever again.
All I wanted to do was be with him, laugh, have fun, talk about normal music, art, or funny memories. Not marriage contracts, being a "wife", or studying. I know one thing for sure, he is the man I want to be with... but I know that if I keep seeing him, his protective nature will grow even more for me and he will want to do what no man has ever done successfully .....stand up to my father.

That cannot happen. I can't watch Dave get himself Involved in a situation that he will potentially not leave alive. I would only blame myself if anything bad happened to Dave. The best thing is for him to stay away from me.

The papers were all signed and done for. We were now on our way to the Gonzales's house for another, now more tense dinner, because now I know why I'm going. I don't know what was worse, me having to pretend that I'm not disgusted and terrified by Eduardo, or having to face the consequences from dad.
After a silent 30 minute car ride, we finally arrived at the house. We were invited in by Mr Gonzales.

"Come in, come in, have a seat guys"
He said, walking into the living room as my dad, mom, and I followed and sat down on their Victorian style couches .

"Where is Eduardo and Teresa?"
My mom asked Mr. Gonzales

"Teresa is in a business meeting and Eduardo is freshening up in the bathroom"
He replied

Fucking about time. I thought to myself

As we sat on the couches in an awkward silence, Eduardo came down the stairs and walked toward us.

"Eduardo! My boy!"
My dad said cheerfully as he shook his hand.

The fact that my dad seemed to really like Eduardo worried me. My dad only likes men who blindly follow him and do as he says. Which means Eduardo also murders people, steals, and lies for the business.

"Hello Raul, pleasure to see you!... and you too"
He said to my dad as he grabbed my mothers hand and kissed the top of it.

"Hello beautiful."
Eduardo said to me with a sincere looking face. But I could tell he was hiding a more sinister side to him. I just knew it.

I greeted him back and he sat right next to me like we were already married. Oh how I despise his existence.

"I'm pretty sure you know about the agreement we've made Astrid?"
Mr. Gonzales asked in a serious tone.

Oh you mean the agreement you all made for me, on my behalf without letting me know? I thought to myself.

My mom hit me with her knee when I didn't reply in .3 seconds.

"Oh um, yes I did mr. Gonzales"
I replied

Eduardo made eye contact with me, but I made eye contact with the colony of oily blackheads living on his nose. Then, he placed his hand on my thigh and squeezed it.

Taking note of that, I turned to Mr. Gonzales and said,
"But I would like to know, will I ever get a say on what's going on in my life?"
I asked as I picked up Eduardos big hairy hand and placed it back on his lap.

In that moment I knew I fucked up. It just came out of me. My Dad looked at me with fire in his eyes. He shot up with a jolt, grabbed my hand and pulled me into the bathroom like a child as I squealed. My mom, Mr. Gonzales and Eduardo sat in shock as they watched.

"Why the fuck would you say that! Do you have any idea the kind of disrespect and embarrassment you showed to us?!.... SMACK"
My father screamed with feury as his spit hit my face. He slapped me and threw me to the floor as I screamed.

"I think you know better than to do that stupid shit, now you're gonna go out there and you're gonna sit there, nod and agree. Do not damn our family name."
My dad told me in a vicious tone. I could tell that I really pissed him off and I was not trying to get slapped again, so I quickly stood up, fixed my hair, wiped my tears, and walked back into the living room and sat down next to my soon to be husband like I didn't just get bitch slapped in the bathroom.
I sat on the couch as everyone talked about our marriage.

"Yes, once we are married, Astrid will come live with me in my house."
Eduardo said as he looked at me and squeezed my thigh once again. At least this time I let him. Not because I liked it, but because I didn't want to be in trouble with anyone.

It shocked me to my core at how easily it was for my parents to make these decisions and agree about giving me away to this man. I felt so betrayed and unloved. Undefended. Like my life had no potential either way.

Dave would stand up for me.... But he's gone now.

The whole time they were talking, my defense mechanisms kicked in. When I'm in a state of shock, I do this thing where I space out and imagine myself as a Greek goddess, dancing in the clouds to music, my glowing skin and long curly hair. It makes me feel peace when I'm in the eye of chaos. Of course to the people in reality, I look like an emotionless zombie.... so that's what I did. Blocked out everything around me in the moment until we got home. In the car, my parents were asking me questions and my dad even started to scream at me,, but I couldn't tell you what he said. I was in my own world.

When I got into my room, I laid down on my bed and started to think about my life.

Suddenly I heard something hitting my window. Something small and hard. My curiosity got the best of me. I popped up out of my bed and raced to the window to see a familiar orange mop standing in my front yard and looking up at me......

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