Into the Dekuverse

By emotional_gemini

150K 1.9K 3K

Class 1a takes an unexpected field trip into the dekuverse. More

The Kidnapping
Watashi no R
Fantasy Au
Only one king
Fantasy Au (2)
Meme break
Tokyo Ghoul
Dadzawa (2)
All according to Keikaku


12.8K 200 335
By emotional_gemini

"Alright everyone. I've acknowledged that I may just have traumatised you all with the last world..." K laughed sheepishly.

"You think?!" The class muttered irritably.

"Taking that into account, I've decided two things. The first is I'm giving you all a bit of a break with something nicer to watch."

The class sighed with relief.

"The second is yup, now that I've scarred you all for life I need new victims," she cackled.

"That's evil!" They chorused.

"No, it's funny." K snapped her fingers and three new people seemingly fell out of thin air landing in a heap on the ground.

"Mic, move your legs, you're crushing me!" Midnight shouted indignantly.

"Sorry Nem, something's pinning me down though, I can't move!" 

"Sorry Mic, that isn't very plus ultra of me." All Might apologised as he extracted himself from the tangle of limbs. The other two getting up shortly after.

"What's going on here then?" Midnight asked, dusting herself off.

"Impromptu field trip, cinema run or kidnapping - take it how you will." Aizawa grumbled from his sleeping bag.

All Might was about to question him but K immediately stopped him.

"Just sit back and watch, we can explain it all later." 

The former symbol of peace sighed and the trio sat by Aizawa who took one look at them and groaned.

"Right, now that we're all settled, I'm going to start it." K announced as the lights faded out.

Aizawa leapt from roof to roof in the middle of the night before jumping onto the ledge of a building and slipping in through an open window.

"Shou, why are you just heading into that apartment? It didn't seem like there was a disturbance." Midnight asked.

"I probably live there, I always leave a window open so I can get in more easily. Conservation of time and energy." Aizawa explained.

He turned the light on and unlocked his study's door from the inside before heading down to the living room. When he opened the door, he froze.

"What's so terrible that Aizawa-Sensei would freeze?!" Ashido asked terrified.

"I don't think I want to know." Shoji mumbled.

The screen turned to reveal the room was in utter chaos. Broken furniture was scattered around and there were signs of a struggle. Dried blood stains were on the carpet.

"No..." Aizawa muttered to himself before he turned on his heel and ran through the house in a panicked frenzy, checking each room to find them all in similar conditions.

"No, no, no, no, no."

"A villain must've attacked his house." All Might mused.

"But he's an underground hero!" Kaminari shouted.

"That doesn't mean he doesn't have lots of enemies." All Might sighed.

"Am I looking for something?" Aizawa asked.

"Someone." K replied.

He slammed open the door to the bedroom only to find Inko Midoriya's dead body sprawled on the ground. At the sight, he fell to his knees sobbing quietly.

"MAMA MIDORIYA!" The class cried.

"I'll kill whoever did that to Aunty Inko." Bakugo growled darkly.

"Bro chill, it's hard seeing Ms Midoriya like that but there's no need for death threats." Kirishima said.

"I'm surprised he didn't yell at the top of his lungs, you've been really quiet Bakugou!" Hagakure laughed.


"The last world really got to him, huh." Jirou muttered.

"Aizawa-Sensei seems really upset." Tsu noted.

"Well he and Inko were married..." K said.


Aizawa didn't cry for long, he couldn't afford to waste time. He'd only found one of the people he was looking for. He trekked back through the house a second time before stopping in the kitchen when he heard soft sobs coming from the cabinet. He opened it revealing a little Izuku who was crying hard but doing his best to keep quiet.

"Awww, Midoriya's so cute." The girls cooed.

"He's crying though?" Sero asked.


Izuku almost screamed when the cabinet door opened but when he saw who it was, he just carried on weeping.

"T-they k-killed M-mom, Dad." He sobbed.

"I'm... his Dad?" Aizawa asked.

"Yup!" K replied.

"Dadzawa confirmed." Mic stage whispered to Midnight who cackled while Aizawa glared at them both.

Aizawa brought Izuku out of the cabinet and into a tight embrace.

"I know Zu, I know." He murmured softly, tears in his eyes.

"This is so cute but so sad." Uraraka whined. The rest of the girls nodded in agreement.

They stayed like that for a while, both crying their eyes out until Izuku finally fell asleep. Aizawa called the police and began packing their bags. There was no way they could stay there any longer.

"That's a good move. If villains know where you live, they could easily attack again." All Might nodded.

~ Timeskip ~

Bakugo was shown bullying Deku. He was about to blow him up with explosions when he looked at his hands only to find they weren't working. He angrily stormed off leaving Izuku to run back home.

"Erasure." Aizawa smiled proudly though it was almost unnoticeable.

"Dad, dad! I got my quirk!" Izuku yelled the second he was through the door.

"Show me then problem child." Aizawa ruffled his hair and smiled fondly.

"HE SMILED LIKE A NORMAL PERSON, THIS IS ONE FOR THE HISTORY BOOKS!" The class screamed. They all had their phones drawn and were rapidly taking photos.

"Delete those." Aizawa glared at his students but they all ignored him for once. Midnight and Present Mic were just dying of laughter.

Izuku thought for a second before asking if he could invite his cousin Shinso round which Aizawa agreed to. Soon enough, the purple haired boy arrived and the trio worked hard to figure out the mechanics behind Izuku's quirk. Eventually, they managed to figure out Izuku could activate his erasure through touch or by staring. They also discovered he had telekinesis abilities as well. That evening they had a small celebration.

"Woah, it's like his parents quirks combined perfectly." Sato gaped.

'He's like me in that universe,' Todoroki thought to himself.

"Shinso is his cousin?!" Hagakure exclaimed.

"That would be the case. Shinso is my nephew." Aizawa confirmed.

Todoroki sighed sadly. "One theory debunked, he isn't the secret love child."

~ Another timeskip, entrance exam ~ 

Izuku was shown sitting in the entrance exam hall as Present Mic explained the rules. His messy hair looked more black than dark green and he had bags under his eyes. A long scarf wrapped its way around his neck. Shinso sat by him and the two discussed strategies for the exam in hushed tones.

"He's basically a mini Aizawa-sensei." Uraraka screeched.

"He does look a lot like Shota did back then." Midnight hummed.

"There are two of them... I don't know whether to be scared or not." Tokoyami muttered.

"Hitoshi and Izuku are just mini-zawas who've been dyed different colours," Mic laughed.

Iida stood and scolded the pair but Izuku didn't hesitate to tell him off for wasting time and being irrational. It wasn't very noticeable but Present Mic was glaring at Iida the entire time he was telling them off.

"Zashi's getting triggered in the back." Midnight laughed.

"I apologise for offending you Present Mic-Sensei! I'll strive to do better in future!" Iida shouted, giving a perfect bow to the pro hero.

"...It's fine little listener," Mic sweat dropped.

Hitoshi and Izuku were both disappointed to find they'd been put in different testing areas but there was nothing they could do about it. 

"Hey Zu, just because I'm not around doesn't mean you can go and do some self sacrificing bullshit. Don't do anything stupid," Shinso said tiredly.

"I won't Toshi, have some faith in me. Besides that would be illogical."

Shinso gave him a long look, full of suspicion before nodding his head, satisfied. They wished each other luck before going their own separate ways.

Before long, the exam started and the second Mic said go, while all the other examinees were distracted, Izuku sped off into the city. He scaled the wall of a building and sat down there, demolishing robots using his telekinesis. When he got bored of that, he jumped down, drop kicking one and instantly destroying it before swiftly wrecking a group with his capture weapon.

"How?!" The class yelled.

"He's moving so quickly and he's not even using half of his quirk!" Sato exclaimed.

"Did anyone hear how many points he's gotten so far?" Iida asked. The others all shook their heads.

- In the faculty room

"Our little star is doing amazingly," 13 cheered.

You've trained the sharpshooter well Aizawa." Snipe nodded.

"Look at little Izu-chan go!" Midnight smiled.

"The little listener's destroying those robots like there's no tomorrow!" Present Mic exclaimed.

"Zu is good but we knew that already. Stop being biased and irrational and focus on the other students." Aizawa droned. Despite what he said, he was trying his best not to break into a grin at his son's performance.

The teachers all groaned at him. "Fine."

"Thus far he's done spectacularly. Let's see how well he'll fare with a zero pointer." Nezu smiled evilly as he hit a big red button.


"AGREED!" The class screeched back fearfully.

"What happened?" All Might asked, utterly confused.

"A lot. You don't want to know." Aizawa replied.

"Did you all notice how most of the teachers seem to have nicknames for Midoriya?"  Yaoyorozu spoke up.

"I'm fairly sure the majority do in your universe too." K said.

"They must love him." Uraraka smiled.

"We do." The four teachers chorused without hesitation.

The zero pointer started destroying the city and the students all ran. Izuku  was about to escape as well when he noticed Uraraka trapped under some rubble, the great metal monster looming over her. He ran towards them.

"Heroic as ever." Iida smiled proudly.

Izuku leapt, floating himself higher using his telekinesis. His eyes glowed emerald with power and a green aura surrounded the zero pointer. He slowly pushed his hands together in a crushing motion and the robot began collapsing in on itself like a tin can. He made a final sharp push and the zero pointer fell to the ground, little more than scrap metal.

"THAT'S MANLY!" Kirishima screeched, manly tears falling from his eyes at incomprehensible rates.

"Oui, c'est magnifique!" Aoyama agreed fabulously.

"He got rid of it just like that!" Ashido snapped her fingers.

Izuku's nose suddenly exploded with a fountain of blood and he screamed in agony as he clutched his head. The sudden pain overload had involuntarily made him lose a hold on his quirk and he went plummeting towards the ground.

"Midoriya!" The class cried.

"Why do you think that's his name?" K laughed quietly.

"Please let me save him, please let me save him." Uraraka begged.

Uraraka slapped Izuku just before he could hit the ground. She released him on the floor and proceeded to be violently sick.

"Thank goodness!" Everyone sighed with relief.

"Poor Ura though." Hagakure sighed sympathetically.

"Timessssssss Uppppppp!" Present Mic announced cheerfully.

"Stop rolling out and slurring your words Zashi, it's annoying and it's rubbing off on my students." Aizawa glared at Mic then gestured to Ashido.

"Can't stop now, I've been doing it all my life." Mic chuckled.

Aizawa sighed tiredly and took a swig of coffee to keep himself alive.

"By the way, you're one of the real ones little listener!" Mic yelled while pointing at Ashido. 

"Thanks Mic-Sensei, you're the coolest teacher around!" She smiled and they both dabbed. Dank sunglasses appeared on both of their faces out of nowhere.

Aizawa, Midnight and All Might all felt confused and betrayed.

Aizawa had left the faculty room and run to recovery girl's office the second the exam was over. There, he'd found his son in a dark room heavily dissociating. Shinso was already by his side, obviously doing his best not to panic over the situation. He seemed to be just about keeping himself together.

There'd been a few times when Izuku had suffered from overusing his quirk, most of those times had resulted in him injuring himself and then there'd been the one time when he'd been stuck in the hospital for weeks, scarily close to death.

"I told you not to overdo it." Aizawa grumbled though anyone could see just how worried he looked.

"His quirk is really powerful but that's one heck of a drawback!" Mic yelped.

"Migraines, nose bleeds and dissociation spells and that's just from his mother's half of the quirk. From my side of the quirk, he probably gets dry eye if he stares and fatigue if he touches someone." Aizawa sighed. The long list of drawbacks put him on edge.

"It's not your quirk, it's his!" Todoroki hissed.

"I know that Todoroki, I was just explaining where each of the drawbacks came from concerning each si-" 

"His quirk." Todoroki growled, cutting Aizawa off.

"...sure." It was irrational to argue further.

"I told him not to do anything stupid!" Shinso exclaimed angrily though Aizawa could see his eyes welling up.

"I know Toshi, what he did was illogical and it could've ended up being a fatal mistake," Aizawa said.

An ugly sob ripped itself from Shinso's throat.

"But we can count our lucky stars that that didn't happen. He'll probably be up before long. It's not going to happen like it did back then," he finished. He dragged his distraught nephew into a comforting hug whilst they waited for Izuku to wake up.

"He needs to let go of that self sacrificing mindset or he'll... end up like him," Aizawa murmured mournfully.

Mic and Midnight both froze up for a second, knowing exactly what he was talking about.

"This is depressing, Jirou play despacito," Kaminari memed. Jirou looked like she wanted to yeet herself off of the nearest building.

Eventually, Izuku's dissociation spell ended. Shinso had a field day ranting at him about being an irresponsible idiot before finally handing him a blindfold to block out the light and help his migraine. Aizawa promised him a conversation in future and handed over some of recovery girl's gummies before they made their way home. 

Before long, Izuku's acceptance letter arrived. Aizawa knew it was coming and so got out of his bright yellow sleeping bag early, leaving his son to lie in in his neon green one. 


"IT'S ADORABLE!" The girls shouted.

"Please tell me someone got a picture of them." Yaoyorozu prayed.

Kaminari gave a thumbs up and sent it to everyone.

"Legend!" Present Mic sang.

Aizawa groaned again but his eyes were fixated on the screen. He was interested.

He'd invited his nephew over so they could open their letters together and the boy had graciously accepted. Hitoshi arrived at the house way too early. Aizawa doubted he'd slept at all but he could understand that struggle. They patiently waited for Izuku.

A couple of hours later, Izuku woke up. When he walked down to the kitchen, he was met with a large mug of coffee and his entrance letter. He just stared at it unmoving, too scared to open it. The seconds passed becoming a minute, then nearly two...

"Zu, you're wasting time an-"

"And time is valuable, sorry Dad." Izuku hurriedly cut him off.

Aizawa sighed. "It's fine, you've got nothing to worry about. You aced those exams spare your drawbacks hitting in the end. You just need to be careful and acknowledge limits. In the field if something like that happened, you'd be a liability not a hero."

Izuku nodded. "I understand." 

"Woah, that was a bit harsh." Mic whistled.

"I told him the truth and he understands. I see no problem." Aizawa drawled.

"We're doing this together right?" Izuku asked Hitoshi who nodded in confirmation. The cousins both gave each other a silent nod for luck before handling their individual letters.

Izuku violently ripped open his letter and the broadcast began. He'd gotten a perfect score on the written exam and in the practical, he'd earned 94 villain points. On top of that, he'd earned 78 rescue points for saving Uraraka and various other students throughout the exam.

"Welcome to your hero Academia." 

"The only person that's gotten higher than that is All Might and it was only by a couple of points!" Midnight shouted.

"Three points to be exact." All Might watched the other Izuku in disbelief. He didn't even have one for all!

"Toshi I did i-" Izuku cut himself off when he noticed how down the other boy looked.

"I didn't get in. General studies," he said bitterly.

"Toshi, it doesn't matter. There are going to be a whole bunch of opportunities for you to move up into the hero course," Izuku said comfortingly.

"It doesn't matter, I'm still a failure!" 

"No you're not. Toshi, you realise that I moved into the hero course from general studies too," Aizawa said.

The boy gaped at him.

"That entrance exam is completely unfair on people whose quirks aren't suitable for direct combat. I've been trying to get Nezu to change it for years but the stubborn bear-mouse-dog won't change a thing," he huffed.

"The only reason I got in was because of my telekinesis. I can't erase a quirk that doesn't exist after all," Izuku said. "So stay positive and be logical about it, you'll move up without a doubt." The greenette gave him a tired smile.

Shinso looked between the pair who were both giving him encouraging looks. Without hesitation he pulled them both into a hug. Neither of them fought it.

"That was some wholesome content," Hagakure sighed happily.

"If Shinso moves up, we'll have to replace someone," Uraraka said, one person already in mind.

"I mean we can willingly trade one purple classmate for a superior one," Ashido said with a smirk, already preparing a list of reasons to swap them out.

"On a more serious note though, the entrance exam really is unfair. A fair amount of people who could be extremely effective in a real fight are left undetected," Yaoyorozu hummed.

"Shou was in general studies initially and I know Nem had a hard time getting into the hero course with her quirk as well," Mic nodded.

"And yet they're both great heroes perfectly capable of holding their own in a fight. How many other students with similar situations were missed?" Yaoyorozu seemed to be getting into it.

"That's what I've been arguing for years — something needs to change." Aizawa said.

"Well let me just add that to my list of things to riot about," Ashido said, "we're starting a rally because hell this actually seems important."

"I think this is probably the most I've ever appreciated your rioting tendencies Ashido... I'm willing to get behind that," Aizawa nodded.

Ashido yelled triumphantly and the rest of the room (spare Bakugou) rose up, yelling with her, preparing themselves. That was until K snapped her fingers and they were all seated again.

"We can riot later Ashido, let's carry on for now," K chuckled.

~ Time skip to the first day ~

Izuku walked slowly to class 1a. He didn't get lost, he'd been to U.A way too often for that. Aizawa had made sure they'd both gotten to the school way too early but stopped Izuku from sleeping in the teacher's lounge like he would when he used to visit before.

"Shou, that's mean." Hizashi complained.

"He can't just stroll in and sleep in the teacher's lounge if he's actually a part of the school." Aizawa countered.

Izuku sighed as he opened the door. He expected to be met with at least some students but he was pleasantly surprised to find the classroom empty.

"Perfect." He thought.

'Perfect for what?' The class wondered.

Izuku opened his schoolbag and dragged out his neon green sleeping bag. He knew which desk was his but he went to sleep under the teacher's desk anyway to spite his father.

'Of course that's what it's perfect for.' The class sweat dropped.

"He can't do that, that's my sleeping space!" Aizawa exclaimed incredulously.

"Well my friend, it seems he can and he just did." Mic cackled and Midnight joined in. The class soon found themselves laughing as well at their teacher's expense.

All Might patted Aizawa gently on the back though he was trying not to cry with laughter at the karma.

Izuku was a light sleeper so before long, the noises in the room woke him up. He stood up to see what the ruckus was about but he was met with the sight he least wanted to see.

The glasses prick who'd told him off in the exam and a familiar explosive looking boy were at war over king explodio's feet being on the desk.

"G-glasses prick?!" Iida had never sounded so offended.

"Iida, you and Deku didn't get off to the best of starts. I'm sure he didn't mean it." Uraraka patted him on the back.

"Glasses prick, is that really how I presented myself?" He sounded like he was about to cry.

"No Iida, it's fine. You didn't!" The class tried to convince their president.

The Bakusquad were dying over the king explodio quip. Normally Bakugou would've been angry but he was indifferent.

"How come my problem child doesn't seem to remember Bakugo?" Aizawa asked.

Midnight and Present Mic gave each other a look at the slight slip up but Aizawa failed to notice.

"He didn't stay at the same playgroup and they never went to junior high together because you transferred him the second you noticed the bullying. You then proceeded to decimate the playgroup legally." K replied.

Aizawa grinned at the idea of legally destroying a playgroup. His students and friends shivered.

He didn't want to get involved. They were both so irrational it was almost laughable. 

Both boys looked mildly offended.

He managed to sneak back to his desk without anyone noticing and laid on the floor under it. He turned to face the door only to see none other than his father on the floor over there in his own sleeping bag.

"Like father like son they say." All Might muttered.

Izuku took one look at his dad then at the clock and shuffled out of his sleeping bag, sitting at his desk quietly. Not two seconds later, Aizawa scared some kids, introduced himself and then promptly announced they were doing a quirk assessment.

"He knew it was coming but he didn't warn anyone?!" Kirishima yelled.

"Why would he, it's illogical. He doesn't even know you." Aizawa droned.

"You" Aizawa pointed at his son.

"You got first place in the entrance exam right?"

"Yes sir." Izuku replied.

Bakugo turned to glare at the boy who'd beaten him. He didn't recognise Izuku.

"Such hostility in just a look." Yaoyorozu gasped.

"And he doesn't even realise it's Deku!" Uraraka laughed.

"What was your longest softball throw, quirkless?"

"If I remember correctly, about 72 metres." Izuku replied lazily.

"Further than Bakugou's." Ojiro whistled.

"Shut up tail." Bakugou grumbled quietly.

"Good. Now do it with your quirk. Anything goes just don't leave the circle." Aizawa said as he handed Izuku a softball.

Izuku threw the ball up in his hand lightly a few times, getting a feel for it before his eyes flashed emerald green and the ball was sent ricocheting into the atmosphere.

"That was amazing!" The class shouted.

"He didn't even break himself to do it!" All Might yelled in triumph. The class laughed uncontrollably.

"It's him!" Uraraka gasped.

"What a throw!" A boy with spiky red hair whooped.

"I bet it went really far!" A frog-like girl said.

"It looks like so much fun!" A pink skinned girl squealed. 

The entire class froze and stared at Mina.

"I'm sorry guys, I didn't know that would happen!" She defended herself.

Izuku cringed at the last statement. Illogical, they weren't there to have fun, they were there to become heroes.  He didn't even need to look to know his dad was grinning his signature grin. It was a grin they shared and both of them had been told it looked like it came straight out of a horror movie.

"Whoever told him that is right!" Sero muttered.

Aizawa turned to him. His eyes flashed red and the tape master fell under his glare. Aizawa was grinning though. Everyone was sweating heavily with fear at the sight.

"Care to repeat that?"

Sero was sweating even worse than everyone else from being directly under Aizawa's gaze.

"Say something you idiot." Bakugou mumbled quietly nudging his friend.

"I-I'm s-sorry. I-I t-take it b-back A-Aizawa-S-Sensei." Sero stuttered furiously.

"Yeah you better take it back. You will not insult my son's smile." Aizawa thundered. He sighed and turned back to the screen. The whole room let out a sigh of relief.

Despite the atmosphere, Midnight and Present Mic were both grinning from ear to ear about what he'd just said.

"Fun you say, well I'll have to up the stakes then. Whoever comes in last place will be expelled." 

"Does he do this in every universe?" Mic asked out of curiosity.

"Aizawa likes to expel kids all across the multiverse." K chuckled

The class looked like they were about to riot but one glare from Aizawa shut them all up. He pulled a device from his pocket revealing Izuku's score.

Infinity ♾ 

"He pulled a Uraraka!" Kirishima laughed.

Aizawa grinned once again.

"He's proud!" Midnight sang.

"No I'm no-" Aizawa sighed and took another swig of coffee. "You know what, arguing with you is a waste of time and lying is illogical so I'm just going to put it out there." He began.

"I AM PROUD OF MY SON!" He yelled to the heavens.

"Mission Dadzawa accomplished." Mic and Midnight fist bumped as the room exploded into applause and cheers for the homeroom teacher.

"Calm down, we need to finish it." Aizawa scolded them though he was trying not to smile. The class settled.

"Just who is this kid?!" A certain tape master screamed.

"What kind of crazy throw was that?!" An invisible girl shrieked.

"Where did he even come from?" A blond with a tail wondered aloud.

Izuku looked to Aizawa who nodded discreetly.

"Come on, do it and make it cool." Kaminari willed his friend.

'Young Aizawa, look them in the eye and say 'I am here'' All Might thought.

"My name, is Izuku Aizawa." He announced calmly.

"Cut, end of scene, mic drop, that was perfect Aizawa-kun!" Kaminari shouted his approval.

They all cheered for the boy. Surprisingly, Aizawa was the loudest.

Bakugou's eyes widened in recognition.

Uraraka's eyes sparkled with admiration.

Todoroki's eyes narrowed at the competition.

The screen cut to black.

"Nooo, there was so much suspense at the end!" Ashido whined.

The class agreed and took up a chant. Ashido was already rallying her classmates again.

Aizawa didn't have the heart to stop them, he was quite upset himself that he hadn't gotten to see it all.

"Guys, stop rioting. I'll give you Dadzawa pictures and we can move on." K laughed.

The class cheered.

"Awww." Uraraka cooed.

"Best dad through the ages." All Might smiled.

"Aizawa-Sensei really is the best dad ever." The class chorused. The teacher in question blushed and hid behind his scarf while his friends teased him.

"See, your kids love you Dadzawa~"

"This was the aftermath of Izuku sleeping under Aizawa's desk."

"He knew..." The class murmured.

"I always know." Aizawa replied.

"The little listener either has about 2 seconds to live or 2 weeks of living hell ahead of him. No in between." Mic announced.

"A logical and accurate conclusion." Aizawa nodded.


"Look at these children!" Midnight screamed at the screen. "So cute!" She shouted and the whole class nodded their agreement.

"Can we just make a photo album of everyone's baby photos because I need them in my life." Jirou mumbled.

"That's a wonderful idea!" Iida chopped air in approval.

"It's just like how he carries Nezu!" Kaminari laughed.

"Can you imagine those two just randomly popping out of his scarf at any moment?" Hagakure giggled.

"That would be hilarious but adorable." Ojiro chuckled.

Mic pouted at Aizawa who was trying his best to keep it in but burst out laughing.

"The three of you are all adorable." Midnight cooed.

"In no way am I adorable." Aizawa grouched.

"Sure~" Midnight and Mic chorused.

"Cats are superior to selfies Mic-Sensei." Uraraka announced and Koda nodded in agreement.

Mic looked downcast. "They're baby photos though and they're Izuku."

"And that instantly makes it a much much harder decision." Uraraka groaned.

"I'm keeping this saved. It's beautiful." Hagakure wiped tears from her cheeks.

"Alright, last one for now."

"Here's a family photo from before Inko died."

"Awwwwwww." The class died from a cuteness overload.

"Why are we all in it though?" All Might asked.

"If I ever had a child, you'd all be in family photos. You're the best family I could ever ask for." Aizawa mumbled.

"That's the sweetest thing I've ever heard!" Midnight was about to cry. Mic was already crying a fountain.

"SHOU GET OVER HERE!" He sobbed. Aizawa complied and the teachers had a group hug, Aizawa in the middle. A few seconds later the students joined in.

"We love you Aizawa-Sensei/Aizawa/ Dadzawa /Shou!" They chorused.

Aizawa sighed and smiled softly, not that anyone could see it.

"I love you idiots too." He murmured.


Should I write a part 2 of this universe?

Thanks for reading everyone! <3

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