The Villainess is Too Cute!

By shark_exorcism

113K 4.6K 1.8K

Being reincarnated into the heroine from an otome game isn't as great as it sounds. Especially if you hate th... More

Prologue {0}
Chapter {1}
Chapter {2}
Chapter {3}
chapter {12}

Chapter {5}

6.6K 297 94
By shark_exorcism

It's been a long time since I first met that royal pain and I hate to admit it but he's been nothing but a good friend up until now. How dare he! How am I supposed to hate him when he's so goddamn nice to me!? Humph, being so perfect all the time should make him a very unlikable character. So why does everyone love him so much. Jeez, he'seven got my parents wrapped around his pampered little fingers.

"Dear, I hear that nice boy Edward coming over to play again, oh you two get along so well." My mother swooned

"A strong young lad he is too," father chimed in, "perfect husband material if I say so myself." He teased sending me an exaggerated wink.


That's not even funny, don't make me throw up. The idea of marrying a perfect Prince, living in a perfect castle, forced to have his perfect kids.... I think I need to lie down, all this thought of a hellish future is making me feel sick.

I put my head in my hands as my father let out a boisterous laugh, one that shook the very table I was leaving on. He banged his fist on the table, almost flipping plates over in the process.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding." He thundered out. Don't you dare think I missed that glance my parents gave each other though. I'm definitely gonna snub your matchmaking out.

"What will you two do this time? You can't spend all your time talking and drinking tea, how will your love bloom that way." Mother put her hands to her face and began to daydream, most likely about her future grandchildren. Hate to disappoint you, but the only grandchildren you're gonna get are adopted ones.

I calmly placed my knife and fork down on the table before dabbing my mouth not the corner of my napkin and giving the two love struck morons a cool glance. I smirked.

"Eddie and I have decided to have a duel." I quickly wiped the smirk of my face and replaced it with the heroine's signature retina burning smile. It was quiet for a moment before  life sprung back into my father's eyes.

"That's my girl!" He laughed out.

Judging from the menacing aura my mother is giving out I should probably get out of here, fast. As the argument broke out about encouraging me to do "strange things", I subtly made my way away from the table and back to my room to put on my gear. I'm sad to say that on my hurried state I failed to notice the literal ball of light in front of me and went hurtling into my worst enemy. Ok that was kinda harsh, I guess I could say he's my new favourite capture target but if he gets any ideas I'm immediately leaving him in a box on the side of the road.


Ow my eyes.

"Good morning Eddie."

He gave me a quick glance up and down. It took all I had to suppress the look of annoyance forming on my face. How can this kid be this excited this early in the morning.

"I see that you're ready for our duel. Don't worry I'll be sure to go easy on you." Edward remarked with pride.

Did....did this guy just. Huh, this is a new one. Instead of his usual disgusting princely smile he's instead wearing a cocky smirk. Does this mean.... Gasp, of course! A rivalry like this with playful insults, I'm one of the guys to him! My plan is coming together!

I gave a smirk of my own in return, my lips quivering as I strained not to break out into a grin, I've gotta keep my cool.

"Hmm? Is that so, I hope you won't go too easy on me though. I'd hate to see that pretty face of yours crushed in the dirt."

I could practically see the fire burning between us, as we both sent a playful glare at each other. With a sharp nod he turned around, expecting me to follow, which I quickly did.

As much as I hate to admit it, being a capture target in such a cheesy game obviously meant he was good at everything, sword fighting included. Too bad for him I know all his tricks, even the ones he's not aware of yet. The fighting aspect was probably the only part of this game that had even a speck of individuality, not that this mechanic is revolutionary or anything but I thought it was pretty interesting. Basically they use their "charm" to win their battles....hey, I said it was interesting not shameless!

So what if it's pretty gross, it's gonna help me right now. I know that Edwards charm is his ability to turn foe into friend. Even just thinking about it makes me gag. He drops the enemies morale by being kind and mature....ew. Then after their attack power dies down he either befriends them or finished the job..... I guess since the game was super sparkly I didn't realise how ruthless this guy was.

Unfortunately for him and the rest of the targets, their charm won't work on me. If I'm being honest I'm probably the only one that I'd this way, after all this guy's known for befriending those who try to assassinate him and hiring them for himself. I'm pretty sure his right hand man later in life is one of those assassins.

Right! To win this battle all I've gotta do is show no remorse and hope not to get blinded by his radiant aura. Stupid Prince.

As we arrived at the training grounds the knights that were currently training all stopped and turned to us. A look of panic shot through their expressions as they all fell to one knee. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. The knight currently supervising was Bertholt, one of my father's close friends.

"Your highness, s-sir. To what do we owe the pleASure?"

I watched him cringe, wow that voice crack wasn't very professional, was it?.

As the Prince opened his mouth to reply o decided to jump in front of him getting impatient.

"Calm down Bertholt, me and Eddie here are just going to have a little duel."

I crossed my arms and glanced back at him.

"After all, someone's going to have to knock him off his high horse."

The men looked at me like I'd just executed the king and danced on his body, while the Prince just looked at me with determination equal to mine.

"We'll see about that, May dearest."

I couldn't help it this time and I scrunched up my face, sticking my fingers in my ears.

"That's so gross! You call me 'May dearest' ever again and I'm going back to 'Your highness'!"

The royal pain laughed at me as we strode with confidence over to find some wooden swords, leaving the muscle headed knights to blink stupidly.

We reached the practice swords, picking out one we liked each. I twirled mine in my hand, not so subtly showing off. The posh prick obviously took that as a challenge, doing some casual yet flashy tricks. I turned away in annoyance pretending I didn't see him. Sadly from his smug expression it was clear he could read my irritation with ease.

We stood in position, readying our weapons. Glaring into each others confident faces. The knights had now gathered around us, sweating bullets. What would happen? If he won, I could play it off that he was bullying me and then I'd never have to see him again. A solid plan but.... something in me knew I wasn't gonna waste thus opportunity to smash his oh so adored self down a peg or two.

Bertholt was about ready to faint, he gulped down air. "Annnd.... go!" He shouted and we raced towards each other. The tension built up between us was all released into one mighty blow from me, and before he could even attempt use his princely charm on me, his sword flew out of his hands and he landed on his butt.


He looked up at me in utter shock, the knights too surprised to utter a single word. But out of everyone here my confusion was by far the worst.



Hey, I know I haven't rlly put notes anywhere else and this is most likely gonna be the only one, but like......
Why are you ppl reading this pile of hot garbage!?

Oh well, sorry for my sparratic updates, but if you ever want an update quickly just let me know and my guilt will do all the work ;)

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