Shattered fantasy

By Fluffygirl625

24.6K 283 306

Paradise used to be like a fantasy, peaceful and filled with life. But when the first corruption attacked- ev... More

The beginning
New friendship
Introducing the characters
The 4 corruption has begun
Corrupted allies
Past memories
Close call
Heated welcome
Saving an old friend
To the cave we go
First piece
Lost connection
Volcanic Madness
Slow Corruption
Septagons battle
Mixed Battles
Friendly greating
Next destination Green kingdom
Reaching to Bane
Almost lost
Losing and regaining troops
Corrution withen ones self
Calm at last
A hot and brezzy day
Through the fire and flames
Lied to
Tri's Caretaker
Let go of the past
Something random
Problems reaching the yellow kingdom
Distant friendships
Problems traviling
Shocking suprise
First apearence
Fatal attack
Quick update
Challenges part2
Challenges part 3
Memory lane
Full lockdown
Factory mayham
Second encounter
Surprise gift
Frightning flights
Close to me
Final battle
Till its over
Thank you for reading

Last challenge

269 4 6
By Fluffygirl625

All four went down the hallway problem was that it took almost half an hour of walking. "How long is this hallway!" Shouted Ci. "Just keep walking" replied Bliss. After a little while they reach a huge room and they immediately stop because Blue,Ci, and Pent sensed a strong Aurora in the corner of the room. " were able to kill Attachment 1b, Aqua, and Bronze, I'm not surprised but I will stop you here." The C.shape came out of the darkness to reveal himself. "Oh fuck he's huge!" Said Blue surprised. "You will not go any further surrender to me or die," shouted the C.shape. Silence fill the air with tension mixed with it, Bliss out of nowhere launched and electrical attack at it. "I guess that's a no then!" Said the C.shape before summoning the same attack and hitting Bliss with it. Luckily to Bliss it didn't do any damage because any electrical attacks don't do any affect to Bliss, but she was shocked. "H-how were you able to use the same move I used?!" Said Bliss. "I can copy any attack, special abilities, magic terrains, just to count a few." Said the C.shape. "Thing is anything I copy I can make it even stronger!" Shouted the shape. Without any hesitation Blue summons his spear and throws it, the spear misses the shape. The shape then created the same spear out of thin air and launched it back to Blue, it nearly hits Blue but he was quick enough to dodge it. "Guys I think we have a problem!" Said Blue. "Come on and focus! I know it seems bad because we're all pretty matched with attacks and stuff!" Yelled Bliss. Blue summons his shield so does the shape, but the shape had other plans the shape used the shield as a battering hammer, the shape runs at full speed and knocks Blue and launched him far. Blue hits the wall back first he falls and sees the shape throwing something, Blue dizzy and weak couldn't stand up quickly making him shatter again from the spear the shape copied. The shape laughs and starts to attack everyone else. Bliss is the only one left out of the four, Ci, and Pent were also shattered. The shape just kept attacking without stoping Bliss tried her best to block the attacks and fight back but was to weak to keep fighting. Bliss falls to the ground and starts crying. "No need to cry my will see your friends sooner or later!" Yelled the shape before stabbing Bliss in the stomach, Bliss starts to breath heavily and stilled crude because she knew she failed herself, the hero's, Paradise. "B-blue....Ci....Pen-Pent please I can't do this on my own....Im weak....." said Bliss quietly before dying. "Blue!......Blue wake up...." said a mumble voice. Blue finally wakes up to see Ci and Pent in tears and cracks all over there faces. "We're are we what happened?! We're are we....." Blue stoped talking to see silver in the distance. "Oh.....we shattered didn't we" said Blue quietly. "Oh god! No No No! We failed everyone and Paradise!" Shouted Pent crying even harder. Ci hugs Pent and tells him to calm down a bit. Silver moves closer and looks at Blue. "Your still able to reform right?" Asked Silver. "Yeah I can why?" Said Blue. "Leave now! You have to kill that C.shape! You can not let Paradise be left in ruins." Replied Silver. "But I can't leave Ci and Pent here were they can't reform!" Yelled Blue. "Meaning they actually died and they have to stay here with me for eternity." Said Silver in a cold tone. "Please there must be a way to save them too!" Shouted Blue. Silver sighs and tells Blue there is a way to save them but it requires Blue to lose a bit of shards. Blue hits his head and two small blue shards came out. "These shards contain a bit of Blue powers meaning his power to reform. This will heal them when they go back." Said Silver. He then told them to crush the shard into particles and to swallow them. So Ci and Pent did what he asked, then Silver told them to to repeat the spell he says. Blue, Ci, and Pent all chanted the spell, and they all started to glow.....then they disappeared. "Be careful out there kids....don't make the same mistake I did way back." Said Silver. The C.shape sees a bright blue, orange, and green glow in the center of the room. Confused he stood up to see what it was, but was blasted to the wall to see Blue,Ci, and Pent again but with black eyes, and mini stripes all over there faces, and they had a circle behind them with spikes. The shape tried to attack them but when Blue,Ci, and Pent used an attack at the shape it hit and made him disappear out of existence. When that finished they saw Bliss dead on the floor, they pick her up and casted a spell to revive the dead. It worked and Bliss slowly opened her eyes to see nothing but a bright light, but the light dimes and she sees Blue,Ci, and Pent all back and alive. Bliss starts to cry and hugged them. "I thought I lost you guys! I love you guys so much! Thanks for being with me through all this mess!" Said Bliss. "Wait you actually care about us?!" Said Blue happily. Bliss blushed and yelled back to Blue "No! I don't back off!" Yelled Bliss standing up, but she laughed softly. "Hey were heard that laugh!" Said Ci. "Come on! Let's purify Delta and rescue our friends!" Replied Bliss happily. They see a door which was slightly open, everyone takes a breather and looked at each other. "Are you guys ready said!" Said Blue in an determined tone. "Hell yeah we are!" Shouted everyone else. "Then let's go!" Said Blue. They all walk inside and the door closes by itself and locked itself as well.

. (God damn This chapter was long like about 1062 words in total! That's crazy! Let's see what's happens to our hero's in the next chapter when they have to face the demon herself Delta. Stay tuned.) :)

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